
Subdirectories represent pages of MNRAS vol. 498

drwxr-xr-x 298 cats archive 8192 Apr 13 15:32 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 49 Sep 29 2020 .message drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 211 Dec 12 22:48 L6 -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 12846 Nov 6 12:17 ReadMe drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Nov 3 09:56 205 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 236 Nov 3 10:01 385 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 277 Nov 4 22:48 609 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Nov 4 22:48 883 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 1278 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 273 Nov 3 11:39 1726 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 273 Nov 3 11:50 1920 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 276 Mar 4 15:24 1951 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 316 Jan 13 2023 2138 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Nov 3 12:30 2309 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Nov 30 12:03 2456 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 318 Nov 15 15:28 2575 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 298 Nov 3 14:11 2703 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Nov 3 16:56 2833 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Dec 12 22:48 3241 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 298 Jan 12 2023 4033 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 275 Dec 12 22:48 4095 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 273 Nov 6 10:46 4472 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Nov 6 10:51 4680 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 317 Mar 4 16:28 4790 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 209 Nov 6 11:30 4906 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Nov 6 11:50 4943 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 273 Nov 6 11:54 5065 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 277 Jan 12 2023 5720 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 279 Mar 4 15:18 5885 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 5972 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 302 Jan 12 2023 6005 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 323 Dec 12 22:48 6013
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/L6/ReadMe: 120x80 15b 0b Gaia DR2 predictions of microlensing events (McGill+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/L6/table1.dat: 6534x15 1941b 599b List of the microlensing events predicted using J/MNRAS/498/L6 =====>: 6654x1514 1956b 599b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/205/ReadMe: 187x80 23b 0b The VISCACHA survey II (Santos+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/205/table1.dat: 32x93 7b 4b SMC clusters' structural parameters from RDPs J/MNRAS/498/205/table2.dat: 51x93 11b 5b LMC clusters' structural parameters from RDPs J/MNRAS/498/205/table3.dat: 32x104 8b 4b SMC clusters' structural parameters from SBPs J/MNRAS/498/205/table4.dat: 51x104 12b 5b LMC clusters' structural parameters from SBPs J/MNRAS/498/205 =====>: 353x1011 61b 18b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/385/ReadMe: 182x80 24b 0b Role of galactic dynamics in shaping GMCs (Jeffreson+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/385/gmcs.dat: 83153x169 26636b 5910b Catalog of the physical properties and J/MNRAS/498/385/h1clouds.dat: 55910294 16928b 3889b Catalog of the physical properties and J/MNRAS/498/385 =====>: 139246x1693 43588b 9799b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/609/ReadMe: 82x80 11b 0b AKARI North Ecliptic Pole field in CFHT u-band (Huang+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/609/tableb1.dat: 351638290 37775b 13578b A few rows of the u-band source catalogue J/MNRAS/498/609 =====>: 351717x8050 37786b 13578b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/883/ReadMe: 290x80 36b 0b Neutral hydrogen evolution over the past 11Gyr (Grasha+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/883/table1.dat: 261x18 93b 24b Journal of Observations J/MNRAS/498/883/table2.dat: 29x145 9b 4b Sources with HI 21cm absorption J/MNRAS/498/883/table3.dat: 16x193 7b 4b Properties of the HI 21cm and OH 18cm Line J/MNRAS/498/883 =====>: 596x1995 145b 32b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/1278/ReadMe: 157x80 20b 0b VLA NLS1s southern sample (Chen+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/1278/table1.dat: 49x11 13b 6b The radio measurements at 5.5GHz of the J/MNRAS/498/1278/table2.dat: 49x72 8b 4b The radio and optical properties of the J/MNRAS/498/1278/table3.dat: 21x64 4b 3b The radio measurements of 21 NLS1s J/MNRAS/498/1278 =====>: 276x1165 45b 13b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/1726/ReadMe: 200x80 25b 0b Transiting planets around FGKM stars in TESS (Montalto+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/1726/table7.dat: 396x5 442b 0b Content of the catalogue released with this work J/MNRAS/498/1726 =====>: 596x5324 467b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/1920/ReadMe: 114x80 15b 0b The death throes of the Hyades with Gaia (Oh+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/1920/table2.dat: 1103x2 290b 105b The merged Hyades sample used for kinematic J/MNRAS/498/1920 =====>: 1217x1922 305b 105b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/1951/ReadMe: 97x80 12b 0b Lyman limit systems in large quasar surveys (Fumagalli+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/1951/table1.dat: 9911x 1318b 405b Final classification for the full sample J/MNRAS/498/1951 =====>: 10008x8797 1330b 405b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/2138/ReadMe: 149x80 18b 0b Nearby massive early-type galaxies from MATLAS (Bilek+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/2138/targets.dat: 177x 38b 0b Structure identification and classification J/MNRAS/498/2138 =====>: 326x1682 56b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/2309/ReadMe: 114x80 14b 0b The disintegrating old open cluster Czernik 3 (Sharma+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/2309/table1.dat: 151x6 20b 8b Sample of the NIR photometry of the stars in J/MNRAS/498/2309/table3.dat: 45x78 8b 4b Sample of 45 stars identified as cluster members J/MNRAS/498/2309 =====>: 310x8143 42b 12b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/2456/ReadMe: 187x80 22b 0b Spectroscopic study of Kepler A-type variables (Sikora+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/2456/hrdparam.dat: 43x 9b 4b Various fundamental parameters associated with J/MNRAS/498/2456/rv1.dat: 282x37 22b 7b Radial velocities for those targets with one J/MNRAS/498/2456/rv2.dat: 16x42 3b 0b Radial velocities for those targets with two J/MNRAS/498/2456/rv3.dat: 21x55 4b 2b Radial velocities for those targets with three J/MNRAS/498/2456/spparam.dat: 44x6 7b 3b Various parameters derived from the J/MNRAS/498/2456 =====>: 593x9078 67b 16b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/2575/ReadMe: 211x80 27b 0b Rapidly evolving transients discovered by DES (Wiseman+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/2575/table1.dat: 96x64 13b 6b Host galaxy information for the 106 RETs in the J/MNRAS/498/2575/table2.dat: 49x15 14b 5b Host galaxy properties for the 49 DES RET host J/MNRAS/498/2575/tablea1.dat: 45x1 13b 5b Emission line fluxes for DES RET host galaxies J/MNRAS/498/2575 =====>: 401x1539 67b 16b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/2703/ReadMe: 99x80 13b 0b Second amendment compilation of type Ia SNe (Boruah+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/2703/table2.dat: 465x2 252b 50b Second amendment compilation J/MNRAS/498/2703 =====>: 564x2795 265b 50b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/2833/ReadMe: 176x80 21b 0b Algol eclipsing binaries in the Catalina Survey (Carmo+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/2833/table2.dat: 8x136 4b 2b Absolute parameters of the stellar components of J/MNRAS/498/2833/tablea1.dat: 87x5 12b 6b Parameters for the iEA stars identified in this J/MNRAS/498/2833/tableb1.dat: 8x92 3b 0b Parameters obtained from the model fits to the J/MNRAS/498/2833/tableb2.dat: 8x90 3b 0b Parameters obtained from the redone model fits J/MNRAS/498/2833 =====>: 287x1670 43b 8b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/3241/ReadMe: 323x80 40b 0b Lenses DES J0408-5354 and WGD 2038-4008 (Buckley-Geer+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/3241/table1.dat: 16x82 4b 2b Spectroscopic observations for the J/MNRAS/498/3241/table2.dat: 10x51 3b 0b Velocity dispersion results for the main lensing J/MNRAS/498/3241/table3.dat: 12x12 4b 3b Group properties in the field of view of J/MNRAS/498/3241/table4.dat: 20x13 7b 3b Properties of the 10 galaxies with the largest J/MNRAS/498/3241/tablea1.dat: 252x 64b 20b Properties of all 199 galaxies in spectroscopic J/MNRAS/498/3241/tablea2.dat: 114x 20b 6b Properties of galaxies in each trial group J/MNRAS/498/3241/tablea3.dat: 2x76 2b 0b Properties of redmapper clusters in the field J/MNRAS/498/3241 =====>: 749x1680 144b 34b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/4033/ReadMe: 125x80 15b 0b Extreme quasar X-ray variability (Timlin+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/4033/appena.dat: 1972x2 1781b 563b Quasars with duplicate Chandra observations J/MNRAS/498/4033 =====>: 2097x4092 1796b 563b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/4095/ReadMe: 76x80 10b 0b X-ray active galactic nucleus at z 0.4 (Noordeh+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/4095/allspecz.dat: 191320 378b 139b Catalogue of the 1912 reliable redshifts J/MNRAS/498/4095 =====>: 1988x1400 388b 139b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/4472/ReadMe: 115x80 14b 0b Leveraging HST with MUSE I - NGC 1978 (Saracino+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/4472/table1.dat: 175x1 48b 22b Photometric and spectroscopic information of J/MNRAS/498/4472 =====>: 290x1650 62b 22b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/4680/ReadMe: 102x80 13b 0b Stellar and planetary parameters from TEPCAT (Goyal+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/4680/table3.dat: 89x20 34b 10b All the stellar and planetary parameters adopted J/MNRAS/498/4680 =====>: 191x2227 47b 10b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/4790/ReadMe: 165x80 21b 0b Ultraluminous X-ray sources in local Universe (Kovlakas+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/4790/table1.dat: 2218x6 794b 239b Parameters of the 2218 host galaxies J/MNRAS/498/4790/table2.dat: 23043460 9834b 3841b Properties of the 23043 X-ray sources J/MNRAS/498/4790 =====>: 25426x2336 10649b 4080b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/4906/ReadMe: 91x80 12b 0b Pressure components in the central HII regions (Barnes+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/4906/tablea1.dat: 165x 52b 12b Discrete pressure component measurements J/MNRAS/498/4906 =====>: 256x1660 64b 12b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/4943/ReadMe: 130x80 16b 0b Milky Way and Andromeda analogues (Boardman+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/4943/table3.dat: 2688x0 663b 217b Table of Milky Way Analogues, with no redshift J/MNRAS/498/4943/table4.dat: 1321x3 321b 109b Table of Andromeda Analogues, with no redshift J/MNRAS/498/4943 =====>: 4139x1883 1000b 326b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/5065/ReadMe: 118x80 15b 0b NEPSC2, the North Ecliptic Pole SCUBA-2 survey (Shim+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/5065/table2.dat: 549x8 97b 27b 850-mum source catalogue from the NEPSC2 J/MNRAS/498/5065 =====>: 667x8752 112b 27b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/5720/ReadMe: 173x80 22b 0b Extended Breakthrough Listen sample (Wlodarczyk-Sroka+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/5720/catalog.dat: 35665024696 440199b 133372b Table of the 288315 stars included as part of our J/MNRAS/498/5720 =====>: 356789x68536 440221b 133372b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/5885/ReadMe: 153x80 19b 0b SHalphaDE dwarf galaxies' mass and kinematics (Barat+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/5885/table1.dat: 49x53 7b 4b Summary of observations J/MNRAS/498/5885/table2.dat: 20x39 3b 0b Summary of observations J/MNRAS/498/5885/tablea1.dat: 68x2 40b 19b Quantities used in this work for analyses J/MNRAS/498/5885 =====>: 290x2677 69b 23b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/5972/ReadMe: 161x80 20b 0b Variables and dippers in young associations (Nardiello, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/5972/dippers.dat: 71x4 59b 17b List of identified dippers J/MNRAS/498/5972/var.dat: 1286x413 1041b 259b List of identified variables J/MNRAS/498/5972 =====>: 1518x4321 1120b 276b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/6005/ReadMe: 89x80 11b 0b PN ETHOS 1 Brgi magnitudea and radial velocities (Munday+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/6005/bmag.dat: 110x34 9b 3b B-band light curve J/MNRAS/498/6005/gmag.dat: 36x34 4b 2b g-band light curve J/MNRAS/498/6005/imag.dat: 183x34 14b 5b i-band light curve J/MNRAS/498/6005/rmag.dat: 106x34 9b 3b r-band light curve J/MNRAS/498/6005/rv.dat: 21x31 3b 0b Radial velociy curve J/MNRAS/498/6005 =====>: 545x8561 50b 13b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/498/6013/ReadMe: 110x80 14b 0b Strong-lensing systems for dark energy models (Amante+, 2020) J/MNRAS/498/6013/tablea1.dat: 204x 49b 11b Compilation of 204 strong-lensing measurements J/MNRAS/498/6013/tablea2.dat: 32x4 5b 3b Thirty two gravitational lens systems with J/MNRAS/498/6013 =====>: 346x1764 68b 14b Total