
Subdirectories represent pages of MNRAS vol. 499

drwxr-xr-x 298 cats archive 8192 Apr 13 15:32 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 49 Nov 16 2020 .message drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 273 Nov 8 11:01 L111 -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 15925 Nov 8 10:59 ReadMe drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 303 Dec 15 22:48 89 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Dec 15 22:48 524 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 320 Nov 7 10:54 993 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 317 Nov 7 11:03 1200 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 297 Mar 1 16:25 1312 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Nov 7 11:09 1406 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 318 Jan 12 2023 1424 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1890 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Nov 7 11:49 2196 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 274 Nov 7 12:01 2292 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Nov 7 13:36 2327 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 318 Nov 7 12:14 2701 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 320 Dec 14 22:49 3399 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 303 Nov 7 12:29 3481 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Mar 4 15:21 3610 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 300 Nov 15 19:54 4011 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 4026 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Nov 8 09:38 4040 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 275 Jan 12 2023 4114 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 4325 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 300 Dec 14 22:49 4370 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 276 Jan 12 2023 5004 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 297 Nov 15 19:59 5022 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Nov 8 10:38 5302 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Jan 12 2023 5379 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 15 13:31 5508 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Nov 8 10:57 6018 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 273 Jan 12 2023 6053
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/L111/ReadMe: 114x80 14b 0b Stars in the Earth transit zone (Kaltenegger+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/L111/table1.dat: 1004x2 568b 246b Closest stars in the Earth transit zone J/MNRAS/499/L111 =====>: 1118x2272 582b 246b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/89/ReadMe: 124x80 15b 0b Identifying galaxy groups at high redshift I (Wang+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/89/galaxies.dat: 3032804 4089b 1320b The galaxy catalogue J/MNRAS/499/89/groups.dat: 12002x5 1385b 525b The group catalogue J/MNRAS/499/89 =====>: 42454x80 0 5489b 1845b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/524/ReadMe: 193x80 25b 0b Density-based outlier scoring on Kepler data (Giles+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/524/table1.dat: 2012666400 148025b 55916b Outlier scores min-max scaled from zero to one J/MNRAS/499/524/table3.dat: 201266216 30270b 8199b Summary information for each object in the KIC J/MNRAS/499/524/table3.txt: 20126691987136 48516b 10153b J/MNRAS/499/524/tableb1.dat: 20126407708 251191b 19365b Full machine readable table of file names for J/MNRAS/499/524/tablec1.dat: 2012601336 146555b 55928b Outlier scores scaled with respect to an J/MNRAS/499/524 =====>: 1006523x4114236 624582b 149561b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/993/ReadMe: 165x80 21b 0b Small Magellanic Cloud's background galaxies (Bell+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/993/table1.dat: 4975778049 134114b 43095b A sample of the lephare output for the 497577 J/MNRAS/499/993/table3.dat: 46x53 6b 3b Comparison between the spectroscopically J/MNRAS/499/993/table4.dat: 343x33 24b 7b Median reddening values, standard deviations and J/MNRAS/499/993 =====>: 498131x1306 134165b 43105b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/1200/ReadMe: 171x80 20b 0b Leveraging HST with MUSE II (Martocchia+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/1200/table3.dat: 145x9 29b 14b Photometric and spectroscopic information of the J/MNRAS/499/1200/table4.dat: 25x14 8b 5b Photometric and spectroscopic information of the J/MNRAS/499/1200/table5.dat: 149x1 33b 15b Photometric and spectroscopic information of the J/MNRAS/499/1200 =====>: 490x1039 90b 34b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/1312/ReadMe: 147x80 18b 0b Properties of stars in open cluster NGC 2506 (Knudstrup+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/1312/tablea2.dat: 123x 31b 12b Table containing the results of our J/MNRAS/499/1312 =====>: 270x1766 49b 12b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/1406/ReadMe: 122x80 15b 0b Role of bars in enhancing central star formation (Lin+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/1406/table2.dat: 252x4 23b 8b Measurements of barred galaxies J/MNRAS/499/1406/table3.dat: 121x6 16b 7b Turnover property measurements J/MNRAS/499/1406 =====>: 495x8219 54b 15b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/1424/ReadMe: 104x80 13b 0b Properties of 407 SNe and their 394 hosts (Hakobyan+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/1424/table13.dat: 407x 176b 50b Properties of 407 SNe and their 394 hosts J/MNRAS/499/1424 =====>: 511x2453 189b 50b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/1890/ReadMe: 304x80 37b 0b Gaia white dwarfs within 40pc. II. (McCleery+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/1890/table4.dat: 35x79 7b 3b Magnetic white dwarfs in the Gaia DR2 J/MNRAS/499/1890/tablea1.dat: 542x0 292b 0b Northern 40pc Gaia white dwarf sample J/MNRAS/499/1890/tablea2.dat: 63x3 41b 0b MS contaminents and unobserved low probability J/MNRAS/499/1890/tablea3.dat: 14x1 5b 0b Likely 40pc members that are missing from J/MNRAS/499/1890/tablea4.dat: 11x1 5b 0b Objects which may be 40pc members based on J/MNRAS/499/1890/tablea5.dat: 113x 65b 19b Wide binaries inclusing a white dwarf within 40pc J/MNRAS/499/1890 =====>: 1082x3522 452b 22b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/2196/ReadMe: 239x80 29b 0b Carbon and nitrogen in solar twins (Botelho+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/2196/table1.dat: 68x84 13b 5b Parameters of the 67 solar twins collected from J/MNRAS/499/2196/table2.dat: 14x73 4b 2b The comprehensive list of CH A-X lines used in J/MNRAS/499/2196/table3.dat: 5x73 2b 0b The comprehensive list of CN B-X lines used in J/MNRAS/499/2196/table4.dat: 3387x 282b 59b Line lists for the CH A-X line regions after the J/MNRAS/499/2196/table5.dat: 1704x 149b 30b Line lists for the CN B-X line regions after the J/MNRAS/499/2196/table6.dat: 6x76 2b 0b The comprehensive list of ^13^CH-^12^CH A-X J/MNRAS/499/2196/table7.dat: 5974x 578b 92b Line lists for the ^13^CH-^12^CH A-X feature J/MNRAS/499/2196/table8.dat: 64x72 11b 4b Carbon and nitrogen abundances and ^12^C/^13^C J/MNRAS/499/2196 =====>: 11461x8369 1070b 192b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/2292/ReadMe: 132x80 17b 0b Brown dwarf population in NGC 2264 (Pearson+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/2292/tablea1.dat: 902x 112b 34b Catalogue summary table J/MNRAS/499/2292 =====>: 1034x8484 129b 34b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/2327/ReadMe: 144x80 18b 0b Ages and abundances from spectral fitting (Goncalves+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/2327/fitparam.dat: 94x 20b 6b Resulting parameters from the fits in R_W_ and J/MNRAS/499/2327/rv.dat: 281x48 28b 8b Radial velocities (calculated as described in J/MNRAS/499/2327/table1.dat: 86x68 13b 5b Globular clusters present in the WAGGS data base J/MNRAS/499/2327 =====>: 605x1256 79b 19b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/2701/ReadMe: 158x80 20b 0b lambda Bootis stars J/MNRAS/499/2701/table2.dat: 157x1 35b 10b Infrared excesses for all stars of the sample J/MNRAS/499/2701/table3.dat: 151x6 20b 6b Parameters from SED fitting, for the stars J/MNRAS/499/2701/tablea1.dat: 309x8 227b 17b Spectral classes for the program stars J/MNRAS/499/2701 =====>: 775x3307 302b 33b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/3399/ReadMe: 135x80 17b 0b Long tidal tails in merging galaxies (Ren+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/3399/table1.dat: 461x5 56b 22b The properties and measured tail parameters of J/MNRAS/499/3399/table2.dat: 165x6 24b 10b The parameters of 165 TDGs identified from 126 J/MNRAS/499/3399 =====>: 761x8219 97b 32b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/3481/ReadMe: 134x80 17b 0b Metallicity and rotation in the Kepler field (Amard+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/3481/catalog.dat: 28508012 7606b 3000b Full Gaia-Kepler-metallicity data base J/MNRAS/499/3481 =====>: 28642x1732 7623b 3000b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/3610/ReadMe: 109x80 14b 0b Lyman-alpha emitters lensed by galaxies (Cao+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/3610/table1.dat: 281x9 51b 23b Catalogue of single-peaked candidates J/MNRAS/499/3610/table2.dat: 80x90 16b 8b Catalogue of double-peaked candidates J/MNRAS/499/3610 =====>: 470x9210 81b 31b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/4011/ReadMe: 121x80 15b 0b New periodic signals detected in TESS (Chakraborty+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/4011/tablea1.dat: 377x 66b 27b Parameters for all 377 WOIs J/MNRAS/499/4011 =====>: 498x8856 81b 27b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/4026/ReadMe: 142x80 17b 0b NGC 6254 variable stars VI light curves (Arellano Ferro+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/4026/table3.dat: 37x96 9b 4b Data of variable stars in M10 in the FoV of J/MNRAS/499/4026/table5.dat: 2549150 2541b 416b VI photometry of 42 variables in the field of J/MNRAS/499/4026 =====>: 25670x9462 2567b 420b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/4040/ReadMe: 204x80 25b 0b RR Lyrae population in the Draco dwarf galaxy (Muraveva+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/4040/table1.dat: 285x1 67b 24b Characteristics of our final sample of 285 RRLs J/MNRAS/499/4040/table2.dat: 3x54 2b 0b New RRLs in Draco discovered by Gaia J/MNRAS/499/4040/table3.dat: 7x72 2b 0b RRLs whose membership to Draco is uncertain J/MNRAS/499/4040/table4.dat: 51x52 6b 4b Characteristics of 51 candidate RRLs discarded J/MNRAS/499/4040/table5.dat: 41x51 6b 3b Candidate RRLs in Draco selected from the J/MNRAS/499/4040 =====>: 591x1789 108b 31b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/4114/ReadMe: 73x80 10b 0b Properties of LMC star clusters (Gatto+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/4114/clusters.dat: 85x 13b 5b Cluster properties J/MNRAS/499/4114 =====>: 158x8535 23b 5b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/4325/ReadMe: 280x80 35b 0b AGN contrib. of interac. galaxies (Ramos Padilla+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/4325/param.dat: 178x14 51b 15b CIGALE (bayes) derived parameters for all J/MNRAS/499/4325/parampsi.dat: 6x1 3b 0b CIGALE (bayes) derived parameters for six AGN J/MNRAS/499/4325/photom.dat: 188x5 185b 53b Photometry for all galaxies (tables A6-A9) J/MNRAS/499/4325/tablea1.dat: 100x 15b 6b Basic data for the SIGS sample galaxies J/MNRAS/499/4325/tablea2.dat: 21x6 4b 3b Basic data for the SB sample galaxies J/MNRAS/499/4325/tablea3.dat: 29x7 6b 3b Basic data for the AGN sample galaxies J/MNRAS/499/4325/tablea4.dat: 38x8 8b 4b Basic data for the LSM sample galaxies J/MNRAS/499/4325 =====>: 840x5545 307b 84b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/4370/ReadMe: 149x80 18b 0b Star formation in perturbed galaxies I (Morales-Vargas+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/4370/tablea1.dat: 224x 46b 15b Fundamental properties for control (f<-4.5) and J/MNRAS/499/4370 =====>: 373x1320 64b 15b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/5004/ReadMe: 120x80 15b 0b K2-111, an old system with two planets (Mortier+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/5004/tablep1.dat: 31684 212b 42b K2 photometry of K2-111 J/MNRAS/499/5004/tablep2.dat: 2318280 2084b 473b WASP and ASAS-SN photometry of K2-111 J/MNRAS/499/5004/tablerv.dat: 154x 38b 10b Radial velocity and activity indicators of K2-111 J/MNRAS/499/5004 =====>: 26626x1058 2349b 525b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/5022/ReadMe: 152x80 19b 0b MUSE Analysis of Gas around Galaxies II (Dutta+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/5022/tables1.dat: 27x6 5b 3b Properties of the MgII absorption lines detected J/MNRAS/499/5022/tables2.dat: 228x 42b 14b Properties of the galaxies studied in this work J/MNRAS/499/5022 =====>: 407x9717 66b 17b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/5302/ReadMe: 430x80 53b 0b Ultracool dwarfs in wide binaries (dal Ponte+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/5302/refs.dat: 78x84 9b 4b References for Table A1 J/MNRAS/499/5302/table1.dat: 259x3 177b 77b The common distance pair candidates identified J/MNRAS/499/5302/table2.dat: 9x330 7b 4b The nine common distance pair candidates J/MNRAS/499/5302/table3.dat: 6x524 8b 4b The common distance multiple systems found in J/MNRAS/499/5302/tablea1.dat: 121x 21b 8b Known systems, which contain a L or T dwarf as J/MNRAS/499/5302/tablea2.dat: 34x1 8b 4b The common distance and common proper motion J/MNRAS/499/5302 =====>: 937x5486 283b 101b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/5379/ReadMe: 101x80 13b 0b Longitudinal magnetic field of 6 B stars (Shultz+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/5379/stars.dat: 6x34 2b 0b List of stars with data in table A2 J/MNRAS/499/5379/tablea2.dat: 64x5 9b 4b Longitudinal magnetic field measurements Bz of 6 J/MNRAS/499/5379 =====>: 171x8932 24b 4b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/5508/ReadMe: 314x80 35b 0b Search for variable subdwarf B stars in TESS I (Sahoo+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/5508/table1.dat: 28x13 7b 4b Basic information of 28 objects classified as J/MNRAS/499/5508/table2.dat: 83x88 12b 6b Basic information of 83 pulsator candidates we J/MNRAS/499/5508/table3.dat: 32x13 7b 4b Basic information of 32 eclipsing binaries that J/MNRAS/499/5508/table4.dat: 42x12 8b 4b Basic information of 42 eclipsing binaries that J/MNRAS/499/5508/table5.dat: 9x107 3b 0b Basic information of nine eclipsing binaries J/MNRAS/499/5508/table6.dat: 273x1 46b 18b Basic information of 273 spectroscopically J/MNRAS/499/5508/table7.dat: 1262x8 179b 58b Basic information of 1262 spectroscopically J/MNRAS/499/5508/table8.dat: 2x59 2b 0b Basic information of two nova stars J/MNRAS/499/5508/table9.dat: 19x55 4b 2b List of frequencies detected in J/MNRAS/499/5508/table10.dat: 14x5 3b 0b List of frequencies detected in J/MNRAS/499/5508/table11.dat: 18x5 3b 0b List of frequencies detected in J/MNRAS/499/5508/table12.dat: 13x5 3b 0b List of frequencies detected in J/MNRAS/499/5508/table13.dat: 7x54 2b 0b List of frequencies detected in J/MNRAS/499/5508/tablea1.dat: 11x1 3b 0b Basic information of 11 spectroscopically J/MNRAS/499/5508/tablea2.dat: 36x8 6b 4b Basic information of 36 spectroscopically J/MNRAS/499/5508/tablea3.dat: 15x1 4b 3b Basic information of 15 spectroscopically J/MNRAS/499/5508/tablea4.dat: 14x1 3b 0b Basic information of 14 spectroscopically J/MNRAS/499/5508 =====>: 2192x1888 330b 103b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/6018/ReadMe: 198x80 25b 0b Shocks in high-mass starless clump candidates (Zhu+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/6018/table1.dat: 100x1 31b 11b The properties of the H_2_CO 2_12_-1_11_ line J/MNRAS/499/6018/table3.dat: 34x93 7b 4b The properties of the SiO 1-0 and 2-1 lines J/MNRAS/499/6018/table4.dat: 8x50 2b 0b The properties of the SiO 3-2 line emitted from J/MNRAS/499/6018/table5.dat: 34x79 6b 3b The column densities and abundances of the SiO J/MNRAS/499/6018 =====>: 374x1688 71b 18b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/499/6053/ReadMe: 104x80 13b 0b Indiv. opt. variability of AGNs from MEXSAS2 (Laurenti+, 2020) J/MNRAS/499/6053/sample.dat: 795x3 475b 208b The reference sample J/MNRAS/499/6053 =====>: 899x3000 488b 208b Total