
Subdirectories represent pages of MNRAS vol. 481

drwxr-xr-x 298 cats archive 8192 Apr 13 15:32 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 49 Sep 20 2018 .message -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 9876 Jul 8 2022 ReadMe drwxr-xr-x 5 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 307 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 373 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 566 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Mar 4 15:24 894 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 313 Mar 4 15:24 918 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Mar 4 15:24 1055 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 291 Mar 4 15:24 1195 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Dec 20 22:48 2148 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 326 Jan 12 2023 2458 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 330 Jan 12 2023 3244 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 291 Mar 4 15:24 3497 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Mar 4 15:24 3548 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Mar 4 15:24 3887 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 319 Jan 13 2023 3902 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 296 Mar 4 15:24 4158 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 4206 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 273 Mar 4 15:24 4548 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 323 Mar 4 15:24 5307 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 297 Mar 4 15:24 5580 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 292 Mar 4 15:24 5630
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/307/ReadMe: 162x80 20b 0b Gaia Nuclear Transient (GNT) cand. (Kostrzewa-Rutkowska+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/307/lc/*: 482x. 1390b 0b J/MNRAS/481/307/sp/*: 23x. 6250b 0b J/MNRAS/481/307/table2.dat: 482x14 138b 45b List of GNT candidates J/MNRAS/481/307/table3.dat: 5x83 2b 0b The GNT candidates previously alerted and J/MNRAS/481/307/table4.dat: 9x274 5b 2b An overview of optical spectroscopy of the targets J/MNRAS/481/307/table6.dat: 15x48 3b 0b The GNT candidates detected by GSA AlertPipe but J/MNRAS/481/307 =====>: 1178x2769 7808b 47b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/373/ReadMe: 153x80 19b 0b Spectroscopic observations on M4 AGB stars (MacLean+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/373/table1.dat: 121x80 20b 8b M4 target details J/MNRAS/481/373/table3.dat: 121x38 11b 5b Stellar parameters for each star in our M4 sample J/MNRAS/481/373/table5.dat: 121x69 18b 6b Chemical abundances for each star in our J/MNRAS/481/373 =====>: 516x8067 68b 19b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/566/ReadMe: 106x80 13b 0b Properties of 333 SNe and their 269 hosts (Karapetyan+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/566/table.dat: 333x110 73b 0b Properties of 333 SNe and their 269 hosts J/MNRAS/481/566 =====>: 439x1110 86b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/894/ReadMe: 200x80 25b 0b Rapidly evolving transients in the DES (Pursiainen+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/894/table3.dat: 72x62 10b 4b Basic information of the host galaxies of the J/MNRAS/481/894/table4.dat: 72x62 10b 0b The sample of 72 rapidly evolving transients J/MNRAS/481/894/table5.dat: 37x74 7b 4b Light-curve parameters of gold and silver sample J/MNRAS/481/894/table6.dat: 37x82 7b 4b The best-fitting parameters for a blackbody at J/MNRAS/481/894 =====>: 418x8200 59b 12b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/918/ReadMe: 92x80 12b 0b Spatial distribution of GCs in the Galaxy (Arakelyan+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/918/table1.dat: 157x34 12b 6b Catalogue of 157 Galactic GCs coordinates and J/MNRAS/481/918/table2.dat: 27x32 3b 0b Catalogue of 27 Milky Way SGs extracted from J/MNRAS/481/918 =====>: 276x8062 27b 6b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/1055/ReadMe: 102x80 13b 0b ShaSS filamentary network connecting clusters (Haines+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/1055/table5.dat: 4037x 482b 169b Galaxy redshifts J/MNRAS/481/1055 =====>: 4139x8380 495b 169b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/1195/ReadMe: 114x80 14b 0b Gaia DR2 RR Lyrae stars as standard candles (Muraveva+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/1195/table1.dat: 401x1 121b 47b Data set for the 401 RRLs J/MNRAS/481/1195 =====>: 515x1473 135b 47b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/2458/ReadMe: 111x80 14b 0b On the nature of small galaxy systems (Duplancic+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/2458/tablea1.dat: 1092468 1987b 645b Main properties of small galaxy systems J/MNRAS/481/2458/tablea2.dat: 2284524 4241b 1138b Galaxy properties of small galaxy systems members J/MNRAS/481/2458 =====>: 33886x9872 6242b 1783b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/3244/ReadMe: 180x80 23b 0b Chemo-kinematics from MARVELS (Grieves+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/3244/marvels.dat: 3075375 3641b 1121b MARVELS catalogue J/MNRAS/481/3244/marvels.fits: 6779760 3810b 1553b J/MNRAS/481/3244 =====>: 3932x2535 7474b 2674b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/3497/ReadMe: 197x80 25b 0b JINGLE, Survey overview and first results (Saintonge+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/3497/table2.dat: 193x5 194b 80b JINGLE sample catalog J/MNRAS/481/3497 =====>: 390x5190 219b 80b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/3548/ReadMe: 149x80 18b 0b Parallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool objects (Smart+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/3548/refs.dat: 88x77 12b 5b References J/MNRAS/481/3548/table1.dat: 118x1 27b 9b Targets, published magnitudes, spectral types, J/MNRAS/481/3548/table2.dat: 118x1 26b 12b Astrometric parameters of PARSEC targets J/MNRAS/481/3548 =====>: 473x1420 83b 26b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/3887/ReadMe: 259x80 32b 0b Astrometry and photometry of 7 open clusters (Dias+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/3887/c307g.dat: 8750x9 1659b 568b Collinder 307 Gaia DR2 Data J/MNRAS/481/3887/c307k.dat: 208x19 82b 26b Collinder 307 UBVRI and JHKs Data with the J/MNRAS/481/3887/c307p.dat: 1089x1 418b 95b Collinder 307 UBVRI and JHKs Data with J/MNRAS/481/3887/d4ag2.dat: 3915x1 1080b 360b Dias 4a Gaia DR2 Data J/MNRAS/481/3887/d4bg2.dat: 7106x1 1958b 643b Dias 4b Gaia DR2 Data J/MNRAS/481/3887/d4k.dat: 150x197 60b 18b Dias 4 UBVRI and JHKs Data with the computed J/MNRAS/481/3887/d4p.dat: 773x195 297b 71b Dias 4 UBVRI and JHKs Data with photometric J/MNRAS/481/3887/d6g.dat: 4934x96 936b 331b Dias 6 Gaia DR2 Data J/MNRAS/481/3887/d6k.dat: 193x197 76b 23b Dias 6 UBVRI and JHKs Data with the computed J/MNRAS/481/3887/d6p.dat: 966x195 371b 85b Dias 6 UBVRI and JHKs Data with photometric J/MNRAS/481/3887/ic4651g.dat: 1147792 2176b 750b IC 4651 Gaia DR2 Data J/MNRAS/481/3887/ic4651k.dat: 507x 198b 54b IC 4651 UBVRI and JHKs Data with the computed J/MNRAS/481/3887/ic4651p.dat: 243715 934b 182b IC 4651 UBVRI and JHKs Data with photometric J/MNRAS/481/3887/ngc5138g.dat: 1360400 2588b 867b NGC 5138 Gaia DR2 Data J/MNRAS/481/3887/ngc5138k.dat: 2900 114b 34b NGC 5138 UBVRI and JHKs Data with the computed J/MNRAS/481/3887/ngc5138p.dat: 130060 502b 115b NGC 5138 UBVRI and JHKs Data with photometric J/MNRAS/481/3887/ngc6087g.dat: 2862032 5433b 1821b NGC 6087 Gaia DR2 Data J/MNRAS/481/3887/ngc6087k.dat: 4500 176b 50b NGC 6078 UBVRI and JHKs Data with the computed J/MNRAS/481/3887/ngc6087p.dat: 202900 775b 173b NGC 6087 UBVRI and JHKs Data with photometric J/MNRAS/481/3887/ngc6178g.dat: 95344 1809b 599b NGC 6178 Gaia DR2 Data J/MNRAS/481/3887/ngc6178k.dat: 3286 128b 37b NGC 6178 UBVRI and JHKs Data with the computed J/MNRAS/481/3887/ngc6178p.dat: 158880 608b 134b NGC 6178 UBVRI and JHKs Data with photometric J/MNRAS/481/3887 =====>: 100600x1629 22410b 7036b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/3902/ReadMe: 145x80 18b 0b New Galactic clusters in the VVVX disc area (Borissova+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/3902/table1.dat: 5x144 3b 0b Parameters of stars with spectra J/MNRAS/481/3902/tablea1.dat: 120x 19b 8b VVVX cluster candidates J/MNRAS/481/3902/tableb1.dat: 61x1 15b 0b VVVX cluster candidates J/MNRAS/481/3902 =====>: 331x1855 55b 8b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/4158/ReadMe: 160x80 20b 0b 1959 massive galaxy clusters at high redshifts (Wen+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/4158/table1.dat: 1959x9 392b 143b The 1959 massive clusters of galaxies identified J/MNRAS/481/4158/tablea1.dat: 45x7 8b 4b Parameters of 45 clusters with known mass (M500) J/MNRAS/481/4158 =====>: 2164x1809 420b 147b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/4206/ReadMe: 193x80 25b 0b IRSF survey of variable stars in the SMC (Ita+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/4206/lcs/*: 3061x. 47090b 0b J/MNRAS/481/4206/sources.dat: 389048224 73707b 15201b Point source catalog J/MNRAS/481/4206/variab.dat: 1063x0 647b 161b Variable source catalog J/MNRAS/481/4206 =====>: 393361x3194 121469b 15362b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/4548/ReadMe: 125x80 16b 0b New constraints on the 1.4GHz source counts (Prandoni+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/4548/table1.dat: 6377x5 1434b 416b The radio catalogue J/MNRAS/481/4548 =====>: 6502x1355 1450b 416b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/5307/ReadMe: 127x80 16b 0b OPD's first speckle interferometric measures (Guerrero+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/5307/table3.dat: 461x9 88b 13b Multi-band astrometry of known pairs observed J/MNRAS/481/5307 =====>: 588x9955 104b 13b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/5580/ReadMe: 135x80 17b 0b The formation sequence of S0 galaxies (Fraser-McKelvie+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/5580/tablea1.dat: 279x 65b 24b Physical properties and derived quantities of J/MNRAS/481/5580/tablea2.dat: 279x 42b 14b Measured spectral indices for lenticular J/MNRAS/481/5580 =====>: 693x1810 124b 38b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/481/5630/ReadMe: 112x80 15b 0b MAHALO Deep Cluster Survey II (Shimakawa+, 2018) J/MNRAS/481/5630/tablec1.dat: 68x1 18b 7b Emitter catalogue J/MNRAS/481/5630 =====>: 180x1324 33b 7b Total