
Subdirectories represent pages of MNRAS vol. 443

drwxr-xr-x 298 cats archive 8192 Apr 13 15:32 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 49 Sep 5 2014 .message drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 242 Jan 12 2023 L89 -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 13849 Dec 12 2018 ReadMe drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 41 drwxr-xr-x 6 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 432 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 292 Jan 13 2023 454 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 725 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1044 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1151 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1231 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 289 Jan 13 2023 1549 drwxr-xr-x 6 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1555 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 327 Jan 13 2023 1614 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 289 Jan 13 2023 1629 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 311 Jan 13 2023 1821 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 330 Jan 12 2023 1999 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 297 Jan 12 2023 2327 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 2391 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 335 Jan 13 2023 2492 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 2561 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 290 Jan 13 2023 2590 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 2634 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 2679 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 333 Jan 13 2023 2815 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 2907 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 3174 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 333 Jan 13 2023 3218 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 289 Jan 12 2023 3388 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 293 Jan 13 2023 3528
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/L89/ReadMe: 102x80 12b 0b Kapteyn's star spectroscopic measurements (Anglada-Escude+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/L89/table1.dat: 135x60 18b 7b Spectroscopic observables J/MNRAS/443/L89 =====>: 237x8060 30b 7b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/41/ReadMe: 241x80 31b 0b Deep NIR photometry of HI galaxies in ZoA (Williams+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/41/table3.dat: 548x890 955b 298b IRSF galaxy catalog J/MNRAS/443/41/table5.dat: 157x9 4b 3b HI sources with no likely NIR counterpart J/MNRAS/443/41 =====>: 946x8903 990b 301b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/432/ReadMe: 163x80 20b 0b Eclipsing binaries in LMC (Muraveva+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/432/table4/*: 1768x. 85286b 0b J/MNRAS/443/432/table5/*: 999x. 2028b 0b J/MNRAS/443/432/tablea1.dat: 493x1 105b 39b Identification, main properties and Fourier J/MNRAS/443/432/tablea2.dat: 1275x5 270b 98b Identification, main properties and Fourier J/MNRAS/443/432/tablea3.dat: 13x96 4b 3b EROS-2 HEBs with existing optical spectroscopy J/MNRAS/443/432/tablea6.dat: 999x6 124b 51b R_EROS_ and Ks magnitudes at maximum light of J/MNRAS/443/432 =====>: 5710x1002 87837b 191b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/454/ReadMe: 110x80 13b 0b UBVIHa photometry of NGC 1893 (Lim+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/454/table2.dat: 6503x1 1767b 432b Photometric data J/MNRAS/443/454 =====>: 6613x1556 1780b 432b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/725/ReadMe: 161x80 20b 0b Optical-UV-IR survey of North Celestial Cap (Gorbikov+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/725/catalog.dat: 409710681660 888241b 0b *Full optical uncleaned NCCS catalogue J/MNRAS/443/725/cleancat.dat: 156997030876 778517b 0b Cleaned and matched optical-UV-IR catalogue J/MNRAS/443/725 =====>: 5666559x25416 1666778b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/1044/ReadMe: 161x80 20b 0b GBT HI 21cm obs. of 1194 spiral galaxies (Masters+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/1044/tableb1.dat: 484x 110b 48b HI parameters of good detections J/MNRAS/443/1044/tableb2.dat: 244x 25b 13b HI parameters of all other detected galaxies J/MNRAS/443/1044/tableb3.dat: 467x 26b 13b List of non-detections J/MNRAS/443/1044 =====>: 1356x1302 181b 74b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/1151/ReadMe: 121x80 14b 0b AIMSS Project. I. (Norris+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/1151/refs.dat: 56x72 6b 3b References J/MNRAS/443/1151/tablea1.dat: 902x2 189b 49b Catalogue of CSSs and comparison sample J/MNRAS/443/1151 =====>: 1079x1344 209b 52b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/1231/ReadMe: 187x80 24b 0b 6dF Galaxy Survey J/MNRAS/443/1231/table2.dat: 115200 1936b 627b 6dFGSv velocity dispersion catalogue J/MNRAS/443/1231/table4.dat: 11102118 2387b 728b 6dFGSv 2MASS photometric parameters J/MNRAS/443/1231/table8.dat: 11102848 4880b 1412b 6dFGS FP sample parameters J/MNRAS/443/1231/table9.dat: 8053x 1228b 341b 6dFGS stellar population catalogue J/MNRAS/443/1231 =====>: 41964x2207 10455b 3108b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/1549/ReadMe: 97x80 12b 0b MACSJ0416.1-2403 strong-lensing analysis (Jauzac+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/1549/table2.dat: 194x5 22b 7b Multiply imaged systems considered in this work J/MNRAS/443/1549 =====>: 291x8430 34b 7b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/1555/ReadMe: 133x80 17b 0b ATLASGAL massive star forming clumps sample (Urquhart+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/1555/figs/*: 2012x. 1421298b 0b J/MNRAS/443/1555/table2.dat: 964x5 110b 30b # ATLASGAL-RMS associations and properties of the J/MNRAS/443/1555/table3.dat: 1131x3 231b 0b # Derived clump parameters J/MNRAS/443/1555/table6.dat: 113x6 17b 6b # List of all RMS-methanol maser associations with J/MNRAS/443/1555/table7.dat: 25x75 5b 3b # Summary of RMS and MMB source parameters where J/MNRAS/443/1555 =====>: 4378x1753 1421678b 39b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/1614/ReadMe: 117x80 14b 0b YSOs in BRC 5, 7 and 39 (Panwar+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/1614/table2.dat: 252x1 74b 18b 2MASS, IRAC and WISE photometry of the J/MNRAS/443/1614/table3.dat: 104x6 14b 5b Magnitudes and age/mass of the YSOs in the J/MNRAS/443/1614 =====>: 473x1520 102b 23b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/1629/ReadMe: 95x80 12b 0b Interferometry of chemically peculiar stars (Shulyak+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/1629/table2.dat: 204x6 29b 13b Observability of CP stars with modern and J/MNRAS/443/1629 =====>: 299x8472 41b 13b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/1821/ReadMe: 105x80 14b 0b Supersoft X-ray sources in M31 (Chiosi+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/1821/table4.dat: 128x7 19b 6b PHAT catalogue coordinates and magnitudes in the J/MNRAS/443/1821/target.dat: 7x37 2b 0b X-ray positions of the SSSs J/MNRAS/443/1821 =====>: 240x8747 35b 6b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/1999/ReadMe: 179x80 23b 0b Chandra sources X-ray spectral parameters (Brightman+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/1999/aegis.dat: 937x18 336b 88b Data for AEGIS-XD J/MNRAS/443/1999/cdfs.dat: 549x188 203b 57b Data for the Chandra Deep Field South J/MNRAS/443/1999/cosmos.dat: 1761x3 597b 136b Data for Chandra COSMOS J/MNRAS/443/1999 =====>: 3426x1656 1159b 281b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/2327/ReadMe: 104x80 13b 0b New proper motion objects from UKIDSS GPS (Smith+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/2327/tablea1.dat: 153x 31b 11b The high PM sources identified for the first J/MNRAS/443/2327/tablea2.dat: 12x9 4b 0b UKIDSS GPS PM and epoch 2000.0 coordinates for J/MNRAS/443/2327 =====>: 269x9595 48b 11b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/2391/ReadMe: 131x80 18b 0b Light curves of Qatar-2 transit events (Mancini+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/2391/ca_g.dat: 76x39 7b 3b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/05/09 (g CA 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/ca_i.dat: 128x39 11b 4b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/05/09 (i CA 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/ca_r.dat: 89x39 8b 3b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/05/09 (r CA 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/ca_z.dat: 87x39 8b 3b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/05/09 (z CA 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/lo_r.dat: 64x39 6b 3b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/05/09 (r Lo 1.5m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_1_g.dat: 61x3 6b 3b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/02 (g MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_1_i.dat: 61x3 6b 3b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/02 (i MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_1_r.dat: 61x3 6b 3b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/02 (r MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_1_z.dat: 61x3 6b 3b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/02 (z MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_2_g.dat: 123x 11b 4b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/17 (g MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_2_i.dat: 137x 12b 4b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/17 (i MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_2_r.dat: 137x 12b 4b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/17 (r MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_2_z.dat: 137x 12b 4b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/17 (z MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_3_g.dat: 97x3 9b 4b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/21 (g MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_3_i.dat: 102x 9b 4b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/21 (i MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_3_r.dat: 102x 9b 4b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/21 (r MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/mpg_3_z.dat: 102x 9b 4b # Photometry of Qatar-2 on 2012/04/21 (z MPG 2.2m) J/MNRAS/443/2391/transits.dat: 17x 3b 0b # Summary of the observed transits J/MNRAS/443/2391 =====>: 1773x8416 168b 60b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/2492/ReadMe: 123x80 15b 0b Deltaa observations of 3 globular clusters (Paunzen+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/2492/ngc104.dat: 1107x 161b 43b NGC 104 complete photometric data of the J/MNRAS/443/2492/ngc6205.dat: 365x 54b 16b NGC 6205 complete photometric data of the J/MNRAS/443/2492/ngc7099.dat: 794x 116b 32b NGC 7099 complete photometric data of the J/MNRAS/443/2492 =====>: 2389x8258 346b 91b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/2561/ReadMe: 197x80 23b 0b Trumpeting M dwarfs with CONCH-SHELL (Gaidos+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/2561/table2.dat: 2974x 524b 159b CONCH-SHELL Catalog (Minimal) J/MNRAS/443/2561/table3.dat: 2974x24 2191b 631b CONCH-SHELL Catalog (Full) J/MNRAS/443/2561 =====>: 6145x3670 2738b 790b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/2590/ReadMe: 119x80 15b 0b The VLA-COSMOS Survey. V. 324MHz (Smolcic+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/2590/catalog.dat: 182x 76b 24b VLA COSMOS 327MHZ catalog J/MNRAS/443/2590 =====>: 301x2376 91b 24b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/2634/ReadMe: 152x80 19b 0b AGES HI sources in NGC 7448 field (Taylor+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/2634/table1.dat: 334x1 102b 37b AGES HI data for the NGC 7448 field J/MNRAS/443/2634/table2.dat: 209x8 37b 14b Optical data of AGES HI detections in the J/MNRAS/443/2634 =====>: 695x1707 158b 51b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/2679/ReadMe: 169x80 21b 0b GEEC2 spectroscopic survey of Galaxy groups (Balogh+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/2679/table1.dat: 9245x 1533b 366b Catalogue of spectroscopic redshifts J/MNRAS/443/2679/table2.dat: 11x38 2b 0b Properties of the 11 GEEC2 galaxy groups, as J/MNRAS/443/2679/table3.dat: 11x10 4b 2b Same groups as in Table 2, but with the J/MNRAS/443/2679/table4.dat: 1250x 111b 26b Catalogue of group members J/MNRAS/443/2679 =====>: 10686x1662 1671b 394b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/2815/,Saved/*: 2x. 40b 0b J/MNRAS/443/2815/ReadMe: 128x80 16b 0b F dwarfs Cerro Armazones spectroscopic survey (Pribulla+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/2815/table1.dat: 409x9 71b 19b Journal of the spectroscopic observations and J/MNRAS/443/2815/table3.dat: 187x7 25b 0b *RV variations and suitability of the targets for J/MNRAS/443/2815 =====>: 726x9963 152b 19b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/2907/ReadMe: 99x80 12b 0b 3D extinction map of Northern Galactic Plane (Sale+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/2907/acat.dat: 38092691123280 9002376b 3141494b The catalogue of stellar parameters J/MNRAS/443/2907/amap.dat: 61130x66500 722458b 216050b The 3D extinction map J/MNRAS/443/2907 =====>: 38153923x967700 9724846b 3357544b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/3174/ReadMe: 216x80 25b 0b 72 faint CV candidates in CRTS (Breedt+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/3174/table1.dat: 75x11 14b 6b *Observation log of our spectroscopic J/MNRAS/443/3174/table2.dat: 72x10 15b 5b Spectral properties and classification of our J/MNRAS/443/3174/table3.dat: 5x98 2b 0b Dereddened magnitudes of the AM CVn systems and J/MNRAS/443/3174/table4.dat: 9x96 3b 0b CRTS CVs with SDSS BOSS spectra J/MNRAS/443/3174/table5.dat: 6x44 2b 0b *Outburst spectra of CVs as observed by PESSTO as J/MNRAS/443/3174 =====>: 383x1795 61b 11b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/3218/ReadMe: 121x80 15b 0b NGC 7538 IRS 1-3 and IRS 9 sources (Mallick+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/3218/table3.dat: 27x11 7b 4b Sources with NIR counterparts in the NIR FoV J/MNRAS/443/3218/table4.dat: 564x8 77b 23b YSOs in IRS 1-3 FoV J/MNRAS/443/3218/table5.dat: 95x88 15b 5b YSOs in IRS 9 FoV J/MNRAS/443/3218 =====>: 807x1642 114b 32b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/3388/ReadMe: 131x80 15b 0b IPHAS new extended planetary nebulae release 1 (Sabin+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/3388/table2.dat: 159x1 36b 15b # IPHAS extended PNe J/MNRAS/443/3388 =====>: 290x1966 51b 15b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/443/3528/ReadMe: 79x80 10b 0b SDSS peculiar galaxy pairs list (Shamir+, 2014) J/MNRAS/443/3528/list.dat: 500x48 49b 20b List used for analysis J/MNRAS/443/3528/table1.dat: 60x14 12b 6b Tabular data on the example galaxies J/MNRAS/443/3528 =====>: 639x1140 71b 26b Total