
Subdirectories represent pages of A+A vol. 614

drwxr-xr-x 436 cats archive 8192 Apr 9 11:56 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 47 Jun 6 2018 .message drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A100 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 311 Jan 12 2023 A106 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A116 drwxr-xr-x 5 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A118 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A12 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 293 Jan 12 2023 A122 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 300 Jan 12 2023 A125 drwxr-xr-x 6 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 A131 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 250 Jan 12 2023 A133 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A134 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A135 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 227 Jan 12 2023 A138 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 275 Jan 12 2023 A140 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 272 Jan 12 2023 A144 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 273 Jan 12 2023 A146 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 298 Jan 12 2023 A147 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 323 Jan 12 2023 A149 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A15 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 303 Jan 12 2023 A3 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 274 Jan 13 2023 A33 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 228 Jan 12 2023 A35 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A40 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 287 Jan 12 2023 A42 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 274 Jan 12 2023 A46 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 294 Jan 12 2023 A48 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Jan 12 2023 A55 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A65 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Jan 12 2023 A68 drwxr-xr-x 5 cats archive 256 Jan 13 2023 A71 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A76 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 318 Jan 13 2023 A82 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 298 Jan 12 2023 A84 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 287 Jan 12 2023 A94 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 271 Jan 12 2023 L1 -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 19334 Mar 6 2019 ReadMe
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A100/ReadMe: 105x80 13b 0b Molecular clouds los magnetic field structure (Tahani+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A100/table1.dat: 34x65 6b 3b Line-of-sight magnetic field in Orion A J/A+A/614/A100/table2.dat: 14x65 3b 0b Line-of-sight magnetic field in Orion A (Table 1), J/A+A/614/A100/table3.dat: 8x65 3b 0b Line-of-sight magnetic field in Orion B J/A+A/614/A100/table4.dat: 35x65 6b 3b Line-of-sight magnetic field in California J/A+A/614/A100/table5.dat: 15x65 3b 0b Line-of-sight magnetic field in California J/A+A/614/A100/table6.dat: 24x65 5b 3b Line-of-sight magnetic field in Perseus J/A+A/614/A100/table7.dat: 11x65 3b 0b Line-of-sight magnetic field in Perseus (Table 6), J/A+A/614/A100 =====>: 246x80 5 42b 9b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A106/ReadMe: 74x80 9b 0b Probing midplane structure with DCO+ in HD169142 (Carney+ 2018) J/A+A/614/A106/fits/*: 3x. 410378b 0b J/A+A/614/A106/list.dat: 3x142 2b 0b List of fits datacubes and image J/A+A/614/A106 =====>: 80x1426 410389b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A116/ReadMe: 123x80 15b 0b Masgomas-6 near-IR spectra (Ramirez Alegria+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A116/fits/*: 30x. 708b 0b J/A+A/614/A116/list.dat: 30x84 6b 3b List of fits spectra J/A+A/614/A116/table3.dat: 30x135 9b 5b Spectroscopically observed stars J/A+A/614/A116 =====>: 213x1350 738b 8b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A118/ReadMe: 210x80 25b 0b NIKA Sunyaev-Zel'dovich data release (Adam+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A118/bandpass.dat: 170x1 8b 4b 150GHz bandpass (BandPass150GHz.fits) J/A+A/614/A118/beam.dat: 101x32 8b 4b 150GHz beam (Beam150GHz.fits) J/A+A/614/A118/files/*: 7x. 156b 0b J/A+A/614/A118/fits/*: 18x. 95706b 0b J/A+A/614/A118/ftclj.dat: 76x24 5b 3b Transfer function of CLJ1226.9+3332 at 150GHz J/A+A/614/A118/ftmacs07.dat: 76x24 5b 3b Transfer function of MACSJ0717.5+3745 at 150GHz J/A+A/614/A118/ftmacs14.dat: 76x24 5b 3b Transfer function of MACS J1423.8+2404 at 150GHz J/A+A/614/A118/ftpsz045.dat: 76x24 5b 3b Transfer function of PSZ1 G045.85+57.71 at 150GHz J/A+A/614/A118/ftpsz046.dat: 76x24 5b 3b Transfer function of PSZ1 G046.13+30.75 at 150GHz J/A+A/614/A118/list.dat: 18x174 6b 2b List of fits images J/A+A/614/A118 =====>: 904x1744 95934b 25b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A12/ReadMe: 110x80 13b 0b VLTI/PIONIER observations of CE Tauri (Montarges+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A12/fits/*: 4x. 140b 0b J/A+A/614/A12/list.dat: 4x97 2b 0b List of fits images J/A+A/614/A12/stel_par.dat: 2x107 2b 0b Stellar parameters compiled from Sect. 4.1.2 of J/A+A/614/A12 =====>: 120x107 157b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A122/ReadMe: 100x80 13b 0b Radial-velocity of CARMENES M dwarfs (Tal-Or+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A122/stars.dat: 31x59 4b 3b List of studied stars J/A+A/614/A122/table.dat: 649x72 94b 29b The data presented in Figures 5 and A1 J/A+A/614/A122 =====>: 780x80 7 111b 32b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A125/ReadMe: 356x80 46b 0b Stellar content of the XMM-Newton slew survey (Freund+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A125/catalog.dat: 8418x1822 27623b 5718b Stellar sources of the XMMSL2 J/A+A/614/A125 =====>: 8774x1672 27669b 5718b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A131/LICENSE.txt: 20x78 4b 0b J/A+A/614/A131/README.md: 4x92 2b 0b J/A+A/614/A131/ReadMe: 75x80 10b 0b EXOCROSS code for molecular line lists spectra (Yurchenko+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A131/VoigtKampff.f90: 4428 26b 0b J/A+A/614/A131/accuracy.f90: 65x14 11b 5b J/A+A/614/A131/crosssections.f90: 7 3b 0b J/A+A/614/A131/exe/*: 2x. 8404b 0b J/A+A/614/A131/input.f90: 1020x81 54b 17b J/A+A/614/A131/input/*: 31x. 18180b 0b J/A+A/614/A131/makefile: 64x119 4b 3b J/A+A/614/A131/manual/*: 1x. 326b 0b J/A+A/614/A131/phoenix.f90: 198x13 14b 5b J/A+A/614/A131/spectrum.f90: 4015x5 252b 47b J/A+A/614/A131/timer.f90: 754x114 47b 11b J/A+A/614/A131 =====>: 6720x1598 27337b 88b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A133/ReadMe: 120x80 16b 0b Radial velocities of HD215152 (Delisle+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A133/harps_a.dat: 284x45 27b 10b HARPS measurements of HD215152 taken before J/A+A/614/A133/harps_b.dat: 89x45 9b 4b HARPS measurements of HD215152 taken after J/A+A/614/A133 =====>: 493x80 5 52b 14b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A134/ReadMe: 193x80 24b 0b SNe Ia spectra from SNLS (Balland+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A134/sp/*: 70x. 7356b 0b J/A+A/614/A134/tablea1.dat: 70x69 11b 5b Observing log of the VLT SNe Ia of the last ' J/A+A/614/A134/tablea2.dat: 70x78 12b 0b Spectral properties of the VLT SNe Ia of the J/A+A/614/A134/tablea3.dat: 1349x6 138b 0b Catalog of redshifts and identifications of the J/A+A/614/A134 =====>: 1752x80 1 7541b 5b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A135/ReadMe: 107x80 13b 0b Spectra of 78 PN central stars (Weidmann+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A135/fits/*: 81x. 4300b 0b J/A+A/614/A135/tablea3.dat: 78x112 15b 6b Spectral types from our observations J/A+A/614/A135 =====>: 266x1126 4328b 6b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A138/ReadMe: 85x80 10b 0b HD 80606/80607 equivalent widths (Lui+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A138/tablea1.dat: 245x54 28b 10b Atomic line data, as well as the EW J/A+A/614/A138 =====>: 330x80 0 38b 10b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A140/ReadMe: 246x80 31b 0b Large Quasar Astrometric Catalogue 4, LQAC-4 (Gattano+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A140/lqac4.dat: 443725x4600 361395b 72525b 4th release of the Large Quasar Astrometric J/A+A/614/A140 =====>: 443971x41680 361426b 72525b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A144/ReadMe: 86x80 10b 0b Photometry of stars in the LeoA HST WFC3 field (Stonkute+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A144/table.dat: 128x58 16b 7b Photometry parameters for 128 star-like objects J/A+A/614/A144 =====>: 214x80 4 26b 7b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A146/ReadMe: 113x80 14b 0b Stellar parameters of NGC3201 RGB stars (Dias+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A146/table2.dat: 28x116 8b 0b Identification of cluster stars, colour, J/A+A/614/A146 =====>: 141x1168 22b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A147/ReadMe: 101x80 13b 0b NGC 2070 point sources radial velocities (Castro+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A147/table3.dat: 2255x78 349b 90b Observational catalogue for extracted MUSE J/A+A/614/A147 =====>: 2356x80 0 362b 90b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A149/ReadMe: 103x80 13b 0b 417 Galactic bulge red giant O and Zn abund. (da Silveira+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A149/tableb1.dat: 440x82 73b 20b OGLE and GIRAFFE names, stellar parameters, J/A+A/614/A149 =====>: 543x82 0 86b 20b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A15/ReadMe: 95x80 12b 0b Mars Express astrometric obs. of Martian moons (Ziese+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A15/deisat.dat: 182x160 59b 14b Astrometric observations of Deimos w.r.t. Saturn J/A+A/614/A15/phodei.dat: 261x98 52b 14b Astrometric observations of Phobos w.r.t. Deimos J/A+A/614/A15/phojup.dat: 151x160 49b 11b Astrometric observations of Phobos w.r.t. Jupiter J/A+A/614/A15/phosat.dat: 295x160 94b 20b Astrometric observations of Phobos w.r.t. Saturn J/A+A/614/A15 =====>: 984x160 266b 59b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A3/ReadMe: 91x80 11b 0b Spectra of 6 cold-gas-bearing debris-disc stars (Rebollido+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A3/list.dat: 117x118 28b 7b List of spectra J/A+A/614/A3/sp/*: 117x. 2283996b 0b J/A+A/614/A3 =====>: 325x118 2284035b 7b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A33/ReadMe: 91x80 12b 0b 500mum-risers sources (Donevski+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A33/tabled1.dat: 133x79 22b 10b Selected sources J/A+A/614/A33 =====>: 224x80 34b 10b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A35/ReadMe: 64x80 8b 0b Differential photometry of GJ1214 (Mallonn+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A35/gj1214ph.dat: 942x39 75b 20b Differential photometry of GJ1214 J/A+A/614/A35 =====>: 1006x80 83b 20b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A40/ReadMe: 163x80 20b 0b Spectral significance for 15 delta Scuti (Pascual-Granado+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A40/list.dat: 15x80 4b 2b List of studied stars J/A+A/614/A40/table5.dat: 1188x43 104b 45b Frequencies of HD50844 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table6.dat: 519x43 46b 21b Frequencies of HD174936 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table7.dat: 364x43 33b 15b Frequencies of HD174966 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table8.dat: 1782x43 155b 67b Frequencies of HD181555 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table9.dat: 1232x43 107b 48b Frequencies of HD49434 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table10.dat: 1360x43 118b 50b Frequencies of HD172189 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table11.dat: 516x43 46b 21b Frequencies of HD174532 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table12.dat: 237x43 22b 11b Frequencies of HD174589 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table13.dat: 1460x43 127b 56b Frequencies of HD51722 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table14.dat: 1692x43 147b 62b Frequencies of HD51359 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table15.dat: 2041x43 177b 74b Frequencies of HD50870 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table16.dat: 2878x43 249b 105b Frequencies of HD170699 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table17.dat: 2971x43 257b 107b Frequencies of GSC00144-030311 in ARMA J/A+A/614/A40/table18.dat: 2017x43 175b 76b Frequencies of HD41641 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table19.dat: 183x43 17b 9b Frequencies of HD48784 in ARMA interpolated data J/A+A/614/A40/table20.dat: 1124x43 98b 43b Frequencies of HD50844 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table21.dat: 550x43 49b 22b Frequencies of HD174936 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table22.dat: 583x43 52b 23b Frequencies of HD174966 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table23.dat: 1836x43 159b 69b Frequencies of HD181555 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table24.dat: 1161x43 101b 46b Frequencies of HD49434 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table25.dat: 1427x43 124b 52b Frequencies of HD172189 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table26.dat: 584x43 52b 24b Frequencies of HD174532 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table27.dat: 273x43 25b 12b Frequencies of HD174589 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table28.dat: 2722x43 235b 99b Frequencies of HD51722 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table29.dat: 1782x43 155b 65b Frequencies of HD51359 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table30.dat: 3269x43 282b 115b Frequencies of HD50870 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table31.dat: 2924x43 253b 107b Frequencies of HD170699 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table32.dat: 2328x43 202b 86b Frequencies of GSC00144-030311 in linearly J/A+A/614/A40/table33.dat: 2833x43 245b 104b Frequencies of HD41641 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table34.dat: 170x43 16b 8b Frequencies of HD48784 in linearly interpolated J/A+A/614/A40/table35.dat: 1001x43 88b 39b Frequencies of HD50844 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table36.dat: 348x43 31b 15b Frequencies of HD174936 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table37.dat: 152x43 15b 7b Frequencies of HD174966 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table38.dat: 2654x43 230b 98b Frequencies of HD181555 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table39.dat: 2243x43 194b 85b Frequencies of HD49434 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table40.dat: 1790x43 155b 66b Frequencies of HD172189 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table41.dat: 405x43 36b 17b Frequencies of HD174532 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table42.dat: 116x43 11b 6b Frequencies of HD174589 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table43.dat: 1378x43 120b 53b Frequencies of HD51722 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table44.dat: 2674x43 231b 97b Frequencies of HD51359 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table45.dat: 2150x43 186b 78b Frequencies of HD50870 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table46.dat: 2042x43 177b 77b Frequencies of HD170699 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table47.dat: 1735x43 151b 65b Frequencies of GSC00144-030311 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table48.dat: 2301x43 199b 85b Frequencies of HD41641 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40/table49.dat: 141x43 14b 7b Frequencies of HD48784 in gapped data J/A+A/614/A40 =====>: 65314x80 5690b 2439b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A42/ReadMe: 82x80 11b 0b PKS B1718-649 ALMA observations (Maccagni+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A42/fits/*: 1x. 409626b 0b J/A+A/614/A42/list.dat: 1x135 2b 0b Informations on the datacube J/A+A/614/A42 =====>: 84x135 409639b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A46/ReadMe: 72x80 10b 0b delta Scuti stars <Teff>-numax relation (Barcelo Forteza+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A46/tablea1.dat: 1055x72 123b 25b Rotation rate and inclination limits of our J/A+A/614/A46 =====>: 1127x80 133b 25b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A48/ReadMe: 98x80 13b 0b Continuous rise of bulges out of galactic disks (Breda+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A48/ltgs.dat: 135x135 37b 17b Photometric, evolutionary and physical quantities J/A+A/614/A48 =====>: 233x135 50b 17b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A55/ReadMe: 133x80 17b 0b Lithium abundance in dwarfs & subgiants (Aguilera-Gomez+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A55/table1.dat: 227x52 25b 9b Atmospheric parameters and Li abundances for J/A+A/614/A55/table3.dat: 2318x122 452b 116b Catalog of stellar parameters and Lithium J/A+A/614/A55 =====>: 2678x122 494b 125b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A65/ReadMe: 93x80 11b 0b VISION II. VISTA Orion A survey (Meingast+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A65/fits/*: 1x. 13052b 0b J/A+A/614/A65/list.dat: 4x118 2b 0b Information of fits file extensions J/A+A/614/A65 =====>: 98x118 13065b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A68/ReadMe: 156x80 19b 0b Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars sample (Caffau+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A68/table1.dat: 32x109 8b 5b Characteristics of the stars analysed in the paper J/A+A/614/A68/table2.dat: 31x180 12b 5b Chemical composition of the stars analysed in J/A+A/614/A68 =====>: 219x180 39b 10b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A71/ReadMe: 106x80 13b 0b SNF20080514-002 and LSQ12fxd spectra (Nordin+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A71/list.dat: 4x48 2b 0b List of spectra J/A+A/614/A71/sp/*: 4x. 1840b 0b J/A+A/614/A71 =====>: 114x80 1855b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A76/ReadMe: 133x80 16b 0b CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs. III. (Jeffers+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A76/refs.dat: 52x77 5b 0b References J/A+A/614/A76/tablea1.dat: 1377x85 233b 56b Journal of new high-resolution spectroscopic J/A+A/614/A76/tablea2.dat: 408x58 49b 14b Observations with CAFE and FEROS J/A+A/614/A76/tablea3.dat: 2133x79 335b 0b The full Carmencita catalogue J/A+A/614/A76 =====>: 4103x85 638b 70b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A82/ReadMe: 93x80 12b 0b List of cluster candidates for joint algorithm (Tarrio+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A82/tablec1.dat: 225x141 64b 22b List of candidates for P_FA_=3.40x10^-6^, J/A+A/614/A82 =====>: 318x141 76b 22b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A84/ReadMe: 79x80 10b 0b C/O vs Mg/Si ratios in solar type stars (Suarez-Andres+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A84/table1.dat: 499x65 66b 17b Stellar parameters, C/O and Mg/Si (with errors) J/A+A/614/A84 =====>: 578x80 76b 17b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/A94/ReadMe: 94x80 12b 0b ESO 362-G18 datacube (Humire+, 2018) J/A+A/614/A94/fits/*: 1x. 104998b 0b J/A+A/614/A94/list.dat: 1x99 2b 0b Informatyinos on fits datacube J/A+A/614/A94 =====>: 96x99 105012b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/614/L1/ReadMe: 85x80 11b 0b NLS1 at 37GHz (Lahteenmaki+, 2018) J/A+A/614/L1/nls1-37.dat: 326x58 38b 6b 37 GHz data of our sample J/A+A/614/L1/table1.dat: 8x72 3b 0b Basic data and statistics of 37GHz and J/A+A/614/L1 =====>: 419x80 52b 6b Total