
Subdirectories represent pages of A+A vol. 604

drwxr-xr-x 436 cats archive 8192 Apr 9 11:56 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 47 Jul 26 2017 .message drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 302 Jan 12 2023 A101 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A108 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A111 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 297 Jan 13 2023 A119 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 297 Jan 13 2023 A120 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 275 Jan 12 2023 A128 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 323 Jan 12 2023 A129 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Jan 12 2023 A135 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 226 Jan 12 2023 A17 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 287 Jan 12 2023 A20 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 317 Jan 12 2023 A29 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 309 Jan 12 2023 A32 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 274 Jan 12 2023 A35 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 298 Jan 12 2023 A4 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 A41 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 324 Jan 13 2023 A43 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 248 Jan 12 2023 A48 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 287 Jan 12 2023 A52 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 A53 drwxr-xr-x 5 cats archive 305 Jan 12 2023 A6 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 317 Jan 12 2023 A63 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 287 Jan 12 2023 A65 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 305 Jan 12 2023 A78 drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 L4 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 320 Jan 12 2023 L6 -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 10274 Jan 11 2018 ReadMe
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A101/ReadMe: 81x80 10b 0b MUSE datacube of He 2-10 (Cresci+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A101/cube_He2-10.fits: 180 3100639680 6055938b 5166172b J/A+A/604/A101/list.dat: 1x103 2b 0b Information of fits datacube J/A+A/604/A101 =====>: 1076693x288263 6055950b 5166172b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A108/ReadMe: 323x80 41b 0b UniDAM results (Mints+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A108/apogee12.dat: 180703413545 358584b 104067b Parameters for APOGEE DR12 (APOGEE_dr12) J/A+A/604/A108/apokas14.dat: 3626x390 7197b 2075b Parameters for APOKASC (APOKASC_2014) J/A+A/604/A108/rave_dr5.dat: 851804585120 1690308b 490247b Parameters for RAVE DR5 (RAVE_DR5) J/A+A/604/A108/unidam.dat: 38475575270355 7634997b 2300073b Parameters for the main catalogue (UniDAM) J/A+A/604/A108 =====>: 4884017x101250 9691127b 2896462b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A111/3C273_RA_22GHz.fits80 4726080 9232b 7688b J/A+A/604/A111/ReadMe: 113x80 14b 0b 22GHz image of 3C 273 (Bruni+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A111/list.dat: 1x94 2b 0b Information on FITS image J/A+A/604/A111 =====>: 1755x2884 9248b 7688b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A119/ReadMe: 190x80 23b 0b SHARDS S0 and E/S0 with anti-truncated disc (Borlaff+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A119/tablea1.dat: 150x11 35b 12b Properties of the initial red sample and J/A+A/604/A119/tableb1.dat: 44x172 16b 6b Profile classification and photometric J/A+A/604/A119 =====>: 384x1728 74b 18b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A120/ReadMe: 152x80 18b 0b omega Cen RR Lyrae and SX Phoenicis stars (Navarrete+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A120/tablea1.dat: 149x92 27b 10b Catalog of RR Lyrae stars in omega Cen field, J/A+A/604/A120/tablea2.dat: 45x71 8b 4b Catalog of fundamental-mode candidate SX Phe J/A+A/604/A120 =====>: 346x92 3 53b 14b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A128/ReadMe: 86x80 11b 0b S abundances for 1301 stars from GES (Duffau+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A128/ges_s_du.dat: 1301x 98b 36b Sulphur abundances J/A+A/604/A128 =====>: 1387x80 7 109b 36b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A129/ReadMe: 111x80 14b 0b Formation of MW halo and its dwarf satellites (Mashonkina+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A129/tablea1.dat: 197x31 14b 6b Line data J/A+A/604/A129/tablea2.dat: 59x92 12b 5b Iron and titanium NLTE abundances for the J/A+A/604/A129 =====>: 367x92 5 40b 11b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A135/ReadMe: 121x80 16b 0b Dynamics of ionized and neutral gas in M8 (Damiani+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A135/table2.dat: 1177x12 300b 114b Best-fit parameters for Halpha, [NII], [SII] J/A+A/604/A135/table3.dat: 53x118 14b 6b Multi-Gaussian best fits to NaI lines J/A+A/604/A135 =====>: 1351x1297 330b 120b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A17/ReadMe: 392x80 47b 0b Jupiter decametric radio emissions over 26 years (Marques+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A17/em.dat: 11463x721 16166b 1700b Lists of the numbers and parameters of emissions J/A+A/604/A17/obs.dat: 8163x92 1484b 265b Lists of the parameters of observation J/A+A/604/A17 =====>: 20018x721 17697b 1965b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A20/ReadMe: 67x80 8b 0b L1157-B1 DCN (2-1) and H^13^CN (2-1) datacubes (Busquet,+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A20/fits/*: 2x. 89632b 0b J/A+A/604/A20/list.dat: 2x98 2b 0b List of data cubes J/A+A/604/A20 =====>: 71x98 89642b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A29/ReadMe: 94x80 11b 0b MC Type II and anomalous Cepheids PL and PR (Groenewegen+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A29/table3.dat: 333x75 50b 15b Basic parameters and stellar masses J/A+A/604/A29 =====>: 427x80 61b 15b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A32/ReadMe: 132x80 16b 0b Orion BN-KL ALMA view (Pagani+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A32/fits/*: 16x. 15744754b 0b J/A+A/604/A32/list.dat: 16x105 5b 2b List of datacubes J/A+A/604/A32/table1.dat: 16x90 4b 3b Frequency bands and beam parameters J/A+A/604/A32 =====>: 180x105 15744779b 5b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A35/ReadMe: 101x80 13b 0b NGC104 RGB Na, Mg, and K abundances (Cerniauskas+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A35/tablea1.dat: 32x87 7b 3b Target RGB stars in 47 Tuc, their atmospheric J/A+A/604/A35 =====>: 133x87 20b 3b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A4/ReadMe: 105x80 13b 0b CALIFA galaxies observational hints (Ruiz-Lara+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A4/table1.dat: 214x51 23b 9b Galaxy characterisation and surface brightness J/A+A/604/A4 =====>: 319x80 36b 9b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A41/ReadMe: 178x80 22b 0b ESO452-SC11 Stellar parameters and abundances (Koch+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A41/table2.dat: 363x71 53b 16b Properties of the target stars J/A+A/604/A41/table3.dat: 289x67 40b 15b Stellar parameters from our photometric analysis J/A+A/604/A41/table4.dat: 289x93 55b 13b Stellar abundances from SP_ACE (Fe, Si, Ca, Ti) J/A+A/604/A41/table5.dat: 289x96 56b 8b Stellar abundances from SP_ACE (Cr, Co, Ni, Sr, Eu) J/A+A/604/A41 =====>: 1408x96 226b 52b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A43/ReadMe: 118x80 15b 0b HI in nearby radio sources (Maccagni+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A43/tablea1.dat: 242x114 53b 0b Table of sources J/A+A/604/A43 =====>: 360x114 68b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A48/ReadMe: 112x80 14b 0b UBVRI photometry and line fluxes of AG Peg (Skopal+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A48/table1.dat: 65x57 9b 3b Observed UBVRcIc magnitudes of AG Peg J/A+A/604/A48/table6.dat: 48x66 8b 4b Dereddened fluxes for HeII 4686AA, H-beta, J/A+A/604/A48 =====>: 225x80 31b 7b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A52/ReadMe: 115x80 14b 0b B213 filament 150 and 260GHz emission maps (Bracco+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A52/fits/*: 2x. 3816b 0b J/A+A/604/A52/list.dat: 2x182 2b 0b List of datacubes J/A+A/604/A52 =====>: 119x182 3832b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A53/ReadMe: 268x80 34b 0b Final data release of ALLSMOG (Cicone+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A53/tablec1.dat: 99x71 15b 5b Details of the CO observations J/A+A/604/A53/tablec2.dat: 98x60 13b 5b CO luminosity values J/A+A/604/A53/tablec3.dat: 97x66 14b 7b Physical properties of the ALLSMOG galaxy J/A+A/604/A53/tablec4.dat: 97x69 15b 6b Physical properties of the ALLSMOG galaxy J/A+A/604/A53/tablec5.dat: 97x115 23b 5b HI gas masses J/A+A/604/A53 =====>: 756x115 114b 28b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A6/ReadMe: 113x80 14b 0b SgrB2 ALMA continuum and spectral index (Sanchez-Monge+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A6/fits/*: 4x. 8658b 0b J/A+A/604/A6/list.dat: 4x135 2b 0b List of fits images J/A+A/604/A6 =====>: 121x135 8674b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A65/ReadMe: 93x80 11b 0b Planck and Herschel images combination (Abreu-Vicente+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A65/fits/*: 40x. 1228144b 0b J/A+A/604/A65/list.dat: 40x166 13b 4b List of fits files J/A+A/604/A65 =====>: 173x166 1228168b 4b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/A78/ReadMe: 131x80 16b 0b M17 massive pms stars X-shooter spectra (Ramirez-Tannus+, 2017) J/A+A/604/A78/sp/*: 16x. 100816b 0b J/A+A/604/A78/table1.dat: 17x100 5b 0b Journal of X-shooter observations J/A+A/604/A78 =====>: 164x100 100837b 0b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/L4/ReadMe: 116x80 14b 0b HAT-P-4 and TYC 2569-744-1 abundances and spectra (Saffe+, 2017) J/A+A/604/L4/fits/*: 2x. 1780b 0b J/A+A/604/L4/list.dat: 2x118 2b 0b List of fits spectra J/A+A/604/L4/table1.dat: 531x67 72b 15b Line list and equivalent widths of stars A, B J/A+A/604/L4/table2.dat: 24x95 6b 3b Differential abundances and errors for the J/A+A/604/L4 =====>: 675x118 1874b 18b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/A+A/604/L6/ReadMe: 120x80 15b 0b EBLM J0555-57 photometry and RV (von Boetticher+, 2017) J/A+A/604/L6/coralie1.dat: 20x86 4b 3b CORALIE radial velocities I J/A+A/604/L6/coralie2.dat: 11x63 3b 0b CORALIE radial velocities II J/A+A/604/L6/eulerl.dat: 526x64 68b 22b Euler z band photometry, large aperture J/A+A/604/L6/eulers.dat: 526x64 68b 22b Euler z band photometry, small aperture J/A+A/604/L6/trappist.dat: 1188x23 537b 141b TRAPPIST z band photometry, aperture including J/A+A/604/L6 =====>: 2391x230 695b 188b Total