1 Horseshoe-shaped bright region 2 deg. in diameter, with 8'x 5' 1 concentration at 07h 08m, -12 deg 12'. Fainter region 150' diameter, 1 centred on 07h 08m, -09 deg 30'. 1 *The original publication gave two positions. Here a single position is 1 *given and is very crude. 2 Circular, connected to RCW1 by faint emission. 5 Circular region. 6 Contains diffuse outer region. 7 Circuliar region. 9 Part of the Vela-Puppis Nebula? 11 Part of Vela-Puppis? 13 Circular region. 14 Possibly connected with Vela-Puppis. Possible concentration in RCW15. 15 Loop, possibly connected with Vela-Puppis. 16 Circular region. 19 Large area with one bright edge. 20 Surrounded by diffuse emission; could be associated with RCW19. 22 Part of Vela-Puppis? 27 Region showing structure. 30 Two small regions 1' X 1'. 31 Connected with Vela-Puppis? 32 Circular region. 33 Almost circular, with more intense area "comma"-shaped. 36 Group of 3 bright regions-"S"-shaped. 37 Filamentary. 38 Emission region containing four concentrations at: 08h 57m.5,-47deg 16'(6' 38 X 4'); 08h 57m.7, -47 deg 22'(3 X 2); 08h 58m.0, -47deg 08' (9' X 7'); and 38 08h 58m.4, -47 deg 20'(12 X 9). 40 Bright region possibly associated with diffuse surrounding background 40 emission. 42 Circular. 43 Stellar-like. 48 Bright crescent shape. 49 Emission region outlying Eta Carina nebula. 50 Possibly associated with RCW49. 51 Bright knot possibly separated from the main Eta Carinae nebula by 51 obscuration. 52 Bright knot in Eta Carinae nebula separated from main region by absorption. 53 Main irregular Eta Carinae nebula. Boundaries at 10h 28m, -58 deg; 10h 55m, 53 -58 deg 18'; 10h 27m, -60 deg 48'. 53 *The original cross identification also included G30,31, and 33, and 53 *NGC3372. Editor's note this is the entire Eta Carinae region. 54 Outlying Eta Carina, with concentrations at: 10h 57m.5, -61 deg 00' (40' X 54 20'); 10h 58m.0, -59 deg 20'(70' X 40')(filamentary); 11h 08m.0, -59 deg 54 54'(25 X 25'); 11h 10m.5, -58 deg 30'(25' X 10'). 54 *The original gave three positions. The single position given here is 54 *extremely crude. 55 Circular region,appears to have central star;not part of Eta Carina. 57 Appears abscuration-bounded and contains bright crescent-shaped region 50' 57 X 20'. 59 3 deg diameter loop. 60 Outlying part of Lambda Cen nebula. Contains bright regions centred at: 11h 60 26m.5, -62 deg 21'(21' X 18'); 11h 26.5m.5, -62 deg 42'(15 X 10). 61 Circular region near Lambda Cen nebula. 62 Main Lambda Cen nebula, uneven intensity. 63 Large band of emission. 63 *Two positions are given in the original. The position given here is once 63 *again very crude. 65 Region has diffuse edges. 74 Crescent-shaped. 75 Diffuse edges. 76 Planetary? 78 Bright central region (10' X 6'). 82 Circular. 85 Possibly obscuration bound. 86 Crescent-shaped. 90 *The original size is given as 0.5 X 0.5 arcminutes. Here the size is given 90 *as 1 X 1 arcminutes to avoid formating problems. 91 Possibly obscuration bound. 93 Like a planetary in appearance. 94 Circular and filamentary. 96 Appears to be surrounding a star. 98 Appears to be distributed about a faint central star. 100 Stellar-like. 101 Stellar-like. 106 Contains two bright areas: 16h 15m.5, -50 deg 51'(20' X 7'); 16h 17 m.0, 106 -50 deg 42'(12 X 12). 107 Bright region near RCW108. 108 Irregular intensity variation with bright region at 16h 36m, -48 deg 108 30'(60' X 60'). 109 Stellar-like. 110 Could be connected to RCW 113 by faint emission. 111 Near RCW110, possibly connected. 113 Large loop of ionization in region of fainter emission. Boundries: (16h 113 37m, -41 deg 50') to (16h 58m, -41 deg 30'); and (16h 50', -43 deg 30') to 113 (16h 45m, -39 deg 40'). 114 Ring of emission 50' wide. 116 Concentration inside RCW113 (Editors note; not present in table2&3). 116 *Not present in table 2 or 3 of original publication. The notes to table 2 116 *and 3 from the original said "116 Concentration inside (RCW)113." This 116 *was added to the table to provide a complete list of all 182 objects in 116 *the RCW. 119 Filamentary, with bright concentration at 16h 57m.4 -38 deg 13' (15' X15'). 120 Contains dark central rift. 123 Loop. 127 Faint extensions to 17h 10m, -35 deg 30'. Composed mainly of four bright 127 concentrations. 127 *Other cross identifications given in the original are G61,62,63, 64a,b,c. 129 Region contains the star Tau Sco. 130 Appears to be a more concentrated region of a large area of diffuse 130 emission. 131 Concentrations at: 17h 21m.0, -33 deg 58'(30' X30'); 17h 21m.8, -34 deg 131 10'(9' X9'); 17h 23m.1, -34 deg 27'(6' X 6'); 17 23m.9, -34 deg 03'(5' X 131 5'). 131 *Other cross identifications given in the original are E8. 132 Crescent-shaped bright region with faint extensions to 17h35m,-34deg 132 *Other cross identifications given in the original are E11. 133 Almost circular. 134 Circular. 136 Stellar in appearance. 137 Near galactic centre. 138 Diffuse edges. 140 Perhaps connected to RCW141. 144 Circular. 146 Main bright area divided in three, probably by obscuration, with centres: 146 18h 01m.8, -24 deg 12'(100' X 45'); 18h 03m.0, -23 deg 30' (45' X 45'); 18h 146 06m.5, -23 deg 50'(60' X 50'). 146 *Other cross identifications given in the original: HS126; E23,27, 29,30; 146 *G72,75. 147 Almost circular. 150 Stellar in appearance. 151 Band of emission, one side bounded by heavy obscuration. 152 Stellar in appearance. 153 Faint region with bright area [18h 14m.7, -19 deg 40'(19' X 19')] at one 153 end. 153 *The original also gave cross identifications as E39; G78. 155 Two concentrations: 18h 08m.9, -17 deg 36'(7' X 7'); 18h 09m.3, -17 deg 155 40'(8' X 5'). 156 Possibly local concentration of general diffuse emmission present. Brighter 156 region at 18h 14m.0, -17 deg 18'(40' X 20'). 157 Faint extensions to 18h 01m,-14 deg 00(E25); and 18h 14m,-17 deg 00. 157 [Editors note E25 is designation from Sharpless (1953)]. 157 *The original also gave cross identifications as E35. 159 Surrounded by diffuse emission. 160 Surrounded by diffuse emission 40' wide. 160 *The original also gives HS144, 145; E43; G81a,b. 162 Oval-shaped, possible concentration of general diffuse emission present. 165 Appears connected with adjacent regions by diffuse emission. 166 Surrounded by diffuse emission. 165 *The original also gives E42. 169 Circular region. 175 Crescent-shaped. 180 Stellar-like.