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  Neutrino cross sections for SNe (Yoshida+, 2008)
    J/ApJ/686/448/4HeNeutrino-induced reaction cross sections of 4He with the use of the WBP Hamiltonian (table 1) or SPSDMK Hamiltonian (table 2) (360 rows)
    J/ApJ/686/448/12CNeutrino-induced neutral-current reaction cross sections of 12C based on the SFO Hamiltonian (table 3) or PSDMK2 Hamiltonian (table 6) (360 rows)
    J/ApJ/686/448/NueNeutrino-induced charged-current reaction cross sections for νe of 12C based on the SFO Hamiltonian (table 4) or PSDMK2 Hamiltonian (table 7) (358 rows)
    J/ApJ/686/448/antiNueNeutrino-induced charged-current reaction cross sections for anti-νe of 12C based on the SFO Hamiltonian (table 5) or PSDMK2 Hamiltonian (table 8) (358 rows)

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