Contents of /ftp/pub/A+A/601/A56/

J/A+A/601/A56 NGC 6802 dwarf cluster members and non-members (Tang+, 2017) The following files can be converted to FITS (extension .fit or fit.gz) lms.dat ums.dat lmsno.dat umsno.dat
Query from:
[DIR] Parent Directory [ ] +footg5.gif 02-May-2019 12:36 1005 [ ] +footg8.gif 02-May-2019 12:36 2.5K [ ] ReadMe 28-Apr-2017 10:00 5.3K [ ] lms.dat 08-Nov-2016 19:44 2.1K [ ] lmsno.dat 08-Nov-2016 19:44 2.1K [ ] ums.dat 08-Nov-2016 19:44 2.4K [ ] umsno.dat 08-Nov-2016 19:44 2.2K