Contents of /ftp/0/aliases/A/AKARI_1_/

II/297 AKARI/IRC All-Sky Survey Point Source Catalogue (ISAS/JAXA, 2010) The following files can be converted to FITS (extension .fit or fit.gz) irc.dat
Query from:
[DIR] Parent Directory [ ] +footg5.gif 03-May-2011 13:36 2.1K [ ] +footg5.png 05-May-2013 00:31 11K [ ] +footg8.gif 03-May-2011 13:36 50K [ ] +footg8.png 05-May-2013 00:31 129K [ ] AKARI-IRC_PSC_V1_RN.pdf 29-Mar-2010 05:11 1.1M [ ] ReadMe 03-May-2011 13:27 7.0K [ ] firc.htx 28-Apr-2010 17:47 909 [ ] irc.dat.gz 21-Apr-2010 18:46 35M