Complement to V/127A

PN G329.8-03.0 short red
Color image of PN G329.8-03.0 Short red image from SuperCosmos (FITS) Hα image from SuperCosmos (FITS)
Usual Name  PHR1617-5445
J2000  16 17 19.8-54 45 12
B1950  243.338942-54.630555
Galactic  329.8101-3.0078

Status  True PN
Size  19.0×16.0''
Morphology  E
Compact, bright oval with opposing enhanced edges on SR! PN (known as EM*); [NII] 2xH-alpha.

Field  HA290
Exposure  HA18896
Spectrum of PN G329.8-03.0
PN G329.8-03.0 Simbad  ⋅   Aladin          Telescope: MS      Date: 2001-06-23