Complement to V/127A

PN G316.3+08.8 short red
Color image of PN G316.3+08.8 Short red image from SuperCosmos (FITS) Hα image from SuperCosmos (FITS)
Usual Name  PHR1418-5144
J2000  14 18 25.8-51 44 39
B1950  213.769205-51.513858
Galactic  316.35748.8455

Status  True PN
Size  404.0×375.0''
Morphology  Eas
Very large, oval PN. Confirmed spectroscopically; strong [OIII] no H-beta, [NII]>H-alpha; was PHR1418-5145; blue CSPN id by D.Frew at 14:18:25.8 -51:44:39

Field  HA285
Exposure  HA18305
Spectrum of PN G316.3+08.8
PN G316.3+08.8 Simbad  ⋅   Aladin          Telescope: SA      Date: 2003-02-03