Complement to V/127A

PN G004.1+01.7 short red
Color image of PN G004.1+01.7 Short red image from SuperCosmos (FITS) Hα image from SuperCosmos (FITS)
Usual Name  PPA1748-2427
J2000  17 48 32.4-24 27 09
B1950  266.367882-24.436724
Galactic  4.17321.7658

Status  possible PN
Size  15.0×10.0''
Morphology  Sm
Compact, point source emitter in faint extended halo. Something there in SHS; 2mass J-K=1.67 J=12.26 borderline

Field  HA794
Exposure  HA19381
Spectrum of PN G004.1+01.7
PN G004.1+01.7 Simbad  ⋅   Aladin          Telescope: 6D      Date: 2003-08-21