Translation from FITS for: III/217/./sp/

Summary of FITS file III/217/sp/
--- sp/      ⇩Download⇩ file
ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname
000     main  32 (495)                 2b [8375/8770.2(0.8)]

The header of the FITS file is listed below.
#--- sp/
#ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname

#000     main  32 (495)                 2b [8375/8770.2(0.8)]
SIMPLE  =                    T          / Standard FITS format (rev feb 1985)
BITPIX  =                   32          / 4 byte twos-compl integers (32 bits)
NAXIS   =                    1          / 1 axis (single dimension)
NAXIS1  =                  495          / # pixels/row
ORIGIN  = 'OHP-IHAP'                    / Haute Provence Observatory
BSCALE  =         .1688653E-06          / Real pixel value = TAPE*BSCALE+ BZERO
BZERO   =         .6528260E+00          / Real pixel value = TAPE*BSCALE+ BZERO
OBJECT  = '113139 F2 V                   '/ The identifier
DATE    = ' 1/11/94'                    / Date this tape written dd/mm/yy
INSTRUME= 'GENERAL '                    / System which created this file
INFOBLKS=                    0          / # of 32 byte info blks after data
CRVAL1  =         .8375000E+04          / Coordn first pixel in row (x-start)
CRPIX1  =                  1.0          / Always referenced to first pixel in x
CDELT1  =         .8000000E+00          / Increment along x  (x-step)
COMMENT IP_JUSR1             0          / IHAP: user integer 1
COMMENT IP_JUSR2             0          / IHAP: user integer 2
COMMENT IP_DUSR1  .0000000E+00          / IHAP: user float 1
COMMENT IP_DUSR2  .0000000E+00          / IHAP: user float 2
COMMENT IP_AHGC   .1200000E+01          / IHAP: high cut
COMMENT IP_ALWC   .0000000E+00          / IHAP: low cut
COMMENT IP_CBEND                        / IHAP: comment block end