Contents of: VII/213/./groups.dat

The following document lists the file groups.dat from catalogue VII/213.
Also available: plain copy of the file with f77 program to read file into arrays or line by line
File is also available in FITS, Tab-separated format, or in HTML.

## (from tabmap V6.0 (2016-08-18)) 2024-04-18T13:51:36
#-- VII/213 Hickson's Compact groups of Galaxies (Hickson+ 1982-1994)
#---Table: VII/213/./groups.dat Catalog of groups (1982 paper, and errata)  (100 records)
#     Label Format Unit   Explanations
#       HCG I3     ---    [1/100]+ Number of the group in this catalog
#       RAh I2     h      Right Ascension 1950 hours
#       RAm I2     min    Right Ascension minutes
#       RAs I2     s      Right Ascension seconds
#       DE- A1     ---    Declination sign
#       DEd I2     deg    Declination degrees (1950)
#       DEm I2     arcmin Declination arcminutes
#       DEs I2     arcsec [0,60] Declination arcseconds
#      Dyna A1     ---    [*] '*' when group has dynamical parameters
#      Type A2     ---    *Group type
#    MCount I2     ---    *Member count
#   AngSize F5.1   arcmin *Angular size
#    TotMag F5.1   mag    *Total magnitude of group
#      Emag F5.1   mag    *Brightest member magnitude
#         z F6.3   ---    *? Redshift
#    Aname1 A6     ---    *Alternate name 1
#    Aname2 A6     ---    *Alternate name 2
#    Aname3 A6     ---    *Alternate name 3
#    Aname4 A6     ---    *Alternate name 4
#Note on Type:
#   Two-character code (a letter followed by a number)
#   classifying the group according to its two brightest members:
#      S    The brightest galaxy is a spiral galaxy.
#      E    The brightest galaxy is not a spiral galaxy.
#      1    m(b) - m(a) >= 1.0
#      2    0.5 <= m(b) - m(a) < 1.0
#      3    m(b) - m(a) < 0.5
#      where m(a) and m(b) are the estimated red magnitudes of the brightest
#      and second brightest members, respectively, of the cluster.
#Note on MCount:
#   Number of galaxies in the group. Only those galaxies within three
#   magnitudes of the brightest galaxy are counted as members.
#Note on AngSize:
#   Angular diameter, in arcminutes, of the smallest circle containing the
#   geometric centers of all group members.
#Note on TotMag:
#   Total estimated red magnitude of those galaxies counted as group members
#   (see member count, above.)
#Note on Emag:
#   Estimated red magnitude of the brightest galaxy in the group, in units
#   of magnitude.
#Note on z:
#   Corrected redshift of the brightest galaxy. In all but ten cases this
#   field is blank; prefer the group redshift supplied in the file
#   "dynamics.dat".
#Note on Aname1, Aname2, Aname3, Aname4:
#   Other designations of the group, if any (at most, four).
   |                  |D|  |  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |
   |                  |y|  |MC|     |     |     |      |      |      |      |
   | R  R  R   D  D  D|n|Ty|ou|   An|    T|     |      |      |      |      |
HCG|Ah Am As  Ed Em Es|a|pe|nt|gSize|otMag| Emag|     z|Aname1|Aname2|Aname3|Aname4
  1|00 23 23 +25 26 29|*|S3| 4| 02.9| 12.8| 13.8|      |U248  |      |      |
  2|00 28 55 +08 09 19|*|S2| 4| 07.1| 12.1| 12.9|      |U312  |      |      |
  3|00 31 39 -07 52 07|*|S2| 4| 03.8| 12.3| 13.0|      |      |      |      |
  4|00 31 46 -21 43 20|*|S1| 5| 03.6| 12.5| 13.0|      |      |      |      |
  5|00 36 19 +06 47 20|*|S2| 4| 01.6| 12.5| 13.3|      |N190  |U397  |      |
  6|00 36 38 -08 40 12|*|E3| 4| 01.6| 12.3| 13.4|      |      |      |      |
  7|00 36 50 +00 36 13|*|E2| 4| 05.7| 11.4| 12.1|      |N192  |U401  |      |
  8|00 46 57 +23 18 31|*|E2| 4| 01.2| 12.3| 13.2|      |      |      |      |
  9|00 51 51 -23 49 20| |E1| 4| 02.1| 13.1| 13.6|      |      |      |      |
 10|01 23 17 +34 25 53|*|S3| 4| 10.9| 10.1| 10.9|      |N536  |U1013 |      |
 11|01 24 11 -23 29 26| |S1| 4| 04.9| 12.1| 12.5|      |      |      |      |
 12|01 25 02 -04 55 46|*|E1| 5| 02.6| 12.9| 13.4|      |      |      |      |
 13|01 29 52 -08 08 16|*|E2| 5| 02.5| 13.3| 14.0|      |      |      |      |
 14|01 57 18 -07 16 14|*|S3| 4| 06.7| 12.1| 13.0|      |      |      |      |
 15|02 05 04 +01 54 04|*|E3| 6| 07.7| 11.7| 13.3|      |U1624 |      |      |
 16|02 07 06 -10 23 56|*|S3| 4| 06.4| 10.2| 11.4|      |ARP318|N835  |      |
 17|02 11 24 +13 04 49|*|E3| 5| 01.0| 13.7| 15.0|      |      |      |      |
 18|02 36 19 +18 10 05| |S2| 4| 02.0| 12.7| 13.4|      |ARP258|VV143 |U2140 |
 19|02 40 21 -12 37 26| |E3| 4| 03.1| 12.1| 13.0|      |      |      |      |
 20|02 41 20 +25 53 31|*|S3| 6| 01.5| 13.0| 14.5|      |      |      |      |
 21|02 42 58 -17 49 46|*|S3| 5| 10.8| 10.1| 11.0|      |N1099 |      |      |
 22|03 01 11 -15 52 14|*|E1| 5| 05.0| 10.5| 11.1|      |N1199 |      |      |
 23|03 04 41 -09 46 38|*|S3| 5| 07.1| 11.2| 12.1|      |N1214 |      |      |
 24|03 17 55 -11 02 40|*|E2| 4| 02.4| 12.7| 13.6|      |      |      |      |
 25|03 18 11 -01 13 53|*|S3| 7| 06.4| 11.8| 12.9|      |      |      |      |
 26|03 19 33 -13 49 27|*|S2| 4| 01.9| 12.7| 13.3|      |      |      |      |
 27|04 17 00 -11 49 46|*|S3| 5| 03.8| 14.0| 15.1|      |      |      |      |
 28|04 24 57 -10 25 39|*|S1| 4| 01.2| 13.2| 13.7|      |      |      |      |
 29|04 32 49 -30 38 58|*|S2| 4| 00.8| 14.8| 15.2|      |      |      |      |
 30|04 33 58 -02 55 59|*|S3| 4| 04.5| 11.6| 12.4|      |      |      |      |
 31|04 59 08 -04 19 42|*|S2| 4| 00.9| 13.5| 14.3|      |      |      |      |
 32|04 59 27 -15 29 29|*|E1| 4| 03.0| 12.7| 13.3|      |      |      |      |
 33|05 07 53 +17 58 25|*|E3| 4| 02.1| 12.4| 13.5|      |      |      |      |
 34|05 19 06 +06 37 45|*|E1| 4| 01.2| 12.7| 13.1|      |      |      |      |
 35|08 41 56 +44 42 14|*|S3| 6| 02.2| 12.4| 13.6|      |      |      |      |
 36|09 06 37 +15 59 57| |S1| 4| 01.9| 12.5| 12.9|      |      |      |      |
 37|09 10 36 +30 13 16|*|E2| 5| 03.2| 11.5| 12.1|      |      |      |      |
 38|09 24 56 +12 29 56|*|S3| 4| 02.9| 12.5| 13.8|      |      |      |      |
 39|09 26 56 -01 07 30|*|E2| 4| 01.0| 13.9| 15.1|      |      |      |      |
 40|09 36 24 -04 37 32|*|E2| 6| 01.7| 11.4| 12.5|      |      |      |      |
 41|09 54 31 +45 28 41| |S1| 4| 04.1| 11.9| 12.4|      |U5345 |      |      |
 42|09 58 00 -19 24 31|*|E1| 4| 06.0| 10.6| 10.9|      |N3091 |      |      |
 43|10 08 40 +00 12 55|*|S2| 5| 03.5| 12.4| 13.3|      |      |      |      |
 44|10 15 15 +22 03 46|*|S2| 4| 16.4| 09.3| 10.0| 0.004|ARP316|      |      |
 45|10 15 49 +59 21 38|*|S1| 4| 03.4| 13.5| 14.0|      |U5564 |      |      |
 46|10 19 19 +18 04 03|*|E3| 4| 03.6| 12.3| 13.8|      |      |      |      |
 47|10 23 08 +13 59 10|*|S1| 4| 02.3| 12.5| 12.9|      |U5644 |      |      |
 48|10 53 24 -26 49 13|*|E1| 4| 05.0| 11.6| 12.1|      |      |      |      |
 49|10 53 18 +67 26 47|*|E2| 4| 00.9| 14.4| 15.2|      |      |      |      |
 50|11 14 14 +55 11 30|*|E2| 5| 00.7| 14.4| 15.5|      |      |      |      |
 51|11 19 42 +24 34 03|*|E2| 6| 04.5| 11.5| 12.6|      |N3651 |U6388 |      |
 52|11 23 41 +21 21 51|*|S1| 4| 03.2| 12.8| 13.4|      |      |      |      |
 53|11 26 21 +21 03 07|*|S1| 4| 12.9| 11.5| 12.2|      |N3697 |U6479 |      |
 54|11 26 38 +20 51 15|*|E2| 4| 00.7| 14.3| 15.0|      |ROSE27|I700  |U6487 |
 55|11 29 09 +71 05 17|*|E3| 5| 00.9| 13.4| 14.9| 0.052|ARP329|VV172 |U6514 |
 56|11 29 47 +53 13 29|*|S3| 5| 02.1| 12.2| 13.1| 0.027|ARP322|VV150 |U6527 |
 57|11 35 14 +22 15 43|*|S2| 8| 05.5| 11.4| 12.6|      |ARP320|VV282 |U6602 |
 58|11 39 37 +10 35 40|*|S3| 5| 08.8| 12.6| 13.5|      |N3825 |U6668 |      |
 59|11 45 51 +13 00 15|*|E3| 5| 02.1| 12.5| 13.5|      |ROSE7 |      |      |
 60|12 00 32 +51 58 17|*|E2| 4| 02.3| 13.4| 14.4|      |      |      |      |
 61|12 09 52 +29 27 21|*|E3| 4| 03.8| 09.9| 11.1|      |ROSE10|N4169 |U7202 |
 62|12 50 32 -08 57 10|*|E3| 4| 03.7| 11.6| 12.4|      |      |      |      |
 63|12 59 25 -32 29 58|*|S3| 4| 02.9| 13.1| 13.9|      |      |      |      |
 64|13 23 08 -03 35 53|*|S2| 4| 01.7| 13.4| 14.4|      |      |      |      |
 65|13 27 06 -29 14 30|*|E1| 5| 01.7| 12.7| 13.6|      |      |      |      |
 66|13 36 43 +57 33 28|*|E1| 4| 01.0| 13.8| 14.5|      |VV135 |      |      |
 67|13 46 26 -06 57 26|*|E3| 4| 03.3| 11.6| 12.5|      |      |      |      |
 68|13 51 34 +40 34 24|*|E3| 5| 09.2| 09.5| 10.5| 0.008|N5353 |      |      |
 69|13 53 12 +25 18 26|*|S2| 4| 01.9| 12.2| 13.1|      |VV281 |U8842 |      |
 70|14 02 02 +33 34 01|*|S2| 6| 03.4| 12.1| 13.2|      |      |      |      |
 71|14 08 48 +25 43 11|*|S1| 4| 05.0| 12.8| 13.3|      |I4381 |U9073 |      |
 72|14 45 37 +19 16 02|*|E3| 5| 01.8| 11.9| 13.2| 0.043|ARP328|VV165 |U9532 |
 73|15 00 27 +23 32 57|*|S1| 5| 04.8| 12.5| 13.0|      |ARP42 |VV7   |N5829 |U9673
 74|15 17 14 +21 04 27|*|E2| 5| 01.9| 12.1| 12.9|      |VV139 |      |      |
 75|15 19 20 +21 21 43|*|E3| 6| 02.2| 12.4| 13.5|      |      |      |      |
 76|15 29 15 +07 28 37|*|S3| 5| 03.3| 12.3| 13.6|      |      |      |      |
 77|15 47 06 +21 58 47| |E3| 4| 00.8| 13.8| 14.8|      |U10049|      |      |
 78|15 48 15 +68 21 32| |S3| 4| 03.5| 12.7| 13.5|      |U10057|      |      |
 79|15 57 01 +20 53 34|*|E3| 5| 01.3| 11.3| 12.6| 0.015|VV115 |N6027 |U10116|
 80|15 58 44 +65 21 58|*|E2| 4| 01.7| 12.6| 13.3|      |      |      |      |
 81|16 15 53 +12 54 54|*|E3| 4| 00.9| 13.3| 14.5|      |U10319|      |      |
 82|16 26 28 +32 55 59|*|E2| 4| 03.1| 12.2| 13.1|      |N6162 |U10403|      |
 83|16 33 14 +06 22 17|*|E3| 4| 01.9| 13.8| 14.8|      |      |      |      |
 84|16 46 29 +77 55 31|*|E3| 6| 02.4| 13.5| 14.7|      |      |      |      |
 85|18 51 26 +73 17 19|*|E3| 4| 01.3| 12.8| 13.6|      |      |      |      |
 86|19 48 50 -30 57 18|*|E2| 4| 04.0| 12.3| 13.2|      |      |      |      |
 87|20 45 20 -20 01 33|*|S1| 4| 01.5| 12.4| 12.9|      |      |      |      |
 88|20 49 44 -05 56 49|*|S3| 4| 05.2| 11.3| 12.2| 0.020|N6978 |      |      |
 89|21 17 34 -04 07 17|*|S2| 4| 04.8| 13.7| 14.6|      |      |      |      |
 90|21 59 11 -32 12 30|*|E3| 4| 07.4| 09.1| 10.1| 0.009|N7172 |      |      |
 91|22 06 22 -28 01 18|*|S1| 4| 05.2| 11.7| 12.3|      |      |      |      |
 92|22 33 43 +33 42 23|*|S2| 5| 03.2| 11.1| 12.0| 0.020|ARP319|VV288 |N7320 |U12101
 93|23 12 55 +18 42 37|*|E3| 5| 09.0| 10.9| 12.0|      |ARP99 |N7550 |U12456|
 94|23 14 47 +18 26 47|*|E1| 7| 02.8| 12.3| 13.1|      |ARP170|N7578 |U12478|
 95|23 17 00 +09 13 05|*|E3| 4| 01.5| 11.9| 13.1|      |ARP150|VV20  |N7609 |
 96|23 25 26 +08 29 55|*|S2| 4| 02.3| 11.5| 12.0|      |ARP182|VV343 |N7674 |U12608
 97|23 44 53 -02 34 60|*|E2| 5| 05.2| 11.5| 12.4|      |      |      |      |
 98|23 51 39 +00 05 42|*|E2| 4| 02.4| 11.5| 12.2| 0.026|ARP323|VV208 |N7783 |U12837
 99|23 58 10 +28 06 38|*|S2| 4| 02.4| 12.2| 13.0|      |U12896|      |      |
100|23 58 47 +12 51 15|*|S1| 4| 03.6| 11.5| 12.1|      |N7803 |U12906|      |