Translation from FITS for: J/A+A/414/699/./hrfit/hd180617.fits

Summary of FITS file J/A+A/414/699/hrfit/hd180617.fits:
--- hrfit/hd180617.fits      ⇩Download⇩ file
ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname
000     main -32 (18486)              29b [Wavelength=3889.77/6649.74(0.149309)Angstroms]

The header of the FITS file is listed below.
#--- hrfit/hd180617.fits
#ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname

#000     main -32 (18486)              29b [Wavelength=3889.77/6649.74(0.149309)
SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    1 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                18486 / Axis length
ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 1999' / FITS file originator
EXTEND  =                    F / File may contain extensions
DATE    = '2003-09-29T15:33:35' / Date FITS file was generated
IRAF-TLM= '11:31:40 (21/07/2003)' / Time of last modification
OBJECT  = 'hd 180617'          / Name of the object observed
OBSERVAT= 'CASLEO             '  / observatory
DATE-OBS= '2002-04-01         '  / date (yyyy-mm-dd) of obs.
UT      = 08:26:10               / universal time
ST      = 16:25:44               / sidereal time
HA      = -02:51:01              / hour angle
RA      = 19:16:45               / right ascension
DEC     = +05:07:01              / declination
EPOCH   =               2002.2   / epoch of ra and dec
ZD      =                 54.9   / zenith distance
AIRMASS =                  1.7   / airmass
EXPTIME =                6000.   / integration time
TELESCOP= '2.15m              '  / telescope name
DETECTOR= 'TK 1K              '  / detector
GAIN    =                 1.98   / gain, electrons per adu
RDNOISE =                 7.40   / read noise
IMAGETYP= 'object             '  / object, dark, zero, etc.
OBSERVER= 'Carolina Cincunegui '
WCSDIM  =                    1
LTM1_1  =                   1.
WAT0_001= 'system=equispec'
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=Angstroms'
TRIM    = 'Jun 24 19:12 Trim data section is [70:935,3:1023]'
OVERSCAN= 'Jun 24 19:12 Overscan section is [70:935,1026:1034] with mean=1023.0'
CCDSEC  = '[70:935,3:1023]'
CCDPROC = 'Jun 24 19:13 CCD processing done'
ZEROCOR = 'Jun 24 19:12 Zero level correction image is zero310302'
CDELT1  =     0.14930871129036
CD1_1   =     0.14930871129036
DC-FLAG =                    0
EX-FLAG =                    0
CA-FLAG =                    0
BUNIT   = 'erg/cm2/s/A'
BANDID1 = 'spectrum - background fit, weights none, clean no'
APNUM1  = '1 34 954.54 968.48'
CRVAL1  =      3862.8930664062
CRPIX1  =                -179.
NCOMBINE=                   24
LTV1    =                -180.
COMMENT1= 'grating: 316 l/mm - angle: 5 20'
COMMENT2= 'decker: 8 - slit: 300 u'