% MEMO PSIZZL1 - memo macros % % \memodate{} The default date is today's date, % but here's how you can change it. % % \group{} Put your group name here. % % \memoto{} To whom the memo is addressed % % \memofrom{} Who it's from % % \memotopic{} The topic of the memo % % \memoside{^\singlesided^\doublesided^\quadsided} % The output page format can be chosen % this way. Choose one. % % \let\memosize\mediumtype Choose one alternative % \let\memosize\mediumtype You may switch between type sizes % % \beginmemo Following this you put the text. % % Enter your text here % % \endmemo This will end the memo % \def\group#1{\gdef\gr@up{#1}}% \group{}% \def\memodate#1{\gdef\m@modate{#1}}% \memodate{\d@te}% % \def\memoto#1{\gdef\m@moto{#1}}% \memoto{}% % \def\memofrom#1{\gdef\m@mofrom{#1}}% \memofrom{}% % \def\memotopic#1{\gdef\m@motopic{#1}}% \memotopic{}% % \def\memoside#1{\gdef\m@moside{#1}}% \memoside{\doublesided}% % \def\endmemo{\endpage\fr@ntfalse}% % \def\memosize{\relax\mediumtype\normalbaselines}% % \def\beginmemo{% \resetm@mo \line{{\bf \gr@up\ MEMO} \hfill \m@modate}% \halign{\parindent0pt \hfil##\qquad&\vtop{\hsize.8\refsize##}\hfil\cr \cp To:&\m@moto\cr \cp From:&\m@mofrom\cr \cp Topic:&\m@motopic\cr }% \par \vskip 12pt \hrule height .8pt \par \vskip 12pt }% % \def\resetm@mo{% \endpage \memosize \m@moside % may be single, double, or quad sided \p@geclear \fr@nttrue }% \def\endmemo{% \par \line{% \vbox{% {\singlespace \c@pies }% }% \hfil }% \vfil\eject \gdef\c@pies{}% }%