
Subdirectories represent pages of MNRAS vol. 403

drwxr-xr-x 298 cats archive 8192 Apr 13 15:32 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 49 Apr 19 2010 .message drwxr-xr-x 4 cats archive 290 Jan 13 2023 L54 -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 11396 Nov 7 2014 ReadMe drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 266 Jan 13 2023 429 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 545 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 683 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 287 Jan 13 2023 896 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 314 Apr 20 2023 945 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 327 Jan 13 2023 996 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1089 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 12 2023 1213 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 327 Jan 13 2023 1368 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1413 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 273 Jan 13 2023 1474 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 May 26 2023 1491 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 235 Jan 12 2023 1541 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 273 Jan 13 2023 1577 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1592 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 259 Jan 13 2023 1625 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 323 Jan 13 2023 1949 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 333 Jan 12 2023 2012 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 241 Jan 13 2023 2041 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 295 Jan 13 2023 2063 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 242 Jan 13 2023 2157
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/L54/ReadMe: 103x80 14b 0b Lyalpha emitters (LAE) in A1689-7.1 (Matsuda+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/L54/tables1.dat: 51x85 10b 5b # Properties of the 51 candidate z=4.86 LAEs in J/MNRAS/403/L54 =====>: 154x8575 24b 5b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/429/ReadMe: 63x80 8b 0b Candidate globular clusters in NGC 5170 (Forbes+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/429/table1.dat: 142x81 24b 10b Candidate GCs in NGC 5170 J/MNRAS/403/429 =====>: 205x8142 32b 10b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/545/ReadMe: 141x80 17b 0b Young stars in Cepheus OB3b (Littlefair+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/545/flags.dat: 18x84 4b 2b Flags J/MNRAS/403/545/table1.dat: 41883x09 10145b 3301b Photometry for the INT WFC field observed J/MNRAS/403/545/table2.dat: 704x11 165b 55b Data on the detected periodic variables J/MNRAS/403/545 =====>: 42746x1273 10331b 3358b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/683/ReadMe: 199x80 26b 0b GALEX Arecibo SDSS survey (GASS) (Catinella+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/683/appen.dat: 183x80 23b 9b Individual notes J/MNRAS/403/683/table1.dat: 176x86 31b 14b Relevant SDSS and UV quantities for the GASS J/MNRAS/403/683/table2.dat: 99x93 20b 9b HI properties of GASS detections J/MNRAS/403/683/table3.dat: 77x55 10b 5b GASS non-detection J/MNRAS/403/683 =====>: 734x9338 110b 37b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/896/ReadMe: 74x80 10b 0b Electron temperatures of SDSS HII regions (Pilyugin+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/896/tablea1.dat: 181x9 34b 15b Dereddened line intensities and electron J/MNRAS/403/896 =====>: 255x9272 44b 15b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/945/ReadMe: 92x80 12b 0b Swift/XRT obs. of unidentified IBIS sources (Landi+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/945/table1.dat: 50x50 6b 3b Log of the Swift/XRT observations used in J/MNRAS/403/945/table2.dat: 53x179 14b 5b INTEGRAL/IBIS position of the 20 selected sources J/MNRAS/403/945 =====>: 195x1747 32b 8b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/996/ReadMe: 127x80 15b 0b Extended structures in SMC and LMC (Bonatto+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/996/refs.dat: 36x101 6b 3b References J/MNRAS/403/996/table2.dat: 690x23 189b 33b Old SMC and LMC clusters from CMDs, COLours and J/MNRAS/403/996 =====>: 853x2316 210b 36b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1089/ReadMe: 203x80 25b 0b Short Title (Phillips+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1089/table2.dat: 43x23 9b 4b Reference abbreviations used in tables J/MNRAS/403/1089/table3.dat: 629x7 92b 22b System information J/MNRAS/403/1089/table4.dat: 874x8 152b 44b Component names, positions and proper motions J/MNRAS/403/1089/table5.dat: 512x9 97b 25b A-K primary spectral types, Tycho photometry J/MNRAS/403/1089/table6.dat: 117x7 18b 5b M-type primary spectral types, effective J/MNRAS/403/1089/table7.dat: 875x1 244b 77b Component cross identifications with common J/MNRAS/403/1089/table8.dat: 627x8 82b 24b Notes for specific systems J/MNRAS/403/1089 =====>: 3880x2027 719b 201b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1213/ReadMe: 109x80 14b 0b Tracers of stellar mass-loss. I. (Gonzalez-Lopezlira+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1213/table1.dat: 342x6 47b 14b Colours for CB09 models with fiducial mass-loss J/MNRAS/403/1213/table2.dat: 342x6 47b 14b Colours for CB09 models with fiducial mass-loss J/MNRAS/403/1213/table3.dat: 342x7 54b 18b Surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) amplitudes J/MNRAS/403/1213/table4.dat: 342x7 54b 18b Surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) amplitudes J/MNRAS/403/1213 =====>: 1477x8216 216b 64b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1368/ReadMe: 108x80 13b 0b Li abundances & vsini for star-planet systems (Gonzalez+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1368/table1.dat: 61x10 14b 6b Parameters determined from our spectroscopic J/MNRAS/403/1368/table2.dat: 38x10 10b 5b *Parameters determined from our spectroscopic J/MNRAS/403/1368/table3.dat: 60x11 15b 6b Parameters determined for the comparison stars J/MNRAS/403/1368 =====>: 267x1232 52b 17b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1413/ReadMe: 111x80 14b 0b Updated stellar yields from AGB models (Karakas, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1413/tablea1.dat: 727x7 345b 115b Structural information from the new AGB models J/MNRAS/403/1413/tablea2.dat: 123236 300b 57b The stellar yields for the Z = 0.02 model J/MNRAS/403/1413/tablea3.dat: 115565 281b 55b The stellar yields for the Z = 0.008 model J/MNRAS/403/1413/tablea4.dat: 115565 281b 55b The stellar yields for the Z = 0.004 model J/MNRAS/403/1413/tablea5.dat: 123236 300b 60b The stellar yields for the Z = 0.0001 model J/MNRAS/403/1413/tablea6.dat: 308x 76b 17b The stellar yields for the models with partial J/MNRAS/403/1413 =====>: 5920x2173 1597b 359b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1474/ReadMe: 69x80 9b 0b 70um-selected galaxies (Symeonidis+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1474/table4.dat: 61x13 14b 5b The 70um sample J/MNRAS/403/1474 =====>: 130x1633 23b 5b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1491/ReadMe: 104x80 13b 0b Synthetic clusters integrated magnitudes (Pandey+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1491/table1.dat: 136x8 23b 6b Integrated magnitude and colours of synthetic cluster J/MNRAS/403/1491/table2.dat: 136x8 23b 8b Integrated magnitude and colours of synthetic cluster J/MNRAS/403/1491/table3.dat: 66x60 9b 4b Observed MS integrated magnitude and colours of J/MNRAS/403/1491/table4.dat: 685x4 64b 19b Observed MS integrated magnitude and colours of J/MNRAS/403/1491/table5.dat: 229x4 23b 7b Observed MS integrated magnitude and colours of J/MNRAS/403/1491 =====>: 1356x8084 155b 44b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1541/ReadMe: 96x80 12b 0b Lyman and Werner molecular hydrogen transitions (Malec+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1541/table1.dat: 400x6 53b 18b Data for Lyman and Werner transitions J/MNRAS/403/1541 =====>: 496x8680 65b 18b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1577/ReadMe: 116x80 15b 0b Polarization towards open cluster NGC 6823 (Medhi+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1577/table2.dat: 104x7 16b 7b Observed B, V and Rc polarization values for J/MNRAS/403/1577/table4.dat: 104x6 15b 6b Values of Pmax, lambadmax, sigma1 and J/MNRAS/403/1577 =====>: 324x8944 46b 13b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1592/ReadMe: 259x80 31b 0b Cool stars in galactic clusters (Buzzoni+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1592/table1.dat: 21x11 6b 0b Cluster properties and stellar database for J/MNRAS/403/1592/table2.dat: 18x71 4b 0b Cluster properties and stellar database for J/MNRAS/403/1592/table3.dat: 17x11 5b 0b Cluster properties and stellar database for J/MNRAS/403/1592/table4.dat: 16x13 6b 0b Cluster properties and stellar database for J/MNRAS/403/1592/table5.dat: 20x11 6b 0b Cluster properties and stellar database for J/MNRAS/403/1592/table8.dat: 56x68 9b 4b *Standard synthetic photometry from SED of target J/MNRAS/403/1592/table9.dat: 36x68 6b 3b *Standard synthetic photometry from SED of target J/MNRAS/403/1592/table11.dat: 54x8 11b 5b Inferred temperatures, bolometric magnitude and J/MNRAS/403/1592/table12.dat: 29x8 7b 4b Inferred temperatures, bolometric magnitude and J/MNRAS/403/1592 =====>: 526x1301 91b 16b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1625/ReadMe: 47x80 6b 0b Method for orientation angles of galaxies (Fridman+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1625/table1.dat: 72x21 5b 3b Positional and inclination angles obtained using J/MNRAS/403/1625 =====>: 119x8272 11b 3b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/1949/ReadMe: 115x80 14b 0b UBV(RcIc)JHK phot. of HIP nearby stars (Koen+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/1949/table1.dat: 721x9 134b 43b Mean UBVRI photometry, distances and spectral J/MNRAS/403/1949/table2.dat: 13x93 4b 3b Mean UBVRI photometry, distances and spectral J/MNRAS/403/1949/table3.dat: 357x4 31b 12b JHKL photometry for Hipparcos nearby stars J/MNRAS/403/1949/table4.dat: 7x47 2b 0b JHKL photometry for Hipparcos stars with r>30pc J/MNRAS/403/1949 =====>: 1213x9785 185b 58b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/2012/ReadMe: 99x80 12b 0b PopStar II. Giant HII regions models (Martin-Manjon+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/2012/table1.dat: 14x50 3b 2b Abundances J/MNRAS/403/2012/table2a.dat: 924x0 288b 85b Emission lines intensities for ne=10cm^-1 J/MNRAS/403/2012/table2b.dat: 924x6 288b 88b Emission lines intensities for ne=100cm^-1 J/MNRAS/403/2012 =====>: 1961x1376 591b 175b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/2041/ReadMe: 79x80 10b 0b NGC 6124 brightest stars optical polarization (Vergne+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/2041/table2.dat: 46x12 13b 6b Polarimetric observations of stars in NGC 6124 J/MNRAS/403/2041 =====>: 125x1932 23b 6b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/2063/ReadMe: 139x80 18b 0b SXDF X-ray groups and galaxy clusters (Finoguenov+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/2063/table1.dat: 57x11 14b 6b Catalogue of the SXDF X-ray selected galaxy J/MNRAS/403/2063/table2.dat: 132x3 10b 4b Spectroscopic redshifts of cluster member J/MNRAS/403/2063/table3.dat: 6x79 2b 0b Properties of extended X-ray emission associated J/MNRAS/403/2063 =====>: 334x1487 44b 10b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/MNRAS/403/2157/ReadMe: 87x80 11b 0b Main-sequence star chromospheres (Houdebine+, 2010) J/MNRAS/403/2157/table1.dat: 602x6 77b 18b List of the spectral lines sensitive to J/MNRAS/403/2157/table1a.dat: 32x2 3b 0b Total results for each Flux sets J/MNRAS/403/2157 =====>: 721x8718 91b 18b Total