
Subdirectories represent pages of ApJ vol. 702

drwxr-xr-x 548 cats archive 12288 Mar 22 14:37 [Up] -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 47 Sep 26 2011 .message -rw-r--r-- 1 cats archive 6321 May 14 2012 ReadMe drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 178 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 222 Jan 13 2023 226 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 278 Jan 13 2023 403 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 441 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Feb 14 2023 489 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 767 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 318 Jan 13 2023 940 drwxr-xr-x 3 cats archive 331 Jan 13 2023 955 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 261 Jan 13 2023 1230 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 222 Jan 13 2023 1353 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 293 Jan 13 2023 1472 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 4096 Jan 13 2023 1507 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 269 Jan 13 2023 1567 drwxr-xr-x 2 cats archive 301 Jan 13 2023 1615
Beginning of ReadMe : File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/178/ReadMe: 223x80 27b 0b YSOs in the central 400pc of the MW (Yusef-Zadeh+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/178/table1.dat: 18x61 4b 0b The Galactic coordinates and flux density of J/ApJ/702/178/table3.dat: 223x88 40b 13b The parameters of the SED fits to candidate J/ApJ/702/178/table4.dat: 137x88 25b 9b The parameters of the SED fits to candidate J/ApJ/702/178/table5.dat: 33x69 5b 0b Table of sources with 4.5um Excess Emission J/ApJ/702/178/table6.dat: 9x58 2b 0b Table of 70um Sources J/ApJ/702/178/table7.dat: 21x55 4b 0b Table of Methanol class I maser sources J/ApJ/702/178/table8.dat: 23x55 4b 0b Table of Methanol class II maser sources J/ApJ/702/178/table9.dat: 14x90 4b 0b The parameters of SED fits to 4.5um excess J/ApJ/702/178/table10.dat: 19x88 5b 0b The parameters of SED fits to 4.5um excess J/ApJ/702/178 =====>: 720x90 120b 22b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/226/ReadMe: 84x80 11b 0b Extensive panchromatic observations of SN 2008D (Modjaz+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/226/table5.dat: 121x40 11b 5b Swift/UVOT photometry of SN 2008D J/ApJ/702/226 =====>: 205x80 22b 5b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/403/ReadMe: 99x80 13b 0b Ellipsoidal variable V1197 Orionis (Wilson+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/403/table1.dat: 8140x20 335b 75b V1197 Ori Stara Lesna differential R_C_ CCD J/ApJ/702/403/table3.dat: 742x107 158b 37b V1197 Ori photometric observations J/ApJ/702/403 =====>: 8981x107 506b 112b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/441/ReadMe: 174x80 22b 0b The growth of black holes (Greene+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/441/table1.dat: 15x70 3b 0b Sample and observations J/ApJ/702/441/table2.dat: 15x80 4b 3b Galaxy properties J/ApJ/702/441/table3.dat: 111x83 20b 0b Additional SDSS sample J/ApJ/702/441/table4.dat: 15x79 4b 3b Line emission and blue light J/ApJ/702/441 =====>: 330x83 53b 6b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/489/ReadMe: 148x80 19b 0b Looking into the fireball (Rykoff+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/489/refs.dat: 37x42 4b 3b References J/ApJ/702/489/table1.dat: 13x108 4b 3b Summary of GRBs and ROTSE-III responses J/ApJ/702/489/table2.dat: 444x79 60b 18b ROTSE-III C_R_ optical photometry J/ApJ/702/489 =====>: 642x108 87b 24b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/767/ReadMe: 105x80 14b 0b Origins of CIV and FeKalpha Baldwin Effects (Wu+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/767/table2.dat: 272x73 41b 14b UV properties of the combined sample J/ApJ/702/767/table3.dat: 50x111 12b 5b UV and X-ray properties of Sample A objects J/ApJ/702/767 =====>: 427x111 67b 19b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/940/ReadMe: 123x80 16b 0b Properties and origin of the HVC toward the LMC (Lehner+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/940/table1.dat: 139x140 39b 10b Summary of the measurements for the J/ApJ/702/940 =====>: 262x140 55b 10b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/955/ReadMe: 102x80 13b 0b Nearby galaxies in the 2um. I. K-band LFs (Devereux+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/955/table1.dat: 1575x92 283b 117b *K10/3000 Galaxy Sample J/ApJ/702/955 =====>: 1677x92 296b 117b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/1230/ReadMe: 79x80 10b 0b Rotation measure image of the sky (Taylor+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/1230/catalog.dat: 37543x15 7774b 2680b NVSS rotation measure catalog J/ApJ/702/1230 =====>: 37622x1055 7784b 2680b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/1353/ReadMe: 102x80 13b 0b Light curve Hbeta and V-band of NGC 4051 (Denney+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/1353/table1.dat: 235x37 18b 5b V-band, continuum, and Hbeta fluxes for NGC 4051 J/ApJ/702/1353 =====>: 337x80 5 31b 5b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/1472/ReadMe: 127x80 16b 0b The extension of transition temperature plasma (Savage+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/1472/table2.dat: 140x129 37b 12b Column densities J/ApJ/702/1472 =====>: 267x1290 53b 12b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/1507/ReadMe: 204x80 25b 0b Mid-IR photometry in IC 1396A (Morales-Calderon+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/1507/table1.dat: 15x144 6b 3b New candidates photometry from the co-added J/ApJ/702/1507/table2.dat: 69x116 17b 6b Long-term variability: main results from mapping J/ApJ/702/1507/table3.dat: 1148x76 174b 41b Time series in the four IRAC bands for the J/ApJ/702/1507/table6.dat: 46x121 12b 5b Photometry for the variable objects found in the J/ApJ/702/1507 =====>: 1482x1448 234b 55b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/1567/ReadMe: 80x80 10b 0b Structure of 2MASS edge-on galaxies (Bizyaev+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/1567/table1.dat: 139x61 18b 7b The structural parameters of the galaxies J/ApJ/702/1567 =====>: 219x80 9 28b 7b Total File: NrecxLrec Unix Z Explanation J/ApJ/702/1615/ReadMe: 149x80 19b 0b Class I and II CH_3_OH maser survey of EGOs (Cyganowski+, 2009) J/ApJ/702/1615/sample.dat: 22x97 5b 3b Extended Green Objects (EGO) sample (table 5 and J/ApJ/702/1615/table7.dat: 1206x69 166b 35b Fitted properties: 6.7GHz masers J/ApJ/702/1615/table8.dat: 1524x69 210b 39b Fitted properties: 44GHz masers J/ApJ/702/1615 =====>: 2901x97 4 400b 77b Total