FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/VII/243/ into FORTRAN code for reading data files line by line.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-17
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. VII/243                 SDSS quasar catalog. III.            (Schneider+, 2005)
*The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog. III. Third data release.
*    Schneider D.P., Hall P.B., Richards G.T., Vanden Berk D.E., Anderson S.F.,
*    Fan X., Jester S., Stoughton C., Strauss M.A., Subbarao M., Brandt W.N.,
*    Gunn J.E., Yanny B., Bahcall N.A., Barentine J.C., Blanton M.R.,
*    Boroski W.N., Brewington H.J., Brinkmann J., Brunner R., Csabai I., Doi M.,
*    Eisenstein D.J., Frieman J.A., Fukugita M., Gray J., Harvanek M.,
*    Heckman T.M., Ivezic Z., Kent S., Kleinman S.J., Knapp G.R., Kron R.G.,
*    Krzesinski J., Long D.C., Loveday J., Lupton R.H., Margon B., Munn J.A.,
*    Neilsen E.H., Newberg H.J., Newman P.R., Nichol R.C., Nitta A., Pier J.R.,
*    Rockosi C.M., Saxe D.H., Schlegel D.J., Snedden S.A., Szalay A.S.,
*    Thakar A.R., Uomoto A., Voges W., York D.G.
*   <Astron. J., 130, 367-380 (2005)>
*   =2005AJ....130..367S

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'dr3qso.dat'	! The SDSS quasar catalog III

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=46420)	! Number of records
      character*424 ar__   	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      character*18  SDSS        ! Object Designation (1)
      real*8        RAdeg       ! (deg) Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        DEdeg       ! (deg) Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*4        z           ! Redshift
      real*4        umag        ! (mag) SDSS u band PSF magnitude (2)
      real*4        e_umag      ! (mag) Error in umag
      real*4        gmag        ! (mag) SDSS g band PSF magnitude (2)
      real*4        e_gmag      ! (mag) Error in gmag
      real*4        rmag        ! (mag) SDSS r band PSF magnitude (2)
      real*4        e_rmag      ! (mag) Error in rmag
      real*4        imag        ! (mag) SDSS i band PSF magnitude (2)
      real*4        e_imag      ! (mag) Error in imag
      real*4        zmag        ! (mag) SDSS z band PSF magnitude (2)
      real*4        e_zmag      ! (mag) Error in zmag
      real*4        Au          ! (mag) Galactic absorption in u band (3)
      real*4        logHI       ! ([cm-2]) Log of the Galactic HI column density
      real*4        F20cm       ! (mag) FIRST 20cm peak flux density in AB mags (4)
      real*8        w_F20cm     ! The S/N ratio for FIRST flux
      real*4        sepR        ! (arcsec) The SDSS/FIRST separation
      integer*4     fRo         ! [0,1] FIRST flux at optical position but no
*                                  source in FIRST catalog flag (5)
      integer*4     fR1         ! FIRST source a distance between 2"-30" from
*                                  the optical position (6)
      real*4        logX        ! ([ct/s]) ?=-9.000 RASS BSC/FSC full band count rate (7)
      real*4        w_logX      ! The S/N ratio for RASS count rate
      real*4        sepX        ! (arcsec) The SDSS/RASS separation
      real*4        Jmag        ! (mag) ?=0.000 The 2MASS J magnitude (8)
      real*4        e_Jmag      ! (mag) Error in Jmag
      real*4        Hmag        ! (mag) ?=0.000 The 2MASS H magnitude (8)
      real*4        e_Hmag      ! (mag) Error in Hmag
      real*4        Kmag        ! (mag) ?=0.000 The 2MASS K magnitude (8)
      real*4        e_Kmag      ! (mag) Error in Kmag
      real*4        sepH        ! (arcsec) The SDSS/2MASS separation
      real*8        iMAG_1      ! (mag) Absolute i magnitude (9)
      integer*4     Mph         ! [0,1] The morphology flag (10)
      integer*4     S1          ! [0,1] The SCIENCEPRIMARY flag (11)
      integer*4     mode        ! [1,3] SDSS mode (blends, overlapping scans)
*                                  flag (12)
      integer*4     tFlagB      ! Target selection flag (BEST)
      integer*4     Lz          ! [0,1] Low-z Quasar (color selection only)
*                                  target flag (13)
      integer*4     Hz          ! [0,1] High-z Quasar (color selection only)
*                                  target flag (13)
      integer*4     fR          ! [0,1] FIRST target flag (13)
      integer*4     fX          ! [0,1] ROSAT target flag (13)
      integer*4     fS          ! [0,1] Serendipity target flag (13)
      integer*4     f_          ! [0,1] Star target flag (13)
      integer*4     fG          ! [0,1] Galaxy target flag (13)
      integer*4     run         ! Imaging run number for photometric measurements
      integer*4     MJD_Im      ! Modified Julian Date of imaging obs.
      integer*4     MJD_Sp      ! Modified Julian Date of spectroscopic obs.
      integer*4     Pnum        ! Spectroscopic Plate Number
      integer*4     Fnum        ! Spectroscopic Fiber Number
      integer*4     rerun       ! SDSS Photometric Processing Rerun Number
      integer*4     Cam         ! SDSS Camera Column Number
      integer*4     Frame       ! SDSS Frame Number
      integer*4     Obj         ! SDSS Object Number
      integer*4     Ch          ! SDSS Chunk Number
      integer*4     tFlagT      ! Target selection flag (TARGET)
      real*4        uPSF        ! (mag) ?=0.000 SDSS (TARGET) u band PSF magnitude (14)
      real*4        e_uPSF      ! (mag) Error in uPSF
      real*4        gPSF        ! (mag) ?=0.000 SDSS (TARGET) g band PSF magnitude (14)
      real*4        e_gPSF      ! (mag) Error in gPSF
      real*4        rPSF        ! (mag) ?=0.000 SDSS (TARGET) r band PSF magnitude (14)
      real*4        e_rPSF      ! (mag) Error in rPSF
      real*4        iPSF        ! (mag) ?=0.000 SDSS (TARGET) i band PSF magnitude (14)
      real*4        e_iPSF      ! (mag) Error in iPSF
      real*4        zPSF        ! (mag) ?=0.000 SDSS (TARGET) z band PSF magnitude (14)
      real*4        e_zPSF      ! (mag) Error in zPSF
      character*25  Prev        ! Object name if previously published (15)
*Note (1): (J2000; truncated coordinates).
*Note (2): SDSS photometric measurements are asinh magnitudes (Lupton, Gunn, &
*          Szalay 1999AJ....118.1406L) and are normalized (to ~3% accuracy) to
*          the AB-magnitude system (Oke & Gunn 1983ApJ...266..713O). Note that
*          the ugriz magnitudes are not corrected for Galactic absorption.  All
*          measurements are from BEST processing if available.
*Note (3): Where A_g_, A_r_, A_i_, A_z_ = 0.736, 0.534, 0.405, 0.287 x A_u_.
*Note (4): AB mag -2.5 log_10_[f_nu_/3631 Jy].
*    0.000 = no detection;
*    -1.000 = not in FIRST survey area.
*Note (5): FIRST flux at optical position but no source in FIRST catalog flag,
*          defined as follows:
*    0 = no detectable flux;
*    1 = detectable flux.
*Note (6): Existence of FIRST source at a distance between 2"-30" from the
*          optical position, defined as follows:
*    0 = no such source;
*    1 = source exists.
*Note (7): X-ray data from ROSAT All Sky Survey Bright (Cat. <IX/10>) and Faint
*          (IX/29) source catalogs.
*    -9.000 = no detection.
*Note (8): All 2MASS data are from the 2MASS All-Sky Data Release  Point Source
*          Catalog (PSC) 2003 March 25.  Note that 2MASS measurements are
*          Vega-based, not AB, magnitudes.
*    0.000 = no detection.
*Note (9): For H_0_=70.0; {Omega}_M_=0.300; {Omega}_{Lambda}_=0.700;
*          {alpha}_Q_=-0.50.
*Note (10): Morphology flag, defined as follows:
*    0 = point source;
*    1 = extended.
*Note (11): SCIENCEPRIMARY flag, defined as follows:
*    0 = Object is not SCIENCEPRIMARY;
*    1 = Object is SCIENCEPRIMARY.
*Note (12): SDSS MODE flag, defined as follows:
*    1 = Primary object;
*    2 = Secondary observation;
*    3 = Family observation.
*Note (13): Target flags, defined as follows:
*    0 = not targeted;
*    1 = targeted.
*Note (14): 0.000 indicates the value could not be retrieved from SDSS database.
*Note (15): "SDSS" in this column indicates that the object is a previously
*           published SDSS discovery.


C  Loading file 'dr3qso.dat'	! The SDSS quasar catalog III

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(
     +  A18,1X,F10.6,1X,F10.6,1X,F6.4,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,
     +  1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F7.3,1X,F6.3,2X,I1,2X,I1,2X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,2X,F5.3,
     +  1X,F7.3,2X,I1,2X,I1,2X,I1,3X,I9,2X,I1,2X,I1,2X,I1,2X,I1,2X,I1,
     +  2X,I1,2X,I1,2X,I4,1X,I5,1X,I5,1X,I4,1X,I4,2X,I2,2X,I1,1X,I4,
     +  1X,I4,2X,I2,3X,I9,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,
     +  F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,A25)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: dr3qso.dat'
      do i__=1,46420
     +  SDSS,RAdeg,DEdeg,z,umag,e_umag,gmag,e_gmag,rmag,e_rmag,imag,
     +  e_imag,zmag,e_zmag,Au,logHI,F20cm,w_F20cm,sepR,fRo,fR1,logX,
     +  w_logX,sepX,Jmag,e_Jmag,Hmag,e_Hmag,Kmag,e_Kmag,sepH,iMAG_1,
     +  Mph,S1,mode,tFlagB,Lz,Hz,fR,fX,fS,f_,fG,run,MJD_Im,MJD_Sp,
     +  Pnum,Fnum,rerun,Cam,Frame,Obj,Ch,tFlagT,uPSF,e_uPSF,gPSF,
     +  e_gPSF,rPSF,e_rPSF,iPSF,e_iPSF,zPSF,e_zPSF,Prev
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  SDSS,RAdeg,DEdeg,z,umag,e_umag,gmag,e_gmag,rmag,e_rmag,imag,
     +  e_imag,zmag,e_zmag,Au,logHI,F20cm,w_F20cm,sepR,fRo,fR1,logX,
     +  w_logX,sepX,Jmag,e_Jmag,Hmag,e_Hmag,Kmag,e_Kmag,sepH,iMAG_1,
     +  Mph,S1,mode,tFlagB,Lz,Hz,fR,fX,fS,f_,fG,run,MJD_Im,MJD_Sp,
     +  Pnum,Fnum,rerun,Cam,Frame,Obj,Ch,tFlagT,uPSF,e_uPSF,gPSF,
     +  e_gPSF,rPSF,e_rPSF,iPSF,e_iPSF,zPSF,e_zPSF,Prev
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
