FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/VI/40 into FORTRAN code for reading data files line by line.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-19
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. VI/40       Revised Yale Isochrones and Luminosity Functions (Green+ 1987)
*The Revised Yale Isochrones and Luminosity Functions
*    Green E.M., Demarque P., and King C.R.
*    <Yale University Observatory, New Haven, Connecticut (1987)>

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'header.dat'	! The isochrone header file

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=644)	! Number of records
      character*23 ar__   	! Full-size record

      character*9   Name        ! Isochrone filename
      integer*4     IGB         ! *Evolutionary status
      integer*4     Npts        ! Number of points for this isochrone
      real*4        Alpha       ! *[1.50] Mixing length to scale height ratio
*Note on IGB:
*  0 indicates Main Sequence (MS) turnoff only
* -1 means Red Giant branch (RGB) included
*Note on Alpha:
*  Effective convective mixing length to pressure scale height ratio,
*  always 1.50.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.112'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-1 and Y=0.20

      integer*4 nr__1
      parameter (nr__1=2374)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__1  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP         ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag       ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE         ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y           ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z           ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass        ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff        ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin       ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1         ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2         ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3         ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V           ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B         ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V         ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R         ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I         ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.113'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-1 and Y=0.30

      integer*4 nr__2
      parameter (nr__2=2457)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__2  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_1       ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_1     ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_1       ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_1         ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_1         ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_1      ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_1      ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_1     ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_1       ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_1       ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_1       ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_1         ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_1       ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_1       ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_1       ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_1       ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.121'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-2 and Y=0.10

      integer*4 nr__3
      parameter (nr__3=3100)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__3  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_2       ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_2     ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_2       ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_2         ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_2         ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_2      ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_2      ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_2     ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_2       ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_2       ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_2       ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_2         ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_2       ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_2       ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_2       ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_2       ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.122'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-2 and Y=0.20

      integer*4 nr__4
      parameter (nr__4=4673)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__4  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_3       ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_3     ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_3       ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_3         ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_3         ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_3      ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_3      ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_3     ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_3       ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_3       ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_3       ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_3         ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_3       ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_3       ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_3       ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_3       ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.123'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-2 and Y=0.30

      integer*4 nr__5
      parameter (nr__5=4440)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__5  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_4       ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_4     ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_4       ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_4         ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_4         ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_4      ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_4      ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_4     ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_4       ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_4       ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_4       ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_4         ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_4       ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_4       ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_4       ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_4       ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.124'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-2 and Y=0.40

      integer*4 nr__6
      parameter (nr__6=3963)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__6  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_5       ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_5     ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_5       ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_5         ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_5         ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_5      ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_5      ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_5     ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_5       ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_5       ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_5       ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_5         ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_5       ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_5       ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_5       ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_5       ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.131'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-3 and Y=0.10

      integer*4 nr__7
      parameter (nr__7=2466)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__7  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_6       ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_6     ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_6       ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_6         ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_6         ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_6      ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_6      ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_6     ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_6       ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_6       ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_6       ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_6         ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_6       ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_6       ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_6       ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_6       ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.132'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-3 and Y=0.20

      integer*4 nr__8
      parameter (nr__8=3956)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__8  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_7       ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_7     ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_7       ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_7         ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_7         ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_7      ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_7      ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_7     ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_7       ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_7       ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_7       ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_7         ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_7       ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_7       ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_7       ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_7       ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.133'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-3 and Y=0.30

      integer*4 nr__9
      parameter (nr__9=3957)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__9  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_8       ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_8     ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_8       ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_8         ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_8         ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_8      ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_8      ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_8     ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_8       ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_8       ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_8       ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_8         ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_8       ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_8       ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_8       ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_8       ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.134'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-3 and Y=0.40

      integer*4 nr__10
      parameter (nr__10=2318)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__10 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_9       ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_9     ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_9       ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_9         ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_9         ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_9      ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_9      ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_9     ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_9       ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_9       ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_9       ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_9         ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_9       ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_9       ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_9       ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_9       ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.141'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-4 and Y=0.10

      integer*4 nr__11
      parameter (nr__11=2416)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__11 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_10      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_10    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_10      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_10        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_10        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_10     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_10     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_10    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_10      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_10      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_10      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_10        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_10      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_10      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_10      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_10      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.142'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-4 and Y=0.20

      integer*4 nr__12
      parameter (nr__12=4208)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__12 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_11      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_11    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_11      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_11        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_11        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_11     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_11     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_11    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_11      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_11      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_11      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_11        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_11      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_11      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_11      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_11      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.143'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-4 and Y=0.30

      integer*4 nr__13
      parameter (nr__13=4034)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__13 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_12      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_12    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_12      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_12        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_12        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_12     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_12     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_12    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_12      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_12      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_12      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_12        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_12      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_12      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_12      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_12      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.144'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-4 and Y=0.40

      integer*4 nr__14
      parameter (nr__14=2216)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__14 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_13      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_13    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_13      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_13        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_13        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_13     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_13     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_13    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_13      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_13      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_13      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_13        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_13      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_13      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_13      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_13      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.151'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-5 and Y=0.10

      integer*4 nr__15
      parameter (nr__15=2457)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__15 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_14      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_14    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_14      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_14        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_14        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_14     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_14     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_14    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_14      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_14      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_14      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_14        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_14      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_14      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_14      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_14      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.152'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-5 and Y=0.20

      integer*4 nr__16
      parameter (nr__16=3461)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__16 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_15      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_15    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_15      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_15        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_15        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_15     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_15     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_15    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_15      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_15      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_15      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_15        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_15      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_15      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_15      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_15      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.153'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-5 and Y=0.30

      integer*4 nr__17
      parameter (nr__17=4037)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__17 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_16      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_16    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_16      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_16        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_16        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_16     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_16     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_16    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_16      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_16      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_16      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_16        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_16      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_16      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_16      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_16      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.154'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-5 and Y=0.40

      integer*4 nr__18
      parameter (nr__18=2207)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__18 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_17      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_17    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_17      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_17        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_17        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_17     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_17     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_17    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_17      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_17      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_17      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_17        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_17      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_17      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_17      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_17      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.422'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-2 and Y=0.20

      integer*4 nr__19
      parameter (nr__19=4117)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__19 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_18      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_18    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_18      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_18        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_18        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_18     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_18     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_18    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_18      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_18      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_18      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_18        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_18      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_18      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_18      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_18      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.423'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-2 and Y=0.30

      integer*4 nr__20
      parameter (nr__20=4464)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__20 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_19      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_19    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_19      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_19        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_19        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_19     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_19     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_19    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_19      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_19      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_19      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_19        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_19      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_19      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_19      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_19      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.432'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-3 and Y=0.20

      integer*4 nr__21
      parameter (nr__21=4224)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__21 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_20      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_20    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_20      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_20        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_20        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_20     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_20     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_20    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_20      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_20      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_20      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_20        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_20      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_20      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_20      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_20      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.433'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-3 and Y=0.30

      integer*4 nr__22
      parameter (nr__22=3343)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__22 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_21      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_21    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_21      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_21        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_21        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_21     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_21     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_21    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_21      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_21      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_21      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_21        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_21      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_21      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_21      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_21      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.442'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-4 and Y=0.20

      integer*4 nr__23
      parameter (nr__23=4238)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__23 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_22      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_22    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_22      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_22        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_22        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_22     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_22     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_22    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_22      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_22      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_22      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_22        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_22      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_22      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_22      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_22      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'isoc5.443'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-4 and Y=0.30

      integer*4 nr__24
      parameter (nr__24=3837)	! Number of records
      character*125 ar__24 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     EEP_23      ! Equivalent evolutionary point number
      character*1   Mflag_23    ! *[* ] Mass data flag
      integer*4     AGE_23      ! (Myr) The age in units of 10^6 yrs
      integer*4     Y_23        ! (%) Helium abundance
      integer*4     Z_23        ! (10-5) *Metal abundance
      real*8        Mass_23     ! (solMass) Mass
      real*8        Teff_23     ! (K) Effective temperature
      real*8        Lumin_23    ! (solLum) Luminosity
      real*4        DN1_23      ! *Initial mass function 1
      real*4        DN2_23      ! *Initial mass function 2
      real*4        DN3_23      ! *Initial mass function 3
      real*8        V_23        ! (mag) *Visual magnitude
      real*8        U_B_23      ! (mag) *Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_23      ! (mag) *Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_23      ! (mag) *Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_23      ! (mag) *Photoelectric R-I colors
*Note on Mflag:
*  "*" if the mass point was extrapolated or it was interpolated over a very
*  large interval.
*Note on Z:
*  Metal abundance. The only exceptions are that Z = 0000 then Z is 1 and
*  if Z = 9999 then Z is 10000 (in units of 1E-5)
*Note on DN1, DN2, DN3:
*  The number of stars between J and J+1, for three different MS initial mass
*  functions, s=1+x=0, 2.35, and 4.00, where dN(m) =~ m^(-s). The constant
*  s was chosen to normalize all dN to 1000 stars in the range 0.5 < m < 1.0
*  solar masses on the initial MS.
*Note on V, U-B, B-V, V-R, R-I:
*  UBVRI magnitude and colors; Johnson UBV and Cousins RI.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'colortbl.dat'	! Color Table (2)

      integer*4 nr__25
      parameter (nr__25=3510)	! Number of records
      character*53 ar__25 	! Full-size record

      real*4        v_Fe_H_     ! (Sun) The abundance ratio of Fe and H
      real*4        Teff_24     ! (K) Gas effective temperature
      real*4        log_g       ! (cm/s2) Log of gravity
      real*8        BC          ! (mag) Bolometric Corrections
      real*8        U_B_24      ! (mag) Photoelectric U-B colors
      real*8        B_V_24      ! (mag) Photoelectric B-V colors
      real*8        V_R_24      ! (mag) Photoelectric V-R colors
      real*8        R_I_24      ! (mag) Photoelectric R-I colors


C  Loading file 'header.dat'	! The isochrone header file

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(A9,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,F5.2)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: header.dat'
      do i__=1,644
c    ..............Just test output...........
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.112'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-1 and Y=0.20

C  Format for file interpretation

    2 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.112'
      do i__=1,2374
     +  EEP,Mflag,AGE,Y,Z,Mass,Teff,Lumin,DN1,DN2,DN3,V,U_B,B_V,V_R,
     +  R_I
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP,Mflag,AGE,Y,Z,Mass,Teff,Lumin,DN1,DN2,DN3,V,U_B,B_V,V_R,
     +  R_I
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.113'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-1 and Y=0.30

C  Format for file interpretation

    3 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.113'
      do i__=1,2457
     +  EEP_1,Mflag_1,AGE_1,Y_1,Z_1,Mass_1,Teff_1,Lumin_1,DN1_1,DN2_1,
     +  DN3_1,V_1,U_B_1,B_V_1,V_R_1,R_I_1
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_1,Mflag_1,AGE_1,Y_1,Z_1,Mass_1,Teff_1,Lumin_1,DN1_1,DN2_1,
     +  DN3_1,V_1,U_B_1,B_V_1,V_R_1,R_I_1
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.121'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-2 and Y=0.10

C  Format for file interpretation

    4 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.121'
      do i__=1,3100
     +  EEP_2,Mflag_2,AGE_2,Y_2,Z_2,Mass_2,Teff_2,Lumin_2,DN1_2,DN2_2,
     +  DN3_2,V_2,U_B_2,B_V_2,V_R_2,R_I_2
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_2,Mflag_2,AGE_2,Y_2,Z_2,Mass_2,Teff_2,Lumin_2,DN1_2,DN2_2,
     +  DN3_2,V_2,U_B_2,B_V_2,V_R_2,R_I_2
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.122'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-2 and Y=0.20

C  Format for file interpretation

    5 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.122'
      do i__=1,4673
     +  EEP_3,Mflag_3,AGE_3,Y_3,Z_3,Mass_3,Teff_3,Lumin_3,DN1_3,DN2_3,
     +  DN3_3,V_3,U_B_3,B_V_3,V_R_3,R_I_3
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_3,Mflag_3,AGE_3,Y_3,Z_3,Mass_3,Teff_3,Lumin_3,DN1_3,DN2_3,
     +  DN3_3,V_3,U_B_3,B_V_3,V_R_3,R_I_3
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.123'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-2 and Y=0.30

C  Format for file interpretation

    6 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.123'
      do i__=1,4440
     +  EEP_4,Mflag_4,AGE_4,Y_4,Z_4,Mass_4,Teff_4,Lumin_4,DN1_4,DN2_4,
     +  DN3_4,V_4,U_B_4,B_V_4,V_R_4,R_I_4
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_4,Mflag_4,AGE_4,Y_4,Z_4,Mass_4,Teff_4,Lumin_4,DN1_4,DN2_4,
     +  DN3_4,V_4,U_B_4,B_V_4,V_R_4,R_I_4
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.124'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-2 and Y=0.40

C  Format for file interpretation

    7 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.124'
      do i__=1,3963
     +  EEP_5,Mflag_5,AGE_5,Y_5,Z_5,Mass_5,Teff_5,Lumin_5,DN1_5,DN2_5,
     +  DN3_5,V_5,U_B_5,B_V_5,V_R_5,R_I_5
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_5,Mflag_5,AGE_5,Y_5,Z_5,Mass_5,Teff_5,Lumin_5,DN1_5,DN2_5,
     +  DN3_5,V_5,U_B_5,B_V_5,V_R_5,R_I_5
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.131'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-3 and Y=0.10

C  Format for file interpretation

    8 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.131'
      do i__=1,2466
     +  EEP_6,Mflag_6,AGE_6,Y_6,Z_6,Mass_6,Teff_6,Lumin_6,DN1_6,DN2_6,
     +  DN3_6,V_6,U_B_6,B_V_6,V_R_6,R_I_6
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_6,Mflag_6,AGE_6,Y_6,Z_6,Mass_6,Teff_6,Lumin_6,DN1_6,DN2_6,
     +  DN3_6,V_6,U_B_6,B_V_6,V_R_6,R_I_6
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.132'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-3 and Y=0.20

C  Format for file interpretation

    9 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.132'
      do i__=1,3956
     +  EEP_7,Mflag_7,AGE_7,Y_7,Z_7,Mass_7,Teff_7,Lumin_7,DN1_7,DN2_7,
     +  DN3_7,V_7,U_B_7,B_V_7,V_R_7,R_I_7
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_7,Mflag_7,AGE_7,Y_7,Z_7,Mass_7,Teff_7,Lumin_7,DN1_7,DN2_7,
     +  DN3_7,V_7,U_B_7,B_V_7,V_R_7,R_I_7
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.133'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-3 and Y=0.30

C  Format for file interpretation

   10 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.133'
      do i__=1,3957
     +  EEP_8,Mflag_8,AGE_8,Y_8,Z_8,Mass_8,Teff_8,Lumin_8,DN1_8,DN2_8,
     +  DN3_8,V_8,U_B_8,B_V_8,V_R_8,R_I_8
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_8,Mflag_8,AGE_8,Y_8,Z_8,Mass_8,Teff_8,Lumin_8,DN1_8,DN2_8,
     +  DN3_8,V_8,U_B_8,B_V_8,V_R_8,R_I_8
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.134'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-3 and Y=0.40

C  Format for file interpretation

   11 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.134'
      do i__=1,2318
     +  EEP_9,Mflag_9,AGE_9,Y_9,Z_9,Mass_9,Teff_9,Lumin_9,DN1_9,DN2_9,
     +  DN3_9,V_9,U_B_9,B_V_9,V_R_9,R_I_9
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_9,Mflag_9,AGE_9,Y_9,Z_9,Mass_9,Teff_9,Lumin_9,DN1_9,DN2_9,
     +  DN3_9,V_9,U_B_9,B_V_9,V_R_9,R_I_9
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.141'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-4 and Y=0.10

C  Format for file interpretation

   12 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.141'
      do i__=1,2416
     +  EEP_10,Mflag_10,AGE_10,Y_10,Z_10,Mass_10,Teff_10,Lumin_10,
     +  DN1_10,DN2_10,DN3_10,V_10,U_B_10,B_V_10,V_R_10,R_I_10
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_10,Mflag_10,AGE_10,Y_10,Z_10,Mass_10,Teff_10,Lumin_10,
     +  DN1_10,DN2_10,DN3_10,V_10,U_B_10,B_V_10,V_R_10,R_I_10
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.142'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-4 and Y=0.20

C  Format for file interpretation

   13 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.142'
      do i__=1,4208
     +  EEP_11,Mflag_11,AGE_11,Y_11,Z_11,Mass_11,Teff_11,Lumin_11,
     +  DN1_11,DN2_11,DN3_11,V_11,U_B_11,B_V_11,V_R_11,R_I_11
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_11,Mflag_11,AGE_11,Y_11,Z_11,Mass_11,Teff_11,Lumin_11,
     +  DN1_11,DN2_11,DN3_11,V_11,U_B_11,B_V_11,V_R_11,R_I_11
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.143'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-4 and Y=0.30

C  Format for file interpretation

   14 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.143'
      do i__=1,4034
     +  EEP_12,Mflag_12,AGE_12,Y_12,Z_12,Mass_12,Teff_12,Lumin_12,
     +  DN1_12,DN2_12,DN3_12,V_12,U_B_12,B_V_12,V_R_12,R_I_12
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_12,Mflag_12,AGE_12,Y_12,Z_12,Mass_12,Teff_12,Lumin_12,
     +  DN1_12,DN2_12,DN3_12,V_12,U_B_12,B_V_12,V_R_12,R_I_12
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.144'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-4 and Y=0.40

C  Format for file interpretation

   15 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.144'
      do i__=1,2216
     +  EEP_13,Mflag_13,AGE_13,Y_13,Z_13,Mass_13,Teff_13,Lumin_13,
     +  DN1_13,DN2_13,DN3_13,V_13,U_B_13,B_V_13,V_R_13,R_I_13
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_13,Mflag_13,AGE_13,Y_13,Z_13,Mass_13,Teff_13,Lumin_13,
     +  DN1_13,DN2_13,DN3_13,V_13,U_B_13,B_V_13,V_R_13,R_I_13
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.151'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-5 and Y=0.10

C  Format for file interpretation

   16 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.151'
      do i__=1,2457
     +  EEP_14,Mflag_14,AGE_14,Y_14,Z_14,Mass_14,Teff_14,Lumin_14,
     +  DN1_14,DN2_14,DN3_14,V_14,U_B_14,B_V_14,V_R_14,R_I_14
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_14,Mflag_14,AGE_14,Y_14,Z_14,Mass_14,Teff_14,Lumin_14,
     +  DN1_14,DN2_14,DN3_14,V_14,U_B_14,B_V_14,V_R_14,R_I_14
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.152'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-5 and Y=0.20

C  Format for file interpretation

   17 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.152'
      do i__=1,3461
     +  EEP_15,Mflag_15,AGE_15,Y_15,Z_15,Mass_15,Teff_15,Lumin_15,
     +  DN1_15,DN2_15,DN3_15,V_15,U_B_15,B_V_15,V_R_15,R_I_15
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_15,Mflag_15,AGE_15,Y_15,Z_15,Mass_15,Teff_15,Lumin_15,
     +  DN1_15,DN2_15,DN3_15,V_15,U_B_15,B_V_15,V_R_15,R_I_15
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.153'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-5 and Y=0.30

C  Format for file interpretation

   18 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.153'
      do i__=1,4037
     +  EEP_16,Mflag_16,AGE_16,Y_16,Z_16,Mass_16,Teff_16,Lumin_16,
     +  DN1_16,DN2_16,DN3_16,V_16,U_B_16,B_V_16,V_R_16,R_I_16
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_16,Mflag_16,AGE_16,Y_16,Z_16,Mass_16,Teff_16,Lumin_16,
     +  DN1_16,DN2_16,DN3_16,V_16,U_B_16,B_V_16,V_R_16,R_I_16
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.154'	! The isochrones for Z=1E-5 and Y=0.40

C  Format for file interpretation

   19 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.154'
      do i__=1,2207
     +  EEP_17,Mflag_17,AGE_17,Y_17,Z_17,Mass_17,Teff_17,Lumin_17,
     +  DN1_17,DN2_17,DN3_17,V_17,U_B_17,B_V_17,V_R_17,R_I_17
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_17,Mflag_17,AGE_17,Y_17,Z_17,Mass_17,Teff_17,Lumin_17,
     +  DN1_17,DN2_17,DN3_17,V_17,U_B_17,B_V_17,V_R_17,R_I_17
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.422'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-2 and Y=0.20

C  Format for file interpretation

   20 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.422'
      do i__=1,4117
     +  EEP_18,Mflag_18,AGE_18,Y_18,Z_18,Mass_18,Teff_18,Lumin_18,
     +  DN1_18,DN2_18,DN3_18,V_18,U_B_18,B_V_18,V_R_18,R_I_18
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_18,Mflag_18,AGE_18,Y_18,Z_18,Mass_18,Teff_18,Lumin_18,
     +  DN1_18,DN2_18,DN3_18,V_18,U_B_18,B_V_18,V_R_18,R_I_18
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.423'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-2 and Y=0.30

C  Format for file interpretation

   21 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.423'
      do i__=1,4464
     +  EEP_19,Mflag_19,AGE_19,Y_19,Z_19,Mass_19,Teff_19,Lumin_19,
     +  DN1_19,DN2_19,DN3_19,V_19,U_B_19,B_V_19,V_R_19,R_I_19
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_19,Mflag_19,AGE_19,Y_19,Z_19,Mass_19,Teff_19,Lumin_19,
     +  DN1_19,DN2_19,DN3_19,V_19,U_B_19,B_V_19,V_R_19,R_I_19
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.432'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-3 and Y=0.20

C  Format for file interpretation

   22 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.432'
      do i__=1,4224
     +  EEP_20,Mflag_20,AGE_20,Y_20,Z_20,Mass_20,Teff_20,Lumin_20,
     +  DN1_20,DN2_20,DN3_20,V_20,U_B_20,B_V_20,V_R_20,R_I_20
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_20,Mflag_20,AGE_20,Y_20,Z_20,Mass_20,Teff_20,Lumin_20,
     +  DN1_20,DN2_20,DN3_20,V_20,U_B_20,B_V_20,V_R_20,R_I_20
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.433'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-3 and Y=0.30

C  Format for file interpretation

   23 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.433'
      do i__=1,3343
     +  EEP_21,Mflag_21,AGE_21,Y_21,Z_21,Mass_21,Teff_21,Lumin_21,
     +  DN1_21,DN2_21,DN3_21,V_21,U_B_21,B_V_21,V_R_21,R_I_21
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_21,Mflag_21,AGE_21,Y_21,Z_21,Mass_21,Teff_21,Lumin_21,
     +  DN1_21,DN2_21,DN3_21,V_21,U_B_21,B_V_21,V_R_21,R_I_21
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.442'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-4 and Y=0.20

C  Format for file interpretation

   24 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.442'
      do i__=1,4238
     +  EEP_22,Mflag_22,AGE_22,Y_22,Z_22,Mass_22,Teff_22,Lumin_22,
     +  DN1_22,DN2_22,DN3_22,V_22,U_B_22,B_V_22,V_R_22,R_I_22
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_22,Mflag_22,AGE_22,Y_22,Z_22,Mass_22,Teff_22,Lumin_22,
     +  DN1_22,DN2_22,DN3_22,V_22,U_B_22,B_V_22,V_R_22,R_I_22
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'isoc5.443'	! The isochrones for Z=4E-4 and Y=0.30

C  Format for file interpretation

   25 format(
     +  I3,A1,I6,I2,I4,F9.6,F10.7,F10.7,E15.9,E15.9,E15.9,F7.3,F7.3,
     +  F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: isoc5.443'
      do i__=1,3837
     +  EEP_23,Mflag_23,AGE_23,Y_23,Z_23,Mass_23,Teff_23,Lumin_23,
     +  DN1_23,DN2_23,DN3_23,V_23,U_B_23,B_V_23,V_R_23,R_I_23
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  EEP_23,Mflag_23,AGE_23,Y_23,Z_23,Mass_23,Teff_23,Lumin_23,
     +  DN1_23,DN2_23,DN3_23,V_23,U_B_23,B_V_23,V_R_23,R_I_23
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'colortbl.dat'	! Color Table (2)

C  Format for file interpretation

   26 format(F5.2,1X,F6.0,2X,F4.2,F7.3,F7.3,F7.3,F7.3,F7.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: colortbl.dat'
      do i__=1,3510
     +  v_Fe_H_,Teff_24,log_g,BC,U_B_24,B_V_24,V_R_24,R_I_24
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  v_Fe_H_,Teff_24,log_g,BC,U_B_24,B_V_24,V_R_24,R_I_24
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
