FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/J/ApJ/699/L43 into FORTRAN code for reading data files line by line.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-16
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. J/ApJ/699/L43       FIRST-NVSS-SDSS AGN sample catalog       (Smolcic+, 2009)
*The radio AGN population dichotomy: green valley Seyferts versus red sequence
*low-excitation active galactic nuclei.
*    Smolcic V.
*   <Astrophys. J., 699, L43-L47 (2009)>
*   =2009ApJ...699L..43S

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'catalog.dat'	! FIRST-NVSS-SDSS radio AGN sample catalog

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=20648)	! Number of records
      character*1200 ar__   	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      integer*4     UNIQ_ID     ! [40/2724235] Unique catalog row identifier
      real*8        RAdeg       ! (deg) Designated right ascension of entry (J2000)
      real*8        DEdeg       ! (deg) Designated declination of entry (J2000)
*                          FIRST data
      integer*4     FIRST       ! [0/811100] Unique FIRST identifier
      real*8        FRAdeg      ! (deg) ?=0 FIRST right ascension (J2000)
      real*8        FDEdeg      ! (deg) ?=0 FIRST declination (J2000)
      character*1   FWflag      ! [0Wx] First warning: possible sidelobe of
*                                          nearby bright source
      real*4        Fpflux      ! (mJy) ?=0 FIRST peak flux at 20cm (in mJy/beam)
      real*4        Fiflux      ! (mJy) ?=0 FIRST integrated flux density at 20cm
      real*4        Fsky        ! (mJy) ?=0 FIRST local noise estimate at source
*                                        position (in mJy/beam)
      real*4        Fmaj        ! (arcsec) ?=0 FIRST FWHM of major axis
*                                        (after PSF deconvolution)
      real*4        Fmin        ! (arcsec) ?=0 FIRST FWHM of minor axis
*                                        (after PSF deconvolution)
      real*4        FPA         ! (deg) ?=0 FIRST position angle east of north
*                                        (after PSF deconvolution)
      real*4        FFmaj       ! (arcsec) ?=0 FIRST fitted major axis
*                                        (before PSF deconvolution)
      real*4        FFmin       ! (arcsec) ?=0 FIRST fitted minor axis
*                                        (before PSF deconvolution)
      real*4        FFPA        ! (deg) ?=0 FIRST fitted position angle East of
*                                        North (before PSF deconvolution)
      character*12  FField      ! ?=0 FIRST name of source field
*                          NVSS data
      integer*4     NVSS        ! [0,1814664] NVSS identifier
      real*8        NRAdeg      ! (deg) ?=0 NVSS right ascension (J2000)
      real*8        NDEdeg      ! (deg) ?=0 NVSS declination (J2000)
      real*8        NPpint      ! (mJy) ?=0 NVSS peak intensity at 20cm (Stokes I)
*                                          (mJy/beam)
      real*8        Nflux       ! (mJy) ?=0 NVSS integrated flux at 20cm
      real*4        Nmaj        ! (arcsec) ?=0 NVSS FWHM major axis after deconvolution
      real*4        Nmin        ! (arcsec) ?=0 NVSS FWHM minor axis after deconvolution
      real*4        NPA         ! (deg) ?=0 NVSS position angle east of north
      real*8        NQ          ! (mJy) ?=-1000 NVSS interpolated Stokes Q value
*                                        at position of I peak (mJy/beam)
      real*8        NU          ! (mJy) ?=-1000 NVSS interpolated Stokes U value
*                                        at position of I peak (mJy/beam)
      real*8        Npflux      ! (mJy) ?=-1000 NVSS integrated linear polarized
*                                            flux
      real*4        NIrms       ! (mJy) ?=0 NVSS RMS noise in Stokes I image
*                                        (mJy/beam)
      real*4        NPOLrms     ! (mJy) ?=0 NVSS RMS noise in Stokes Q,U images
*                                        (mJy/beam)
      real*4        NRESrms     ! (mJy) ?=0 NVSS RMS Stokes I residual (mJy/beam)
      real*4        NRESpeak    ! (mJy) ?=0 NVSS peak Stokes I residual (mJy/beam)
      real*4        NRESflux    ! (mJy) ?=0 NVSS integrated Stokes I residual
*                                        (mJy/beam)
      real*8        NXpix       ! (pix) ?=0 NVSS "X" pixel of source center
      real*8        NYpix       ! (pix) ?=0 NVSS "Y" pixel of source center
      character*8   NField      ! ?=0 NVSS name of (4x4 deg) field
      integer*4     NJDproc     ! (d) ?=0 NVSS Julian date of processing
*                          WENSS data
      integer*4     WENSS       ! [0,152160] WENSS identifier
      real*8        WRAdeg      ! (deg) ?=0 WENSS right ascension (J2000)
      real*8        WDEdeg      ! (deg) ?=0 WENSS declination (J2000)
      character*1   WType       ! [0CES] WENSS label: Single, Component,
*                                           Multiple, or Extended
      character*1   Wflag       ! [0*X] WENSS flag, set to "*" when
*                                          source-finding algorithm failed
      real*8        Wpflux      ! (mJy) ?=0 WENSS peak flux density at 92cm
*                                        (mJy/beam)
      real*8        Wflux       ! (mJy) ?=0 WENSS integrated source flux at 92cm
      real*4        Wmaj        ! (arcsec) ?=0 WENSS major axis size
      real*4        Wmin        ! (arcsec) ?=0 WENSS minor axis size
      real*4        WPA         ! (deg) ?=0 WENSS position angle on sky
*                                        (east of north)
      real*4        WSky        ! (mJy) ?=0 WENSS local rms noise level (mJy/beam)
      character*9   WFrame      ! ?=0 WENSS frame name
*                          GB6 Data
      integer*4     GB6         ! [0,75133] GB6 identifier
      real*8        GRAdeg      ! (deg) ?=0 GB6 right ascension (J2000)
      real*8        GDEdeg      ! (deg) ?=0 GB6 declination (J2000)
      real*8        e_GRAdeg    ! (deg) ?=0 rms uncertainty on GRAdeg
      real*8        e_GDEdeg    ! (deg) ?=0 rms uncertainty on GDEdeg
      real*8        Gpflux      ! (mJy) ?=0 GB6 peak flux at 6cm (mJy/beam)
      real*4        e_Gpflux    ! (mJy) ?=0 rms uncertainty on Gpflux (mJy/beam)
      real*4        Gmaj        ! (arcsec) ?=0 GB6 FWHM major axis
      real*4        Gmin        ! (arcsec) ?=0 GB6 FWHM minor axis
      real*8        Gflux       ! (mJy) ?=0 GB6 integrated source flux
      real*4        GPA         ! (deg) ?=0 GB6 fitted major axis position
*                                        (east of north)
      real*4        Gsky        ! (mJy) ?=0 GB6 local sky level
      real*8        GXpix       ! (pix) ?=0 GB6 "X" pixel of object center
      real*8        GYpix       ! (pix) ?=0 GB6 "Y" pixel of object center
      character*1   GEflag      ! [0EX] GB6 flag indicating significantly
*                                          extended source
      character*1   GWflag      ! [0WX] GB6 warning flag
      character*1   GCflag      ! [0CX] GB6 flag indicating confusion
*                          SDSS photometric data (nearest)
      real*8        SNRAdeg     ! (deg) SDSS nearest right ascension (J2000)
      real*8        SNDEdeg     ! (deg) SDSS nearest right ascension (J2000)
      integer*4     SNType      ! [1/2] SDSS nearest photometric type
      character*19  SNflags     ! SDSS nearest quality flags
      real*4        SNumag      ! (mag) ? SDSS nearest model u magnitude
      real*4        SNgmag      ! (mag) SDSS nearest model g magnitude
      real*4        SNrmag      ! (mag) SDSS nearest model r magnitude
      real*4        SNimag      ! (mag) SDSS nearest model i magnitude
      real*4        SNzmag      ! (mag) SDSS nearest model z magnitude
      real*4        e_SNumag    ! (mag) ? rms uncertainty on SNumag
      real*4        e_SNgmag    ! (mag) rms uncertainty on SNgmag
      real*4        e_SNrmag    ! (mag) rms uncertainty on SNrmag
      real*4        e_SNimag    ! (mag) rms uncertainty on SNimag
      real*4        e_SNzmag    ! (mag) rms uncertainty on SNzmag
*                          SDSS photometric data (brightest)
      real*8        SBRAdeg     ! (deg) SDSS brightest right ascension (J2000)
      real*8        SBDEdeg     ! (deg) SDSS brightest right ascension (J2000)
      integer*4     SBtype      ! [1/2] SDSS brightest photometric type
      character*19  SBflags     ! SDSS brightest quality flags
      real*4        SBumag      ! (mag) ? SDSS brightest model u magnitude
      real*4        SBgmag      ! (mag) SDSS brightest model g magnitude
      real*4        SBrmag      ! (mag) SDSS brightest model r magnitude
      real*4        SBimag      ! (mag) SDSS brightest model i magnitude
      real*4        SBzmag      ! (mag) SDSS brightest model z magnitude
      real*4        e_SBumag    ! (mag) ? rms uncertainty on SNumag
      real*4        e_SBgmag    ! (mag) rms uncertainty on SBgmag
      real*4        e_SBrmag    ! (mag) rms uncertainty on SBrmag
      real*4        e_SBimag    ! (mag) rms uncertainty on SBimag
      real*4        e_SBzmag    ! (mag) rms uncertainty on SBzmag
*                          SDSS data (spectroscopic)
      integer*4     Sp          ! [-1/6] SDSS spectroscopic type
      integer*4     MJD         ! (d) SDSS MJD number
      integer*4     Plate       ! SDSS plate number
      integer*4     Fiber       ! SDSS Fiber number
      real*8        z           ! SDSS spectroscopic redshift
      real*4        e_z         ! rms uncertainty on z
      integer*4     f_z         ! Warning flag for redshift calculation
*                          Matching parameters
      integer*4     MFFIRST     ! [-1/3] set to -1 if FIRST is primary;
*                                       otherwise equals rank of FIRST match
      integer*4     MFNVSS      ! [-1/2] set to -1 if NVSS is primary;
*                                       otherwise equals rank of NVSS match
      real*4        Dist        ! (arcsec) Distance between NVSS and FIRST source in
*                                       this row
      integer*4     O           ! [0/1] set to 1 if row entry falls within
*                                          overlap region; 0 otherwise
      integer*4     OS          ! [0/1] set to 1 if row entry falls within
*                                          SDSS spectroscopic overlap region;
*                                          0 otherwise
      integer*4     NTOT5       ! [0/2] Number of NVSS or FIRST neighbors
*                                          within 5" of primary source
      integer*4     NTOT10      ! [0/3] Number of NVSS or FIRST neighbors
*                                          within 10" of primary source
      integer*4     NTOT30      ! [0/5] Number of NVSS or FIRST neighbors
*                                          within 30" of primary source
      integer*4     NTOT120     ! [0/12] Number of NVSS or FIRST neighbors
*                                          within 120" of primary source
      real*4        WDist       ! (arcsec) ?=0 Distance between primary and nearest
*                                        WENSS source within 120"
      integer*4     WTOT120     ! [-1/4] Number of WENSS neighbors within 120"
*                                          of primary source
      real*4        GB6Dist     ! (arcsec) ?=0 Distance between primary and nearest GB6
*                                       source within 120"
      integer*4     GTOT120     ! [-1/1] Number of GB6 neighbors within 120"
*                                           of primary source
      real*4        SNDist      ! (arcsec) ?=0 Distance between primary and nearest
*                                        SDSS photometric source within 60"
      real*4        SBDist      ! (arcsec) ?=0 Distance between primary and nearest
*                                        bright SDSS photometric source within
*                                        3", 10", 30", or 60"
      integer*4     STOT        ! [3/80] Number of photometric neighbors
*                                           within 60" of primary
*                          Spectroscopic data
      integer*4     Plate1      ! SDSS plate number
      integer*4     Fiber1      ! SDSS fiber number
      integer*4     MJD1        ! (d) SDSS MJD number
      real*8        z1          ! SDSS spectroscopic redshift
      real*4        FOII3726    ! ?=0 OII 3726 flux (1)
      real*4        eFOII3726   ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FOII3726 (1)
      real*4        FOII3729    ! ?=0 OII 3729 flux (1)
      real*4        eFOII3729   ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FOII3729 (1)
      real*4        FHb         ! ?=0 H{beta} flux (1)
      real*4        eFHb        ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FHb (1)
      real*4        FOIII5007   ! ?=0 OIII 5007 flux (1)
      real*4        eFOIII5007  ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FOIII5007 (1)
      real*4        FHa         ! ?=0 H{alpha} flux (1)
      real*4        eFHa        ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FHa (1)
      real*4        FNII        ! ?=0 NII 6584 flux (1)
      real*4        eFNII       ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FNII (1)
      real*4        FSII6717    ! ?=0 SII 6717 flux (1)
      real*4        eFSII6717   ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FSII6717 (1)
      real*4        FSII6731    ! ?=0 SII 6731 flux (1)
      real*4        eFSII6731   ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FSII6731 (1)
      real*4        FOI         ! ?=0 OI 6300 flux (1)
      real*4        eFOI        ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FOI (1)
      real*4        FOIII4959   ! ?=0 OIII 4959 flux (1)
      real*4        eFOIII4959  ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FOIII4959 (1)
      real*4        FOIII4363   ! ?=0 OIII 4363 flux (1)
      real*4        eFOIII4363  ! ?=0 rms uncertainty on FOIII4363 (1)
      real*8        EWOII       ! (0.1nm) ?=0 OII 3726 equivalent width
      real*8        e_EWOII     ! (0.1nm) ?=-1 rms uncertainty on EWOII3726
      real*8        EWHb        ! (0.1nm) ?=0 H{beta} equivalent width
      real*8        e_EWHb      ! (0.1nm) ?=0 rms uncertainty on EWHb
      real*8        EWOIII      ! (0.1nm) ?=0 OIII 5007 equivalent width
      real*8        e_EWOIII    ! (0.1nm) ?=0 rms uncertainty on EWOIII
      real*8        EWHa        ! (0.1nm) ?=0 H{alpha} equivalent width
      real*8        e_EWHa      ! (0.1nm) ?=-1 rms uncertainty on EWHa
      real*8        EWNII6584   ! (0.1nm) ?=0 NII 6584 equivalent width
      real*8        e_EWNII6584 ! (0.1nm) ?=-1 rms uncertainty on EWNII6584
      real*8        EWSII6717   ! (0.1nm) ?=0 SII 6717 equivalent width
      real*8        e_EWSII6717 ! (0.1nm) ?=-1 rms uncertainty on EWSII6717
      real*8        EWSII6731   ! (0.1nm) ?=0 SII 6731 equivalent width
      real*8        e_EWSII6731 ! (0.1nm) ?=-1 rms uncertainty on EWSII6731
      real*8        EWOI        ! (0.1nm) ?=0 OI 6300 equivalent width
      real*8        e_EWOI      ! (0.1nm) ?=-1 rms uncertainty on EWOI6300
*Note (1): units of the spectral fluxes are unspecified.


C  Loading file 'catalog.dat'	! FIRST-NVSS-SDSS radio AGN sample catalog

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(
     +  I7,1X,F9.5,1X,F9.5,1X,I6,1X,F9.5,1X,F9.5,1X,A1,1X,F6.1,1X,
     +  F6.1,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.2,1X,F6.2,1X,F5.1,1X,F6.2,1X,F6.2,1X,F5.1,
     +  1X,A12,1X,I7,1X,F9.5,1X,F9.5,1X,F8.2,1X,F8.2,1X,F6.2,1X,F6.2,
     +  1X,F6.1,1X,F8.2,1X,F8.2,1X,F8.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F6.2,1X,
     +  F6.2,1X,F6.2,1X,F7.3,1X,F7.3,1X,A8,1X,I7,1X,I7,1X,F9.5,1X,
     +  F9.5,1X,A1,1X,A1,1X,F7.1,1X,F7.1,1X,F6.1,1X,F6.1,1X,F5.1,1X,
     +  F5.2,1X,A9,1X,I5,1X,F9.5,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,F7.5,1X,F7.1,1X,
     +  F6.1,1X,F6.1,1X,F6.1,1X,F7.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F6.2,1X,F7.2,1X,F7.2,
     +  1X,A1,1X,A1,1X,A1,1X,F9.5,1X,F9.5,1X,I1,1X,A19,1X,F6.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,
     +  1X,F6.3,1X,F9.5,1X,F9.5,1X,I1,1X,A19,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,
     +  1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,I2,
     +  1X,I5,1X,I4,1X,I3,1X,F7.4,1X,F6.4,1X,I6,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F5.1,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,I2,1X,F5.1,1X,I6,1X,F5.1,1X,
     +  I2,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.1,1X,I2,1X,I4,1X,I3,1X,I5,1X,F7.4,1X,E9.3,1X,
     +  E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,
     +  1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,
     +  E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,E9.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,
     +  1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,
     +  F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3,1X,F8.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: catalog.dat'
      do i__=1,20648
     +  UNIQ_ID,RAdeg,DEdeg,FIRST,FRAdeg,FDEdeg,FWflag,Fpflux,Fiflux,
     +  Fsky,Fmaj,Fmin,FPA,FFmaj,FFmin,FFPA,FField,NVSS,NRAdeg,NDEdeg,
     +  NPpint,Nflux,Nmaj,Nmin,NPA,NQ,NU,Npflux,NIrms,NPOLrms,NRESrms,
     +  NRESpeak,NRESflux,NXpix,NYpix,NField,NJDproc,WENSS,WRAdeg,
     +  WDEdeg,WType,Wflag,Wpflux,Wflux,Wmaj,Wmin,WPA,WSky,WFrame,GB6,
     +  GRAdeg,GDEdeg,e_GRAdeg,e_GDEdeg,Gpflux,e_Gpflux,Gmaj,Gmin,
     +  Gflux,GPA,Gsky,GXpix,GYpix,GEflag,GWflag,GCflag,SNRAdeg,
     +  SNDEdeg,SNType,SNflags,SNumag,SNgmag,SNrmag,SNimag,SNzmag,
     +  e_SNumag,e_SNgmag,e_SNrmag,e_SNimag,e_SNzmag,SBRAdeg,SBDEdeg,
     +  SBtype,SBflags,SBumag,SBgmag,SBrmag,SBimag,SBzmag,e_SBumag,
     +  e_SBgmag,e_SBrmag,e_SBimag,e_SBzmag,Sp,MJD,Plate,Fiber,z,e_z,
     +  WDist,WTOT120,GB6Dist,GTOT120,SNDist,SBDist,STOT,Plate1,
     +  Fiber1,MJD1,z1,FOII3726,eFOII3726,FOII3729,eFOII3729,FHb,eFHb,
     +  FOIII5007,eFOIII5007,FHa,eFHa,FNII,eFNII,FSII6717,eFSII6717,
     +  FSII6731,eFSII6731,FOI,eFOI,FOIII4959,eFOIII4959,FOIII4363,
     +  e_EWHa,EWNII6584,e_EWNII6584,EWSII6717,e_EWSII6717,EWSII6731,
     +  e_EWSII6731,EWOI,e_EWOI
        if(ar__(531:536) .EQ. '') SNumag = rNULL__
        if(ar__(566:571) .EQ. '') e_SNumag = rNULL__
        if(ar__(643:648) .EQ. '') SBumag = rNULL__
        if(ar__(678:683) .EQ. '') e_SBumag = rNULL__
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  UNIQ_ID,RAdeg,DEdeg,FIRST,FRAdeg,FDEdeg,FWflag,Fpflux,Fiflux,
     +  Fsky,Fmaj,Fmin,FPA,FFmaj,FFmin,FFPA,FField,NVSS,NRAdeg,NDEdeg,
     +  NPpint,Nflux,Nmaj,Nmin,NPA,NQ,NU,Npflux,NIrms,NPOLrms,NRESrms,
     +  NRESpeak,NRESflux,NXpix,NYpix,NField,NJDproc,WENSS,WRAdeg,
     +  WDEdeg,WType,Wflag,Wpflux,Wflux,Wmaj,Wmin,WPA,WSky,WFrame,GB6,
     +  GRAdeg,GDEdeg,e_GRAdeg,e_GDEdeg,Gpflux,e_Gpflux,Gmaj,Gmin,
     +  Gflux,GPA,Gsky,GXpix,GYpix,GEflag,GWflag,GCflag,SNRAdeg,
     +  SNDEdeg,SNType,SNflags,SNumag,SNgmag,SNrmag,SNimag,SNzmag,
     +  e_SNumag,e_SNgmag,e_SNrmag,e_SNimag,e_SNzmag,SBRAdeg,SBDEdeg,
     +  SBtype,SBflags,SBumag,SBgmag,SBrmag,SBimag,SBzmag,e_SBumag,
     +  e_SBgmag,e_SBrmag,e_SBimag,e_SBzmag,Sp,MJD,Plate,Fiber,z,e_z,
     +  WDist,WTOT120,GB6Dist,GTOT120,SNDist,SBDist,STOT,Plate1,
     +  Fiber1,MJD1,z1,FOII3726,eFOII3726,FOII3729,eFOII3729,FHb,eFHb,
     +  FOIII5007,eFOIII5007,FHa,eFHa,FNII,eFNII,FSII6717,eFSII6717,
     +  FSII6731,eFSII6731,FOI,eFOI,FOIII4959,eFOIII4959,FOIII4363,
     +  e_EWHa,EWNII6584,e_EWNII6584,EWSII6717,e_EWSII6717,EWSII6731,
     +  e_EWSII6731,EWOI,e_EWOI
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
