FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/J/ApJ/685/773 into FORTRAN code for loading all data files into arrays.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-19
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. J/ApJ/685/773       X-ray-UV relations in SDSS DR5 QSOs      (Gibson+, 2008)
*Are optically selected quasars universally X-ray luminous?
*X-ray-UV relations in Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasars.
*    Gibson R.R., Brandt W.N., Schneider D.P.
*   <Astrophys. J., 685, 773-786 (2008)>
*   =2008ApJ...685..773G

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table1.dat'	! Source information

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=536)	! Number of records
      character*111 ar__   	! Full-size record

      character*19  SDSS       (nr__) ! SDSS source name
      real*4        z          (nr__) ! Spectroscopic redshift
      integer*8     ObsId      (nr__) ! Chandra or XMM observation identification
*                                    number (1)
      real*4        Expo       (nr__) ! (ks) X-ray exposure time (2)
      integer*4     Scts       (nr__) ! (ct) Observed-frame soft (0.5-2keV) counts
*                                    in source region
      integer*4     Hcts       (nr__) ! (ct) Observed-frame hard (2-8keV) counts
*                                    in source region
      integer*4     X          (nr__) ! [0/1] X-ray detected? (1=yes)
      integer*4     B          (nr__) ! [0/1] Source in sample B? (1=yes)
      character*1   l_logR_    (nr__) ! Limit flag on logR*
      real*4        logR_      (nr__) ! ([-]) Radio-loudness parameter (5)
      integer*4     CIV_0      (nr__) ! (km/s) Rest-frame balnicity index 
*                                    for CIV absorption (6)
      integer*4     Mg         (nr__) ! Number of narrow Mg II absorption systems (7)
      real*4        L1400      (nr__) ! ([10-7W/Hz]) Log of monochromatic luminosity at
*                                    1400{AA} (8)
      real*4        L2500      (nr__) ! ([10-7W/Hz]) Log of monochromatic luminosity at
*                                    2500{AA} (8)
      character*1   l_L2keV    (nr__) ! Limit flag on log2keV
      real*4        L2keV      (nr__) ! ([10-7W/Hz]) Log of monochromatic luminosity at 2keV (8)
      character*1   l_a_OX     (nr__) ! Limit flag on a.OX
      real*4        a_OX       (nr__) ! X-ray/optical spectral index (9)
      real*4        e_a_OX     (nr__) ! ? Uncertainty in a.OX (10)
      character*1   l_Da_OX    (nr__) ! Limit flag on Da.OX
      real*4        Da_OX      (nr__) ! Relative X-ray brightness (11)
*Note (1): The Chandra or XMM-Newton observation identification number.
*     Ten-digit numbers correspond to XMM-Newton observations, while shorter
*     numbers correspond to Chandra observations.
*Note (2): Reported by the CIAO or SAS toolchains for the extraction of the
*     source region.
*Note (5): Where log(R*)=log[L_{nu}_(5GHz)/L_{nu}_(2500{AA})]. We classify
*     sources with log(R*)>=1 as "radio-loud" and all other sources as
*     "radio-quiet".
*Note (6): Similar to the traditional "balnicity index", BI, of Weymann et
*     al. (1991ApJ...373...23W), except that it is integrated from velocity
*     offsets -25000km/s to 0km/s from the QSO rest frame.
*Note (7): Found using the method described in Section 2.2.
*Note (8): Where the luminosity is in units of erg/s/Hz.
*Note (9): Where a.OX = {alpha}OX = 0.3838*log(L(2keV)/L(2500{AA})).
*Note (10): Errors assumed to be dominated by the error on X-ray luminosity.
*Note (11): Relative to "ordinary" QSOs.  Where
*     Da.OX = {Delta}{alpha}OX = {alpha}OX - 
*             (-0.217+/-0.036)*log(L_2500{AA}_)+(5.075+/-1.118).
*      (for instance, a value of -0.5 corresponds to  X-ray weakness 
*      by a factor of ~20 compared to QSOs with the same UV luminosity)

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table2.dat'	! UV emission line measurements

      integer*4 nr__1
      parameter (nr__1=536)	! Number of records
      character*55 ar__1  	! Full-size record

      character*19  SDSS_1     (nr__1) ! SDSS source identification,
      real*4        C4EW       (nr__1) ! (0.1nm) Equivalent width of CIV (1549{AA})
      real*4        C4Wave     (nr__1) ! (0.1nm) Central wavelength of CIV (1549{AA})
      real*4        C4FWHM     (nr__1) ! (0.1nm) Full-Width at Half-Maximum of CIV (1549{AA})
      real*4        C3EW       (nr__1) ! (0.1nm) ? Equivalent width of CIII] (1909{AA}) (1)
      real*4        C3Wave     (nr__1) ! (0.1nm) ? Central wavelength of CIII] (1909{AA}) (1)
      real*4        C3FWHM     (nr__1) ! (0.1nm) ? Full-Width at Half-Maximum of
*                                   CIII] (1909{AA}) (1)
*Note (1): Blank entries indicate that the C III] emission line could not be
*     fit because the spectrum was bad in that region.


C  Loading file 'table1.dat'	! Source information

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(
     +  A19,1X,F4.2,1X,I10,1X,F5.1,1X,I4,1X,I3,1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,A1,1X,
     +  F5.2,1X,I5,1X,I1,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,A1,1X,F5.2,1X,A1,1X,F5.2,
     +  1X,F4.2,1X,A1,1X,F5.2)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table1.dat'
      do i__=1,536
     +  SDSS(i__),z(i__),ObsId(i__),Expo(i__),Scts(i__),Hcts(i__),
     +  X(i__),B(i__),l_logR_(i__),logR_(i__),CIV_0(i__),Mg(i__),
     +  L1400(i__),L2500(i__),l_L2keV(i__),L2keV(i__),l_a_OX(i__),
     +  a_OX(i__),e_a_OX(i__),l_Da_OX(i__),Da_OX(i__)
        if(ar__(100:103) .EQ. '') e_a_OX(i__) = rNULL__
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  SDSS(i__),z(i__),ObsId(i__),Expo(i__),Scts(i__),Hcts(i__),
     +  X(i__),B(i__),l_logR_(i__),logR_(i__),CIV_0(i__),Mg(i__),
     +  L1400(i__),L2500(i__),l_L2keV(i__),L2keV(i__),l_a_OX(i__),
     +  a_OX(i__),e_a_OX(i__),l_Da_OX(i__),Da_OX(i__)
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table2.dat'	! UV emission line measurements

C  Format for file interpretation

    2 format(A19,1X,F5.1,1X,F6.1,1X,F4.1,1X,F4.1,1X,F6.1,1X,F5.1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table2.dat'
      do i__=1,536
     +  SDSS_1(i__),C4EW(i__),C4Wave(i__),C4FWHM(i__),C3EW(i__),
     +  C3Wave(i__),C3FWHM(i__)
        if(ar__1(39:42) .EQ. '') C3EW(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__1(44:49) .EQ. '') C3Wave(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__1(51:55) .EQ. '') C3FWHM(i__) = rNULL__
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  SDSS_1(i__),C4EW(i__),C4Wave(i__),C4FWHM(i__),C3EW(i__),
     +  C3Wave(i__),C3FWHM(i__)
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
