FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/J/ApJ/603/503 into FORTRAN code for reading data files line by line.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-20
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. J/ApJ/603/503    HST photometry in NGC 5253 and NGC 3077     (Harris+, 2004)
*The recent cluster formation histories of NGC 5253 and NGC 3077:
*environmental impact on star formation.
*    Harris J., Calzetti D., Gallagher Iii J.S., Smith D.A., Conselice C.J.
*   <Astrophys. J., 603, 503-522 (2004)>
*   =2004ApJ...603..503H

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table2.dat'	! Log of the exposures

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=32)	! Number of records
      character*58 ar__   	! Full-size record

      character*8   Name        ! Galay name (NGC 3077 or NGC 5253)
      character*9   Exp         ! Exposure identification
      character*10  Date        ! ("YYYY/MM/DD") Observation date
      character*16  Filt        ! Filter
      integer*4     Texp        ! (s) Exposition time
      real*4        PA          ! (deg) Position angle

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table3.dat'	! Photometry of clusters in NGC 3077

      integer*4 nr__1
      parameter (nr__1=55)	! Number of records
      character*110 ar__1  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAh RAm RAs DE- DEd DEm DEs
      real*8        RAdeg       ! (deg) Right Ascension J2000
      real*8        DEdeg       ! (deg)     Declination J2000
C  ---------------------------------- ! (position vector(s) in degrees)

      character*13  v_HCG2004_  ! Identification number,
*                                    NGC 3077 C NN or NGC 5253 C NN
      integer*4     RAh         ! (h) Hour of Right Ascension (J2000)
      integer*4     RAm         ! (min) Minute of of Right Ascension (J2000)
      real*4        RAs         ! (s) Second of Right Ascension (J2000)
      character*1   DE_         ! Sign of Declination (J2000)
      integer*4     DEd         ! (deg) Degree of Declination (J2000)
      integer*4     DEm         ! (arcmin) Arcminute of Declination (J2000)
      real*4        DEs         ! (arcsec) Arcsecond of Declination (J2000)
      real*4        F300W       ! (mag) ?=99.999 WFPC2 F300W band magnitude
      real*4        F547W       ! (mag) WFPC2 F547W band magnitude
      real*4        F814W       ! (mag) ?=99.999 WFPC2 F814W band magnitude
      real*4        E_B_V       ! (mag) The (B-V) color excess
      character*1   n_E_B_V     ! [d] Note on E(B-V) (4)
      integer*4     MassP       ! (10+3solMass) ? Photometric mass (1)
      integer*4     MassPu      ! (10+3solMass) ? Upper limit of photometric mass range
      integer*4     MassPl      ! (10+3solMass) ? Lower limit of photometric mass range
      integer*4     AgeP        ! (Myr) ? Photometric age (1)
      integer*4     AgePl       ! (Myr) ? Lower limit of photometric age range (1)
      integer*4     AgePu       ! (Myr) ? Upper limit of photometric age range (1)
      integer*4     EWHa        ! (0.1nm) H{alpha} equivalent width
      integer*4     AgeHa       ! (Myr) ? H{alpha} age (2)
      integer*4     AgeHal      ! (Myr) ? Lower limit of H{alpha} age range (2)
      integer*4     AgeHau      ! (Myr) ? Upper limit of H{alpha} age range (2)
      integer*4     Mass        ! (10+3solMass) ? Mass (3)
      integer*4     Age         ! (Myr) ? Age  (3)
*Note (1): Mass and age estimates from broadband photometry. There are no
*          estimates for points that are farther than 5{sigma} from the
*          Starburst99 model track.
*Note (2): Age estimates from EW(H{alpha}). There is no estimate when
*          EW(H{alpha}) is not detected, although these clusters are likely
*          older than 10-20Myr.
*Note (3): Final mass and age estimates, combining constraints from the
*          broadband photometry and EW(H{alpha})
*Note (4): The E(B-V) estimate for theses objects was manually adjusted to
*     bring its photometric age estimate into agreement with its EW(H{alpha})

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table4.dat'	! Photometry of clusters in NGC 5253

      integer*4 nr__2
      parameter (nr__2=33)	! Number of records
      character*110 ar__2  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAh RAm RAs DE- DEd DEm DEs
      real*8        RAdeg_1     ! (deg) Right Ascension J2000
      real*8        DEdeg_1     ! (deg)     Declination J2000
C  ---------------------------------- ! (position vector(s) in degrees)

      character*13  v_HCG2004__1 ! Identification number,
*                                    NGC 3077 C NN or NGC 5253 C NN
      integer*4     RAh_1       ! (h) Hour of Right Ascension (J2000)
      integer*4     RAm_1       ! (min) Minute of of Right Ascension (J2000)
      real*4        RAs_1       ! (s) Second of Right Ascension (J2000)
      character*1   DE__1       ! Sign of Declination (J2000)
      integer*4     DEd_1       ! (deg) Degree of Declination (J2000)
      integer*4     DEm_1       ! (arcmin) Arcminute of Declination (J2000)
      real*4        DEs_1       ! (arcsec) Arcsecond of Declination (J2000)
      real*4        F300W_1     ! (mag) ?=99.999 WFPC2 F300W band magnitude
      real*4        F547W_1     ! (mag) WFPC2 F547W band magnitude
      real*4        F814W_1     ! (mag) ?=99.999 WFPC2 F814W band magnitude
      real*4        E_B_V_1     ! (mag) The (B-V) color excess
      character*1   n_E_B_V_1   ! [d] Note on E(B-V) (4)
      integer*4     MassP_1     ! (10+3solMass) ? Photometric mass (1)
      integer*4     MassPu_1    ! (10+3solMass) ? Upper limit of photometric mass range
      integer*4     MassPl_1    ! (10+3solMass) ? Lower limit of photometric mass range
      integer*4     AgeP_1      ! (Myr) ? Photometric age (1)
      integer*4     AgePl_1     ! (Myr) ? Lower limit of photometric age range (1)
      integer*4     AgePu_1     ! (Myr) ? Upper limit of photometric age range (1)
      integer*4     EWHa_1      ! (0.1nm) H{alpha} equivalent width
      integer*4     AgeHa_1     ! (Myr) ? H{alpha} age (2)
      integer*4     AgeHal_1    ! (Myr) ? Lower limit of H{alpha} age range (2)
      integer*4     AgeHau_1    ! (Myr) ? Upper limit of H{alpha} age range (2)
      integer*4     Mass_1      ! (10+3solMass) ? Mass (3)
      integer*4     Age_1       ! (Myr) ? Age  (3)
*Note (1): Mass and age estimates from broadband photometry. There are no
*          estimates for points that are farther than 5{sigma} from the
*          Starburst99 model track.
*Note (2): Age estimates from EW(H{alpha}). There is no estimate when
*          EW(H{alpha}) is not detected, although these clusters are likely
*          older than 10-20Myr.
*Note (3): Final mass and age estimates, combining constraints from the
*          broadband photometry and EW(H{alpha})
*Note (4): The E(B-V) estimate for theses objects was manually adjusted to
*     bring its photometric age estimate into agreement with its EW(H{alpha})

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table5.dat'	! Photometry of non-cluster objects in NGC 3077

      integer*4 nr__3
      parameter (nr__3=243)	! Number of records
      character*68 ar__3  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAh RAm RAs DE- DEd DEm DEs
      real*8        RAdeg_2     ! (deg) Right Ascension J2000
      real*8        DEdeg_2     ! (deg)     Declination J2000
C  ---------------------------------- ! (position vector(s) in degrees)

      character*15  v_HCG2004__2 ! Identification number,
*                                  NGC 3077 NC NNN or NGC 5253 NC NNN
      integer*4     RAh_2       ! (h) Hour of Right Ascension (J2000)
      integer*4     RAm_2       ! (min) Minute of of Right Ascension (J2000)
      real*4        RAs_2       ! (s) Second of Right Ascension (J2000)
      character*1   DE__2       ! Sign of Declination (J2000)
      integer*4     DEd_2       ! (deg) Degree of Declination (J2000)
      integer*4     DEm_2       ! (arcmin) Arcminute of Declination (J2000)
      real*4        DEs_2       ! (arcsec) Arcsecond of Declination (J2000)
      real*4        F300W_2     ! (mag) ? WFPC2 F300W band magnitude
      real*4        F547W_2     ! (mag) ? WFPC2 F547W band magnitude
      real*4        F814W_2     ! (mag) ? WFPC2 F814W band magnitude
      real*4        E_B_V_1     ! (mag) The (B-V) color excess
      integer*4     Class       ! Classification (1)
*Note (1): Classification uses the following numbers:
*      1 = star
*      2 = ambiguous star/cluster class
*      3 = detected in only one filter

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table6.dat'	! Photometry of non-cluster objects in NGC 5253

      integer*4 nr__4
      parameter (nr__4=391)	! Number of records
      character*68 ar__4  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAh RAm RAs DE- DEd DEm DEs
      real*8        RAdeg_3     ! (deg) Right Ascension J2000
      real*8        DEdeg_3     ! (deg)     Declination J2000
C  ---------------------------------- ! (position vector(s) in degrees)

      character*15  v_HCG2004__3 ! Identification number,
*                                  NGC 3077 NC NNN or NGC 5253 NC NNN
      integer*4     RAh_3       ! (h) Hour of Right Ascension (J2000)
      integer*4     RAm_3       ! (min) Minute of of Right Ascension (J2000)
      real*4        RAs_3       ! (s) Second of Right Ascension (J2000)
      character*1   DE__3       ! Sign of Declination (J2000)
      integer*4     DEd_3       ! (deg) Degree of Declination (J2000)
      integer*4     DEm_3       ! (arcmin) Arcminute of Declination (J2000)
      real*4        DEs_3       ! (arcsec) Arcsecond of Declination (J2000)
      real*4        F300W_3     ! (mag) ? WFPC2 F300W band magnitude
      real*4        F547W_3     ! (mag) ? WFPC2 F547W band magnitude
      real*4        F814W_3     ! (mag) ? WFPC2 F814W band magnitude
      real*4        E_B_V_1     ! (mag) The (B-V) color excess
      integer*4     Class_1     ! Classification (1)
*Note (1): Classification uses the following numbers:
*      1 = star
*      2 = ambiguous star/cluster class
*      3 = detected in only one filter


C  Loading file 'table2.dat'	! Log of the exposures

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(A8,1X,A9,1X,A10,1X,A16,1X,I4,1X,F6.2)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table2.dat'
      do i__=1,32
c    ..............Just test output...........
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table3.dat'	! Photometry of clusters in NGC 3077

C  Format for file interpretation

    2 format(
     +  A13,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F5.2,1X,A1,I2,1X,I2,1X,F5.2,1X,F6.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F4.2,A1,1X,I3,1X,I2,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,
     +  1X,I4,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,I3,1X,I3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table3.dat'
      do i__=1,55
     +  v_HCG2004_,RAh,RAm,RAs,DE_,DEd,DEm,DEs,F300W,F547W,F814W,
     +  E_B_V,n_E_B_V,MassP,MassPu,MassPl,AgeP,AgePl,AgePu,EWHa,AgeHa,
     +  AgeHal,AgeHau,Mass,Age
        if(ar__1(67:69) .EQ. '') MassP = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(71:72) .EQ. '') MassPu = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(74:76) .EQ. '') MassPl = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(78:80) .EQ. '') AgeP = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(82:84) .EQ. '') AgePl = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(86:88) .EQ. '') AgePu = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(95:96) .EQ. '') AgeHa = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(98:99) .EQ. '') AgeHal = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(101:102) .EQ. '') AgeHau = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(104:106) .EQ. '') Mass = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(108:110) .EQ. '') Age = iNULL__
        RAdeg = rNULL__
        DEdeg = rNULL__
c  Derive coordinates RAdeg and DEdeg from input data
c  (RAdeg and DEdeg are set to rNULL__ when unknown)
        if(RAh .GT. -180) RAdeg=RAh*15.
        if(RAm .GT. -180) RAdeg=RAdeg+RAm/4.
        if(RAs .GT. -180) RAdeg=RAdeg+RAs/240.
        if(DEd .GE. 0) DEdeg=DEd
        if(DEm .GE. 0) DEdeg=DEdeg+DEm/60.
        if(DEs .GE. 0) DEdeg=DEdeg+DEs/3600.
        if(DE_.EQ.'-'.AND.DEdeg.GE.0) DEdeg=-DEdeg
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  v_HCG2004_,RAh,RAm,RAs,DE_,DEd,DEm,DEs,F300W,F547W,F814W,
     +  E_B_V,n_E_B_V,MassP,MassPu,MassPl,AgeP,AgePl,AgePu,EWHa,AgeHa,
     +  AgeHal,AgeHau,Mass,Age
        write(6,'(6H Pos: 2F8.4)') RAdeg,DEdeg
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table4.dat'	! Photometry of clusters in NGC 5253

C  Format for file interpretation

    3 format(
     +  A13,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F5.2,1X,A1,I2,1X,I2,1X,F5.2,1X,F6.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F4.2,A1,1X,I3,1X,I2,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,
     +  1X,I4,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,I3,1X,I3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table4.dat'
      do i__=1,33
     +  v_HCG2004__1,RAh_1,RAm_1,RAs_1,DE__1,DEd_1,DEm_1,DEs_1,
     +  F300W_1,F547W_1,F814W_1,E_B_V_1,n_E_B_V_1,MassP_1,MassPu_1,
     +  MassPl_1,AgeP_1,AgePl_1,AgePu_1,EWHa_1,AgeHa_1,AgeHal_1,
     +  AgeHau_1,Mass_1,Age_1
        if(ar__2(67:69) .EQ. '') MassP_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(71:72) .EQ. '') MassPu_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(74:76) .EQ. '') MassPl_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(78:80) .EQ. '') AgeP_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(82:84) .EQ. '') AgePl_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(86:88) .EQ. '') AgePu_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(95:96) .EQ. '') AgeHa_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(98:99) .EQ. '') AgeHal_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(101:102) .EQ. '') AgeHau_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(104:106) .EQ. '') Mass_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(108:110) .EQ. '') Age_1 = iNULL__
        RAdeg_1 = rNULL__
        DEdeg_1 = rNULL__
c  Derive coordinates RAdeg_1 and DEdeg_1 from input data
c  (RAdeg_1 and DEdeg_1 are set to rNULL__ when unknown)
        if(RAh_1 .GT. -180) RAdeg_1=RAh_1*15.
        if(RAm_1 .GT. -180) RAdeg_1=RAdeg_1+RAm_1/4.
        if(RAs_1 .GT. -180) RAdeg_1=RAdeg_1+RAs_1/240.
        if(DEd_1 .GE. 0) DEdeg_1=DEd_1
        if(DEm_1 .GE. 0) DEdeg_1=DEdeg_1+DEm_1/60.
        if(DEs_1 .GE. 0) DEdeg_1=DEdeg_1+DEs_1/3600.
        if(DE__1.EQ.'-'.AND.DEdeg_1.GE.0) DEdeg_1=-DEdeg_1
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  v_HCG2004__1,RAh_1,RAm_1,RAs_1,DE__1,DEd_1,DEm_1,DEs_1,
     +  F300W_1,F547W_1,F814W_1,E_B_V_1,n_E_B_V_1,MassP_1,MassPu_1,
     +  MassPl_1,AgeP_1,AgePl_1,AgePu_1,EWHa_1,AgeHa_1,AgeHal_1,
     +  AgeHau_1,Mass_1,Age_1
        write(6,'(6H Pos: 2F8.4)') RAdeg_1,DEdeg_1
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table5.dat'	! Photometry of non-cluster objects in NGC 3077

C  Format for file interpretation

    4 format(
     +  A15,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F5.2,1X,A1,I2,1X,I2,1X,F4.1,1X,F6.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F4.2,1X,I1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table5.dat'
      do i__=1,243
     +  v_HCG2004__2,RAh_2,RAm_2,RAs_2,DE__2,DEd_2,DEm_2,DEs_2,
     +  F300W_2,F547W_2,F814W_2,E_B_V_1,Class
        if(ar__3(41:46) .EQ. '') F300W_2 = rNULL__
        if(ar__3(48:53) .EQ. '') F547W_2 = rNULL__
        if(ar__3(55:60) .EQ. '') F814W_2 = rNULL__
        RAdeg_2 = rNULL__
        DEdeg_2 = rNULL__
c  Derive coordinates RAdeg_2 and DEdeg_2 from input data
c  (RAdeg_2 and DEdeg_2 are set to rNULL__ when unknown)
        if(RAh_2 .GT. -180) RAdeg_2=RAh_2*15.
        if(RAm_2 .GT. -180) RAdeg_2=RAdeg_2+RAm_2/4.
        if(RAs_2 .GT. -180) RAdeg_2=RAdeg_2+RAs_2/240.
        if(DEd_2 .GE. 0) DEdeg_2=DEd_2
        if(DEm_2 .GE. 0) DEdeg_2=DEdeg_2+DEm_2/60.
        if(DEs_2 .GE. 0) DEdeg_2=DEdeg_2+DEs_2/3600.
        if(DE__2.EQ.'-'.AND.DEdeg_2.GE.0) DEdeg_2=-DEdeg_2
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  v_HCG2004__2,RAh_2,RAm_2,RAs_2,DE__2,DEd_2,DEm_2,DEs_2,
     +  F300W_2,F547W_2,F814W_2,E_B_V_1,Class
        write(6,'(6H Pos: 2F8.4)') RAdeg_2,DEdeg_2
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table6.dat'	! Photometry of non-cluster objects in NGC 5253

C  Format for file interpretation

    5 format(
     +  A15,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F5.2,1X,A1,I2,1X,I2,1X,F4.1,1X,F6.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F4.2,1X,I1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table6.dat'
      do i__=1,391
     +  v_HCG2004__3,RAh_3,RAm_3,RAs_3,DE__3,DEd_3,DEm_3,DEs_3,
     +  F300W_3,F547W_3,F814W_3,E_B_V_1,Class_1
        if(ar__4(41:46) .EQ. '') F300W_3 = rNULL__
        if(ar__4(48:53) .EQ. '') F547W_3 = rNULL__
        if(ar__4(55:60) .EQ. '') F814W_3 = rNULL__
        RAdeg_3 = rNULL__
        DEdeg_3 = rNULL__
c  Derive coordinates RAdeg_3 and DEdeg_3 from input data
c  (RAdeg_3 and DEdeg_3 are set to rNULL__ when unknown)
        if(RAh_3 .GT. -180) RAdeg_3=RAh_3*15.
        if(RAm_3 .GT. -180) RAdeg_3=RAdeg_3+RAm_3/4.
        if(RAs_3 .GT. -180) RAdeg_3=RAdeg_3+RAs_3/240.
        if(DEd_3 .GE. 0) DEdeg_3=DEd_3
        if(DEm_3 .GE. 0) DEdeg_3=DEdeg_3+DEm_3/60.
        if(DEs_3 .GE. 0) DEdeg_3=DEdeg_3+DEs_3/3600.
        if(DE__3.EQ.'-'.AND.DEdeg_3.GE.0) DEdeg_3=-DEdeg_3
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  v_HCG2004__3,RAh_3,RAm_3,RAs_3,DE__3,DEd_3,DEm_3,DEs_3,
     +  F300W_3,F547W_3,F814W_3,E_B_V_1,Class_1
        write(6,'(6H Pos: 2F8.4)') RAdeg_3,DEdeg_3
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
