FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/J/AJ/154/256 into FORTRAN code for reading data files line by line.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-19
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. J/AJ/154/256      VLM stars and BDs in Upper Sco using Gaia DR1    (Cook+, 2017)
*Very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in Upper Scorpius using Gaia DR1:
*mass function, disks, and kinematics.
*    Cook N.J., Scholz A., Jayawardhana R.
*   <Astron. J., 154, 256-256 (2017)>
*   =2017AJ....154..256C    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table9a.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
                                 DR10 and Red HK (C-ZYJHK_DR10_Red_HK)

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=68)	! Number of records
      character*458 ar__   	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      integer*8     UID         ! Unique identifier (1)
      real*8        RAdeg       ! (deg) Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        DEdeg       ! (deg) Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        Zmag        ! (mag) UKIDSS Z magnitude
      real*8        e_Zmag      ! (mag) Uncertainty in Zmag
      real*8        Ymag        ! (mag) UKIDSS Y magnitude
      real*8        e_Ymag      ! (mag) Uncertainty in Ymag
      real*8        Jmag        ! (mag) UKIDSS J magnitude
      real*8        e_Jmag      ! (mag) Uncertainty in Jmag
      real*8        Hmag        ! (mag) UKIDSS H magnitude
      real*8        e_Hmag      ! (mag) Uncertainty in Hmag
      real*8        Kmag        ! (mag) K magnitude
      real*8        e_Kmag      ! (mag) Uncertainty in Kmag
      real*8        pm          ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion
      real*8        e_pm        ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pm
      character*4   r_pm        ! Reference for pm (2)
      real*8        pmRA        ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in RA
      real*8        e_pmRA      ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmRA
      real*8        pmDE        ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in DE
      real*8        e_pmDE      ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmDE
      integer*4     WISE        ! Has WISE photometry (3)
      integer*4     Disk        ! Flagged as having a disc (4)
      real*4        MassFit     ! (solMass) Best {chi}^2^ fit for mass
      real*4        bMassFit    ! (solMass) Lower Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        BMassFit_1  ! (solMass) Upper Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        TeffFit     ! (K) Best {chi}^2^ fit for effective temperature
      real*4        bTeffFit    ! (K) Lower Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        BTeffFit_1  ! (K) Upper Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        LumFit      ! (solLum) Best {chi}^2^ fit for luminosity
      real*4        bLumFit     ! (solLum) Lower Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        BLumFit_1   ! (solLum) Upper Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        loggFit     ! ([cm/s2]) Best {chi}^2^ fit for surface gravity
      real*4        bloggFit    ! ([cm/s2]) Lower Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        BloggFit_1  ! ([cm/s2]) Upper Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        RadFit      ! (solRad) Best {chi}^2^ fit for radius
      real*4        bRadFit     ! (solRad) Lower Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*4        BRadFit_1   ! (solRad) Upper Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*8        chilow      ! Low fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chimid      ! Mid fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chihi       ! High fit {chi}^2^
      integer*4     Wise_Mass   ! Has WISE photometry and a mass estimate
      real*8        sigExpmRA   ! Sigma excess in pmRA
      real*8        sigExpmDE   ! Sigma excess in pmDE
      integer*4     fnpmout     ! Not an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
      integer*4     fpmout      ! Is an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
*Note (1): Of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm. ID is unique
* over entire WSA via program ID prefix.
*Note (2): Reference for pm as follows:
* hsoy = Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY) catalog (Altmann et al.,
*         2017A&A...600L...4A, Cat. I/339)
* gps1 = Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) catalog (Tian et al., 2017ApJS..232....4T)
* gcs = The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) catalog (Lawrence et al.,
*           2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. II/314)
* ucac = UCAC5: New Proper Motions Using Gaia DR1 catalog (Zacharias et al.,
*            2017AJ....153..166Z, Cat. I/340)
*Note (3): Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.
*Note (4): Dawson et al. (2013MNRAS.429..903D, Cat. J/MNRAS/429/903)
* WISE W1-W2 or WISE W3 disc.
* Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table9b.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
                                 DR10 and Red no HK (C-ZYJHK_DR10_Red_noHK)

      integer*4 nr__1
      parameter (nr__1=224)	! Number of records
      character*458 ar__1  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      integer*8     UID_1       ! Unique identifier (1)
      real*8        RAdeg_1     ! (deg) Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        DEdeg_1     ! (deg) Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        Zmag_1      ! (mag) UKIDSS Z magnitude
      real*8        e_Zmag_1    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Zmag
      real*8        Ymag_1      ! (mag) UKIDSS Y magnitude
      real*8        e_Ymag_1    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Ymag
      real*8        Jmag_1      ! (mag) UKIDSS J magnitude
      real*8        e_Jmag_1    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Jmag
      real*8        Hmag_1      ! (mag) UKIDSS H magnitude
      real*8        e_Hmag_1    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Hmag
      real*8        Kmag_1      ! (mag) K magnitude
      real*8        e_Kmag_1    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Kmag
      real*8        pm_1        ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion
      real*8        e_pm_1      ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pm
      character*4   r_pm_1      ! Reference for pm (2)
      real*8        pmRA_1      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in RA
      real*8        e_pmRA_1    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmRA
      real*8        pmDE_1      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in DE
      real*8        e_pmDE_1    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmDE
      integer*4     WISE_1      ! Has WISE photometry (3)
      integer*4     Disk_1      ! Flagged as having a disc (4)
      real*4        MassFit_1   ! (solMass) Best {chi}^2^ fit for mass
      real*4        bMassFit_2  ! (solMass) Lower Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        BMassFit_3  ! (solMass) Upper Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        TeffFit_1   ! (K) Best {chi}^2^ fit for effective temperature
      real*4        bTeffFit_2  ! (K) Lower Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        BTeffFit_3  ! (K) Upper Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        LumFit_1    ! (solLum) Best {chi}^2^ fit for luminosity
      real*4        bLumFit_2   ! (solLum) Lower Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        BLumFit_3   ! (solLum) Upper Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        loggFit_1   ! ([cm/s2]) Best {chi}^2^ fit for surface gravity
      real*4        bloggFit_2  ! ([cm/s2]) Lower Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        BloggFit_3  ! ([cm/s2]) Upper Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        RadFit_1    ! (solRad) Best {chi}^2^ fit for radius
      real*4        bRadFit_2   ! (solRad) Lower Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*4        BRadFit_3   ! (solRad) Upper Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*8        chilow_1    ! Low fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chimid_1    ! Mid fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chihi_1     ! High fit {chi}^2^
      integer*4     Wise_Mass_1 ! Has WISE photometry and a mass estimate
      real*8        sigExpmRA_1 ! Sigma excess in pmRA
      real*8        sigExpmDE_1 ! Sigma excess in pmDE
      integer*4     fnpmout_1   ! Not an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
      integer*4     fpmout_1    ! Is an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
*Note (1): Of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm. ID is unique
* over entire WSA via program ID prefix.
*Note (2): Reference for pm as follows:
* hsoy = Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY) catalog (Altmann et al.,
*         2017A&A...600L...4A, Cat. I/339)
* gps1 = Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) catalog (Tian et al., 2017ApJS..232....4T)
* gcs = The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) catalog (Lawrence et al.,
*           2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. II/314)
* ucac = UCAC5: New Proper Motions Using Gaia DR1 catalog (Zacharias et al.,
*            2017AJ....153..166Z, Cat. I/340)
*Note (3): Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.
*Note (4): Dawson et al. (2013MNRAS.429..903D, Cat. J/MNRAS/429/903)
* WISE W1-W2 or WISE W3 disc.
* Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table9c.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
                                 DR10 no Red HK (C-ZYJHK_DR10_noRed_HK)

      integer*4 nr__2
      parameter (nr__2=49)	! Number of records
      character*458 ar__2  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      integer*8     UID_2       ! Unique identifier (1)
      real*8        RAdeg_2     ! (deg) Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        DEdeg_2     ! (deg) Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        Zmag_2      ! (mag) UKIDSS Z magnitude
      real*8        e_Zmag_2    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Zmag
      real*8        Ymag_2      ! (mag) UKIDSS Y magnitude
      real*8        e_Ymag_2    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Ymag
      real*8        Jmag_2      ! (mag) UKIDSS J magnitude
      real*8        e_Jmag_2    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Jmag
      real*8        Hmag_2      ! (mag) UKIDSS H magnitude
      real*8        e_Hmag_2    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Hmag
      real*8        Kmag_2      ! (mag) K magnitude
      real*8        e_Kmag_2    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Kmag
      real*8        pm_2        ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion
      real*8        e_pm_2      ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pm
      character*4   r_pm_2      ! Reference for pm (2)
      real*8        pmRA_2      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in RA
      real*8        e_pmRA_2    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmRA
      real*8        pmDE_2      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in DE
      real*8        e_pmDE_2    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmDE
      integer*4     WISE_2      ! Has WISE photometry (3)
      integer*4     Disk_2      ! Flagged as having a disc (4)
      real*4        MassFit_2   ! (solMass) Best {chi}^2^ fit for mass
      real*4        bMassFit_4  ! (solMass) Lower Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        BMassFit_5  ! (solMass) Upper Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        TeffFit_2   ! (K) Best {chi}^2^ fit for effective temperature
      real*4        bTeffFit_4  ! (K) Lower Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        BTeffFit_5  ! (K) Upper Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        LumFit_2    ! (solLum) Best {chi}^2^ fit for luminosity
      real*4        bLumFit_4   ! (solLum) Lower Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        BLumFit_5   ! (solLum) Upper Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        loggFit_2   ! ([cm/s2]) Best {chi}^2^ fit for surface gravity
      real*4        bloggFit_4  ! ([cm/s2]) Lower Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        BloggFit_5  ! ([cm/s2]) Upper Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        RadFit_2    ! (solRad) Best {chi}^2^ fit for radius
      real*4        bRadFit_4   ! (solRad) Lower Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*4        BRadFit_5   ! (solRad) Upper Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*8        chilow_2    ! Low fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chimid_2    ! Mid fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chihi_2     ! High fit {chi}^2^
      integer*4     Wise_Mass_2 ! Has WISE photometry and a mass estimate
      real*8        sigExpmRA_2 ! Sigma excess in pmRA
      real*8        sigExpmDE_2 ! Sigma excess in pmDE
      integer*4     fnpmout_2   ! Not an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
      integer*4     fpmout_2    ! Is an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
*Note (1): Of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm. ID is unique
* over entire WSA via program ID prefix.
*Note (2): Reference for pm as follows:
* hsoy = Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY) catalog (Altmann et al.,
*         2017A&A...600L...4A, Cat. I/339)
* gps1 = Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) catalog (Tian et al., 2017ApJS..232....4T)
* gcs = The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) catalog (Lawrence et al.,
*           2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. II/314)
* ucac = UCAC5: New Proper Motions Using Gaia DR1 catalog (Zacharias et al.,
*            2017AJ....153..166Z, Cat. I/340)
*Note (3): Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.
*Note (4): Dawson et al. (2013MNRAS.429..903D, Cat. J/MNRAS/429/903)
* WISE W1-W2 or WISE W3 disc.
* Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table9d.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
                                 DR10 no Red no HK (C-ZYJHK_DR10_noRed_noHK)

      integer*4 nr__3
      parameter (nr__3=171)	! Number of records
      character*458 ar__3  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      integer*8     UID_3       ! Unique identifier (1)
      real*8        RAdeg_3     ! (deg) Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        DEdeg_3     ! (deg) Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        Zmag_3      ! (mag) UKIDSS Z magnitude
      real*8        e_Zmag_3    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Zmag
      real*8        Ymag_3      ! (mag) UKIDSS Y magnitude
      real*8        e_Ymag_3    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Ymag
      real*8        Jmag_3      ! (mag) UKIDSS J magnitude
      real*8        e_Jmag_3    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Jmag
      real*8        Hmag_3      ! (mag) UKIDSS H magnitude
      real*8        e_Hmag_3    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Hmag
      real*8        Kmag_3      ! (mag) K magnitude
      real*8        e_Kmag_3    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Kmag
      real*8        pm_3        ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion
      real*8        e_pm_3      ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pm
      character*4   r_pm_3      ! Reference for pm (2)
      real*8        pmRA_3      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in RA
      real*8        e_pmRA_3    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmRA
      real*8        pmDE_3      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in DE
      real*8        e_pmDE_3    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmDE
      integer*4     WISE_3      ! Has WISE photometry (3)
      integer*4     Disk_3      ! Flagged as having a disc (4)
      real*4        MassFit_3   ! (solMass) Best {chi}^2^ fit for mass
      real*4        bMassFit_6  ! (solMass) Lower Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        BMassFit_7  ! (solMass) Upper Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        TeffFit_3   ! (K) Best {chi}^2^ fit for effective temperature
      real*4        bTeffFit_6  ! (K) Lower Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        BTeffFit_7  ! (K) Upper Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        LumFit_3    ! (solLum) Best {chi}^2^ fit for luminosity
      real*4        bLumFit_6   ! (solLum) Lower Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        BLumFit_7   ! (solLum) Upper Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        loggFit_3   ! ([cm/s2]) Best {chi}^2^ fit for surface gravity
      real*4        bloggFit_6  ! ([cm/s2]) Lower Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        BloggFit_7  ! ([cm/s2]) Upper Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        RadFit_3    ! (solRad) Best {chi}^2^ fit for radius
      real*4        bRadFit_6   ! (solRad) Lower Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*4        BRadFit_7   ! (solRad) Upper Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*8        chilow_3    ! Low fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chimid_3    ! Mid fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chihi_3     ! High fit {chi}^2^
      integer*4     Wise_Mass_3 ! Has WISE photometry and a mass estimate
      real*8        sigExpmRA_3 ! Sigma excess in pmRA
      real*8        sigExpmDE_3 ! Sigma excess in pmDE
      integer*4     fnpmout_3   ! Not an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
      integer*4     fpmout_3    ! Is an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
*Note (1): Of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm. ID is unique
* over entire WSA via program ID prefix.
*Note (2): Reference for pm as follows:
* hsoy = Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY) catalog (Altmann et al.,
*         2017A&A...600L...4A, Cat. I/339)
* gps1 = Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) catalog (Tian et al., 2017ApJS..232....4T)
* gcs = The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) catalog (Lawrence et al.,
*           2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. II/314)
* ucac = UCAC5: New Proper Motions Using Gaia DR1 catalog (Zacharias et al.,
*            2017AJ....153..166Z, Cat. I/340)
*Note (3): Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.
*Note (4): Dawson et al. (2013MNRAS.429..903D, Cat. J/MNRAS/429/903)
* WISE W1-W2 or WISE W3 disc.
* Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table9e.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
                                 SV and HK (C-ZYJHK_SV_HK)

      integer*4 nr__4
      parameter (nr__4=14)	! Number of records
      character*458 ar__4  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      integer*8     UID_4       ! Unique identifier (1)
      real*8        RAdeg_4     ! (deg) Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        DEdeg_4     ! (deg) Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        Zmag_4      ! (mag) UKIDSS Z magnitude
      real*8        e_Zmag_4    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Zmag
      real*8        Ymag_4      ! (mag) UKIDSS Y magnitude
      real*8        e_Ymag_4    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Ymag
      real*8        Jmag_4      ! (mag) UKIDSS J magnitude
      real*8        e_Jmag_4    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Jmag
      real*8        Hmag_4      ! (mag) UKIDSS H magnitude
      real*8        e_Hmag_4    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Hmag
      real*8        Kmag_4      ! (mag) K magnitude
      real*8        e_Kmag_4    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Kmag
      real*8        pm_4        ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion
      real*8        e_pm_4      ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pm
      character*4   r_pm_4      ! Reference for pm (2)
      real*8        pmRA_4      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in RA
      real*8        e_pmRA_4    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmRA
      real*8        pmDE_4      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in DE
      real*8        e_pmDE_4    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmDE
      integer*4     WISE_4      ! Has WISE photometry (3)
      integer*4     Disk_4      ! Flagged as having a disc (4)
      real*4        MassFit_4   ! (solMass) Best {chi}^2^ fit for mass
      real*4        bMassFit_8  ! (solMass) Lower Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        BMassFit_9  ! (solMass) Upper Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        TeffFit_4   ! (K) Best {chi}^2^ fit for effective temperature
      real*4        bTeffFit_8  ! (K) Lower Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        BTeffFit_9  ! (K) Upper Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        LumFit_4    ! (solLum) Best {chi}^2^ fit for luminosity
      real*4        bLumFit_8   ! (solLum) Lower Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        BLumFit_9   ! (solLum) Upper Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        loggFit_4   ! ([cm/s2]) Best {chi}^2^ fit for surface gravity
      real*4        bloggFit_8  ! ([cm/s2]) Lower Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        BloggFit_9  ! ([cm/s2]) Upper Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        RadFit_4    ! (solRad) Best {chi}^2^ fit for radius
      real*4        bRadFit_8   ! (solRad) Lower Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*4        BRadFit_9   ! (solRad) Upper Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*8        chilow_4    ! Low fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chimid_4    ! Mid fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chihi_4     ! High fit {chi}^2^
      integer*4     Wise_Mass_4 ! Has WISE photometry and a mass estimate
      real*8        sigExpmRA_4 ! Sigma excess in pmRA
      real*8        sigExpmDE_4 ! Sigma excess in pmDE
      integer*4     fnpmout_4   ! Not an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
      integer*4     fpmout_4    ! Is an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
*Note (1): Of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm. ID is unique
* over entire WSA via program ID prefix.
*Note (2): Reference for pm as follows:
* hsoy = Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY) catalog (Altmann et al.,
*         2017A&A...600L...4A, Cat. I/339)
* gps1 = Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) catalog (Tian et al., 2017ApJS..232....4T)
* gcs = The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) catalog (Lawrence et al.,
*           2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. II/314)
* ucac = UCAC5: New Proper Motions Using Gaia DR1 catalog (Zacharias et al.,
*            2017AJ....153..166Z, Cat. I/340)
*Note (3): Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.
*Note (4): Dawson et al. (2013MNRAS.429..903D, Cat. J/MNRAS/429/903)
* WISE W1-W2 or WISE W3 disc.
* Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table9f.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
                                 SV and no HK (C-ZYJHK_SV_noHK)

      integer*4 nr__5
      parameter (nr__5=58)	! Number of records
      character*458 ar__5  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      integer*8     UID_5       ! Unique identifier (1)
      real*8        RAdeg_5     ! (deg) Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        DEdeg_5     ! (deg) Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        Zmag_5      ! (mag) UKIDSS Z magnitude
      real*8        e_Zmag_5    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Zmag
      real*8        Ymag_5      ! (mag) UKIDSS Y magnitude
      real*8        e_Ymag_5    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Ymag
      real*8        Jmag_5      ! (mag) UKIDSS J magnitude
      real*8        e_Jmag_5    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Jmag
      real*8        Hmag_5      ! (mag) UKIDSS H magnitude
      real*8        e_Hmag_5    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Hmag
      real*8        Kmag_5      ! (mag) K magnitude
      real*8        e_Kmag_5    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Kmag
      real*8        pm_5        ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion
      real*8        e_pm_5      ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pm
      character*4   r_pm_5      ! Reference for pm (2)
      real*8        pmRA_5      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in RA
      real*8        e_pmRA_5    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmRA
      real*8        pmDE_5      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in DE
      real*8        e_pmDE_5    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmDE
      integer*4     WISE_5      ! Has WISE photometry (3)
      integer*4     Disk_5      ! Flagged as having a disc (4)
      real*4        MassFit_5   ! (solMass) Best {chi}^2^ fit for mass
      real*4        bMassFit_10 ! (solMass) Lower Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        BMassFit_11 ! (solMass) Upper Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        TeffFit_5   ! (K) Best {chi}^2^ fit for effective temperature
      real*4        bTeffFit_10 ! (K) Lower Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        BTeffFit_11 ! (K) Upper Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        LumFit_5    ! (solLum) Best {chi}^2^ fit for luminosity
      real*4        bLumFit_10  ! (solLum) Lower Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        BLumFit_11  ! (solLum) Upper Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        loggFit_5   ! ([cm/s2]) Best {chi}^2^ fit for surface gravity
      real*4        bloggFit_10 ! ([cm/s2]) Lower Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        BloggFit_11 ! ([cm/s2]) Upper Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        RadFit_5    ! (solRad) Best {chi}^2^ fit for radius
      real*4        bRadFit_10  ! (solRad) Lower Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*4        BRadFit_11  ! (solRad) Upper Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*8        chilow_5    ! Low fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chimid_5    ! Mid fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chihi_5     ! High fit {chi}^2^
      integer*4     Wise_Mass_5 ! Has WISE photometry and a mass estimate
      real*8        sigExpmRA_5 ! Sigma excess in pmRA
      real*8        sigExpmDE_5 ! Sigma excess in pmDE
      integer*4     fnpmout_5   ! Not an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
      integer*4     fpmout_5    ! Is an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (3)
*Note (1): Of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm. ID is unique
* over entire WSA via program ID prefix.
*Note (2): Reference for pm as follows:
* hsoy = Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY) catalog (Altmann et al.,
*         2017A&A...600L...4A, Cat. I/339)
* gps1 = Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) catalog (Tian et al., 2017ApJS..232....4T)
* gcs = The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) catalog (Lawrence et al.,
*           2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. II/314)
* ucac = UCAC5: New Proper Motions Using Gaia DR1 catalog (Zacharias et al.,
*            2017AJ....153..166Z, Cat. I/340)
*Note (3): Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.
*Note (4): Dawson et al. (2013MNRAS.429..903D, Cat. J/MNRAS/429/903)
* WISE W1-W2 or WISE W3 disc.
* Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table10a.dat'	! L sample sources with only H and K photometry

      integer*4 nr__6
      parameter (nr__6=175)	! Number of records
      character*496 ar__6  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      character*8   UID_6       ! Unique ID from catalog creation
      real*8        RAdeg_6     ! (deg) Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        DEdeg_6     ! (deg) Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
      character*7   Coord       ! Source of main coordinates
      character*45  Cat         ! Catalog contained in (1)
      real*8        Zmag_6      ! (mag) ? Most precise Z magnitude
      character*16  r_Zmag      ! Reference for Zmag (1)
      real*8        e_Zmag_6    ! (mag) ? Uncertainty in Zmag
      real*8        Ymag_6      ! (mag) ? Most precise Y magnitude
      character*16  r_Ymag      ! Reference for Ymag (1)
      real*8        e_Ymag_6    ! (mag) ? Uncertainty in Ymag
      real*8        Jmag_6      ! (mag) ? Most precise J magnitude
      character*16  r_Jmag      ! Reference for Jmag (1)
      real*8        e_Jmag_6    ! (mag) ? Uncertainty in Jmag
      real*8        Hmag_6      ! (mag) Most precise H magnitude
      character*16  r_Hmag      ! Reference for Hmag (1)
      real*8        e_Hmag_6    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Hmag
      real*8        Kmag_6      ! (mag) Most precise K magnitude
      character*16  r_Kmag      ! Reference for Kmag (1)
      real*8        e_Kmag_6    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Kmag
      character*4   SpTCat      ! Spetral type from source catalog
      character*4   r_SpTCat    ! Reference for SpTcat (1)
      character*6   MassCat     ! (solMass) Mass from source catalog
      character*4   r_MassCat   ! Reference for MassCat (1)
      integer*4     fZYJHK      ! Flag whether source has valid ZYJHK
*                                     photometry (2)
      integer*4     fHKonly     ! Flag that source only has HK photometry (2)
      real*8        pm_6        ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion
      real*8        e_pm_6      ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pm
      character*4   r_pm_6      ! Reference for pm (3)
      real*8        pmRA_6      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in RA
      real*8        e_pmRA_6    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmRA
      real*8        pmDE_6      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in DE
      real*8        e_pmDE_6    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmDE
      real*4        MassFit_6   ! (solMass) ? Best {chi}^2^ fit for mass
      real*4        bMassFit_12 ! (solMass) ? Lower Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        BMassFit_13 ! (solMass) ? Upper Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        TeffFit_6   ! (K) ? Best {chi}^2^ fit for effective
*                                     temperature
      real*4        bTeffFit_12 ! (K) ? Lower Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        BTeffFit_13 ! (K) ? Upper Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        LumFit_6    ! (solLum) ? Best {chi}^2^ fit for luminosity
      real*4        bLumFit_12  ! (solLum) ? Lower Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        BLumFit_13  ! (solLum) ? Upper Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        loggFit_6   ! ([cm/s2]) ? Best {chi}^2^ fit for surface gravity
      real*4        bloggFit_12 ! ([cm/s2]) ? Lower Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        BloggFit_13 ! ([cm/s2]) ? Upper Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        RadFit_6    ! (solRad) ? Best {chi}^2^ fit for radius
      real*4        bRadFit_12  ! (solRad) ? Lower Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*4        BRadFit_13  ! (solRad) ? Upper Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*8        chilow_6    ! ? Low fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chimid_6    ! ? Mid fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chihi_6     ! ? High fit {chi}^2^
      integer*4     Disk_6      ! Flagged as having a disc (4)
      integer*4     Wise_Mass_6 ! Has WISE photometry and a mass estimate (2)
      real*8        sigExpmRA_6 ! Sigma excess in pmRA
      real*8        sigExpmDE_6 ! Sigma excess in pmDE
      integer*4     fnpmout_6   ! Not an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (2)
      integer*4     fpmout_6    ! Is an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (2)
*Note (1): Reference for MassCat as follows:
* GCSSV = From UKIDSS Science verification (Lawrence et al.,
*             2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. Cat. II/314])
* GCSDR10 = From UKIDSS DR10 (Lawrence et al. 2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. II/314)
* D11  = From Dawson et al., 2011MNRAS.418.1231D, Cat. J/MNRAS/418/1231
* L11  = From Lodieu et al., 2011MNRAS.418.2604L]
* D13  = From Dawson et al., 2013MNRAS.429..903D, Cat. J/MNRAS/429/903
* L13a = From Lodieu, 2013MNRAS.431.3222L, Cat. J/MNRAS/431/3222
* L13a_HK from HK sample,
* L13a_ZYJHK_SV from the ZYJHK UKIDSS Science verification sample,
* L13a_ZYJHK_red from the ZYJHK UKIDSS DR10 affected by reddening sample,
* L13a_ZYJHK_nored from the ZYJHK UKIDSS DR10 devoid of reddening sample
* L13b = From Lodieu, 2013MNRAS.435.2474L, Cat. J/MNRAS/435/2474
* D14 = From Dawson et al., 2014MNRAS.442.1586D
*Note (2): Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.
*Note (3): Reference for pm as follows:
* hsoy = Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY) catalog (Altmann et al.,
*         2017A&A...600L...4A, Cat. I/339)
* gps1 = Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) catalog (Tian et al., 2017ApJS..232....4T)
* gcs  = The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) catalog (Lawrence et al.,
*          2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. II/314)
*Note (4): From isochrones (i.e have ZYJHKW1W2 photometry).
* Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table10b.dat'	! L sample sources with ZYJHK photometry

      integer*4 nr__7
      parameter (nr__7=415)	! Number of records
      character*496 ar__7  	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      character*8   UID_7       ! Unique ID from catalog creation
      real*8        RAdeg_7     ! (deg) Right Ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)
      real*8        DEdeg_7     ! (deg) Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
      character*7   Coord_1     ! Source of main coordinates
      character*45  Cat_1       ! Catalog contained in (1)
      real*8        Zmag_7      ! (mag) ? Most precise Z magnitude
      character*16  r_Zmag_1    ! Reference for Zmag (1)
      real*8        e_Zmag_7    ! (mag) ? Uncertainty in Zmag
      real*8        Ymag_7      ! (mag) ? Most precise Y magnitude
      character*16  r_Ymag_1    ! Reference for Ymag (1)
      real*8        e_Ymag_7    ! (mag) ? Uncertainty in Ymag
      real*8        Jmag_7      ! (mag) ? Most precise J magnitude
      character*16  r_Jmag_1    ! Reference for Jmag (1)
      real*8        e_Jmag_7    ! (mag) ? Uncertainty in Jmag
      real*8        Hmag_7      ! (mag) Most precise H magnitude
      character*16  r_Hmag_1    ! Reference for Hmag (1)
      real*8        e_Hmag_7    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Hmag
      real*8        Kmag_7      ! (mag) Most precise K magnitude
      character*16  r_Kmag_1    ! Reference for Kmag (1)
      real*8        e_Kmag_7    ! (mag) Uncertainty in Kmag
      character*4   SpTCat_1    ! Spetral type from source catalog
      character*4   r_SpTCat_1  ! Reference for SpTcat (1)
      character*6   MassCat_1   ! (solMass) Mass from source catalog
      character*4   r_MassCat_1 ! Reference for MassCat (1)
      integer*4     fZYJHK_1    ! Flag whether source has valid ZYJHK
*                                     photometry (2)
      integer*4     fHKonly_1   ! Flag that source only has HK photometry (2)
      real*8        pm_7        ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion
      real*8        e_pm_7      ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pm
      character*4   r_pm_7      ! Reference for pm (3)
      real*8        pmRA_7      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in RA
      real*8        e_pmRA_7    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmRA
      real*8        pmDE_7      ! (mas/yr) Most precise proper motion in DE
      real*8        e_pmDE_7    ! (mas/yr) Uncertainty in pmDE
      real*4        MassFit_7   ! (solMass) ? Best {chi}^2^ fit for mass
      real*4        bMassFit_14 ! (solMass) ? Lower Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        BMassFit_15 ! (solMass) ? Upper Uncertainty bound in MassFit
      real*4        TeffFit_7   ! (K) ? Best {chi}^2^ fit for effective
*                                     temperature
      real*4        bTeffFit_14 ! (K) ? Lower Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        BTeffFit_15 ! (K) ? Upper Uncertainty bound in TeffFit
      real*4        LumFit_7    ! (solLum) ? Best {chi}^2^ fit for luminosity
      real*4        bLumFit_14  ! (solLum) ? Lower Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        BLumFit_15  ! (solLum) ? Upper Uncertainty bound in LumFit
      real*4        loggFit_7   ! ([cm/s2]) ? Best {chi}^2^ fit for surface gravity
      real*4        bloggFit_14 ! ([cm/s2]) ? Lower Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        BloggFit_15 ! ([cm/s2]) ? Upper Uncertainty bound in loggFit
      real*4        RadFit_7    ! (solRad) ? Best {chi}^2^ fit for radius
      real*4        bRadFit_14  ! (solRad) ? Lower Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*4        BRadFit_15  ! (solRad) ? Upper Uncertainty bound in RadFit
      real*8        chilow_7    ! ? Low fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chimid_7    ! ? Mid fit {chi}^2^
      real*8        chihi_7     ! ? High fit {chi}^2^
      integer*4     Disk_7      ! Flagged as having a disc (4)
      integer*4     Wise_Mass_7 ! Has WISE photometry and a mass estimate (2)
      real*8        sigExpmRA_7 ! Sigma excess in pmRA
      real*8        sigExpmDE_7 ! Sigma excess in pmDE
      integer*4     fnpmout_7   ! Not an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (2)
      integer*4     fpmout_7    ! Is an outlier in pm; 2{sigma} (2)
*Note (1): Reference for MassCat as follows:
* GCSSV = From UKIDSS Science verification (Lawrence et al.,
*             2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. Cat. II/314])
* GCSDR10 = From UKIDSS DR10 (Lawrence et al. 2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. II/314)
* D11  = From Dawson et al., 2011MNRAS.418.1231D, Cat. J/MNRAS/418/1231
* L11  = From Lodieu et al., 2011MNRAS.418.2604L]
* D13  = From Dawson et al., 2013MNRAS.429..903D, Cat. J/MNRAS/429/903
* L13a = From Lodieu, 2013MNRAS.431.3222L, Cat. J/MNRAS/431/3222
* L13a_HK from HK sample,
* L13a_ZYJHK_SV from the ZYJHK UKIDSS Science verification sample,
* L13a_ZYJHK_red from the ZYJHK UKIDSS DR10 affected by reddening sample,
* L13a_ZYJHK_nored from the ZYJHK UKIDSS DR10 devoid of reddening sample
* L13b = From Lodieu, 2013MNRAS.435.2474L, Cat. J/MNRAS/435/2474
* D14 = From Dawson et al., 2014MNRAS.442.1586D
*Note (2): Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.
*Note (3): Reference for pm as follows:
* hsoy = Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY) catalog (Altmann et al.,
*         2017A&A...600L...4A, Cat. I/339)
* gps1 = Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) catalog (Tian et al., 2017ApJS..232....4T)
* gcs  = The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) catalog (Lawrence et al.,
*          2007MNRAS.379.1599L, Cat. II/314)
*Note (4): From isochrones (i.e have ZYJHKW1W2 photometry).
* Flag as follows:
* 1 = true;
* 0 = false.


C  Loading file 'table9a.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
*                                 DR10 and Red HK (C-ZYJHK_DR10_Red_HK)

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(
     +  I12,1X,F14.10,1X,F14.10,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F22.20,1X,F8.5,1X,F7.5,1X,A4,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.1,
     +  1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F5.3,1X,
     +  F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,I1,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table9a.dat'
      do i__=1,68
     +  UID,RAdeg,DEdeg,Zmag,e_Zmag,Ymag,e_Ymag,Jmag,e_Jmag,Hmag,
     +  e_Hmag,Kmag,e_Kmag,pm,e_pm,r_pm,pmRA,e_pmRA,pmDE,e_pmDE,WISE,
     +  Disk,MassFit,bMassFit,BMassFit_1,TeffFit,bTeffFit,BTeffFit_1,
     +  LumFit,bLumFit,BLumFit_1,loggFit,bloggFit,BloggFit_1,RadFit,
     +  bRadFit,BRadFit_1,chilow,chimid,chihi,Wise_Mass,sigExpmRA,
     +  sigExpmDE,fnpmout,fpmout
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  UID,RAdeg,DEdeg,Zmag,e_Zmag,Ymag,e_Ymag,Jmag,e_Jmag,Hmag,
     +  e_Hmag,Kmag,e_Kmag,pm,e_pm,r_pm,pmRA,e_pmRA,pmDE,e_pmDE,WISE,
     +  Disk,MassFit,bMassFit,BMassFit_1,TeffFit,bTeffFit,BTeffFit_1,
     +  LumFit,bLumFit,BLumFit_1,loggFit,bloggFit,BloggFit_1,RadFit,
     +  bRadFit,BRadFit_1,chilow,chimid,chihi,Wise_Mass,sigExpmRA,
     +  sigExpmDE,fnpmout,fpmout
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table9b.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
*                                 DR10 and Red no HK (C-ZYJHK_DR10_Red_noHK)

C  Format for file interpretation

    2 format(
     +  I12,1X,F14.10,1X,F14.10,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F22.20,1X,F8.5,1X,F7.5,1X,A4,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.1,
     +  1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F5.3,1X,
     +  F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,I1,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table9b.dat'
      do i__=1,224
     +  UID_1,RAdeg_1,DEdeg_1,Zmag_1,e_Zmag_1,Ymag_1,e_Ymag_1,Jmag_1,
     +  e_Jmag_1,Hmag_1,e_Hmag_1,Kmag_1,e_Kmag_1,pm_1,e_pm_1,r_pm_1,
     +  pmRA_1,e_pmRA_1,pmDE_1,e_pmDE_1,WISE_1,Disk_1,MassFit_1,
     +  bMassFit_2,BMassFit_3,TeffFit_1,bTeffFit_2,BTeffFit_3,
     +  LumFit_1,bLumFit_2,BLumFit_3,loggFit_1,bloggFit_2,BloggFit_3,
     +  RadFit_1,bRadFit_2,BRadFit_3,chilow_1,chimid_1,chihi_1,
     +  Wise_Mass_1,sigExpmRA_1,sigExpmDE_1,fnpmout_1,fpmout_1
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  UID_1,RAdeg_1,DEdeg_1,Zmag_1,e_Zmag_1,Ymag_1,e_Ymag_1,Jmag_1,
     +  e_Jmag_1,Hmag_1,e_Hmag_1,Kmag_1,e_Kmag_1,pm_1,e_pm_1,r_pm_1,
     +  pmRA_1,e_pmRA_1,pmDE_1,e_pmDE_1,WISE_1,Disk_1,MassFit_1,
     +  bMassFit_2,BMassFit_3,TeffFit_1,bTeffFit_2,BTeffFit_3,
     +  LumFit_1,bLumFit_2,BLumFit_3,loggFit_1,bloggFit_2,BloggFit_3,
     +  RadFit_1,bRadFit_2,BRadFit_3,chilow_1,chimid_1,chihi_1,
     +  Wise_Mass_1,sigExpmRA_1,sigExpmDE_1,fnpmout_1,fpmout_1
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table9c.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
*                                 DR10 no Red HK (C-ZYJHK_DR10_noRed_HK)

C  Format for file interpretation

    3 format(
     +  I12,1X,F14.10,1X,F14.10,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F22.20,1X,F8.5,1X,F7.5,1X,A4,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.1,
     +  1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F5.3,1X,
     +  F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,I1,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table9c.dat'
      do i__=1,49
     +  UID_2,RAdeg_2,DEdeg_2,Zmag_2,e_Zmag_2,Ymag_2,e_Ymag_2,Jmag_2,
     +  e_Jmag_2,Hmag_2,e_Hmag_2,Kmag_2,e_Kmag_2,pm_2,e_pm_2,r_pm_2,
     +  pmRA_2,e_pmRA_2,pmDE_2,e_pmDE_2,WISE_2,Disk_2,MassFit_2,
     +  bMassFit_4,BMassFit_5,TeffFit_2,bTeffFit_4,BTeffFit_5,
     +  LumFit_2,bLumFit_4,BLumFit_5,loggFit_2,bloggFit_4,BloggFit_5,
     +  RadFit_2,bRadFit_4,BRadFit_5,chilow_2,chimid_2,chihi_2,
     +  Wise_Mass_2,sigExpmRA_2,sigExpmDE_2,fnpmout_2,fpmout_2
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  UID_2,RAdeg_2,DEdeg_2,Zmag_2,e_Zmag_2,Ymag_2,e_Ymag_2,Jmag_2,
     +  e_Jmag_2,Hmag_2,e_Hmag_2,Kmag_2,e_Kmag_2,pm_2,e_pm_2,r_pm_2,
     +  pmRA_2,e_pmRA_2,pmDE_2,e_pmDE_2,WISE_2,Disk_2,MassFit_2,
     +  bMassFit_4,BMassFit_5,TeffFit_2,bTeffFit_4,BTeffFit_5,
     +  LumFit_2,bLumFit_4,BLumFit_5,loggFit_2,bloggFit_4,BloggFit_5,
     +  RadFit_2,bRadFit_4,BRadFit_5,chilow_2,chimid_2,chihi_2,
     +  Wise_Mass_2,sigExpmRA_2,sigExpmDE_2,fnpmout_2,fpmout_2
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table9d.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
*                                 DR10 no Red no HK (C-ZYJHK_DR10_noRed_noHK)

C  Format for file interpretation

    4 format(
     +  I12,1X,F14.10,1X,F14.10,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F22.20,1X,F8.5,1X,F7.5,1X,A4,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.1,
     +  1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F5.3,1X,
     +  F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,I1,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table9d.dat'
      do i__=1,171
     +  UID_3,RAdeg_3,DEdeg_3,Zmag_3,e_Zmag_3,Ymag_3,e_Ymag_3,Jmag_3,
     +  e_Jmag_3,Hmag_3,e_Hmag_3,Kmag_3,e_Kmag_3,pm_3,e_pm_3,r_pm_3,
     +  pmRA_3,e_pmRA_3,pmDE_3,e_pmDE_3,WISE_3,Disk_3,MassFit_3,
     +  bMassFit_6,BMassFit_7,TeffFit_3,bTeffFit_6,BTeffFit_7,
     +  LumFit_3,bLumFit_6,BLumFit_7,loggFit_3,bloggFit_6,BloggFit_7,
     +  RadFit_3,bRadFit_6,BRadFit_7,chilow_3,chimid_3,chihi_3,
     +  Wise_Mass_3,sigExpmRA_3,sigExpmDE_3,fnpmout_3,fpmout_3
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  UID_3,RAdeg_3,DEdeg_3,Zmag_3,e_Zmag_3,Ymag_3,e_Ymag_3,Jmag_3,
     +  e_Jmag_3,Hmag_3,e_Hmag_3,Kmag_3,e_Kmag_3,pm_3,e_pm_3,r_pm_3,
     +  pmRA_3,e_pmRA_3,pmDE_3,e_pmDE_3,WISE_3,Disk_3,MassFit_3,
     +  bMassFit_6,BMassFit_7,TeffFit_3,bTeffFit_6,BTeffFit_7,
     +  LumFit_3,bLumFit_6,BLumFit_7,loggFit_3,bloggFit_6,BloggFit_7,
     +  RadFit_3,bRadFit_6,BRadFit_7,chilow_3,chimid_3,chihi_3,
     +  Wise_Mass_3,sigExpmRA_3,sigExpmDE_3,fnpmout_3,fpmout_3
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table9e.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
*                                 SV and HK (C-ZYJHK_SV_HK)

C  Format for file interpretation

    5 format(
     +  I12,1X,F14.10,1X,F14.10,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F22.20,1X,F8.5,1X,F7.5,1X,A4,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.1,
     +  1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F5.3,1X,
     +  F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,I1,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table9e.dat'
      do i__=1,14
     +  UID_4,RAdeg_4,DEdeg_4,Zmag_4,e_Zmag_4,Ymag_4,e_Ymag_4,Jmag_4,
     +  e_Jmag_4,Hmag_4,e_Hmag_4,Kmag_4,e_Kmag_4,pm_4,e_pm_4,r_pm_4,
     +  pmRA_4,e_pmRA_4,pmDE_4,e_pmDE_4,WISE_4,Disk_4,MassFit_4,
     +  bMassFit_8,BMassFit_9,TeffFit_4,bTeffFit_8,BTeffFit_9,
     +  LumFit_4,bLumFit_8,BLumFit_9,loggFit_4,bloggFit_8,BloggFit_9,
     +  RadFit_4,bRadFit_8,BRadFit_9,chilow_4,chimid_4,chihi_4,
     +  Wise_Mass_4,sigExpmRA_4,sigExpmDE_4,fnpmout_4,fpmout_4
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  UID_4,RAdeg_4,DEdeg_4,Zmag_4,e_Zmag_4,Ymag_4,e_Ymag_4,Jmag_4,
     +  e_Jmag_4,Hmag_4,e_Hmag_4,Kmag_4,e_Kmag_4,pm_4,e_pm_4,r_pm_4,
     +  pmRA_4,e_pmRA_4,pmDE_4,e_pmDE_4,WISE_4,Disk_4,MassFit_4,
     +  bMassFit_8,BMassFit_9,TeffFit_4,bTeffFit_8,BTeffFit_9,
     +  LumFit_4,bLumFit_8,BLumFit_9,loggFit_4,bloggFit_8,BloggFit_9,
     +  RadFit_4,bRadFit_8,BRadFit_9,chilow_4,chimid_4,chihi_4,
     +  Wise_Mass_4,sigExpmRA_4,sigExpmDE_4,fnpmout_4,fpmout_4
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table9f.dat'	! C sample sources with ZYJHK photometry from the
*                                 SV and no HK (C-ZYJHK_SV_noHK)

C  Format for file interpretation

    6 format(
     +  I12,1X,F14.10,1X,F14.10,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,F21.19,1X,F18.15,1X,
     +  F22.20,1X,F8.5,1X,F7.5,1X,A4,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.1,
     +  1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F5.3,1X,
     +  F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,I1,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table9f.dat'
      do i__=1,58
     +  UID_5,RAdeg_5,DEdeg_5,Zmag_5,e_Zmag_5,Ymag_5,e_Ymag_5,Jmag_5,
     +  e_Jmag_5,Hmag_5,e_Hmag_5,Kmag_5,e_Kmag_5,pm_5,e_pm_5,r_pm_5,
     +  pmRA_5,e_pmRA_5,pmDE_5,e_pmDE_5,WISE_5,Disk_5,MassFit_5,
     +  bMassFit_10,BMassFit_11,TeffFit_5,bTeffFit_10,BTeffFit_11,
     +  LumFit_5,bLumFit_10,BLumFit_11,loggFit_5,bloggFit_10,
     +  BloggFit_11,RadFit_5,bRadFit_10,BRadFit_11,chilow_5,chimid_5,
     +  chihi_5,Wise_Mass_5,sigExpmRA_5,sigExpmDE_5,fnpmout_5,fpmout_5
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  UID_5,RAdeg_5,DEdeg_5,Zmag_5,e_Zmag_5,Ymag_5,e_Ymag_5,Jmag_5,
     +  e_Jmag_5,Hmag_5,e_Hmag_5,Kmag_5,e_Kmag_5,pm_5,e_pm_5,r_pm_5,
     +  pmRA_5,e_pmRA_5,pmDE_5,e_pmDE_5,WISE_5,Disk_5,MassFit_5,
     +  bMassFit_10,BMassFit_11,TeffFit_5,bTeffFit_10,BTeffFit_11,
     +  LumFit_5,bLumFit_10,BLumFit_11,loggFit_5,bloggFit_10,
     +  BloggFit_11,RadFit_5,bRadFit_10,BRadFit_11,chilow_5,chimid_5,
     +  chihi_5,Wise_Mass_5,sigExpmRA_5,sigExpmDE_5,fnpmout_5,fpmout_5
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table10a.dat'	! L sample sources with only H and K photometry
*                                 (L-HKonly)

C  Format for file interpretation

    7 format(
     +  A8,1X,F14.10,1X,F14.10,1X,A7,1X,A45,1X,F8.5,1X,A16,1X,F7.5,1X,
     +  F8.5,1X,A16,1X,F7.5,1X,F8.5,1X,A16,1X,F7.5,1X,F8.5,1X,A16,1X,
     +  F7.5,1X,F8.5,1X,A16,1X,F7.5,1X,A4,1X,A4,1X,A6,1X,A4,1X,I1,1X,
     +  I1,1X,F8.5,1X,F7.5,1X,A4,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,
     +  F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,
     +  1X,F5.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,
     +  F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,1X,I1,1X,
     +  I1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table10a.dat'
      do i__=1,175
     +  UID_6,RAdeg_6,DEdeg_6,Coord,Cat,Zmag_6,r_Zmag,e_Zmag_6,Ymag_6,
     +  r_Ymag,e_Ymag_6,Jmag_6,r_Jmag,e_Jmag_6,Hmag_6,r_Hmag,e_Hmag_6,
     +  Kmag_6,r_Kmag,e_Kmag_6,SpTCat,r_SpTCat,MassCat,r_MassCat,
     +  fZYJHK,fHKonly,pm_6,e_pm_6,r_pm_6,pmRA_6,e_pmRA_6,pmDE_6,
     +  e_pmDE_6,MassFit_6,bMassFit_12,BMassFit_13,TeffFit_6,
     +  bTeffFit_12,BTeffFit_13,LumFit_6,bLumFit_12,BLumFit_13,
     +  loggFit_6,bloggFit_12,BloggFit_13,RadFit_6,bRadFit_12,
     +  BRadFit_13,chilow_6,chimid_6,chihi_6,Disk_6,Wise_Mass_6,
     +  sigExpmRA_6,sigExpmDE_6,fnpmout_6,fpmout_6
        if(ar__6(94:101) .EQ. '') Zmag_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(120:126) .EQ. '') e_Zmag_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(128:135) .EQ. '') Ymag_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(154:160) .EQ. '') e_Ymag_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(162:169) .EQ. '') Jmag_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(188:194) .EQ. '') e_Jmag_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(348:352) .EQ. '') MassFit_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(354:358) .EQ. '') bMassFit_12 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(360:364) .EQ. '') BMassFit_13 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(366:371) .EQ. '') TeffFit_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(373:377) .EQ. '') bTeffFit_12 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(379:383) .EQ. '') BTeffFit_13 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(385:389) .EQ. '') LumFit_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(391:395) .EQ. '') bLumFit_12 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(397:401) .EQ. '') BLumFit_13 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(403:406) .EQ. '') loggFit_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(408:411) .EQ. '') bloggFit_12 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(413:416) .EQ. '') BloggFit_13 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(418:422) .EQ. '') RadFit_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(424:428) .EQ. '') bRadFit_12 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(430:434) .EQ. '') BRadFit_13 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(436:446) .EQ. '') chilow_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(448:458) .EQ. '') chimid_6 = rNULL__
        if(ar__6(460:470) .EQ. '') chihi_6 = rNULL__
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  UID_6,RAdeg_6,DEdeg_6,Coord,Cat,Zmag_6,r_Zmag,e_Zmag_6,Ymag_6,
     +  r_Ymag,e_Ymag_6,Jmag_6,r_Jmag,e_Jmag_6,Hmag_6,r_Hmag,e_Hmag_6,
     +  Kmag_6,r_Kmag,e_Kmag_6,SpTCat,r_SpTCat,MassCat,r_MassCat,
     +  fZYJHK,fHKonly,pm_6,e_pm_6,r_pm_6,pmRA_6,e_pmRA_6,pmDE_6,
     +  e_pmDE_6,MassFit_6,bMassFit_12,BMassFit_13,TeffFit_6,
     +  bTeffFit_12,BTeffFit_13,LumFit_6,bLumFit_12,BLumFit_13,
     +  loggFit_6,bloggFit_12,BloggFit_13,RadFit_6,bRadFit_12,
     +  BRadFit_13,chilow_6,chimid_6,chihi_6,Disk_6,Wise_Mass_6,
     +  sigExpmRA_6,sigExpmDE_6,fnpmout_6,fpmout_6
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table10b.dat'	! L sample sources with ZYJHK photometry
*                                 (L-ZYJHK)

C  Format for file interpretation

    8 format(
     +  A8,1X,F14.10,1X,F14.10,1X,A7,1X,A45,1X,F8.5,1X,A16,1X,F7.5,1X,
     +  F8.5,1X,A16,1X,F7.5,1X,F8.5,1X,A16,1X,F7.5,1X,F8.5,1X,A16,1X,
     +  F7.5,1X,F8.5,1X,A16,1X,F7.5,1X,A4,1X,A4,1X,A6,1X,A4,1X,I1,1X,
     +  I1,1X,F8.5,1X,F7.5,1X,A4,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,F9.5,1X,F7.5,1X,
     +  F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,
     +  1X,F5.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,
     +  F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,F11.5,1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,1X,I1,1X,
     +  I1)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table10b.dat'
      do i__=1,415
     +  UID_7,RAdeg_7,DEdeg_7,Coord_1,Cat_1,Zmag_7,r_Zmag_1,e_Zmag_7,
     +  Ymag_7,r_Ymag_1,e_Ymag_7,Jmag_7,r_Jmag_1,e_Jmag_7,Hmag_7,
     +  r_Hmag_1,e_Hmag_7,Kmag_7,r_Kmag_1,e_Kmag_7,SpTCat_1,
     +  r_SpTCat_1,MassCat_1,r_MassCat_1,fZYJHK_1,fHKonly_1,pm_7,
     +  e_pm_7,r_pm_7,pmRA_7,e_pmRA_7,pmDE_7,e_pmDE_7,MassFit_7,
     +  bMassFit_14,BMassFit_15,TeffFit_7,bTeffFit_14,BTeffFit_15,
     +  LumFit_7,bLumFit_14,BLumFit_15,loggFit_7,bloggFit_14,
     +  BloggFit_15,RadFit_7,bRadFit_14,BRadFit_15,chilow_7,chimid_7,
     +  chihi_7,Disk_7,Wise_Mass_7,sigExpmRA_7,sigExpmDE_7,fnpmout_7,
     +  fpmout_7
        if(ar__7(94:101) .EQ. '') Zmag_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(120:126) .EQ. '') e_Zmag_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(128:135) .EQ. '') Ymag_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(154:160) .EQ. '') e_Ymag_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(162:169) .EQ. '') Jmag_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(188:194) .EQ. '') e_Jmag_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(348:352) .EQ. '') MassFit_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(354:358) .EQ. '') bMassFit_14 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(360:364) .EQ. '') BMassFit_15 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(366:371) .EQ. '') TeffFit_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(373:377) .EQ. '') bTeffFit_14 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(379:383) .EQ. '') BTeffFit_15 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(385:389) .EQ. '') LumFit_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(391:395) .EQ. '') bLumFit_14 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(397:401) .EQ. '') BLumFit_15 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(403:406) .EQ. '') loggFit_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(408:411) .EQ. '') bloggFit_14 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(413:416) .EQ. '') BloggFit_15 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(418:422) .EQ. '') RadFit_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(424:428) .EQ. '') bRadFit_14 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(430:434) .EQ. '') BRadFit_15 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(436:446) .EQ. '') chilow_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(448:458) .EQ. '') chimid_7 = rNULL__
        if(ar__7(460:470) .EQ. '') chihi_7 = rNULL__
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  UID_7,RAdeg_7,DEdeg_7,Coord_1,Cat_1,Zmag_7,r_Zmag_1,e_Zmag_7,
     +  Ymag_7,r_Ymag_1,e_Ymag_7,Jmag_7,r_Jmag_1,e_Jmag_7,Hmag_7,
     +  r_Hmag_1,e_Hmag_7,Kmag_7,r_Kmag_1,e_Kmag_7,SpTCat_1,
     +  r_SpTCat_1,MassCat_1,r_MassCat_1,fZYJHK_1,fHKonly_1,pm_7,
     +  e_pm_7,r_pm_7,pmRA_7,e_pmRA_7,pmDE_7,e_pmDE_7,MassFit_7,
     +  bMassFit_14,BMassFit_15,TeffFit_7,bTeffFit_14,BTeffFit_15,
     +  LumFit_7,bLumFit_14,BLumFit_15,loggFit_7,bloggFit_14,
     +  BloggFit_15,RadFit_7,bRadFit_14,BRadFit_15,chilow_7,chimid_7,
     +  chihi_7,Disk_7,Wise_Mass_7,sigExpmRA_7,sigExpmDE_7,fnpmout_7,
     +  fpmout_7
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
