FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/J/AJ/150/16 into FORTRAN code for reading data files line by line.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-16
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. J/AJ/150/16        Speckle-interferometry in Melotte 111       (Guerrero+, 2015)
*Stellar multiplicity of the open cluster Melotte 111.
*    Guerrero C.A., Orlov V.G., Monroy-Rodriguez M.A., Borges Fernandes M.
*   <Astron. J., 150, 16 (2015)>
*   =2015AJ....150...16G    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table1.dat'	! Known stellar multiplicity

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=24)	! Number of records
      character*59 ar__   	! Full-size record

      integer*4     ASCC        ! [684431/778904] Star number in the ASCC-2.5 catalog
*                              (Kharchenko et al. 2009, cat. I/280)
      character*1   f_ASCC      ! [abc] Melotte 111 membership flag (G1)
      character*10  WDS         ! WDS identification (HHMMS+DDMM, J2000)
      character*2   Comp        ! Component
      character*7   Disc        ! Discoverer designation adopted by the WDS
      integer*4     PA          ! (deg) [16/328] Measured Position Angle
      real*4        Sep         ! (arcsec) [0.3/447.5] Angular separation
      real*4        Dmag        ! (mag) [0.09/8.47] The companion magnitude difference
      real*4        Pkin        ! [0/1] Proper motion membership probability (G2)
      real*4        Pphot       ! [0/1] Membership probability from photometry (G2)

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table2.dat'	! Known spectroscopic binaries

      integer*4 nr__1
      parameter (nr__1=11)	! Number of records
      character*93 ar__1  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     ASCC_1      ! [684793/778870] Star number in the ASCC-2.5 catalog
*                              (Kharchenko et al. 2009, cat. I/280)
      character*1   f_ASCC_1    ! [ac] Melotte 111 membership flag (G1)
      character*8   BD          ! BD identifier
      integer*4     HD          ! [107067/109307]? HD identifier
      integer*4     HIP         ! [60025/61295]? Hipparcos identifier (cat. I/239)
      character*4   SB          ! Spectroscopic binarity (SB1, SB10, SB2O) (1)
      real*4        Pkin_1      ! [0/1] Proper motion membership probability (G2)
      real*4        Pphot_1     ! [0.6/1] Membership probability from photometry (G2)
      character*43  Ref         ! Reference for the orbital parameters
*Note (1): The codes for the spectroscopic binarity is defined as below:
* SB1 = Single lined spectroscopic binary;
* SB2 = Double lined spectroscopic binary;
* SB0 = Spectroscopic binary with orbital parameters calculated;
* SB  = Spectroscopic binary without calculated orbit.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table3.dat'	! Speckle measurements

      integer*4 nr__2
      parameter (nr__2=10)	! Number of records
      character*49 ar__2  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     ASCC_2      ! [684740/778981] Star number in the ASCC-2.5 catalog
*                              (Kharchenko et al. 2009, cat. I/280)
      character*1   f_ASCC_2    ! [a] Melotte 111 membership flag (G1)
      character*7   Disc_1      ! Discoverer designation adopted by the WDS
      real*8        Date        ! (yr) Epoch of the observation in fractional Besselian
*                              years
      integer*4     PA_1        ! (deg) [11/167]? Measured Position Angle
      real*4        Sep_1       ! (arcsec) [0.35/8.91]? Angular separation
      real*4        Pkin_2      ! [0/0.36] Membership probability from proper
*                              motion (G2)
      real*4        Pphot_2     ! [0/1] Membership probability from photometry (G2)

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'table4.dat'	! R photometry

      integer*4 nr__3
      parameter (nr__3=311)	! Number of records
      character*42 ar__3  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     ASCC_3      ! [684360/779035] Star number in the ASCC-2.5 catalog
*                              (Kharchenko et al. 2009, cat. I/280)
      character*1   f_ASCC_3    ! [abc] Melotte 111 membership flag (G1)
      real*4        Bmag        ! (mag) [5.071/14.651] The B-band magnitude (1)
      real*4        Vmag        ! (mag) [4.339/13.748] The V-band magnitude (1)
      real*4        Rmag        ! (mag) [3.58/13.36] The R-band magnitude that we estimated
      real*4        Pkin_3      ! [0/1] Proper motion membership probability (G2)
      real*4        Pphot_3     ! [0/1] Membership probability from photometry (G2)
*Note (1): Taken from the ASCC-2.5 catalog (Kharchenko et al. 2009, cat. I/280).


C  Loading file 'table1.dat'	! Known stellar multiplicity

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(
     +  I6,1X,A1,1X,A10,1X,A2,1X,A7,1X,I3,1X,F5.1,1X,F4.2,1X,F6.4,1X,
     +  F6.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table1.dat'
      do i__=1,24
c    ..............Just test output...........
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table2.dat'	! Known spectroscopic binaries

C  Format for file interpretation

    2 format(I6,1X,A1,1X,A8,1X,I6,1X,I5,1X,A4,1X,F6.4,1X,F6.4,1X,A43)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table2.dat'
      do i__=1,11
        if(ar__1(19:24) .EQ. '') HD = iNULL__
        if(ar__1(26:30) .EQ. '') HIP = iNULL__
c    ..............Just test output...........
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table3.dat'	! Speckle measurements

C  Format for file interpretation

    3 format(I6,1X,A1,1X,A7,1X,F9.4,1X,I3,1X,F4.2,1X,F6.4,1X,F6.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table3.dat'
      do i__=1,10
     +  ASCC_2,f_ASCC_2,Disc_1,Date,PA_1,Sep_1,Pkin_2,Pphot_2
        if(ar__2(28:30) .EQ. '') PA_1 = iNULL__
        if(ar__2(32:35) .EQ. '') Sep_1 = rNULL__
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  ASCC_2,f_ASCC_2,Disc_1,Date,PA_1,Sep_1,Pkin_2,Pphot_2
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'table4.dat'	! R photometry

C  Format for file interpretation

    4 format(I6,1X,A1,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.2,1X,F6.4,1X,F6.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: table4.dat'
      do i__=1,311
c    ..............Just test output...........
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
