FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/J/A_A/597/A30 into FORTRAN code for loading all data files into arrays.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-16
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. J/A+A/597/A30  Seismology and spectroscopy of CoRoGEE red giants (Anders+, 2017)
*Galactic Archaeology with asteroseismology and spectroscopy:
*Red giants observed by CoRoT and APOGEE.
*    Anders F., Chiappini C., Rodrigues T. S., Miglio A., Montalban J.,
*    Mosser B., Girardi L., Valentini M., Noels A., Morel T., Johnson J.A., 
*    Schultheis M., Baudin F., de Assis Peralta R., Hekker S., Themessl N.,
*    Kallinger T., Garcia R. A., Mathur S., Baglin A., Santiago B. X., Martig M.,
*    Minchev I., Steinmetz M., da Costa L. N., Maia M. A. G., Allende Prieto C.,
*    Cunha K., Beers T.C., Epstein C., Garcia Perez A.E., Garcia-Hernandez D.A.,
*    Harding P., Holtzman J., Majewski S.R., Meszaros Sz., Nidever D., Pan K.,
*    Pinsonneault M., Schiavon R.P., Schneider D.P., Shetrone M.D., Stassun K.,
*    Zamora O., Zasowski G.
*    <Astron. Astrophys. 597, A30 (2017)>
*    =2017A&A...597A..30A        (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'corogee1.dat'	! Red giants observed by CoRoT and APOGEE

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=606)	! Number of records
      character*3932 ar__   	! Full-size record

C  J2000.0 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      integer*4     CoRoT      (nr__) ! ? CoRoT Star Identifier (CoRoT_ID)
      character*18  APOGEE     (nr__) ! APOGEE Identifier, 2MHHMMSSss+DDMMSSs
*                                           (APOGEE_ID)
      real*8        RAdeg      (nr__) ! (deg) Right Ascension from 2MASS (J2000.0)
*                                           (RA)
      real*8        DEdeg      (nr__) ! (deg) Declination from 2MASS (J2000.0) (DEC)
      real*8        GLON       (nr__) ! (deg) Galactic Longitude (GLON)
      real*8        GLAT       (nr__) ! (deg) Galactic Latitude (GLAT)
      character*7   FIELD      (nr__) ! APOGEE Field (FIELD)
      character*5   run        (nr__) ! Identifier of the CoRoT mission run -
*                                           format AAIIA (run_id)
      character*14  Seismic    (nr__) ! Fitting method used to fit the
*                                           frequency power spectrum (automatic
*                                           or supervised) (Seismic_results)
      real*4        numax      (nr__) ! (muHz) Frequency of maximum oscillation
*                                          power (numax)
      real*4        e_numax    (nr__) ! (muHz) Uncertainty of the frequency of
*                                          maximum oscillation power (e_numax)
      real*4        Dnu        (nr__) ! (muHz) Large frequency separation (Dnu)
      real*4        e_Dnu      (nr__) ! (muHz) Uncertainty of the large frequency
*                                          separation (e_Dnu)
      character*5   evstat     (nr__) ! Evolutionary stage (evstat) (1)
      character*44  ASPCAP     (nr__) ! Unique ASPCAP identifier (2)
      character*33  File       (nr__) ! File name of visit-combined APOGEE
*                                           spectrum (FILE)
      character*6   Tel        (nr__) ! String representation of telescope
*                                           used for observation (currently
*                                           APO 1m or 2.5m) (TELESCOPE)
      integer*4     Loc        (nr__) ! ? APOGEE Field Location ID
*                                           (LOCATION_ID)
      character*59  TargFlags  (nr__) ! APOGEE Target flags (TARGFLAGS) (3)
      integer*4     NVisits    (nr__) ! [1/7] Number of visits into combined
*                                           spectrum (NVISITS)
      real*8        SNR        (nr__) ! Median S/N per pixel in combined
*                                           spectrum (SNR)
      character*40  StarFlags  (nr__) ! APOGEE Star flags (STARFLAGS) (4)
      real*8        v_RV_      (nr__) ! (km/s) APOGEE average radial velocity,
*                                           weighted by S/N, using RVs determined
*                                           from cross-correlation of individual
*                                           spectra with combined spectrum
*                                           (VHELIO_AVG)
      real*8        sigma      (nr__) ! (km/s) Scatter of individual visit RVs around
*                                           average (VSCATTER)
      real*8        e__RV_     (nr__) ! (km/s) Median of individual visit RV errors
*                                           (VERR_MED)
      character*91  Param      (nr__) ! Empirically calibrated parameter array
*                                           7E13.6 (PARAM) (5)
      character*91  FParam     (nr__) ! Uncalibrated output parameter array
*                                           from ASPCAP stellar parameters fit
*                                           7E13.6 (FPARAM)
      character*637 ParamCov   (nr__) ! Covariance of calibrated parameters,
*                                           but with only diagonal elements from
*                                           "external" uncertainty estimation
*                                           49E13.6 (PARAM_COV)
      character*637 FParamCov  (nr__) ! Covariance of fitted parameters from
*                                           49E13.7 ASPCAP (FPARAM_COV)
      real*8        Teff       (nr__) ! (K) APOGEE Teff from ASPCAP analysis of
*                                           combined spectrum (TEFF)
      real*8        e_Teff     (nr__) ! (K) APOGEE Teff uncertainty (TEFF_ERR)
      real*8        logg       (nr__) ! ([cm/s2]) APOGEE logg from ASPCAP analysis of
*                                           combined spectrum (LOGG)
      real*8        e_logg     (nr__) ! ([cm/s2]) APOGEE logg uncertainty (LOGG_ERR)
      real*8        v_M_H_     (nr__) ! ([-]) APOGEE [M/H] from ASPCAP analysis of
*                                           combined spectrum (PARAM_M_H)
      real*8        v_M_H_A    (nr__) ! ([-]) APOGEE [M/H] calibrated as in Anders
*                                           et al. (2016, this paper) and
*                                           Santiago et al., 2016A&A...585A..42S
*                                           (MH_Anders)
      real*8        e__M_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) APOGEE [M/H] uncertainty
*                                           (PARAM_M_H_ERR)
      real*8        v_alpha_M_ (nr__) ! ([-]) APOGEE [alpha/M] from ASPCAP analysis
*                                           of combined spectrum (PARAM_ALPHA_M)
      real*8        e__alpha_M_(nr__) ! ([-]) APOGEE [alpha/M] uncertainty
*                                           (PARAM_ALPHA_M_ERR)
      real*8        chi2       (nr__) ! ([-]) chi^2^ of ASPCAP Fit (ASPCAP_CHI2)
      character*31  ASPCAPFlags(nr__) ! ([-]) Flags for ASPCAP analysis
*                                           (ASPCAPFLAGS)
      real*8        v_Al_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Al/H] from ASPCAP
*                                           analysis of combined spectrum (AL_H)
      real*8        v_Ca_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [Ca/H] from ASPCAP analysis
*                                           of combined spectrum (CA_H)
      real*8        v_C_H_     (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [C/H] from ASPCAP analysis
*                                           of combined spectrum (C_H)
      real*8        v_Fe_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Fe/H] from ASPCAP
*                                           analysis of combined spectrum (FE_H)
      real*8        v_K_H_     (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [K/H] from ASPCAP
*                                           analysis of combined spectrum (K_H)
      real*8        v_Mg_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [Mg/H] from ASPCAP analysis
*                                           of combined spectrum (MG_H)
      real*8        v_Mn_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Mn/H] from ASPCAP
*                                           analysis of combined spectrum (MN_H)
      real*8        v_Na_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Na/H] from ASPCAP
*                                           analysis of combined spectrum (NA_H)
      real*8        v_Ni_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Ni/H] from ASPCAP
*                                           analysis of combined spectrum (NI_H)
      real*8        v_N_H_     (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [N/H] from ASPCAP analysis
*                                           of combined spectrum (N_H)
      real*8        v_O_H_     (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [O/H] from ASPCAP analysis
*                                           of combined spectrum (O_H)
      real*8        v_Si_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [Si/H] from ASPCAP analysis
*                                           of combined spectrum (SI_H)
      real*8        v_S_H_     (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [S/H] from ASPCAP analysis
*                                           of combined spectrum (S_H)
      real*8        v_Ti_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [Ti/H] from ASPCAP analysis
*                                           of combined spectrum (TI_H)
      real*8        v_V_H_     (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [V/H] from ASPCAP
*                                           analysis of combined spectrum (V_H)
      real*8        e__Al_H_   (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Al/H] uncertainty
*                                           from ASPCAP analysis of combined
*                                           spectrum (AL_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__Ca_H_   (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [Ca/H] uncertainty from
*                                           ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
*                                           (CA_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__C_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [C/H] uncertainty from
*                                           ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
*                                           (C_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__Fe_H_   (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Fe/H] uncertainty
*                                           from ASPCAP analysis of combined
*                                           spectrum (FE_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__K_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [K/H] uncertainty
*                                           from ASPCAP analysis of combined
*                                           spectrum (K_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__Mg_H_   (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [Mg/H] uncertainty from
*                                           ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
*                                           (MG_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__Mn_H_   (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Mn/H] uncertainty
*                                           from ASPCAP analysis of combined
*                                           spectrum (MN_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__Na_H_   (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Na/H] uncertainty
*                                           from ASPCAP analysis of combined
*                                           spectrum (NA_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__Ni_H_   (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Ni/H] uncertainty
*                                           from ASPCAP analysis of combined
*                                           spectrum (NI_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__N_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [N/H] uncertainty from
*                                           ASPCAP analysis of combined
*                                           spectrum (N_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__O_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [O/H] uncertainty from
*                                           ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
*                                           (O_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__Si_H_   (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [Si/H] uncertainty
*                                           from ASPCAP analysis of combined
*                                           spectrum (SI_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__S_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [S/H] uncertainty from
*                                           ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
*                                           (S_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__Ti_H_   (nr__) ! ([-]) Abundance [Ti/H] uncertainty from
*                                           ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum
*                                           (TI_H_ERR)
      real*8        e__V_H_    (nr__) ! ([-]) ?=-9999 Abundance [V/H] uncertainty
*                                           from ASPCAP analysis of combined
*                                           spectrum (V_H_ERR)
      integer*4     f__Al_H_   (nr__) ! ? [Al/H] Flag (AL_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__Ca_H_   (nr__) ! ? [Ca/H] Flag (CA_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__C_H_    (nr__) ! ? [C/H] Flag (C_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__Fe_H_   (nr__) ! ? [Fe/H] Flag (FE_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__K_H_    (nr__) ! ? [K/H] Flag (K_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__Mg_H_   (nr__) ! ? [Mg/H] Flag (MG_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__Mn_H_   (nr__) ! ? [Mn/H] Flag (MN_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__Na_H_   (nr__) ! ? [Na/H] Flag (NA_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__Ni_H_   (nr__) ! ? [Ni/H] Flag (NI_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__N_H_    (nr__) ! ? [N/H] Flag (N_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__O_H_    (nr__) ! ? [O/H] Flag (O_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__Si_H_   (nr__) ! ? [Si/H] Flag (SI_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__S_H_    (nr__) ! ? [S/H] Flag (S_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__Ti_H_   (nr__) ! ? [Ti/H] Flag (TI_H_FLAG)
      integer*4     f__V_H_    (nr__) ! ? [V/H] Flag (V_H_FLAG)
      real*8        EKs        (nr__) ! (mag) ?=-9999.990234 Ks-band extinction from
*                                           APOGEE Targeting (AK_TARG)
      character*17  MetEKs     (nr__) ! Extinction method used for APOGEE
*                                           Targeting (AK_TARG_METHOD)
      real*8        SFDE_B_V   (nr__) ! (mag) ?=-9999.990234 SFD E(B-V) extinction 
*                                           (Schlegel et al. 1998ApJ...500..525S)
*                                           (SFD_EBV)
      real*8        RCDist     (nr__) ! (kpc) ? APOGEE Red Clump distance
*                                           (Bovy et al., 2014ApJ...790..127B)
*                                           (RC_dist_kpc)
      character*125 Visits     (nr__) ! List of APOGEE visits going into
*                                           combined spectrum (VISITS)
      character*400 VisitPK    (nr__) ! Index of MJDs of APOGEE visits (used
*                                           in combined spectrum) in allVisit
*                                           50I8 file (VISIT_PK)
      real*4        BmagO      (nr__) ! (mag) OBSCAT Filter B magnitude (mag_b)
      real*4        e_BmagO    (nr__) ! (mag) OBSCAT Filter B magnitude error
*                                           (mag_b_err)
      real*4        VmagO      (nr__) ! (mag) OBSCAT Filter V magnitude (mag_v)
      real*4        e_VmagO    (nr__) ! (mag) OBSCAT Filter V magnitude error
*                                           (mag_v_err)
      real*4        RmagO      (nr__) ! (mag) OBSCAT Filter R magnitude (mag_r)
      real*4        e_RmagO    (nr__) ! (mag) OBSCAT Filter R magnitude error
*                                           (mag_r_err)
      real*4        ImagO      (nr__) ! (mag) OBSCAT Filter I magnitude (mag_i)
      real*4        e_ImagO    (nr__) ! (mag) OBSCAT Filter I magnitude error
*                                           (mag_i_err)
      character*19  AllWISE    (nr__) ! AllWISE ID (AllWISE)
      real*4        Jmag       (nr__) ! (mag) 2MASS J magnitude (Jmag)
      real*4        e_Jmag     (nr__) ! (mag) Mean error on J magnitude (e_Jmag)
      real*4        Hmag       (nr__) ! (mag) 2MASS H magnitude (Hmag)
      real*4        e_Hmag     (nr__) ! (mag) ? Mean error on H magnitude (e_Hmag)
      real*4        Ksmag      (nr__) ! (mag) 2MASS Ks magnitude (Kmag)
      real*4        e_Ksmag    (nr__) ! (mag) ? Mean error on Ks magnitude (e_Kmag)
      real*4        W1mag      (nr__) ! (mag) WISE W1 magnitude (W1mag)
      real*4        e_W1mag    (nr__) ! (mag) Mean error on W1 magnitude (e_W1mag)
      real*4        W2mag      (nr__) ! (mag) WISE W2 magnitude (W2mag)
      real*4        e_W2mag    (nr__) ! (mag) Mean error on W2 magnitude (e_W2mag)
      real*4        W3mag      (nr__) ! (mag) WISE W3 magnitude (W3mag)
      real*4        e_W3mag    (nr__) ! (mag) ? Mean error on W3 magnitude (e_W3mag)
      real*4        W4mag      (nr__) ! (mag) WISE W4 magnitude (W4mag)
      real*4        e_W4mag    (nr__) ! (mag) ? Mean error on W4 magnitude (e_W4mag)
      real*4        BmagA      (nr__) ! (mag) ? B magnitude from APASS (magB)
      real*8        e_BmagA    (nr__) ! (mag) ? Error in B magnitude from APASS
*                                             (sigmagB)
      real*4        VmagA      (nr__) ! (mag) ? V magnitude from APASS (magV)
      real*8        e_VmagA    (nr__) ! (mag) ? Error in V magnitude from APASS
*                                             (sigmagV)
      real*4        gmagA      (nr__) ! (mag) ? g magnitude from APASS (magg)
      real*8        e_gmagA    (nr__) ! (mag) ? Error in g magnitude from APASS
*                                             (sigmagg)
      real*4        rmagA      (nr__) ! (mag) ? r magnitude from APASS (magr)
      real*8        e_rmagA    (nr__) ! (mag) ? Error in r magnitude from APASS
*                                             (sigmagr)
      real*4        imagA      (nr__) ! (mag) ? i magnitude from APASS (magi)
      real*8        e_imagA    (nr__) ! (mag) ? Error in i magnitude from APASS
*                                             (sigmagi)
      real*8        RAEdeg     (nr__) ! (deg) EXODAT right ascension (J2000)
*                                           (RA_EXODAT)
      real*8        DEEdeg     (nr__) ! (deg) EXODAT declination (J2000)
*                                           (DEC_EXODAT)
      character*2   CCD        (nr__) ! [E1 E2] CoRoT CCD Id. either E1 or E2
*                                           (ccd_id)
      integer*4     WIN        (nr__) ! ? CoRoT Window Identifier on the CCD
*                                           (win_id)
      real*8        x          (nr__) ! X Target coordinate on the CoRoT CCD
*                                           (x)
      real*8        y          (nr__) ! Y Target coordinate on the CoRoT CCD
*                                           (y)
      character*2   SpType     (nr__) ! EXODAT Spectral type of the star
*                                           (from SED) (spectral_type)
      character*3   LC         (nr__) ! EXODAT Luminosity class (I II III IV
*                                           V) (from SED) (luminosity_class)
      integer*4     Tcol       (nr__) ! (K) ? EXODAT Color temperature estimation
*                                           (color_temperature)
      character*19  PPMXL      (nr__) ! Record identifier in the catalog PPMXL
*                                           Cat. I/317 (ppmxl_id)
      character*12  USNOB1     (nr__) ! Record identifier in the catalog
*                                           USNO-B1 Cat. I/284 (usnob1_id)
      character*16  v2MASS     (nr__) ! Record identifier in the catalog
*                                           TWOMASS Cat. II/246 (twomass_id)
      character*13  USNOA2     (nr__) ! Record identifier in the catalog
*                                           USNO-A2 Cat. I/252 (usnoa2_id)
      character*15  CMC14      (nr__) ! Record identifier in the catalog
*                                           CMC-14 Cat. I/304 (cmc14_id)
      integer*4     TYCHO2     (nr__) ! ? Record identifier in the catalog
*                                           TYCHO-2 Cat. I/259 (tycho2_id)
      integer*4     UCAC2      (nr__) ! ? Record identifier in the catalog
*                                           UCAC-2 Cat. I/289 (ucac2_id)
      character*10  UCAC4      (nr__) ! UCAC4 recommended identifier
*                                           (ZZZ-NNNNNN) Cat. I/322 (UCAC4)
      real*4        pmRA       (nr__) ! (mas/yr) ? UCAC4 Proper motion in RA*cos(DE)
*                                             (pmRA)
      real*4        e_pmRA     (nr__) ! (mas/yr) ? Mean error on pmRA (e_pmRA)
      real*4        pmDE       (nr__) ! (mas/yr) ? UCAC4 Proper motion in DE (pmDE)
      real*4        e_pmDE     (nr__) ! (mas/yr) ? Mean error on pmDE (e_pmDE)
      integer*4     UCAC4flag  (nr__) ! [0/1] UCAC4 combined flag (as in
*                                           Anders et al., 2014A&A...564A.115A)
*                                           (UCAC4_combinedflag)
      real*4        MassS      (nr__) ! Stellar mass from seismic scaling
*                                           relations (mass_scale)
      real*4        loggS      (nr__) ! Log g from seismic scaling relations
*                                           (logg_scale)
      real*8        RadiusS    (nr__) ! Stellar radius from seismic scaling
*                                           relations (radius_scale)
      real*8        AgeM       (nr__) ! (Gyr) PARAM Age (mode of the posterior PDF;
*                                          Rodrigues et al., 2014MNRAS.445.2758R)
*                                           (age_mode)
      real*8        AgeM68L    (nr__) ! (Gyr) PARAM Age Lower 68% Confidence Limit
*                                          (age_mode_68L)
      real*8        AgeM68U    (nr__) ! (Gyr) PARAM Age Upper 68% Confidence Limit
*                                          (age_mode_68U)
      real*8        AgeM95L    (nr__) ! (Gyr) PARAM Age Lower 95% Confidence Limit
*                                          (age_mode_95L)
      real*8        AgeM95U    (nr__) ! (Gyr) PARAM Age Upper 95% Confidence Limit
*                                          (age_mode_95U)
      real*8        eAgeI      (nr__) ! (Gyr) Systematic age uncertainty estimated
*                                           from different isochrones
*                                           (sigage_isochrones)
      real*8        eAgee      (nr__) ! (Gyr) Systematic age uncertainty related to
*                                           mass loss (sigage_eta)
      real*8        eAgeT      (nr__) ! (Gyr) Total age uncertainty (quadratic sum
*                                           of statistical and systematic age
*                                           uncertainties) (sigage_tot)
      real*8        MassM      (nr__) ! (Msun) PARAM Mass (mode of the posterior PDF;
*                                           Rodrigues et al.,
*                                           2014MNRAS.445.2758R)(mass_mode)
      real*8        MassM68L   (nr__) ! (Msun) PARAM Mass Lower 68% Confidence Limit
*                                          (mass_mode_68L)
      real*8        MassM68U   (nr__) ! (Msun) PARAM Mass Upper 68% Confidence Limit
*                                          (mass_mode_68U)
      real*8        MassM95L   (nr__) ! (Msun) PARAM Mass Lower 95% Confidence Limit
*                                          (mass_mode_95L)
      real*8        MassM95U   (nr__) ! (Msun) PARAM Mass Upper 95% Confidence Limit
*                                          (mass_mode_95U)
      real*8        RadiusM    (nr__) ! (Rsun) PARAM Radius (mode of the posterior
*                                           PDF; Rodrigues et al.,
*                                           2014MNRAS.445.2758R) (radius_mode)
      real*8        RadiusM68L (nr__) ! (Rsun) PARAM Radius Lower 68% Confidence
*                                           Limit (radius_mode_68L)
      real*8        RadiusM68U (nr__) ! (Rsun) PARAM Radius Upper 68% Confidence
*                                           Limit (radius_mode_68U)
      real*8        RadiusM95L (nr__) ! (Rsun) PARAM Radius Lower 95% Confidence
*                                           Limit (radius_mode_95L)
      real*8        RadiusM95U (nr__) ! (Rsun) PARAM Radius Upper 95% Confidence
*                                           Limit (radius_mode_95U)
      real*4        loggM      (nr__) ! ([cm/s2]) PARAM logg (mode of the posterior PDF;
*                                           Rodrigues et al.,
*                                           2014MNRAS.445.2758R) (logg_mode)
      real*4        loggM68L   (nr__) ! ([cm/s2]) PARAM logg Lower 68% Confidence Limit
*                                           (logg_mode_68L)
      real*4        loggM68U   (nr__) ! ([cm/s2]) PARAM logg Upper 68% Confidence Limit
*                                           (logg_mode_68U)
      real*4        loggM95L   (nr__) ! ([cm/s2]) PARAM logg Lower 95% Confidence Limit
*                                           (logg_mode_95L)
      real*4        loggM95U   (nr__) ! ([cm/s2]) PARAM logg Upper 95% Confidence Limit
*                                           (logg_mode_95U)
      real*8        DistM      (nr__) ! (pc) PARAM Distance (mode of the posterior
*                                           PDF; Rodrigues et al.,
*                                           2014MNRAS.445.2758R) (dist_mode)
      real*8        DistM68L   (nr__) ! (pc) PARAM Distance Lower 68% Confidence
*                                           Limit (dist_mode_68L)
      real*8        DistM68U   (nr__) ! (pc) PARAM Distance Upper 68% Confidence
*                                           Limit (dist_mode_68U)
      real*8        DistM95L   (nr__) ! (pc) PARAM Distance Lower 95% Confidence
*                                           Limit (dist_mode_95L)
      real*8        DistM95U   (nr__) ! (pc) PARAM Distance Upper 95% Confidence
*                                           Limit (dist_mode_95U)
      real*4        AVM        (nr__) ! (mag) PARAM V-band extinction (mode of the
*                                           posterior PDF; Rodrigues et al.,
*                                           2014MNRAS.445.2758R) (Av_mode)
      real*4        AVM68L     (nr__) ! (mag) PARAM V-band extinction Lower 68%
*                                           Confidence Limit (Av_mode_68L)
      real*4        AVM68U     (nr__) ! (mag) PARAM V-band extinction Upper 68%
*                                           Confidence Limit (Av_mode_68U)
      real*4        AVM95L     (nr__) ! (mag) PARAM V-band extinction Lower 95%
*                                           Confidence Limit (Av_mode_95L)
      real*4        AVM95U     (nr__) ! (mag) PARAM V-band extinction Upper 95%
*                                           Confidence Limit (Av_mode_95U)
      integer*4     nfilt      (nr__) ! ? Number of photometric filters used
*                                           by PARAM (nfil)
      character*26  filt       (nr__) ! Which photometric filters have been
*                                           used by PARAM (fils)
      real*8        Xg         (nr__) ! (kpc) X coordinate in Galactocentric
*                                           Cartesian coordinates (Xg)
      real*8        e_Xg       (nr__) ! (kpc) X coordinate uncertainty (Xg_sig)
      real*8        Yg         (nr__) ! (kpc) Y coordinate in Galactocentric
*                                           Cartesian coordinates (Yg)
      real*8        e_Yg       (nr__) ! (kpc) Y coordinate uncertainty (Yg_sig)
      real*8        Zg         (nr__) ! (kpc) Z coordinate in Galactocentric
*                                           Cartesian coordinates (Zg)
      real*8        e_Zg       (nr__) ! (kpc) Z coordinate uncertainty (Zg_sig)
      real*8        Rg         (nr__) ! (kpc) R coordinate in Galactocentric
*                                           Cylindrical coordinates (Rg)
      real*8        e_Rg       (nr__) ! (kpc) R coordinate uncertainty (Rg_sig)
      real*8        vT         (nr__) ! (km/s) ? Transverse velocity (vT)
      real*8        e_vT       (nr__) ! (km/s) ? Transverse velocity uncertainty
*                                           (vT_sig)
      real*8        vXg        (nr__) ! (km/s) ? X-axis space velocity (vXg)
      real*8        e_vXg      (nr__) ! (km/s) ? X-axis space velocity uncertainty
*                                           (vXg_sig)
      real*8        vYg        (nr__) ! (km/s) ? Y-axis space velocity (vYg)
      real*8        e_vYg      (nr__) ! (km/s) ? Y-axis space velocity uncertainty
*                                           (vYg_sig)
      real*8        vZg        (nr__) ! (km/s) ? Z-axis space velocity (vZg)
      real*8        e_vZg      (nr__) ! (km/s) ? Z-axis space velocity uncertainty
*                                           (vZg_sig)
      real*8        vRg        (nr__) ! (km/s) ? Galactocentric radial velocity (vRg)
      real*8        e_vRg      (nr__) ! (km/s) ? Galactocentric radial velocity
*                                           uncertainty (vRg_sig)
      real*8        vPhig      (nr__) ! (km/s) ? Azimuthal velocity (vPhig)
      real*8        e_vPhig    (nr__) ! (km/s) ? Azimuthal velocity uncertainty
*                                           (vPhig_sig)
      real*8        Rguide     (nr__) ! (kpc) ? Guiding-centre radius (Rguide)
      real*8        e_Rguide   (nr__) ! (kpc) ? Uncertainty on guiding-centre radius
*                                           (Rguide_sig)
*Note (1): Evolutionary stage as follows:
*           RGB = first-ascent red-giant branch
*           RC  = red clump
*Note (2): ASPCAP identifier: apogee.[ns].[sc].RESULTS_VERS.LOC.STAR (ASPCAP_ID)
*Note (3): For APOGEE Target flags, see
*Note (4): For APOGEE Star flags, see
*Note (5): Empirically calibrated parameter array, using ASPCAP stellar
*   parameters fit + calibrations in the following order:
*   Teff, logg, vmicro, [M/H], [C/M ], [N/M], [alpha/M]


C  Loading file 'corogee1.dat'	! Red giants observed by CoRoT and APOGEE

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(
     +  I9,1X,A18,1X,F10.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F9.5,1X,F9.5,1X,A7,1X,A5,1X,A14,
     +  1X,F6.2,1X,F5.3,1X,F4.2,1X,F5.3,1X,A5,1X,A44,1X,A33,1X,A6,1X,
     +  I4,1X,A59,1X,I1,1X,F8.4,1X,A40,1X,F11.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F8.6,A91,
     +  A91,A637,A637,1X,F11.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F7.5,1X,F8.6,1X,F9.6,1X,
     +  F9.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F8.5,1X,A31,1X,F12.6,1X,F9.6,
     +  1X,F9.6,1X,F12.6,1X,F12.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F12.6,1X,F12.6,1X,F12.6,
     +  1X,F9.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F12.6,1X,F12.6,1X,
     +  F8.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F12.6,1X,F12.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F12.6,1X,F12.6,1X,
     +  F12.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F12.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F12.6,1X,I3,
     +  1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,
     +  1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,F12.6,1X,A17,1X,F12.6,1X,F8.6,1X,
     +  A125,A400,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,2X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,A19,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,
     +  1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F5.3,1X,
     +  F5.3,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F8.6,1X,F6.3,1X,F8.6,1X,F6.3,1X,F8.6,
     +  1X,F6.3,1X,F8.6,1X,F6.3,1X,F8.6,1X,F10.6,1X,F9.6,1X,A2,1X,I4,
     +  1X,F7.2,1X,F7.2,1X,A2,1X,A3,1X,I4,1X,A19,1X,A12,1X,A16,1X,A13,
     +  1X,A15,1X,I7,1X,I8,1X,A10,1X,F5.1,1X,F4.1,1X,F5.1,1X,F4.1,1X,
     +  I1,1X,F6.4,1X,F6.4,1X,F7.4,1X,F9.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F8.6,1X,
     +  F9.6,1X,F9.7,1X,F9.7,1X,F9.7,1X,F8.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F8.6,
     +  1X,F8.6,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.5,1X,F6.4,1X,
     +  F6.4,1X,F6.4,1X,F6.4,1X,F6.4,1X,F11.6,1X,F11.6,1X,F11.6,1X,
     +  F11.6,1X,F12.6,1X,F6.4,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.4,1X,F5.3,1X,F6.4,1X,I2,
     +  1X,A26,1X,F8.5,1X,F8.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F9.6,1X,F8.6,1X,
     +  F8.5,1X,F8.6,1X,F11.6,1X,F9.5,1X,F12.6,1X,F8.5,1X,F12.6,1X,
     +  F9.5,1X,F12.6,1X,F9.5,1X,F12.6,1X,F9.5,1X,F9.4,1X,F8.5,1X,
     +  F10.6,1X,F8.6)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: corogee1.dat'
      do i__=1,606
     +  CoRoT(i__),APOGEE(i__),RAdeg(i__),DEdeg(i__),GLON(i__),
     +  GLAT(i__),FIELD(i__),run(i__),Seismic(i__),numax(i__),
     +  e_numax(i__),Dnu(i__),e_Dnu(i__),evstat(i__),ASPCAP(i__),
     +  File(i__),Tel(i__),Loc(i__),TargFlags(i__),NVisits(i__),
     +  SNR(i__),StarFlags(i__),v_RV_(i__),sigma(i__),e__RV_(i__),
     +  Param(i__),FParam(i__),ParamCov(i__),FParamCov(i__),Teff(i__),
     +  e_Teff(i__),logg(i__),e_logg(i__),v_M_H_(i__),v_M_H_A(i__),
     +  e__M_H_(i__),v_alpha_M_(i__),e__alpha_M_(i__),chi2(i__),
     +  ASPCAPFlags(i__),v_Al_H_(i__),v_Ca_H_(i__),v_C_H_(i__),
     +  v_Fe_H_(i__),v_K_H_(i__),v_Mg_H_(i__),v_Mn_H_(i__),
     +  v_Na_H_(i__),v_Ni_H_(i__),v_N_H_(i__),v_O_H_(i__),
     +  v_Si_H_(i__),v_S_H_(i__),v_Ti_H_(i__),v_V_H_(i__),
     +  e__Al_H_(i__),e__Ca_H_(i__),e__C_H_(i__),e__Fe_H_(i__),
     +  e__K_H_(i__),e__Mg_H_(i__),e__Mn_H_(i__),e__Na_H_(i__),
     +  e__Ni_H_(i__),e__N_H_(i__),e__O_H_(i__),e__Si_H_(i__),
     +  e__S_H_(i__),e__Ti_H_(i__),e__V_H_(i__),f__Al_H_(i__),
     +  f__Ca_H_(i__),f__C_H_(i__),f__Fe_H_(i__),f__K_H_(i__),
     +  f__Mg_H_(i__),f__Mn_H_(i__),f__Na_H_(i__),f__Ni_H_(i__),
     +  f__N_H_(i__),f__O_H_(i__),f__Si_H_(i__),f__S_H_(i__),
     +  f__Ti_H_(i__),f__V_H_(i__),EKs(i__),MetEKs(i__),SFDE_B_V(i__),
     +  RCDist(i__),Visits(i__),VisitPK(i__),BmagO(i__),e_BmagO(i__),
     +  VmagO(i__),e_VmagO(i__),RmagO(i__),e_RmagO(i__),ImagO(i__),
     +  e_ImagO(i__),AllWISE(i__),Jmag(i__),e_Jmag(i__),Hmag(i__),
     +  e_Hmag(i__),Ksmag(i__),e_Ksmag(i__),W1mag(i__),e_W1mag(i__),
     +  W2mag(i__),e_W2mag(i__),W3mag(i__),e_W3mag(i__),W4mag(i__),
     +  e_W4mag(i__),BmagA(i__),e_BmagA(i__),VmagA(i__),e_VmagA(i__),
     +  gmagA(i__),e_gmagA(i__),rmagA(i__),e_rmagA(i__),imagA(i__),
     +  e_imagA(i__),RAEdeg(i__),DEEdeg(i__),CCD(i__),WIN(i__),x(i__),
     +  y(i__),SpType(i__),LC(i__),Tcol(i__),PPMXL(i__),USNOB1(i__),
     +  v2MASS(i__),USNOA2(i__),CMC14(i__),TYCHO2(i__),UCAC2(i__),
     +  UCAC4(i__),pmRA(i__),e_pmRA(i__),pmDE(i__),e_pmDE(i__),
     +  UCAC4flag(i__),MassS(i__),loggS(i__),RadiusS(i__),AgeM(i__),
     +  AgeM68L(i__),AgeM68U(i__),AgeM95L(i__),AgeM95U(i__),
     +  eAgeI(i__),eAgee(i__),eAgeT(i__),MassM(i__),MassM68L(i__),
     +  MassM68U(i__),MassM95L(i__),MassM95U(i__),RadiusM(i__),
     +  RadiusM68L(i__),RadiusM68U(i__),RadiusM95L(i__),
     +  RadiusM95U(i__),loggM(i__),loggM68L(i__),loggM68U(i__),
     +  loggM95L(i__),loggM95U(i__),DistM(i__),DistM68L(i__),
     +  DistM68U(i__),DistM95L(i__),DistM95U(i__),AVM(i__),
     +  AVM68L(i__),AVM68U(i__),AVM95L(i__),AVM95U(i__),nfilt(i__),
     +  filt(i__),Xg(i__),e_Xg(i__),Yg(i__),e_Yg(i__),Zg(i__),
     +  e_Zg(i__),Rg(i__),e_Rg(i__),vT(i__),e_vT(i__),vXg(i__),
     +  e_vXg(i__),vYg(i__),e_vYg(i__),vZg(i__),e_vZg(i__),vRg(i__),
     +  e_vRg(i__),vPhig(i__),e_vPhig(i__),Rguide(i__),e_Rguide(i__)
        if(ar__(1:9) .EQ. '') CoRoT(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(216:219) .EQ. '') Loc(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2287:2289) .EQ. '') f__Al_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2291:2293) .EQ. '') f__Ca_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2295:2297) .EQ. '') f__C_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2299:2301) .EQ. '') f__Fe_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2303:2305) .EQ. '') f__K_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2307:2309) .EQ. '') f__Mg_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2311:2313) .EQ. '') f__Mn_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2315:2317) .EQ. '') f__Na_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2319:2321) .EQ. '') f__Ni_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2323:2325) .EQ. '') f__N_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2327:2329) .EQ. '') f__O_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2331:2333) .EQ. '') f__Si_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2335:2337) .EQ. '') f__S_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2339:2341) .EQ. '') f__Ti_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2343:2345) .EQ. '') f__V_H_(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(2391:2398) .EQ. '') RCDist(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3019:3023) .EQ. '') e_Hmag(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3032:3036) .EQ. '') e_Ksmag(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3071:3075) .EQ. '') e_W3mag(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3083:3087) .EQ. '') e_W4mag(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3089:3094) .EQ. '') BmagA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3096:3103) .EQ. '') e_BmagA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3105:3110) .EQ. '') VmagA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3112:3119) .EQ. '') e_VmagA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3121:3126) .EQ. '') gmagA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3128:3135) .EQ. '') e_gmagA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3137:3142) .EQ. '') rmagA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3144:3151) .EQ. '') e_rmagA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3153:3158) .EQ. '') imagA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3160:3167) .EQ. '') e_imagA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3193:3196) .EQ. '') WIN(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(3221:3224) .EQ. '') Tcol(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(3306:3312) .EQ. '') TYCHO2(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(3314:3321) .EQ. '') UCAC2(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(3334:3338) .EQ. '') pmRA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3340:3343) .EQ. '') e_pmRA(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3345:3349) .EQ. '') pmDE(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3351:3354) .EQ. '') e_pmDE(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3678:3679) .EQ. '') nfilt(i__) = iNULL__
        if(ar__(3782:3792) .EQ. '') vT(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3794:3802) .EQ. '') e_vT(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3804:3815) .EQ. '') vXg(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3817:3824) .EQ. '') e_vXg(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3826:3837) .EQ. '') vYg(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3839:3847) .EQ. '') e_vYg(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3849:3860) .EQ. '') vZg(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3862:3870) .EQ. '') e_vZg(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3872:3883) .EQ. '') vRg(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3885:3893) .EQ. '') e_vRg(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3895:3903) .EQ. '') vPhig(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3905:3912) .EQ. '') e_vPhig(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3914:3923) .EQ. '') Rguide(i__) = rNULL__
        if(ar__(3925:3932) .EQ. '') e_Rguide(i__) = rNULL__
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  CoRoT(i__),APOGEE(i__),RAdeg(i__),DEdeg(i__),GLON(i__),
     +  GLAT(i__),FIELD(i__),run(i__),Seismic(i__),numax(i__),
     +  e_numax(i__),Dnu(i__),e_Dnu(i__),evstat(i__),ASPCAP(i__),
     +  File(i__),Tel(i__),Loc(i__),TargFlags(i__),NVisits(i__),
     +  SNR(i__),StarFlags(i__),v_RV_(i__),sigma(i__),e__RV_(i__),
     +  Param(i__),FParam(i__),ParamCov(i__),FParamCov(i__),Teff(i__),
     +  e_Teff(i__),logg(i__),e_logg(i__),v_M_H_(i__),v_M_H_A(i__),
     +  e__M_H_(i__),v_alpha_M_(i__),e__alpha_M_(i__),chi2(i__),
     +  ASPCAPFlags(i__),v_Al_H_(i__),v_Ca_H_(i__),v_C_H_(i__),
     +  v_Fe_H_(i__),v_K_H_(i__),v_Mg_H_(i__),v_Mn_H_(i__),
     +  v_Na_H_(i__),v_Ni_H_(i__),v_N_H_(i__),v_O_H_(i__),
     +  v_Si_H_(i__),v_S_H_(i__),v_Ti_H_(i__),v_V_H_(i__),
     +  e__Al_H_(i__),e__Ca_H_(i__),e__C_H_(i__),e__Fe_H_(i__),
     +  e__K_H_(i__),e__Mg_H_(i__),e__Mn_H_(i__),e__Na_H_(i__),
     +  e__Ni_H_(i__),e__N_H_(i__),e__O_H_(i__),e__Si_H_(i__),
     +  e__S_H_(i__),e__Ti_H_(i__),e__V_H_(i__),f__Al_H_(i__),
     +  f__Ca_H_(i__),f__C_H_(i__),f__Fe_H_(i__),f__K_H_(i__),
     +  f__Mg_H_(i__),f__Mn_H_(i__),f__Na_H_(i__),f__Ni_H_(i__),
     +  f__N_H_(i__),f__O_H_(i__),f__Si_H_(i__),f__S_H_(i__),
     +  f__Ti_H_(i__),f__V_H_(i__),EKs(i__),MetEKs(i__),SFDE_B_V(i__),
     +  RCDist(i__),Visits(i__),VisitPK(i__),BmagO(i__),e_BmagO(i__),
     +  VmagO(i__),e_VmagO(i__),RmagO(i__),e_RmagO(i__),ImagO(i__),
     +  e_ImagO(i__),AllWISE(i__),Jmag(i__),e_Jmag(i__),Hmag(i__),
     +  e_Hmag(i__),Ksmag(i__),e_Ksmag(i__),W1mag(i__),e_W1mag(i__),
     +  W2mag(i__),e_W2mag(i__),W3mag(i__),e_W3mag(i__),W4mag(i__),
     +  e_W4mag(i__),BmagA(i__),e_BmagA(i__),VmagA(i__),e_VmagA(i__),
     +  gmagA(i__),e_gmagA(i__),rmagA(i__),e_rmagA(i__),imagA(i__),
     +  e_imagA(i__),RAEdeg(i__),DEEdeg(i__),CCD(i__),WIN(i__),x(i__),
     +  y(i__),SpType(i__),LC(i__),Tcol(i__),PPMXL(i__),USNOB1(i__),
     +  v2MASS(i__),USNOA2(i__),CMC14(i__),TYCHO2(i__),UCAC2(i__),
     +  UCAC4(i__),pmRA(i__),e_pmRA(i__),pmDE(i__),e_pmDE(i__),
     +  UCAC4flag(i__),MassS(i__),loggS(i__),RadiusS(i__),AgeM(i__),
     +  AgeM68L(i__),AgeM68U(i__),AgeM95L(i__),AgeM95U(i__),
     +  eAgeI(i__),eAgee(i__),eAgeT(i__),MassM(i__),MassM68L(i__),
     +  MassM68U(i__),MassM95L(i__),MassM95U(i__),RadiusM(i__),
     +  RadiusM68L(i__),RadiusM68U(i__),RadiusM95L(i__),
     +  RadiusM95U(i__),loggM(i__),loggM68L(i__),loggM68U(i__),
     +  loggM95L(i__),loggM95U(i__),DistM(i__),DistM68L(i__),
     +  DistM68U(i__),DistM95L(i__),DistM95U(i__),AVM(i__),
     +  AVM68L(i__),AVM68U(i__),AVM95L(i__),AVM95U(i__),nfilt(i__),
     +  filt(i__),Xg(i__),e_Xg(i__),Yg(i__),e_Yg(i__),Zg(i__),
     +  e_Zg(i__),Rg(i__),e_Rg(i__),vT(i__),e_vT(i__),vXg(i__),
     +  e_vXg(i__),vYg(i__),e_vYg(i__),vZg(i__),e_vZg(i__),vRg(i__),
     +  e_vRg(i__),vPhig(i__),e_vPhig(i__),Rguide(i__),e_Rguide(i__)
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
