FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/J/A_A/527/A126 into FORTRAN code for reading data files line by line.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-20
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. J/A+A/527/A126      2XMMi/SDSS DR7 cross-correlation         (Pineau+, 2011)
*Cross-correlation of the 2XMMi catalogue with Data Release 7 of the
*Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
*    Pineau F.-X., Motch C., Carrera F., Della Ceca R., Derriere S., Michel L.,
*    Schwope A., Watson M.G.
*    <Astron. Astrophys. 527, A126 (2011)>
*    =2011A&A...527A.126P        (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'catalog.dat'	! 2XMMi versus SDSSDR7 cross-match catalog

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=72171)	! Number of records
      character*3524 ar__   	! Full-size record

C  J2000 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      character*10  Obsno       ! XMM-Newton observation identifier
      integer*4     srcNum      ! XMM observation source identifier in Obsno
      integer*4     srcId       ! [1/221135] XMM unique source identifier
      character*22  Name        ! XMM unique source IAU name,
*                                        2XMM or 2XMMi JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS
      integer*4     detid       ! [1/289033] XMM detection identifier
      real*4        RAdeg       ! (deg) XMM corrected Right Ascension of
*                                        detection (J2000)
      real*4        DEdeg       ! (deg) XMM corrected Declination of
*                                        detection (J2000)
      real*4        GLON        ! (deg) XMM corrected galactic longitude of
*                                        detection
      real*4        GLAT        ! (deg) XMM corrected galactic latitude of
*                                        1detection
      real*4        ePos        ! (arcsec) Statistical 1{sigma} Error on detection
*                                        position
      real*4        sPos        ! (arcsec) XMM estimated systematic 1{sigma} Error
*                                        on the detection position
      integer*4     extML       ! [0] XMM likelihood of the detection being
*                                        extended
      character*12  PNflag      ! [FT] XMM PN flag (False/True)
      integer*4     S           ! [0/4] XMM Summary flag of the source (1)
      real*4        Cst         ! ?=- XMM Chi2 probability that the source
*                                           is constant
      character*1   V           ! [FT] XMM flag set to True if this source
*                                             was detected as variable
      character*6   PN_Filter   ! XMM PN Filter (Thick, Medium, Thin1 or
*                                           UNDEF)
      real*4        PN_1Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 0.2-0.5keV for PN
      real*4        e_PN_1Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on PN_1Flux
      real*4        PN_2Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 0.5-1.0keV for PN
      real*4        e_PN_2Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on PN_2Flux
      real*4        PN_3Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 1.0-2.0keV for PN
      real*4        e_PN_3Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on PN_3Flux
      real*4        PN_4Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 2.0-4.5keV for PN
      real*4        e_PN_4Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on PN_4Flux
      real*4        PN_5Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 4.5-12.0keV for PN
      real*4        e_PN_5Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on PN_5Flux
      real*4        PN_8Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 0.2-12.0keV for PN
      real*4        e_PN_8Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on PN_8Flux
      real*4        PN_HR1      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 1 for PN (2)
      real*4        e_PN_HR1    ! ?=- Error on PN_HR1
      real*4        PN_HR2      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 2 for PN (2)
      real*4        e_PN_HR2    ! ?=- Error on PN_HR2
      real*4        PN_HR3      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 3 for PN (2)
      real*4        e_PN_HR3    ! ?=- Error on PN_HR3
      real*4        PN_HR4      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 4 for PN (2)
      real*4        e_PN_HR4    ! ?=- Error on PN_HR4
      character*6   M1_Filter   ! XMM M1 Filter
      real*4        M1_1Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 0.2-0.5keV for M1
      real*4        e_M1_1Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M1_1Flux
      real*4        M1_2Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 0.5-1.0keV for M1
      real*4        e_M1_2Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M1_2Flux
      real*4        M1_3Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 1.0-2.0keV for M1
      real*4        e_M1_3Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M1_3Flux
      real*4        M1_4Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 2.0-4.5keV for M1
      real*4        e_M1_4Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M1_4Flux
      real*4        M1_5Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 4.5-12.0keV for M1
      real*4        e_M1_5Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M1_5Flux
      real*4        M1_8Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 0.2-12.0keV for M1
      real*4        e_M1_8Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M1_8Flux
      real*4        M1_HR1      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 1 for M1 (2)
      real*4        e_M1_HR1    ! ?=- Error on M1_HR1
      real*4        M1_HR2      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 2 for M1 (2)
      real*4        e_M1_HR2    ! ?=- Error on M1_HR2
      real*4        M1_HR3      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 3 for M1 (2)
      real*4        e_M1_HR3    ! ?=- Error on M1_HR3
      real*4        M1_HR4      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 4 for M1 (2)
      real*4        e_M1_HR4    ! ?=- Error on M1_HR4
      character*6   M2_Filter   ! XMM M2 Filter
      real*4        M2_1Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 0.2-0.5keV for M2
      real*4        e_M2_1Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M2_1Flux
      real*4        M2_2Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 0.5-1.0keV for M2
      real*4        e_M2_2Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M2_2Flux
      real*4        M2_3Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 1.0-2.0keV for M2
      real*4        e_M2_3Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M2_3Flux
      real*4        M2_4Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 2.0-4.5keV for M2
      real*4        e_M2_4Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M2_4Flux
      real*4        M2_5Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 4.5-12.0keV for M2
      real*4        e_M2_5Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M2_5Flux
      real*4        M2_8Flux    ! (mW/m2) ?=- XMM Flux in 0.2-12.0keV for M2
      real*4        e_M2_8Flux  ! (mW/m2) ?=- Error on M2_8Flux
      real*4        M2_HR1      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 1 for M2 (2)
      real*4        e_M2_HR1    ! ?=- Error on M2_HR1
      real*4        M2_HR2      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 2 for M2 (2)
      real*4        e_M2_HR2    ! ?=- Error on M2_HR2
      real*4        M2_HR3      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 3 for M2 (2)
      real*4        e_M2_HR3    ! ?=- Error on M2_HR3
      real*4        M2_HR4      ! ?=- XMM Hardness ratio 4 for M2 (2)
      real*4        e_M2_HR4    ! ?=- Error on M2_HR4
      real*4        scRAdeg     ! (deg) XMM weighted mean Right Ascension
      real*4        scDEdeg     ! (deg) XMM weighted mean Declination
      real*4        e_scPos     ! (arcsec) XMM Error of the weighted mean position
      real*4        scep_1Flux  ! (mW/m2) XMM band 1 weighted mean flux
      real*4        e_scep_1Flux ! (mW/m2) Error on scep_1Flux
      real*4        scep_2Flux  ! (mW/m2) XMM band 2 weighted mean flux
      real*4        e_scep_2Flux ! (mW/m2) Error on scep_2Flux
      real*4        scep_3Flux  ! (mW/m2) XMM band 3 weighted mean flux
      real*4        e_scep_3Flux ! (mW/m2) Error on scep_3Flux
      real*4        scep_4Flux  ! (mW/m2) XMM band 4 weighted mean flux
      real*4        e_scep_4Flux ! (mW/m2) Error on scep_4Flux
      real*4        scep_5Flux  ! (mW/m2) XMM band 5 weighted mean flux
      real*4        e_scep_5Flux ! (mW/m2) Error on scep_5Flux
      real*4        scep_8Flux  ! (mW/m2) XMM band 8 weighted mean flux
      real*4        e_scep_8Flux ! (mW/m2) Error on scep_8Flux
      real*4        scep_9Flux  ! (mW/m2) XMM band 9 weighted mean flux
      real*4        e_scep_9Flux ! (mW/m2) Error on scep_9Flux
      real*4        scHR1       ! ?=- XMM weighted mean hardness ratio 1 (2)
      real*4        e_scHR1     ! ?=- Error on scHR1
      real*4        scHR2       ! ?=- XMM weighted mean hardness ratio 2 (2)
      real*4        e_scHR2     ! ?=- Error on scHR2
      real*4        scHR3       ! ?=- XMM weighted mean hardness ratio 3 (2)
      real*4        e_scHR3     ! ?=- Error on scHR3
      real*4        scHR4       ! ?=- XMM weighted mean hardness ratio 4 (2)
      real*4        e_scHR4     ! ?=- Error on scHR4
      real*4        scdetML     ! XMM maximum of the likelihoods of all
*                                       detections of this source
      real*4        scextML     ! XMM average of the extent likelihoods of
*                                       all detections of this source
      real*4        scCst       ! ?=- XMM minimum value of the EPIC
*                                           probabilities in each detection
      character*1   scV         ! [FT] XMM VAR_FLAG of the most variable
*                                            detection of this source
      integer*4     scS         ! [0/4] XMM flag taken to be the worst flag
*                                             of all detections of this source
      integer*4     Nd          ! XMM number of detections of the unique
*                                       source
      integer*4     f1          ! [1/3] Release source added (4)
      integer*4     fm          ! [0/1] Multiplicity flag (5)
      real*4        jproba_id   ! XMatch probability
      real*4        jd_arcsec   ! (arcsec) Angular distance between XMM and SDSS
*                                       source
      real*4        jd_sigma    ! (arcsec) Sigma distance between XMM and SDSS source
      real*4        jrho_umag   ! Estimated cumulative local density of
*                                       SDSS sources in u
      real*4        jrho_gmag   ! Estimated cumulative local density of
*                                       SDSS sources in g
      real*4        jrho_rmag   ! Estimated cumulative local density of
*                                       SDSS sources in r
      real*4        jrho_imag   ! Estimated cumulative local density of
*                                       SDSS sources in i
      real*4        jrho_zmag   ! Estimated cumulative local density of
*                                       SDSS sources in z
      real*4        jlr_umag    ! Likelihood ratio in u band
      real*4        jlr_gmag    ! Likelihood ratio in g band
      real*4        jlr_rmag    ! Likelihood ratio in r band
      real*4        jlr_imag    ! Likelihood ratio in i band
      real*4        jlr_zmag    ! Likelihood ratio in z band
      real*4        jrel_umag   ! Reliability in u band
      real*4        jrel_gmag   ! Reliability in g band
      real*4        jrel_rmag   ! Reliability in r band
      real*4        jrel_imag   ! Reliability in i band
      real*4        jrel_zmag   ! Reliability in z band
*--------------------------SDSS data---------------------------------------------
      character*18  SDSS        ! SDSS unique object identifier
      real*4        RASdeg      ! (deg) SDSS Right Ascension
      real*4        DESdeg      ! (deg) SDSS Declination
      real*4        e_RASdeg    ! (arcsec) SDSS mean Error on the Right Ascension
      real*4        e_DESdeg    ! (arcsec) SDSS mean Error on the Declination
      real*4        ccPos       ! SDSS correlation between position Errors
      real*4        umag        ! (mag) ?=-9.99900E+03 SDSS Model magnitude in 
*                                       u filter
      real*4        e_umag      ! (mag) ?=-9.99900E+03 Mean Error on umag
      real*4        gmag        ! (mag) ?=-9.99900E+03 SDSS Model magnitude in 
*                                       g filter
      real*4        e_gmag      ! (mag) ?=-9.99900E+03 Mean Error on gmag
      real*4        rmag        ! (mag) ?=-9.99900E+03 SDSS Model magnitude in 
*                                       r filter
      real*4        e_rmag      ! (mag) ?=-9.99900E+03 Mean Error on rmag
      real*4        imag        ! (mag) ?=-9.99900E+03 SDSS Model magnitude in 
*                                       i filter
      real*4        e_imag      ! (mag) ?=-9.99900E+03 Mean Error on imag
      real*4        zmag        ! (mag) ?=-9.99900E+03 SDSS Model magnitude in 
*                                       z filter
      real*4        e_zmag      ! (mag) ?=-9.99900E+03 Mean Error on zmag
      integer*4     Class       ! SDSS class parameter (3)
      integer*4     spClass     ! [0/6]? SDSS spectral class parameter (6)
      real*4        zsp         ! ?=- SDSS spectral redshift
      real*4        e_zsp       ! ?=- Error on zsp
      character*3   spType      ! SDSS Stellar Type Classification (UW)
      character*3   spTypea     ! SDSS Stellar Type Classification (SSPP)
      character*3   SType       ! SEGUE or SDSS target type abbrev
      character*1   good_qual   ! [FT] No SDSS flag set, all mags < 22.2
      character*1   Sat         ! [FT] Object contains one or more saturated
*                                       pixels (SATURATED) (7)
      character*1   Blend       ! [FT] Object had multiple peaks detected
*                                       within it (BLEND) (7)
      character*1   PSFFlux     ! [FT] Greater than 20% of the PSF flux is
*                                       from interpolated pixels
*                                       (PSF_FLUX_INTERP)  (7)
      character*1   Deblend     ! [FT] A MOVED object that the deblender
*                                      treated as moving (DEBLENDED_AS_MOVING)(7)
      character*1   Interp      ! [FT] Object center is close to at least
*                                       one interpolated pixel (INTERP_CENTER)(7)
      character*1   Edge        ! [FT] Object is too close to edge of
*                                       frame (EDGE) (7)
      character*1   Satur       ! [FT] Object center is close to at least
*                                       one saturated pixel (SATUR_CENTER) (7)
      real*4        ha_ct       ! ?=- SDSS H{alpha} (6565) line continuum
      real*4        ha_wv       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS H{alpha} (6565) line center inlab
*                                           frame
      real*4        e_ha_wv     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on ha_wv
      real*4        ha_sg       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           H{alpha} (6565) line
      real*4        e_ha_sg     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on ha_sg
      real*4        ha_ew       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS H{alpha} (6565) line equivalent
*                                           width
      real*4        e_ha_ew     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on ha_ew
      real*4        ha_z        ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line H{alpha} (6565)
      real*4        ha_h        ! ?=- SDSS height of H{alpha} (6565) line
*                                           gaussian
      real*4        e_ha_h      ! ?=- Error on ha_h
      real*4        hb_ct       ! ?=- SDSS H{beta} (4863) line continuum
      real*4        hb_wv       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS H{beta} (4863) line center inlab
*                                           frame
      real*4        e_hb_wv     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on hb_wv
      real*4        hb_sg       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           H{beta} (4863) line
      real*4        e_hb_sg     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on hb_sg
      real*4        hb_ew       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS H{beta} (4863) line equivalent
*                                           width
      real*4        e_hb_ew     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on hb_ew
      real*4        hb_z        ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line H{beta} (4863)
      real*4        hb_h        ! ?=- SDSS height of H{beta} (4863) line
*                                           gaussian
      real*4        e_hb_h      ! ?=- Error on hb_h
      real*4        n2_ct       ! ?=- SDSS NII (6585) line continuum
      real*4        n2_wv       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS NII (6585) line center
*                                           inlab frame
      real*4        e_n2_wv     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on n2_wv
      real*4        n2_sg       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           NII (6585) line
      real*4        e_n2_sg     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on n2_sg
      real*4        n2_ew       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS NII (6585) line equivalent width
      real*4        e_n2_ew     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on n2_ew
      real*4        n2_z        ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line NII (6585)
      real*4        n2_h        ! ?=- SDSS height of NII (6585) line
*                                           gaussian
      real*4        e_n2_h      ! ?=- Error on n2_h
      real*4        o3l_ct      ! ?=- SDSS OIII (4960) line continuum
      real*4        o3l_wv      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS OIII (4960) line center inlab
*                                           frame
      real*4        e_o3l_wv    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o3l_wv
      real*4        o3l_sg      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           OIII (4960) line
      real*4        e_o3l_sg    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o3l_sg
      real*4        o3l_ew      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS OIII (4960) line equivalent
*                                           width
      real*4        e_o3l_ew    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o3l_ew
      real*4        o3l_z       ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line o3l
      real*4        o3l_h       ! ?=- SDSS height of OIII (4960)
      real*4        e_o3l_h     ! ?=- Error on o3l_h
      real*4        o3h_ct      ! ?=- SDSS OIII (5008) line continuum
      real*4        o3h_wv      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS OIII (5008) line center inlab
*                                           frame
      real*4        e_o3h_wv    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o3h line center
      real*4        o3h_sg      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           OIII (5008) line
      real*4        e_o3h_sg    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o3h_sg
      real*4        o3h_ew      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS OIII (5008) line equivalent
*                                           width
      real*4        e_o3h_ew    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o3h_ew
      real*4        o3h_z       ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line o3h
      real*4        o3h_h       ! ?=- SDSS height of OIII (5008) line
*                                           gaussian
      real*4        e_o3h_h     ! ?=- Error on o3h_h
      real*4        o2l_ct      ! ?=- SDSS OII (3727) line continuum
      real*4        o2l_wv      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS OII (3727) line center inlab
*                                           frame
      real*4        e_o2l_wv    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o2l_wv
      real*4        o2l_sg      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           OII (3727) line
      real*4        e_o2l_sg    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o2l_sg
      real*4        o2l_ew      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS OII (3727) line equivalent
*                                           width
      real*4        e_o2l_ew    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o2l_ew
      real*4        o2l_z       ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line o2l
      real*4        o2l_h       ! ?=- SDSS height of OII (3727) line
*                                           gaussian
      real*4        e_o2l_h     ! ?=- Error on o2l_h
      real*4        o2h_ct      ! ?=- SDSS o2h line continuum
      real*4        o2h_wv      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS OII (3730) line center inlab
*                                           frame
      real*4        e_o2h_wv    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o2h_wv
      real*4        o2h_sg      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           OII (3730) line
      real*4        e_o2h_sg    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o2h_sg
      real*4        o2h_ew      ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS OII (3730) line equivalent
*                                           width
      real*4        e_o2h_ew    ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o2h_ew
      real*4        o2h_z       ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line o2h
      real*4        o2h_h       ! ?=- SDSS height of OII (3730) line
*                                           gaussian
      real*4        e_o2h_h     ! ?=- Error on o2h_h
      real*4        o1_ct       ! ?=- SDSS OI (6302) line continuum
      real*4        o1_wv       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS OI (6302) line center inlab frame
      real*4        e_o1_wv     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o1_wv
      real*4        o1_sg       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           OI (6302) line
      real*4        e_o1_sg     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o1_sg
      real*4        o1_ew       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS OI (6302) line equivalent width
      real*4        e_o1_ew     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on o1_ew
      real*4        o1_z        ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line o1
      real*4        o1_h        ! ?=- SDSS height of OI (6302) line gaussian
      real*4        e_o1_h      ! ?=- Error on o1_h
      real*4        m2_ct       ! ?=- SDSS MgII (2799) line continuum
      real*4        m2_wv       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS MgII (2799) line center
*                                           inlab frame
      real*4        e_m2_wv     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on m2_wv
      real*4        m2_sg       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           MgII (2799) line
      real*4        e_m2_sg     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on m2_sg
      real*4        m2_ew       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS MgII (2799) line equivalent width
      real*4        e_m2_ew     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on m2_ew
      real*4        m2_z        ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line MgII (2799)
      real*4        m2_h        ! ?=- SDSS height of MgII (2799) line
*                                           gaussian
      real*4        e_m2_h      ! ?=- Error on m2_h
      real*4        c3_ct       ! ?=- SDSS CIII (1909) line continuum
      real*4        c3_wv       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS CIII (1909) line center
*                                           inlab frame
      real*4        e_c3_wv     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on c3_wv
      real*4        c3_sg       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           CIII (1909) line
      real*4        e_c3_sg     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on c3_sg
      real*4        c3_ew       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS CIII (1909) line equivalent width
      real*4        e_c3_ew     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on c3_ew
      real*4        c3_z        ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line c3
      real*4        c3_h        ! ?=- SDSS height of CIII (1909) line
*                                           gaussian
      real*4        e_c3_h      ! ?=- Error on c3_h
      real*4        c4_ct       ! ?=- SDSS CIV (1549) line continuum
      real*4        c4_wv       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS CIV (1549) line center
*                                           inlab frame
      real*4        e_c4_wv     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on c4_wv
      real*4        c4_sg       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           CIV (1549) line
      real*4        e_c4_sg     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on c4_sg
      real*4        c4_ew       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS CIV (1549) line equivalent width
      real*4        e_c4_ew     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on c4_ew
      real*4        c4_z        ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line c4
      real*4        c4_h        ! ?=- SDSS height of CIV (1549)
*                                           line gaussian
      real*4        e_c4_h      ! ?=- Error on c4_h
      real*4        la_ct       ! ?=- SDSS Ly{alpha} (1216) line continuum
      real*4        la_wv       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS Ly{alpha} (1216) line center
*                                           inlab frame
      real*4        e_la_wv     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on la_wv
      real*4        la_sg       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS {sigma} of fitted gaussian on
*                                           Ly{alpha} (1216) line
      real*4        e_la_sg     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on la_sg
      real*4        la_ew       ! (0.1nm) ?=- SDSS Ly{alpha} (1216) line equivalent
*                                           width
      real*4        e_la_ew     ! (0.1nm) ?=- Error on la_ew
      real*4        la_z        ! ?=- SDSS redshift of line la
      real*4        la_h        ! ?=- SDSS height of Ly{alpha} (1216) line
*                                           gaussian
      real*4        e_la_h      ! ?=- Error on la_h
*Note (1): 2XMMi sumflag as follows:
*   0 = good
*   1 = source parameters may be affected
*   2 = possibly spurious
*   3 = located in a area where spurious detection may occur
*   4 = located in a area where spurious detection may occur
*       and possibly spurious
*Note (2): 2XMMi hardness ratios defined as:
*   1 = bands 1 & 2
*   2 = bands 2 & 3
*   3 = bands 3 & 4
*   4 = bands 4 & 5
*          2XMMi Bands defined as:
*   1 = 0.2-0.5keV
*   2 = 0.5-1.0keV
*   3 = 1.0-2.0keV
*   4 = 2.0-4.5keV
*   5 = 4.5-12.0keV
*   8 = 0.2-12.0keV
*   9 = 0.5-4.5keV
*Note (3): Type (class) from SDSS is numbered as follows:
*   0 = Unknown: Object type is not known
*   3 = Galaxy: An extended object composed of many stars and other matter
*   6 = Star: A a self-luminous gaseous celestial body
*   8 = Sky: Blank sky spectrogram (no objects in this arcsecond area)
*Note (4): Flag (sc_chflag1) as follows:
*   1 = a 2XMM source with unchanged SC parameters
*   2 = a 2XMM source with changed SC parameters
*   3 = a new source
*Note (5): Flag (sc_chflag2) as follows:
*   0 = depends on f1 (sc_chflag1):
*       * if f1=1, a unique source present in 2XMM remains unchanged
*         in 2XMMi when comprised only of the same detections as in 2XMM.
*       * if f1=2, one or more new detections in 2XMMi can, by virtue of
*         their spatial separation, simply associate with the group of
*         detections from a unique source in 2XMM.
*       * if f1=3, new detections in 2XMMi that do not associate with a
*         unique source in 2XMM form new unique sources in 2XMMi with
*         SRCID values >=191871.
*   1 = with f1=2, Detections that formed a source in 2XMM have
*       been regrouped, that is, while a source in 2XMMi might map to
*       one in 2XMM (having the same source ID and IAU name) it may have
*       lost detections it had in 2XMM and it may have gained old
*       detections from a different 2XMM source or new detections.
*Note (6): Spectral class as follows:
*   0 = Spectrum not classifiable (zConf<0.25)
*   1 = Spectrum of a star
*   2 = Spectrum of a galaxy
*   3 = Spectrum of a quasi-stellar object
*   4 = Spectrum of a high-redshift quasar (z>2.3), whose redshift is
*       confirmed by a Ly-alpha estimator
*   5 = Spectrum of blank sky
*   6 = Star dominated by molecular bands M or later
*   7 = Emission line galaxy (placeholder)
*Note (7): SDSS flags


C  Loading file 'catalog.dat'	! 2XMMi versus SDSSDR7 cross-match catalog

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(
     +  A10,1X,I3,1X,I6,1X,A22,1X,I6,1X,E14.9,1X,E16.11,1X,E15.10,1X,
     +  E15.10,1X,E12.7,1X,E8.3,1X,I1,1X,A12,1X,I1,1X,E11.6,1X,A1,1X,
     +  A6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,
     +  E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E14.9,1X,E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E13.8,1X,A6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,
     +  E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E14.10,1X,A6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,
     +  E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,
     +  1X,E11.6,1X,E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E11.6,1X,E12.7,1X,E14.9,1X,E18.14,1X,E19.15,1X,E11.6,1X,E12.6,
     +  1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,
     +  E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E14.9,1X,E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,E13.9,1X,E12.7,1X,E11.6,1X,A1,1X,I1,1X,I2,
     +  1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,
     +  1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,
     +  1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,1X,E18.13,
     +  1X,E18.13,1X,A18,1X,E18.13,1X,E19.14,1X,E11.6,1X,E11.6,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E11.6,1X,A3,1X,A3,1X,A3,1X,A1,1X,A1,1X,A1,1X,A1,1X,A1,1X,A1,
     +  1X,A1,1X,A1,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E13.7,1X,E12.6,1X,E13.7,1X,E13.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,
     +  E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,
     +  1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E13.8,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E13.8,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E13.8,1X,E12.7)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: catalog.dat'
      do i__=1,72171
     +  Obsno,srcNum,srcId,Name,detid,RAdeg,DEdeg,GLON,GLAT,ePos,sPos,
     +  extML,PNflag,S,Cst,V,PN_Filter,PN_1Flux,e_PN_1Flux,PN_2Flux,
     +  e_PN_2Flux,PN_3Flux,e_PN_3Flux,PN_4Flux,e_PN_4Flux,PN_5Flux,
     +  e_PN_5Flux,PN_8Flux,e_PN_8Flux,PN_HR1,e_PN_HR1,PN_HR2,
     +  e_PN_HR2,PN_HR3,e_PN_HR3,PN_HR4,e_PN_HR4,M1_Filter,M1_1Flux,
     +  e_M1_1Flux,M1_2Flux,e_M1_2Flux,M1_3Flux,e_M1_3Flux,M1_4Flux,
     +  e_M1_4Flux,M1_5Flux,e_M1_5Flux,M1_8Flux,e_M1_8Flux,M1_HR1,
     +  e_M1_HR1,M1_HR2,e_M1_HR2,M1_HR3,e_M1_HR3,M1_HR4,e_M1_HR4,
     +  M2_Filter,M2_1Flux,e_M2_1Flux,M2_2Flux,e_M2_2Flux,M2_3Flux,
     +  e_M2_3Flux,M2_4Flux,e_M2_4Flux,M2_5Flux,e_M2_5Flux,M2_8Flux,
     +  e_M2_8Flux,M2_HR1,e_M2_HR1,M2_HR2,e_M2_HR2,M2_HR3,e_M2_HR3,
     +  M2_HR4,e_M2_HR4,scRAdeg,scDEdeg,e_scPos,scep_1Flux,
     +  e_scep_1Flux,scep_2Flux,e_scep_2Flux,scep_3Flux,e_scep_3Flux,
     +  scep_4Flux,e_scep_4Flux,scep_5Flux,e_scep_5Flux,scep_8Flux,
     +  e_scep_8Flux,scep_9Flux,e_scep_9Flux,scHR1,e_scHR1,scHR2,
     +  e_scHR2,scHR3,e_scHR3,scHR4,e_scHR4,scdetML,scextML,scCst,scV,
     +  scS,Nd,f1,fm,jproba_id,jd_arcsec,jd_sigma,jrho_umag,jrho_gmag,
     +  jrho_rmag,jrho_imag,jrho_zmag,jlr_umag,jlr_gmag,jlr_rmag,
     +  jlr_imag,jlr_zmag,jrel_umag,jrel_gmag,jrel_rmag,jrel_imag,
     +  jrel_zmag,SDSS,RASdeg,DESdeg,e_RASdeg,e_DESdeg,ccPos,umag,
     +  e_umag,gmag,e_gmag,rmag,e_rmag,imag,e_imag,zmag,e_zmag,Class,
     +  spClass,zsp,e_zsp,spType,spTypea,SType,good_qual,Sat,Blend,
     +  PSFFlux,Deblend,Interp,Edge,Satur,ha_ct,ha_wv,e_ha_wv,ha_sg,
     +  e_ha_sg,ha_ew,e_ha_ew,ha_z,ha_h,e_ha_h,hb_ct,hb_wv,e_hb_wv,
     +  hb_sg,e_hb_sg,hb_ew,e_hb_ew,hb_z,hb_h,e_hb_h,n2_ct,n2_wv,
     +  e_n2_wv,n2_sg,e_n2_sg,n2_ew,e_n2_ew,n2_z,n2_h,e_n2_h,o3l_ct,
     +  o3l_wv,e_o3l_wv,o3l_sg,e_o3l_sg,o3l_ew,e_o3l_ew,o3l_z,o3l_h,
     +  e_o3l_h,o3h_ct,o3h_wv,e_o3h_wv,o3h_sg,e_o3h_sg,o3h_ew,
     +  e_o3h_ew,o3h_z,o3h_h,e_o3h_h,o2l_ct,o2l_wv,e_o2l_wv,o2l_sg,
     +  e_o2l_sg,o2l_ew,e_o2l_ew,o2l_z,o2l_h,e_o2l_h,o2h_ct,o2h_wv,
     +  e_o2h_wv,o2h_sg,e_o2h_sg,o2h_ew,e_o2h_ew,o2h_z,o2h_h,e_o2h_h,
     +  o1_ct,o1_wv,e_o1_wv,o1_sg,e_o1_sg,o1_ew,e_o1_ew,o1_z,o1_h,
     +  e_o1_h,m2_ct,m2_wv,e_m2_wv,m2_sg,e_m2_sg,m2_ew,e_m2_ew,m2_z,
     +  m2_h,e_m2_h,c3_ct,c3_wv,e_c3_wv,c3_sg,e_c3_sg,c3_ew,e_c3_ew,
     +  c3_z,c3_h,e_c3_h,c4_ct,c4_wv,e_c4_wv,c4_sg,e_c4_sg,c4_ew,
     +  e_c4_ew,c4_z,c4_h,e_c4_h,la_ct,la_wv,e_la_wv,la_sg,e_la_sg,
     +  la_ew,e_la_ew,la_z,la_h,e_la_h
        if (idig(ar__(156:166)).EQ.0) Cst =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(177:187)).EQ.0) PN_1Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(189:199)).EQ.0) e_PN_1Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(201:211)).EQ.0) PN_2Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(213:223)).EQ.0) e_PN_2Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(225:235)).EQ.0) PN_3Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(237:247)).EQ.0) e_PN_3Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(249:259)).EQ.0) PN_4Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(261:271)).EQ.0) e_PN_4Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(273:283)).EQ.0) PN_5Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(285:295)).EQ.0) e_PN_5Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(297:307)).EQ.0) PN_8Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(309:319)).EQ.0) e_PN_8Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(321:332)).EQ.0) PN_HR1 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(334:347)).EQ.0) e_PN_HR1 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(349:360)).EQ.0) PN_HR2 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(362:372)).EQ.0) e_PN_HR2 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(374:385)).EQ.0) PN_HR3 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(387:397)).EQ.0) e_PN_HR3 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(399:410)).EQ.0) PN_HR4 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(412:424)).EQ.0) e_PN_HR4 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(433:443)).EQ.0) M1_1Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(445:455)).EQ.0) e_M1_1Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(457:467)).EQ.0) M1_2Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(469:479)).EQ.0) e_M1_2Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(481:491)).EQ.0) M1_3Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(493:503)).EQ.0) e_M1_3Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(505:515)).EQ.0) M1_4Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(517:527)).EQ.0) e_M1_4Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(529:539)).EQ.0) M1_5Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(541:551)).EQ.0) e_M1_5Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(553:563)).EQ.0) M1_8Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(565:575)).EQ.0) e_M1_8Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(577:588)).EQ.0) M1_HR1 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(590:600)).EQ.0) e_M1_HR1 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(602:613)).EQ.0) M1_HR2 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(615:625)).EQ.0) e_M1_HR2 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(627:638)).EQ.0) M1_HR3 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(640:650)).EQ.0) e_M1_HR3 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(652:663)).EQ.0) M1_HR4 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(665:678)).EQ.0) e_M1_HR4 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(687:697)).EQ.0) M2_1Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(699:709)).EQ.0) e_M2_1Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(711:721)).EQ.0) M2_2Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(723:733)).EQ.0) e_M2_2Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(735:745)).EQ.0) M2_3Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(747:757)).EQ.0) e_M2_3Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(759:769)).EQ.0) M2_4Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(771:781)).EQ.0) e_M2_4Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(783:793)).EQ.0) M2_5Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(795:805)).EQ.0) e_M2_5Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(807:817)).EQ.0) M2_8Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(819:829)).EQ.0) e_M2_8Flux =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(831:842)).EQ.0) M2_HR1 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(844:854)).EQ.0) e_M2_HR1 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(856:867)).EQ.0) M2_HR2 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(869:879)).EQ.0) e_M2_HR2 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(881:892)).EQ.0) M2_HR3 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(894:904)).EQ.0) e_M2_HR3 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(906:917)).EQ.0) M2_HR4 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(919:932)).EQ.0) e_M2_HR4 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1154:1165)).EQ.0) scHR1 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1167:1180)).EQ.0) e_scHR1 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1182:1193)).EQ.0) scHR2 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1195:1205)).EQ.0) e_scHR2 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1207:1218)).EQ.0) scHR3 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1220:1230)).EQ.0) e_scHR3 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1232:1243)).EQ.0) scHR4 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1245:1255)).EQ.0) e_scHR4 =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1284:1294)).EQ.0) scCst =  rNULL__
        if(ar__(1876:1876) .EQ. '') spClass = iNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1878:1889)).EQ.0) zsp =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1891:1901)).EQ.0) e_zsp =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1931:1942)).EQ.0) ha_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1944:1955)).EQ.0) ha_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1957:1968)).EQ.0) e_ha_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1970:1981)).EQ.0) ha_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1983:1994)).EQ.0) e_ha_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(1996:2008)).EQ.0) ha_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2010:2021)).EQ.0) e_ha_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2023:2035)).EQ.0) ha_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2037:2049)).EQ.0) ha_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2051:2062)).EQ.0) e_ha_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2064:2075)).EQ.0) hb_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2077:2088)).EQ.0) hb_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2090:2101)).EQ.0) e_hb_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2103:2114)).EQ.0) hb_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2116:2127)).EQ.0) e_hb_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2129:2141)).EQ.0) hb_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2143:2154)).EQ.0) e_hb_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2156:2168)).EQ.0) hb_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2170:2182)).EQ.0) hb_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2184:2195)).EQ.0) e_hb_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2197:2208)).EQ.0) n2_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2210:2221)).EQ.0) n2_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2223:2234)).EQ.0) e_n2_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2236:2247)).EQ.0) n2_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2249:2260)).EQ.0) e_n2_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2262:2274)).EQ.0) n2_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2276:2287)).EQ.0) e_n2_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2289:2301)).EQ.0) n2_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2303:2315)).EQ.0) n2_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2317:2328)).EQ.0) e_n2_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2330:2342)).EQ.0) o3l_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2344:2355)).EQ.0) o3l_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2357:2368)).EQ.0) e_o3l_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2370:2381)).EQ.0) o3l_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2383:2394)).EQ.0) e_o3l_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2396:2408)).EQ.0) o3l_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2410:2421)).EQ.0) e_o3l_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2423:2435)).EQ.0) o3l_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2437:2449)).EQ.0) o3l_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2451:2462)).EQ.0) e_o3l_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2464:2475)).EQ.0) o3h_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2477:2488)).EQ.0) o3h_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2490:2501)).EQ.0) e_o3h_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2503:2514)).EQ.0) o3h_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2516:2527)).EQ.0) e_o3h_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2529:2541)).EQ.0) o3h_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2543:2554)).EQ.0) e_o3h_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2556:2568)).EQ.0) o3h_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2570:2582)).EQ.0) o3h_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2584:2595)).EQ.0) e_o3h_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2597:2608)).EQ.0) o2l_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2610:2621)).EQ.0) o2l_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2623:2634)).EQ.0) e_o2l_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2636:2647)).EQ.0) o2l_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2649:2660)).EQ.0) e_o2l_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2662:2674)).EQ.0) o2l_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2676:2687)).EQ.0) e_o2l_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2689:2701)).EQ.0) o2l_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2703:2715)).EQ.0) o2l_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2717:2728)).EQ.0) e_o2l_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2730:2741)).EQ.0) o2h_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2743:2754)).EQ.0) o2h_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2756:2767)).EQ.0) e_o2h_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2769:2780)).EQ.0) o2h_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2782:2793)).EQ.0) e_o2h_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2795:2807)).EQ.0) o2h_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2809:2820)).EQ.0) e_o2h_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2822:2833)).EQ.0) o2h_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2835:2847)).EQ.0) o2h_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2849:2860)).EQ.0) e_o2h_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2862:2874)).EQ.0) o1_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2876:2887)).EQ.0) o1_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2889:2900)).EQ.0) e_o1_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2902:2913)).EQ.0) o1_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2915:2926)).EQ.0) e_o1_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2928:2940)).EQ.0) o1_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2942:2953)).EQ.0) e_o1_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2955:2967)).EQ.0) o1_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2969:2981)).EQ.0) o1_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2983:2994)).EQ.0) e_o1_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(2996:3008)).EQ.0) m2_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3010:3021)).EQ.0) m2_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3023:3034)).EQ.0) e_m2_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3036:3047)).EQ.0) m2_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3049:3060)).EQ.0) e_m2_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3062:3074)).EQ.0) m2_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3076:3087)).EQ.0) e_m2_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3089:3100)).EQ.0) m2_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3102:3114)).EQ.0) m2_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3116:3127)).EQ.0) e_m2_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3129:3140)).EQ.0) c3_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3142:3153)).EQ.0) c3_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3155:3166)).EQ.0) e_c3_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3168:3179)).EQ.0) c3_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3181:3192)).EQ.0) e_c3_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3194:3206)).EQ.0) c3_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3208:3219)).EQ.0) e_c3_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3221:3232)).EQ.0) c3_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3234:3246)).EQ.0) c3_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3248:3259)).EQ.0) e_c3_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3261:3272)).EQ.0) c4_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3274:3285)).EQ.0) c4_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3287:3298)).EQ.0) e_c4_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3300:3311)).EQ.0) c4_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3313:3324)).EQ.0) e_c4_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3326:3338)).EQ.0) c4_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3340:3351)).EQ.0) e_c4_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3353:3364)).EQ.0) c4_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3366:3378)).EQ.0) c4_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3380:3391)).EQ.0) e_c4_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3393:3404)).EQ.0) la_ct =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3406:3418)).EQ.0) la_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3420:3431)).EQ.0) e_la_wv =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3433:3444)).EQ.0) la_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3446:3457)).EQ.0) e_la_sg =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3459:3471)).EQ.0) la_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3473:3484)).EQ.0) e_la_ew =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3486:3497)).EQ.0) la_z =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3499:3511)).EQ.0) la_h =  rNULL__
        if (idig(ar__(3513:3524)).EQ.0) e_la_h =  rNULL__
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Obsno,srcNum,srcId,Name,detid,RAdeg,DEdeg,GLON,GLAT,ePos,sPos,
     +  extML,PNflag,S,Cst,V,PN_Filter,PN_1Flux,e_PN_1Flux,PN_2Flux,
     +  e_PN_2Flux,PN_3Flux,e_PN_3Flux,PN_4Flux,e_PN_4Flux,PN_5Flux,
     +  e_PN_5Flux,PN_8Flux,e_PN_8Flux,PN_HR1,e_PN_HR1,PN_HR2,
     +  e_PN_HR2,PN_HR3,e_PN_HR3,PN_HR4,e_PN_HR4,M1_Filter,M1_1Flux,
     +  e_M1_1Flux,M1_2Flux,e_M1_2Flux,M1_3Flux,e_M1_3Flux,M1_4Flux,
     +  e_M1_4Flux,M1_5Flux,e_M1_5Flux,M1_8Flux,e_M1_8Flux,M1_HR1,
     +  e_M1_HR1,M1_HR2,e_M1_HR2,M1_HR3,e_M1_HR3,M1_HR4,e_M1_HR4,
     +  M2_Filter,M2_1Flux,e_M2_1Flux,M2_2Flux,e_M2_2Flux,M2_3Flux,
     +  e_M2_3Flux,M2_4Flux,e_M2_4Flux,M2_5Flux,e_M2_5Flux,M2_8Flux,
     +  e_M2_8Flux,M2_HR1,e_M2_HR1,M2_HR2,e_M2_HR2,M2_HR3,e_M2_HR3,
     +  M2_HR4,e_M2_HR4,scRAdeg,scDEdeg,e_scPos,scep_1Flux,
     +  e_scep_1Flux,scep_2Flux,e_scep_2Flux,scep_3Flux,e_scep_3Flux,
     +  scep_4Flux,e_scep_4Flux,scep_5Flux,e_scep_5Flux,scep_8Flux,
     +  e_scep_8Flux,scep_9Flux,e_scep_9Flux,scHR1,e_scHR1,scHR2,
     +  e_scHR2,scHR3,e_scHR3,scHR4,e_scHR4,scdetML,scextML,scCst,scV,
     +  scS,Nd,f1,fm,jproba_id,jd_arcsec,jd_sigma,jrho_umag,jrho_gmag,
     +  jrho_rmag,jrho_imag,jrho_zmag,jlr_umag,jlr_gmag,jlr_rmag,
     +  jlr_imag,jlr_zmag,jrel_umag,jrel_gmag,jrel_rmag,jrel_imag,
     +  jrel_zmag,SDSS,RASdeg,DESdeg,e_RASdeg,e_DESdeg,ccPos,umag,
     +  e_umag,gmag,e_gmag,rmag,e_rmag,imag,e_imag,zmag,e_zmag,Class,
     +  spClass,zsp,e_zsp,spType,spTypea,SType,good_qual,Sat,Blend,
     +  PSFFlux,Deblend,Interp,Edge,Satur,ha_ct,ha_wv,e_ha_wv,ha_sg,
     +  e_ha_sg,ha_ew,e_ha_ew,ha_z,ha_h,e_ha_h,hb_ct,hb_wv,e_hb_wv,
     +  hb_sg,e_hb_sg,hb_ew,e_hb_ew,hb_z,hb_h,e_hb_h,n2_ct,n2_wv,
     +  e_n2_wv,n2_sg,e_n2_sg,n2_ew,e_n2_ew,n2_z,n2_h,e_n2_h,o3l_ct,
     +  o3l_wv,e_o3l_wv,o3l_sg,e_o3l_sg,o3l_ew,e_o3l_ew,o3l_z,o3l_h,
     +  e_o3l_h,o3h_ct,o3h_wv,e_o3h_wv,o3h_sg,e_o3h_sg,o3h_ew,
     +  e_o3h_ew,o3h_z,o3h_h,e_o3h_h,o2l_ct,o2l_wv,e_o2l_wv,o2l_sg,
     +  e_o2l_sg,o2l_ew,e_o2l_ew,o2l_z,o2l_h,e_o2l_h,o2h_ct,o2h_wv,
     +  e_o2h_wv,o2h_sg,e_o2h_sg,o2h_ew,e_o2h_ew,o2h_z,o2h_h,e_o2h_h,
     +  o1_ct,o1_wv,e_o1_wv,o1_sg,e_o1_sg,o1_ew,e_o1_ew,o1_z,o1_h,
     +  e_o1_h,m2_ct,m2_wv,e_m2_wv,m2_sg,e_m2_sg,m2_ew,e_m2_ew,m2_z,
     +  m2_h,e_m2_h,c3_ct,c3_wv,e_c3_wv,c3_sg,e_c3_sg,c3_ew,e_c3_ew,
     +  c3_z,c3_h,e_c3_h,c4_ct,c4_wv,e_c4_wv,c4_sg,e_c4_sg,c4_ew,
     +  e_c4_ew,c4_z,c4_h,e_c4_h,la_ct,la_wv,e_la_wv,la_sg,e_la_sg,
     +  la_ew,e_la_ew,la_z,la_h,e_la_h
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C Locate position of first digit in string; or return 0
      integer function idig(c)
      character*(*) c
      character*1 c1
      integer lc,i
      do i=1,lc
         if(c(i:i).ne.' ') go to 1
      end do
    1 if( return
      if(c1.eq.'.'.or.c1.eq.'-'.or.c1.eq.'+') i=i+1
      if( return
      if('0'.and.c1.le.'9') idig=i