FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/J/A_A/504/359 into FORTRAN code for reading data files line by line.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-20
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. J/A+A/504/359 Mock spectro-photometric catalog of galaxies (Jouvel+, 2009)
*Designing future dark energy space mission. I. Building realistic galaxy
*spectro-photometric catalogs and their first applications.
*    Jouvel S., Kneib J-P, Ilbert O., Bernstein G., Arnouts S., Dahlen T.,
*    Ealet A., Milliard B., Aussel H., Capak P., Le Brun V., McCracken H.,
*    Capak P., Salvato M., Scoville N.
*   <Astron. Astrophys. 504, 359 (2009)>
*   =2009A&A...504..359J

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'glfc.dat'	! GOODS Luminosity Function based catalog of
                              mock galaxies (magnitudes in AB system)

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=641785)	! Number of records
      character*279 ar__   	! Full-size record

      integer*4     Seq         ! [1,641785] Sequential number
      real*4        z           ! [0.02,6] Redshift bin
      integer*4     Mod         ! [1,66] Model of galaxy (G1)
      integer*4     LF          ! [1,3] Luminosity Function (2)
      real*8        M_          ! (mag) M* Luminosity Function parameter (3)
      real*4        phi_        ! {phi}^*^ Luminosity Function parameter (3)
      real*4        alpha       ! {alpha} Luminosity Function parameter (3)
      real*8        F435W       ! (mag) [16,105] Theoretical magnitude in F435W band
      real*4        F606W       ! (mag) [15,33] Theoretical magnitude in F606W band
      real*4        F775W       ! (mag) [14,31] Theoretical magnitude in F775W band
      real*4        F850lp      ! (mag) [14,31] Theoretical magnitude in F850lp band
      real*4        F110W       ! (mag) [14,31] Theoretical magnitude in F110W band
      real*4        F160W       ! (mag) [14,31] Theoretical magnitude in F160W band
      real*8        Bmag        ! (mag) [16,105] Theoretical magnitude in Bmag band
      real*8        Vmag        ! (mag) [15,103] Theoretical magnitude in Vmag band
      real*4        Rmag        ! (mag) [15,32] Theoretical magnitude in Rmag band
      real*4        Imag        ! (mag) [14,31] Theoretical magnitude in Imag band
      real*4        Ksmag       ! (mag) [14,31] Theoretical magnitude in Ksmag band
      real*4        F435Wr      ! (mag) [16,32] Randomized magnitude in F435W band
      real*4        F6060Wr     ! (mag) [15,32] Randomized magnitude in F606W  band
      real*4        F775Wr      ! (mag) [14,32] Randomized magnitude in F775W band
      real*4        F850lpr     ! (mag) [14,31] Randomized magnitude in F850lp band
      real*4        F110Wr      ! (mag) [14,31] Randomized magnitude in F110W band
      real*4        F160Wr      ! (mag) [14,31] Randomized magnitude in F160W band
      real*4        Bmagr       ! (mag) [16,32] Randomized magnitude in B band
      real*4        Vmagr       ! (mag) [15,32] Randomized magnitude in V band
      real*4        Rmagr       ! (mag) [15,32] Randomized magnitude in R band
      real*4        Imagr       ! (mag) [14,32] Randomized magnitude in I band
      real*4        Ksmagr      ! (mag) [14,32] Randomized magnitude in Ks band
      real*4        e_F435W     ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in F435W band
      real*4        e_F606W     ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in F606W band
      real*4        e_F775W     ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in F775W band
      real*4        e_F850lp    ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in F850lp band
      real*4        e_F110W     ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in F110W band
      real*4        e_F160W     ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in F160W band
      real*4        e_Bmag      ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in B band
      real*4        e_Vmag      ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in V band
      real*4        e_Rmag      ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in R band
      real*4        e_Imag      ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in I band
      real*4        e_Ksmag     ! (mag) ?=-1 Errors on magnitude in Ks band
*Note (2): Luminosity Function code as follows:
*      1 = E(B-V)=0,   type  1->17, B-V(rest frame): 1.069  -->  0.701
*      2 = E(B-V)=0,   type 17->55, B-V(rest frame): 0.701  -->  0.2167
*                      type 55->66, B-V(rest frame): 0.2167 --> -0.0301
*      3 = E(B-V)=0.1, type 56->66, B-V(rest frame): 0.3252 -->  0.1016
*          E(B-V)=0.2, type 56->66, B-V(rest frame): 0.4592 -->  0.2345
*          E(B-V)=0.3, type 56->66, B-V(rest frame): 0.5945 -->  0.3686
*Note (3): To produce the mock catalog, knowing the luminosity function, Le
*     Phare derives a number of objects by magnitude and redshift bins (z,m)
*     using a Schechter function (Schechter, 1976ApJ...203..297):
*         n(M(z,m))dM = {phi}^*^[M(z,m)/M^*^]^{alpha}^exp[-M(z,m)/M^*^]dM/M^*^
*     where M is the absolute magnitude which is a function of redshift and
*     apparent magnitude (z,m), M*, phi* and {alpha} are the parameters of
*     the Schechter function.

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'cmc.dat'	! COSMOS Mock catalog (magnitudes in AB system)

      integer*4 nr__1
      parameter (nr__1=537989)	! Number of records
      character*751 ar__1  	! Full-size record

      integer*4     Seq_1       ! [1,537990] Sequential number
      real*4        z_1         ! [0,6] Redshift bin
      integer*4     Mod_1       ! [1,47] Model of galaxy (G1)
      real*4        E_B_V       ! [0,0.5] Extinction
      real*8        hlr         ! (pix) [-24642.21,3721.84] Half-light radius (2)
      real*4        F435W_1     ! (mag) [-99.9,53] Theoretical magnitude in
*                                               F435W band
      real*4        F435Wr_1    ! (mag) [-99.91,38] Randomized magnitude in
*                                               F435W band
      real*4        e_F435W_1   ! (mag) [-99,4.04e+12] Errors on magnitude in F435W
      real*4        F606W_1     ! (mag) [-16,31] Theoretical magnitude in F606W band
      real*4        F606Wr      ! (mag) [-16,32] Randomized magnitude in F606W band
      real*4        e_F606W_1   ! (mag) [0.0001,0.8] Errors on magnitude in F606W
      real*4        F775W_1     ! (mag) [-17,30] Theoretical magnitude in F775W band
      real*4        F775Wr_1    ! (mag) [-17,30] Randomized magnitude in F775W band
      real*4        e_F775W_1   ! (mag) [0.0001] Errors on magnitude in F775W
      real*4        F850lp_1    ! (mag) [-17,30] Theoretical magnitude in F850lp band
      real*4        F850lpr_1   ! (mag) [-17,30] Randomized magnitude in F850lp band
      real*4        e_F850lp_1  ! (mag) [0.0001] Errors on magnitude in F850lp
      real*4        F110W_1     ! (mag) [-17,30] Theoretical magnitude in F110W band
      real*4        F110Wr_1    ! (mag) [-17,30] Randomized magnitude in F110W band
      real*4        e_F110W_1   ! (mag) [0.0001] Errors on magnitude in F110W
      real*4        F160W_1     ! (mag) [-18,30] Theoretical magnitude in F160W band
      real*4        F160Wr_1    ! (mag) [-18,30] Randomized magnitude in F160W band
      real*4        e_F160W_1   ! (mag) [0.0001] Errors on magnitude in F160W
      real*4        Bmag_1      ! (mag) [-99.9,53] Theoretical magnitude in Bmag band
      real*4        Bmagr_1     ! (mag) [-99.9004,39] Randomized magnitude in B band
      real*4        e_Bmag_1    ! (mag) [-99,6.4e+12] Errors on magnitude in Bmag
      real*4        Vmag_1      ! (mag) [-99.9,47] Theoretical magnitude in V band
      real*4        Vmagr_1     ! (mag) [-99.9004,37] Randomized magnitude in V band
      real*4        e_Vmag_1    ! (mag) [-99,6.02e+11] Errors on magnitude in Vmag
      real*4        Rmag_1      ! (mag) [-17,31] Theoretical magnitude in R band
      real*4        Rmagr_1     ! (mag) [-17,30] Randomized magnitude in R band
      real*4        e_Rmag_1    ! (mag) [0.0001,0.7] Errors on magnitude in Rmag
      real*4        Imag_1      ! (mag) [-17,30] Theoretical magnitude in I band
      real*4        Imagr_1     ! (mag) [-17,31] Randomized magnitude in I band
      real*4        e_Imag_1    ! (mag) [0.0001,0.4] Errors on magnitude in Imag
      real*4        Ksmag_1     ! (mag) [-17,30] Theoretical magnitude in Ksmag band
      real*4        Ksmagr_1    ! (mag) [-16.7824,29] Randomized magnitude in Ks band
      real*4        e_Ksmag_1   ! (mag) [0.0001,0.3] Errors on magnitude in Ksmag
      real*4        lLy         ! (0.1nm) [-99.9,8512] Wavelength in Ly
      real*4        FLy         ! (mW/m2) [-99.9,0.05] Theoretical flux in Ly
      real*4        FcLy        ! (mW/m2/Hz) [-99.9,2.2e-15] Continuum flux in Ly
      real*4        lOII        ! (0.1nm) [-99.9,26089] Wavelength in OII
      real*4        FOII        ! (mW/m2) [-99.9,0.05] Theoretical flux in OII
      real*4        FcOII       ! (mW/m2/Hz) [-99.9,9.3e-15] Continuum flux in OII
      real*4        lHb         ! (0.1nm) [-99.9,34027] Wavelength in Hbeta
      real*4        FHb         ! (mW/m2) [-99.9,0.04] Theoretical flux in Hb
      real*4        FcHb        ! (mW/m2/Hz) [-99.9,4.03e-14] Continuum flux in Hb
      real*4        lOIIIa      ! (0.1nm) [-99.9,34713] Wavelength in OIII(4959)
      real*4        FOIIIa      ! (mW/m2) [-99.9,0.008] Theoretical flux in OIII(4959)
      real*4        FcOIIIa     ! (mW/m2/Hz) [-99.9,4.2e-14] Continuum flux in OIII(4959)
      real*4        lOIIIb      ! (0.1nm) [-99.9,35049] Wavelength in OIII(5007)
      real*4        FOIIIb      ! (mW/m2) [-99.9,0.03] Theoretical flux in OIII(5007)
      real*4        FcOIIIb     ! (mW/m2/Hz) [-99.9,4.2e-14] Continuum flux in OIII(5007)
      real*4        lHa         ! (0.1nm) [-99.9,45941] Wavelength in H{alpha}
      real*4        FHa         ! (mW/m2) [-99.9,0.13] Theoretical flux in Ha
      real*4        FcHa        ! (mW/m2/Hz) [-99.9,0.8e-13] Continuum flux in Ha
      real*4        FHbr        ! (mW/m2) [-106,0.03] Randomized flux in Ly
      real*4        FOIIIar     ! (mW/m2) [-431.06,0.02] Randomized flux in OIII(4959)
      real*4        FOIIIbr     ! (mW/m2) [-332.855,0.04] Randomized flux in OIII(5007)
      real*4        FHar        ! (mW/m2) [-114.779,0.10] Randomized flux in Ha
*Note (2): 1/2-light radius in pixel, in scale 0.03arcsec/pix


C  Loading file 'glfc.dat'	! GOODS Luminosity Function based catalog of
*                              mock galaxies (magnitudes in AB system)

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(
     +  I6,1X,F4.2,2X,I2,1X,I1,1X,F7.3,1X,E12.7,1X,F6.3,1X,F7.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F7.3,1X,F7.3,1X,F6.3,
     +  1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,
     +  1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,
     +  F6.3,1X,F6.3)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: glfc.dat'
      do i__=1,641785
     +  Seq,z,Mod,LF,M_,phi_,alpha,F435W,F606W,F775W,F850lp,F110W,
     +  F160W,Bmag,Vmag,Rmag,Imag,Ksmag,F435Wr,F6060Wr,F775Wr,F850lpr,
     +  F110Wr,F160Wr,Bmagr,Vmagr,Rmagr,Imagr,Ksmagr,e_F435W,e_F606W,
     +  e_F775W,e_F850lp,e_F110W,e_F160W,e_Bmag,e_Vmag,e_Rmag,e_Imag,
     +  e_Ksmag
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Seq,z,Mod,LF,M_,phi_,alpha,F435W,F606W,F775W,F850lp,F110W,
     +  F160W,Bmag,Vmag,Rmag,Imag,Ksmag,F435Wr,F6060Wr,F775Wr,F850lpr,
     +  F110Wr,F160Wr,Bmagr,Vmagr,Rmagr,Imagr,Ksmagr,e_F435W,e_F606W,
     +  e_F775W,e_F850lp,e_F110W,e_F160W,e_Bmag,e_Vmag,e_Rmag,e_Imag,
     +  e_Ksmag
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'cmc.dat'	! COSMOS Mock catalog (magnitudes in AB system)

C  Format for file interpretation

    2 format(
     +  I6,1X,F4.2,3X,I2,1X,F4.2,3X,F11.4,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,3X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,
     +  1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,
     +  E12.7,1X,E12.7,1X,E12.7,4X,E11.9,1X,E11.9,1X,E11.9,1X,E11.9)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: cmc.dat'
      do i__=1,537989
     +  Seq_1,z_1,Mod_1,E_B_V,hlr,F435W_1,F435Wr_1,e_F435W_1,F606W_1,
     +  F606Wr,e_F606W_1,F775W_1,F775Wr_1,e_F775W_1,F850lp_1,
     +  F850lpr_1,e_F850lp_1,F110W_1,F110Wr_1,e_F110W_1,F160W_1,
     +  F160Wr_1,e_F160W_1,Bmag_1,Bmagr_1,e_Bmag_1,Vmag_1,Vmagr_1,
     +  e_Vmag_1,Rmag_1,Rmagr_1,e_Rmag_1,Imag_1,Imagr_1,e_Imag_1,
     +  Ksmag_1,Ksmagr_1,e_Ksmag_1,lLy,FLy,FcLy,lOII,FOII,FcOII,lHb,
     +  FcHa,FHbr,FOIIIar,FOIIIbr,FHar
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Seq_1,z_1,Mod_1,E_B_V,hlr,F435W_1,F435Wr_1,e_F435W_1,F606W_1,
     +  F606Wr,e_F606W_1,F775W_1,F775Wr_1,e_F775W_1,F850lp_1,
     +  F850lpr_1,e_F850lp_1,F110W_1,F110Wr_1,e_F110W_1,F160W_1,
     +  F160Wr_1,e_F160W_1,Bmag_1,Bmagr_1,e_Bmag_1,Vmag_1,Vmagr_1,
     +  e_Vmag_1,Rmag_1,Rmagr_1,e_Rmag_1,Imag_1,Imagr_1,e_Imag_1,
     +  Ksmag_1,Ksmagr_1,e_Ksmag_1,lLy,FLy,FcLy,lOII,FOII,FcOII,lHb,
     +  FcHa,FHbr,FOIIIar,FOIIIbr,FHar
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
