FORTRAN Generation

Conversion of standardized ReadMe file for file /./ftp/cats/IX/1 into FORTRAN code for reading data files line by line.

Note that special values are assigned to unknown or unspecified numbers (also called NULL numbers); when necessary, the coordinate components making up the right ascension and declination are converted into floating-point numbers representing these angles in degrees.

      program load_ReadMe
C  F77-compliant program generated by readme2f_1.81 (2015-09-23), on 2024-Apr-19
*  This code was generated from the ReadMe file documenting a catalogue
*  according to the "Standard for Documentation of Astronomical Catalogues"
*  currently in use by the Astronomical Data Centers (CDS, ADC, A&A)
*  (see full documentation at URL
*  Please report problems or questions to   

      implicit none
*  Unspecified or NULL values, generally corresponding to blank columns,
*  are assigned one of the following special values:
*     rNULL__    for unknown or NULL floating-point values
*     iNULL__    for unknown or NULL   integer      values
      real*4     rNULL__
      integer*4  iNULL__
      parameter  (rNULL__=--2147483648.)  	! NULL real number
      parameter  (iNULL__=(-2147483647-1))	! NULL int  number
      integer    idig			! testing NULL number

Cat. IX/1    Wisconsin soft X-ray diffuse background all-sky Survey (McCammon+ 1983)
*Wisconsin Soft X-Ray Diffuse Background All-Sky Survey
*    McCammon D., Burrows D.N., Sanders W.T., Kraushaar W.L.
*   <Astrophys. J. 269, 107 (1983)>
*   =1983ApJ...269..107M
*   =1997yCat.9001....0M

C  Internal variables

      integer*4 i__

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'effaprod.dat'	! Effective Area Product as a function of energy
                                for the different X-ray bands

      integer*4 nr__
      parameter (nr__=560)	! Number of records
      character*80 ar__   	! Full-size record

      real*4        E           ! (keV) [0.0025/10.6] Photon energy
      real*4        Area_B      ! ( Effective area in the B(130-188eV) band
      real*4        Area_C      ! ( Effective area in the C(160-284eV)-band
      real*4        Area_M1     ! ( Effective area in the M1(440-930eV)-band
      real*4        Area_M2     ! ( Effective area in the M2(600-1100eV)-band
      real*4        Area_I      ! ( Effective area in the I(770-1500eV)-band
      real*4        Area_J      ! ( Effective area in the J(1100-2200eV)-band
      real*4        Area_26     ! ( Effective area in the 1.8-6.3keV band

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'p13049.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.049 (PASS3)

      integer*4 nr__1
      parameter (nr__1=1176)	! Number of records
      character*400 ar__1  	! Full-size record

C  B1950 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      real*4        Flight      ! Flight number
      integer*4     time_m      ! (min) Minutes past the hour for the center of the
*                                    0.2s observation
      real*4        time_s      ! (s) Seconds past the minute for the center of
*                                    the 0.2s observation
      character*6   Flag        ! [0-7] Octal flag word (1)
      real*4        GLON        ! (deg) [0/360] Galactic longitude
      real*4        GLAT        ! (deg) [-90/90] Galactic latitude
      real*4        RAdeg       ! (deg) Right Ascension (B1950)
      real*4        DEdeg       ! (deg) Declination (B1950)
      real*4        Az          ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle
      real*4        Ze          ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle
      real*4        Alt         ! (km) [95/220] Rocket altitude
      real*4        Ncol        ! (cm-2) Column density of nitrogen atoms (2)
      real*4        Ocol        ! (cm-2) Column density of oxygen atoms (2)
      real*4        Arcol       ! (cm-2) Column density of argon atoms (3)
      real*4        Az_B        ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Ze_B        ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Brate       ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band B(130-188eV)
      real*4        e_Brate     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Brate
      real*4        Btrm        ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band B
      real*4        Crate       ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band C(160-284eV)
      real*4        e_Crate     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Crate
      real*4        Ctrm        ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band C
      real*4        Mrate       ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M
      real*4        e_Mrate     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Mrate
      real*4        Mtrm        ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M
      real*4        M1rate      ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M1(440-930eV)
      real*4        e_M1rate    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M1rate
      real*4        M1trm       ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M1
      real*4        M2rate      ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M2(600-1100eV)
      real*4        e_M2rate    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M2rate
      real*4        M2trm       ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M2
      real*4        Irate       ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band I(770-1500eV)
      real*4        e_Irate     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Irate
      real*4        Itrm        ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band I
      real*4        Jrate       ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band J(1100-2200eV)
      real*4        e_Jrate     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Jrate
      real*4        Jtrm        ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band J
      real*4        v26rate     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band 1.8-6.3keV
      real*4        e_26rate    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for 26rate
      real*4        v26trm      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for 1.8-6.3keV
*Note (1): these 6 characters should be interpreted as an 18-bit octal word,
*   with only the least significant (rightmost) 16 bits being used.
*   They contain the following information (bits numbered 1-16 from
*   left to right - most significant to least significant):
*   1 = set to 1 if the observation contains bad telemetry.
*   2 = set to 1 if there are fewer than 50 useful telemetry subframes in the
*       observation (each observation can contain a maximum of 125 subframes
*       for flights 13.083 and 13.102, or 250 for the other flights).
*   3 = set to 1 if the livetime correction is uncertain.
*   5 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are definitely contaminated.
*   6 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are possibly contaminated.
*  10 = set to 1 if the payload was pointed at the Earth.
*  11 = set to 1 if a B and/or C-band source was in the field of view. These are!
*       HZ43, Am Her, the Cygnus Loop, Vela-Puppis SNR's, Sco X-1, and U Gem.
*  12 = set to 1 if the M and/or I-band data show evidence for the presence
*       of a source in the field of view.
*  13 = set to 1 if the J-and/or 2-6keV band data show evidence for the
*       presence of a source in the field of view.
*  14 = set to 1 if the following sources are in the field of view:
*       sources listed in the 4-th Uhuru catalog (4U) with >=20ct/s;
*       Vela-Puppis SNR's; Cygnus Loop.
*   Example:  The flag word of the first record of file 31 (13.083) is written
*   as:    004000, indicating that bit 5 is set because the B and C-band data
*   for that observation are known to be contaminated.
*   Note that records were not cast onto the maps if the following flags
*   were set:
*   * For the B and C-bands: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11
*   * For the M1-through 2-6keV bands: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
*Note (2): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   equals twice the number of molecules per cm^2^ calculated from
*   CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper
*Note (3): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   calculated from CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'p13083.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.083 (PASS3)

      integer*4 nr__2
      parameter (nr__2=1186)	! Number of records
      character*400 ar__2  	! Full-size record

C  B1950 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      real*4        Flight_1    ! Flight number
      integer*4     time_m_1    ! (min) Minutes past the hour for the center of the
*                                    0.2s observation
      real*4        time_s_1    ! (s) Seconds past the minute for the center of
*                                    the 0.2s observation
      character*6   Flag_1      ! [0-7] Octal flag word (1)
      real*4        GLON_1      ! (deg) [0/360] Galactic longitude
      real*4        GLAT_1      ! (deg) [-90/90] Galactic latitude
      real*4        RAdeg_1     ! (deg) Right Ascension (B1950)
      real*4        DEdeg_1     ! (deg) Declination (B1950)
      real*4        Az_1        ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle
      real*4        Ze_1        ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle
      real*4        Alt_1       ! (km) [95/220] Rocket altitude
      real*4        Ncol_1      ! (cm-2) Column density of nitrogen atoms (2)
      real*4        Ocol_1      ! (cm-2) Column density of oxygen atoms (2)
      real*4        Arcol_1     ! (cm-2) Column density of argon atoms (3)
      real*4        Az_B_1      ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Ze_B_1      ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Brate_1     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band B(130-188eV)
      real*4        e_Brate_1   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Brate
      real*4        Btrm_1      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band B
      real*4        Crate_1     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band C(160-284eV)
      real*4        e_Crate_1   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Crate
      real*4        Ctrm_1      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band C
      real*4        Mrate_1     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M
      real*4        e_Mrate_1   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Mrate
      real*4        Mtrm_1      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M
      real*4        M1rate_1    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M1(440-930eV)
      real*4        e_M1rate_1  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M1rate
      real*4        M1trm_1     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M1
      real*4        M2rate_1    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M2(600-1100eV)
      real*4        e_M2rate_1  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M2rate
      real*4        M2trm_1     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M2
      real*4        Irate_1     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band I(770-1500eV)
      real*4        e_Irate_1   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Irate
      real*4        Itrm_1      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band I
      real*4        Jrate_1     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band J(1100-2200eV)
      real*4        e_Jrate_1   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Jrate
      real*4        Jtrm_1      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band J
      real*4        v26rate_1   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band 1.8-6.3keV
      real*4        e_26rate_1  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for 26rate
      real*4        v26trm_1    ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for 1.8-6.3keV
*Note (1): these 6 characters should be interpreted as an 18-bit octal word,
*   with only the least significant (rightmost) 16 bits being used.
*   They contain the following information (bits numbered 1-16 from
*   left to right - most significant to least significant):
*   1 = set to 1 if the observation contains bad telemetry.
*   2 = set to 1 if there are fewer than 50 useful telemetry subframes in the
*       observation (each observation can contain a maximum of 125 subframes
*       for flights 13.083 and 13.102, or 250 for the other flights).
*   3 = set to 1 if the livetime correction is uncertain.
*   5 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are definitely contaminated.
*   6 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are possibly contaminated.
*  10 = set to 1 if the payload was pointed at the Earth.
*  11 = set to 1 if a B and/or C-band source was in the field of view. These are!
*       HZ43, Am Her, the Cygnus Loop, Vela-Puppis SNR's, Sco X-1, and U Gem.
*  12 = set to 1 if the M and/or I-band data show evidence for the presence
*       of a source in the field of view.
*  13 = set to 1 if the J-and/or 2-6keV band data show evidence for the
*       presence of a source in the field of view.
*  14 = set to 1 if the following sources are in the field of view:
*       sources listed in the 4-th Uhuru catalog (4U) with >=20ct/s;
*       Vela-Puppis SNR's; Cygnus Loop.
*   Example:  The flag word of the first record of file 31 (13.083) is written
*   as:    004000, indicating that bit 5 is set because the B and C-band data
*   for that observation are known to be contaminated.
*   Note that records were not cast onto the maps if the following flags
*   were set:
*   * For the B and C-bands: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11
*   * For the M1-through 2-6keV bands: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
*Note (2): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   equals twice the number of molecules per cm^2^ calculated from
*   CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper
*Note (3): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   calculated from CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'p13084.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.084 (PASS3)

      integer*4 nr__3
      parameter (nr__3=1356)	! Number of records
      character*400 ar__3  	! Full-size record

C  B1950 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      real*4        Flight_2    ! Flight number
      integer*4     time_m_2    ! (min) Minutes past the hour for the center of the
*                                    0.2s observation
      real*4        time_s_2    ! (s) Seconds past the minute for the center of
*                                    the 0.2s observation
      character*6   Flag_2      ! [0-7] Octal flag word (1)
      real*4        GLON_2      ! (deg) [0/360] Galactic longitude
      real*4        GLAT_2      ! (deg) [-90/90] Galactic latitude
      real*4        RAdeg_2     ! (deg) Right Ascension (B1950)
      real*4        DEdeg_2     ! (deg) Declination (B1950)
      real*4        Az_2        ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle
      real*4        Ze_2        ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle
      real*4        Alt_2       ! (km) [95/220] Rocket altitude
      real*4        Ncol_2      ! (cm-2) Column density of nitrogen atoms (2)
      real*4        Ocol_2      ! (cm-2) Column density of oxygen atoms (2)
      real*4        Arcol_2     ! (cm-2) Column density of argon atoms (3)
      real*4        Az_B_2      ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Ze_B_2      ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Brate_2     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band B(130-188eV)
      real*4        e_Brate_2   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Brate
      real*4        Btrm_2      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band B
      real*4        Crate_2     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band C(160-284eV)
      real*4        e_Crate_2   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Crate
      real*4        Ctrm_2      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band C
      real*4        Mrate_2     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M
      real*4        e_Mrate_2   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Mrate
      real*4        Mtrm_2      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M
      real*4        M1rate_2    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M1(440-930eV)
      real*4        e_M1rate_2  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M1rate
      real*4        M1trm_2     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M1
      real*4        M2rate_2    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M2(600-1100eV)
      real*4        e_M2rate_2  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M2rate
      real*4        M2trm_2     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M2
      real*4        Irate_2     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band I(770-1500eV)
      real*4        e_Irate_2   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Irate
      real*4        Itrm_2      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band I
      real*4        Jrate_2     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band J(1100-2200eV)
      real*4        e_Jrate_2   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Jrate
      real*4        Jtrm_2      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band J
      real*4        v26rate_2   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band 1.8-6.3keV
      real*4        e_26rate_2  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for 26rate
      real*4        v26trm_2    ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for 1.8-6.3keV
*Note (1): these 6 characters should be interpreted as an 18-bit octal word,
*   with only the least significant (rightmost) 16 bits being used.
*   They contain the following information (bits numbered 1-16 from
*   left to right - most significant to least significant):
*   1 = set to 1 if the observation contains bad telemetry.
*   2 = set to 1 if there are fewer than 50 useful telemetry subframes in the
*       observation (each observation can contain a maximum of 125 subframes
*       for flights 13.083 and 13.102, or 250 for the other flights).
*   3 = set to 1 if the livetime correction is uncertain.
*   5 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are definitely contaminated.
*   6 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are possibly contaminated.
*  10 = set to 1 if the payload was pointed at the Earth.
*  11 = set to 1 if a B and/or C-band source was in the field of view. These are!
*       HZ43, Am Her, the Cygnus Loop, Vela-Puppis SNR's, Sco X-1, and U Gem.
*  12 = set to 1 if the M and/or I-band data show evidence for the presence
*       of a source in the field of view.
*  13 = set to 1 if the J-and/or 2-6keV band data show evidence for the
*       presence of a source in the field of view.
*  14 = set to 1 if the following sources are in the field of view:
*       sources listed in the 4-th Uhuru catalog (4U) with >=20ct/s;
*       Vela-Puppis SNR's; Cygnus Loop.
*   Example:  The flag word of the first record of file 31 (13.083) is written
*   as:    004000, indicating that bit 5 is set because the B and C-band data
*   for that observation are known to be contaminated.
*   Note that records were not cast onto the maps if the following flags
*   were set:
*   * For the B and C-bands: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11
*   * For the M1-through 2-6keV bands: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
*Note (2): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   equals twice the number of molecules per cm^2^ calculated from
*   CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper
*Note (3): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   calculated from CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'p13102.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.102 (PASS3)

      integer*4 nr__4
      parameter (nr__4=1211)	! Number of records
      character*400 ar__4  	! Full-size record

C  B1950 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      real*4        Flight_3    ! Flight number
      integer*4     time_m_3    ! (min) Minutes past the hour for the center of the
*                                    0.2s observation
      real*4        time_s_3    ! (s) Seconds past the minute for the center of
*                                    the 0.2s observation
      character*6   Flag_3      ! [0-7] Octal flag word (1)
      real*4        GLON_3      ! (deg) [0/360] Galactic longitude
      real*4        GLAT_3      ! (deg) [-90/90] Galactic latitude
      real*4        RAdeg_3     ! (deg) Right Ascension (B1950)
      real*4        DEdeg_3     ! (deg) Declination (B1950)
      real*4        Az_3        ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle
      real*4        Ze_3        ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle
      real*4        Alt_3       ! (km) [95/220] Rocket altitude
      real*4        Ncol_3      ! (cm-2) Column density of nitrogen atoms (2)
      real*4        Ocol_3      ! (cm-2) Column density of oxygen atoms (2)
      real*4        Arcol_3     ! (cm-2) Column density of argon atoms (3)
      real*4        Az_B_3      ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Ze_B_3      ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Brate_3     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band B(130-188eV)
      real*4        e_Brate_3   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Brate
      real*4        Btrm_3      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band B
      real*4        Crate_3     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band C(160-284eV)
      real*4        e_Crate_3   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Crate
      real*4        Ctrm_3      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band C
      real*4        Mrate_3     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M
      real*4        e_Mrate_3   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Mrate
      real*4        Mtrm_3      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M
      real*4        M1rate_3    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M1(440-930eV)
      real*4        e_M1rate_3  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M1rate
      real*4        M1trm_3     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M1
      real*4        M2rate_3    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M2(600-1100eV)
      real*4        e_M2rate_3  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M2rate
      real*4        M2trm_3     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M2
      real*4        Irate_3     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band I(770-1500eV)
      real*4        e_Irate_3   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Irate
      real*4        Itrm_3      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band I
      real*4        Jrate_3     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band J(1100-2200eV)
      real*4        e_Jrate_3   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Jrate
      real*4        Jtrm_3      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band J
      real*4        v26rate_3   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band 1.8-6.3keV
      real*4        e_26rate_3  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for 26rate
      real*4        v26trm_3    ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for 1.8-6.3keV
*Note (1): these 6 characters should be interpreted as an 18-bit octal word,
*   with only the least significant (rightmost) 16 bits being used.
*   They contain the following information (bits numbered 1-16 from
*   left to right - most significant to least significant):
*   1 = set to 1 if the observation contains bad telemetry.
*   2 = set to 1 if there are fewer than 50 useful telemetry subframes in the
*       observation (each observation can contain a maximum of 125 subframes
*       for flights 13.083 and 13.102, or 250 for the other flights).
*   3 = set to 1 if the livetime correction is uncertain.
*   5 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are definitely contaminated.
*   6 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are possibly contaminated.
*  10 = set to 1 if the payload was pointed at the Earth.
*  11 = set to 1 if a B and/or C-band source was in the field of view. These are!
*       HZ43, Am Her, the Cygnus Loop, Vela-Puppis SNR's, Sco X-1, and U Gem.
*  12 = set to 1 if the M and/or I-band data show evidence for the presence
*       of a source in the field of view.
*  13 = set to 1 if the J-and/or 2-6keV band data show evidence for the
*       presence of a source in the field of view.
*  14 = set to 1 if the following sources are in the field of view:
*       sources listed in the 4-th Uhuru catalog (4U) with >=20ct/s;
*       Vela-Puppis SNR's; Cygnus Loop.
*   Example:  The flag word of the first record of file 31 (13.083) is written
*   as:    004000, indicating that bit 5 is set because the B and C-band data
*   for that observation are known to be contaminated.
*   Note that records were not cast onto the maps if the following flags
*   were set:
*   * For the B and C-bands: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11
*   * For the M1-through 2-6keV bands: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
*Note (2): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   equals twice the number of molecules per cm^2^ calculated from
*   CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper
*Note (3): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   calculated from CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'p13103.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.103 (PASS3)

      integer*4 nr__5
      parameter (nr__5=1026)	! Number of records
      character*400 ar__5  	! Full-size record

C  B1950 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      real*4        Flight_4    ! Flight number
      integer*4     time_m_4    ! (min) Minutes past the hour for the center of the
*                                    0.2s observation
      real*4        time_s_4    ! (s) Seconds past the minute for the center of
*                                    the 0.2s observation
      character*6   Flag_4      ! [0-7] Octal flag word (1)
      real*4        GLON_4      ! (deg) [0/360] Galactic longitude
      real*4        GLAT_4      ! (deg) [-90/90] Galactic latitude
      real*4        RAdeg_4     ! (deg) Right Ascension (B1950)
      real*4        DEdeg_4     ! (deg) Declination (B1950)
      real*4        Az_4        ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle
      real*4        Ze_4        ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle
      real*4        Alt_4       ! (km) [95/220] Rocket altitude
      real*4        Ncol_4      ! (cm-2) Column density of nitrogen atoms (2)
      real*4        Ocol_4      ! (cm-2) Column density of oxygen atoms (2)
      real*4        Arcol_4     ! (cm-2) Column density of argon atoms (3)
      real*4        Az_B_4      ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Ze_B_4      ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Brate_4     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band B(130-188eV)
      real*4        e_Brate_4   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Brate
      real*4        Btrm_4      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band B
      real*4        Crate_4     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band C(160-284eV)
      real*4        e_Crate_4   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Crate
      real*4        Ctrm_4      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band C
      real*4        Mrate_4     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M
      real*4        e_Mrate_4   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Mrate
      real*4        Mtrm_4      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M
      real*4        M1rate_4    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M1(440-930eV)
      real*4        e_M1rate_4  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M1rate
      real*4        M1trm_4     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M1
      real*4        M2rate_4    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M2(600-1100eV)
      real*4        e_M2rate_4  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M2rate
      real*4        M2trm_4     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M2
      real*4        Irate_4     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band I(770-1500eV)
      real*4        e_Irate_4   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Irate
      real*4        Itrm_4      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band I
      real*4        Jrate_4     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band J(1100-2200eV)
      real*4        e_Jrate_4   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Jrate
      real*4        Jtrm_4      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band J
      real*4        v26rate_4   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band 1.8-6.3keV
      real*4        e_26rate_4  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for 26rate
      real*4        v26trm_4    ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for 1.8-6.3keV
*Note (1): these 6 characters should be interpreted as an 18-bit octal word,
*   with only the least significant (rightmost) 16 bits being used.
*   They contain the following information (bits numbered 1-16 from
*   left to right - most significant to least significant):
*   1 = set to 1 if the observation contains bad telemetry.
*   2 = set to 1 if there are fewer than 50 useful telemetry subframes in the
*       observation (each observation can contain a maximum of 125 subframes
*       for flights 13.083 and 13.102, or 250 for the other flights).
*   3 = set to 1 if the livetime correction is uncertain.
*   5 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are definitely contaminated.
*   6 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are possibly contaminated.
*  10 = set to 1 if the payload was pointed at the Earth.
*  11 = set to 1 if a B and/or C-band source was in the field of view. These are!
*       HZ43, Am Her, the Cygnus Loop, Vela-Puppis SNR's, Sco X-1, and U Gem.
*  12 = set to 1 if the M and/or I-band data show evidence for the presence
*       of a source in the field of view.
*  13 = set to 1 if the J-and/or 2-6keV band data show evidence for the
*       presence of a source in the field of view.
*  14 = set to 1 if the following sources are in the field of view:
*       sources listed in the 4-th Uhuru catalog (4U) with >=20ct/s;
*       Vela-Puppis SNR's; Cygnus Loop.
*   Example:  The flag word of the first record of file 31 (13.083) is written
*   as:    004000, indicating that bit 5 is set because the B and C-band data
*   for that observation are known to be contaminated.
*   Note that records were not cast onto the maps if the following flags
*   were set:
*   * For the B and C-bands: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11
*   * For the M1-through 2-6keV bands: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
*Note (2): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   equals twice the number of molecules per cm^2^ calculated from
*   CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper
*Note (3): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   calculated from CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'p13122.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.122 (PASS3)

      integer*4 nr__6
      parameter (nr__6=1296)	! Number of records
      character*400 ar__6  	! Full-size record

C  B1950 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      real*4        Flight_5    ! Flight number
      integer*4     time_m_5    ! (min) Minutes past the hour for the center of the
*                                    0.2s observation
      real*4        time_s_5    ! (s) Seconds past the minute for the center of
*                                    the 0.2s observation
      character*6   Flag_5      ! [0-7] Octal flag word (1)
      real*4        GLON_5      ! (deg) [0/360] Galactic longitude
      real*4        GLAT_5      ! (deg) [-90/90] Galactic latitude
      real*4        RAdeg_5     ! (deg) Right Ascension (B1950)
      real*4        DEdeg_5     ! (deg) Declination (B1950)
      real*4        Az_5        ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle
      real*4        Ze_5        ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle
      real*4        Alt_5       ! (km) [95/220] Rocket altitude
      real*4        Ncol_5      ! (cm-2) Column density of nitrogen atoms (2)
      real*4        Ocol_5      ! (cm-2) Column density of oxygen atoms (2)
      real*4        Arcol_5     ! (cm-2) Column density of argon atoms (3)
      real*4        Az_B_5      ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Ze_B_5      ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Brate_5     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band B(130-188eV)
      real*4        e_Brate_5   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Brate
      real*4        Btrm_5      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band B
      real*4        Crate_5     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band C(160-284eV)
      real*4        e_Crate_5   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Crate
      real*4        Ctrm_5      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band C
      real*4        Mrate_5     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M
      real*4        e_Mrate_5   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Mrate
      real*4        Mtrm_5      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M
      real*4        M1rate_5    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M1(440-930eV)
      real*4        e_M1rate_5  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M1rate
      real*4        M1trm_5     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M1
      real*4        M2rate_5    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M2(600-1100eV)
      real*4        e_M2rate_5  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M2rate
      real*4        M2trm_5     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M2
      real*4        Irate_5     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band I(770-1500eV)
      real*4        e_Irate_5   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Irate
      real*4        Itrm_5      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band I
      real*4        Jrate_5     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band J(1100-2200eV)
      real*4        e_Jrate_5   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Jrate
      real*4        Jtrm_5      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band J
      real*4        v26rate_5   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band 1.8-6.3keV
      real*4        e_26rate_5  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for 26rate
      real*4        v26trm_5    ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for 1.8-6.3keV
*Note (1): these 6 characters should be interpreted as an 18-bit octal word,
*   with only the least significant (rightmost) 16 bits being used.
*   They contain the following information (bits numbered 1-16 from
*   left to right - most significant to least significant):
*   1 = set to 1 if the observation contains bad telemetry.
*   2 = set to 1 if there are fewer than 50 useful telemetry subframes in the
*       observation (each observation can contain a maximum of 125 subframes
*       for flights 13.083 and 13.102, or 250 for the other flights).
*   3 = set to 1 if the livetime correction is uncertain.
*   5 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are definitely contaminated.
*   6 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are possibly contaminated.
*  10 = set to 1 if the payload was pointed at the Earth.
*  11 = set to 1 if a B and/or C-band source was in the field of view. These are!
*       HZ43, Am Her, the Cygnus Loop, Vela-Puppis SNR's, Sco X-1, and U Gem.
*  12 = set to 1 if the M and/or I-band data show evidence for the presence
*       of a source in the field of view.
*  13 = set to 1 if the J-and/or 2-6keV band data show evidence for the
*       presence of a source in the field of view.
*  14 = set to 1 if the following sources are in the field of view:
*       sources listed in the 4-th Uhuru catalog (4U) with >=20ct/s;
*       Vela-Puppis SNR's; Cygnus Loop.
*   Example:  The flag word of the first record of file 31 (13.083) is written
*   as:    004000, indicating that bit 5 is set because the B and C-band data
*   for that observation are known to be contaminated.
*   Note that records were not cast onto the maps if the following flags
*   were set:
*   * For the B and C-bands: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11
*   * For the M1-through 2-6keV bands: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
*Note (2): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   equals twice the number of molecules per cm^2^ calculated from
*   CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper
*Note (3): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   calculated from CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'p13137.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.137 (PASS3)

      integer*4 nr__7
      parameter (nr__7=1326)	! Number of records
      character*400 ar__7  	! Full-size record

C  B1950 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      real*4        Flight_6    ! Flight number
      integer*4     time_m_6    ! (min) Minutes past the hour for the center of the
*                                    0.2s observation
      real*4        time_s_6    ! (s) Seconds past the minute for the center of
*                                    the 0.2s observation
      character*6   Flag_6      ! [0-7] Octal flag word (1)
      real*4        GLON_6      ! (deg) [0/360] Galactic longitude
      real*4        GLAT_6      ! (deg) [-90/90] Galactic latitude
      real*4        RAdeg_6     ! (deg) Right Ascension (B1950)
      real*4        DEdeg_6     ! (deg) Declination (B1950)
      real*4        Az_6        ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle
      real*4        Ze_6        ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle
      real*4        Alt_6       ! (km) [95/220] Rocket altitude
      real*4        Ncol_6      ! (cm-2) Column density of nitrogen atoms (2)
      real*4        Ocol_6      ! (cm-2) Column density of oxygen atoms (2)
      real*4        Arcol_6     ! (cm-2) Column density of argon atoms (3)
      real*4        Az_B_6      ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Ze_B_6      ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Brate_6     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band B(130-188eV)
      real*4        e_Brate_6   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Brate
      real*4        Btrm_6      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band B
      real*4        Crate_6     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band C(160-284eV)
      real*4        e_Crate_6   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Crate
      real*4        Ctrm_6      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band C
      real*4        Mrate_6     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M
      real*4        e_Mrate_6   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Mrate
      real*4        Mtrm_6      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M
      real*4        M1rate_6    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M1(440-930eV)
      real*4        e_M1rate_6  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M1rate
      real*4        M1trm_6     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M1
      real*4        M2rate_6    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M2(600-1100eV)
      real*4        e_M2rate_6  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M2rate
      real*4        M2trm_6     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M2
      real*4        Irate_6     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band I(770-1500eV)
      real*4        e_Irate_6   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Irate
      real*4        Itrm_6      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band I
      real*4        Jrate_6     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band J(1100-2200eV)
      real*4        e_Jrate_6   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Jrate
      real*4        Jtrm_6      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band J
      real*4        v26rate_6   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band 1.8-6.3keV
      real*4        e_26rate_6  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for 26rate
      real*4        v26trm_6    ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for 1.8-6.3keV
*Note (1): these 6 characters should be interpreted as an 18-bit octal word,
*   with only the least significant (rightmost) 16 bits being used.
*   They contain the following information (bits numbered 1-16 from
*   left to right - most significant to least significant):
*   1 = set to 1 if the observation contains bad telemetry.
*   2 = set to 1 if there are fewer than 50 useful telemetry subframes in the
*       observation (each observation can contain a maximum of 125 subframes
*       for flights 13.083 and 13.102, or 250 for the other flights).
*   3 = set to 1 if the livetime correction is uncertain.
*   5 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are definitely contaminated.
*   6 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are possibly contaminated.
*  10 = set to 1 if the payload was pointed at the Earth.
*  11 = set to 1 if a B and/or C-band source was in the field of view. These are!
*       HZ43, Am Her, the Cygnus Loop, Vela-Puppis SNR's, Sco X-1, and U Gem.
*  12 = set to 1 if the M and/or I-band data show evidence for the presence
*       of a source in the field of view.
*  13 = set to 1 if the J-and/or 2-6keV band data show evidence for the
*       presence of a source in the field of view.
*  14 = set to 1 if the following sources are in the field of view:
*       sources listed in the 4-th Uhuru catalog (4U) with >=20ct/s;
*       Vela-Puppis SNR's; Cygnus Loop.
*   Example:  The flag word of the first record of file 31 (13.083) is written
*   as:    004000, indicating that bit 5 is set because the B and C-band data
*   for that observation are known to be contaminated.
*   Note that records were not cast onto the maps if the following flags
*   were set:
*   * For the B and C-bands: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11
*   * For the M1-through 2-6keV bands: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
*Note (2): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   equals twice the number of molecules per cm^2^ calculated from
*   CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper
*Note (3): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   calculated from CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'p25045.dat'	! Observations from flight 25.045 (PASS3)

      integer*4 nr__8
      parameter (nr__8=1401)	! Number of records
      character*400 ar__8  	! Full-size record

C  B1950 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      real*4        Flight_7    ! Flight number
      integer*4     time_m_7    ! (min) Minutes past the hour for the center of the
*                                    0.2s observation
      real*4        time_s_7    ! (s) Seconds past the minute for the center of
*                                    the 0.2s observation
      character*6   Flag_7      ! [0-7] Octal flag word (1)
      real*4        GLON_7      ! (deg) [0/360] Galactic longitude
      real*4        GLAT_7      ! (deg) [-90/90] Galactic latitude
      real*4        RAdeg_7     ! (deg) Right Ascension (B1950)
      real*4        DEdeg_7     ! (deg) Declination (B1950)
      real*4        Az_7        ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle
      real*4        Ze_7        ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle
      real*4        Alt_7       ! (km) [95/220] Rocket altitude
      real*4        Ncol_7      ! (cm-2) Column density of nitrogen atoms (2)
      real*4        Ocol_7      ! (cm-2) Column density of oxygen atoms (2)
      real*4        Arcol_7     ! (cm-2) Column density of argon atoms (3)
      real*4        Az_B_7      ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Ze_B_7      ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Brate_7     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band B(130-188eV)
      real*4        e_Brate_7   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Brate
      real*4        Btrm_7      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band B
      real*4        Crate_7     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band C(160-284eV)
      real*4        e_Crate_7   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Crate
      real*4        Ctrm_7      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band C
      real*4        Mrate_7     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M
      real*4        e_Mrate_7   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Mrate
      real*4        Mtrm_7      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M
      real*4        M1rate_7    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M1(440-930eV)
      real*4        e_M1rate_7  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M1rate
      real*4        M1trm_7     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M1
      real*4        M2rate_7    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M2(600-1100eV)
      real*4        e_M2rate_7  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M2rate
      real*4        M2trm_7     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M2
      real*4        Irate_7     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band I(770-1500eV)
      real*4        e_Irate_7   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Irate
      real*4        Itrm_7      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band I
      real*4        Jrate_7     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band J(1100-2200eV)
      real*4        e_Jrate_7   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Jrate
      real*4        Jtrm_7      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band J
      real*4        v26rate_7   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band 1.8-6.3keV
      real*4        e_26rate_7  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for 26rate
      real*4        v26trm_7    ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for 1.8-6.3keV
*Note (1): these 6 characters should be interpreted as an 18-bit octal word,
*   with only the least significant (rightmost) 16 bits being used.
*   They contain the following information (bits numbered 1-16 from
*   left to right - most significant to least significant):
*   1 = set to 1 if the observation contains bad telemetry.
*   2 = set to 1 if there are fewer than 50 useful telemetry subframes in the
*       observation (each observation can contain a maximum of 125 subframes
*       for flights 13.083 and 13.102, or 250 for the other flights).
*   3 = set to 1 if the livetime correction is uncertain.
*   5 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are definitely contaminated.
*   6 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are possibly contaminated.
*  10 = set to 1 if the payload was pointed at the Earth.
*  11 = set to 1 if a B and/or C-band source was in the field of view. These are!
*       HZ43, Am Her, the Cygnus Loop, Vela-Puppis SNR's, Sco X-1, and U Gem.
*  12 = set to 1 if the M and/or I-band data show evidence for the presence
*       of a source in the field of view.
*  13 = set to 1 if the J-and/or 2-6keV band data show evidence for the
*       presence of a source in the field of view.
*  14 = set to 1 if the following sources are in the field of view:
*       sources listed in the 4-th Uhuru catalog (4U) with >=20ct/s;
*       Vela-Puppis SNR's; Cygnus Loop.
*   Example:  The flag word of the first record of file 31 (13.083) is written
*   as:    004000, indicating that bit 5 is set because the B and C-band data
*   for that observation are known to be contaminated.
*   Note that records were not cast onto the maps if the following flags
*   were set:
*   * For the B and C-bands: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11
*   * For the M1-through 2-6keV bands: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
*Note (2): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   equals twice the number of molecules per cm^2^ calculated from
*   CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper
*Note (3): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   calculated from CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'p25051.dat'	! Observations from flight 25.051 (PASS3)

      integer*4 nr__9
      parameter (nr__9=1451)	! Number of records
      character*400 ar__9  	! Full-size record

C  B1950 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      real*4        Flight_8    ! Flight number
      integer*4     time_m_8    ! (min) Minutes past the hour for the center of the
*                                    0.2s observation
      real*4        time_s_8    ! (s) Seconds past the minute for the center of
*                                    the 0.2s observation
      character*6   Flag_8      ! [0-7] Octal flag word (1)
      real*4        GLON_8      ! (deg) [0/360] Galactic longitude
      real*4        GLAT_8      ! (deg) [-90/90] Galactic latitude
      real*4        RAdeg_8     ! (deg) Right Ascension (B1950)
      real*4        DEdeg_8     ! (deg) Declination (B1950)
      real*4        Az_8        ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle
      real*4        Ze_8        ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle
      real*4        Alt_8       ! (km) [95/220] Rocket altitude
      real*4        Ncol_8      ! (cm-2) Column density of nitrogen atoms (2)
      real*4        Ocol_8      ! (cm-2) Column density of oxygen atoms (2)
      real*4        Arcol_8     ! (cm-2) Column density of argon atoms (3)
      real*4        Az_B_8      ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Ze_B_8      ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Brate_8     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band B(130-188eV)
      real*4        e_Brate_8   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Brate
      real*4        Btrm_8      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band B
      real*4        Crate_8     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band C(160-284eV)
      real*4        e_Crate_8   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Crate
      real*4        Ctrm_8      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band C
      real*4        Mrate_8     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M
      real*4        e_Mrate_8   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Mrate
      real*4        Mtrm_8      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M
      real*4        M1rate_8    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M1(440-930eV)
      real*4        e_M1rate_8  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M1rate
      real*4        M1trm_8     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M1
      real*4        M2rate_8    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M2(600-1100eV)
      real*4        e_M2rate_8  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M2rate
      real*4        M2trm_8     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M2
      real*4        Irate_8     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band I(770-1500eV)
      real*4        e_Irate_8   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Irate
      real*4        Itrm_8      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band I
      real*4        Jrate_8     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band J(1100-2200eV)
      real*4        e_Jrate_8   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Jrate
      real*4        Jtrm_8      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band J
      real*4        v26rate_8   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band 1.8-6.3keV
      real*4        e_26rate_8  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for 26rate
      real*4        v26trm_8    ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for 1.8-6.3keV
*Note (1): these 6 characters should be interpreted as an 18-bit octal word,
*   with only the least significant (rightmost) 16 bits being used.
*   They contain the following information (bits numbered 1-16 from
*   left to right - most significant to least significant):
*   1 = set to 1 if the observation contains bad telemetry.
*   2 = set to 1 if there are fewer than 50 useful telemetry subframes in the
*       observation (each observation can contain a maximum of 125 subframes
*       for flights 13.083 and 13.102, or 250 for the other flights).
*   3 = set to 1 if the livetime correction is uncertain.
*   5 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are definitely contaminated.
*   6 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are possibly contaminated.
*  10 = set to 1 if the payload was pointed at the Earth.
*  11 = set to 1 if a B and/or C-band source was in the field of view. These are!
*       HZ43, Am Her, the Cygnus Loop, Vela-Puppis SNR's, Sco X-1, and U Gem.
*  12 = set to 1 if the M and/or I-band data show evidence for the presence
*       of a source in the field of view.
*  13 = set to 1 if the J-and/or 2-6keV band data show evidence for the
*       presence of a source in the field of view.
*  14 = set to 1 if the following sources are in the field of view:
*       sources listed in the 4-th Uhuru catalog (4U) with >=20ct/s;
*       Vela-Puppis SNR's; Cygnus Loop.
*   Example:  The flag word of the first record of file 31 (13.083) is written
*   as:    004000, indicating that bit 5 is set because the B and C-band data
*   for that observation are known to be contaminated.
*   Note that records were not cast onto the maps if the following flags
*   were set:
*   * For the B and C-bands: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11
*   * For the M1-through 2-6keV bands: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
*Note (2): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   equals twice the number of molecules per cm^2^ calculated from
*   CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper
*Note (3): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   calculated from CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'p26061.dat'	! Observations from flight 26.061 (PASS3)

      integer*4 nr__10
      parameter (nr__10=1245)	! Number of records
      character*400 ar__10 	! Full-size record

C  B1950 position composed of: RAdeg DEdeg
      real*4        Flight_9    ! Flight number
      integer*4     time_m_9    ! (min) Minutes past the hour for the center of the
*                                    0.2s observation
      real*4        time_s_9    ! (s) Seconds past the minute for the center of
*                                    the 0.2s observation
      character*6   Flag_9      ! [0-7] Octal flag word (1)
      real*4        GLON_9      ! (deg) [0/360] Galactic longitude
      real*4        GLAT_9      ! (deg) [-90/90] Galactic latitude
      real*4        RAdeg_9     ! (deg) Right Ascension (B1950)
      real*4        DEdeg_9     ! (deg) Declination (B1950)
      real*4        Az_9        ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle
      real*4        Ze_9        ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle
      real*4        Alt_9       ! (km) [95/220] Rocket altitude
      real*4        Ncol_9      ! (cm-2) Column density of nitrogen atoms (2)
      real*4        Ocol_9      ! (cm-2) Column density of oxygen atoms (2)
      real*4        Arcol_9     ! (cm-2) Column density of argon atoms (3)
      real*4        Az_B_9      ! (deg) [0/360] Azimuth angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Ze_B_9      ! (deg) [0/180] Zenith angle, relative to the Earth's
*                                    magnetic field
      real*4        Brate_9     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band B(130-188eV)
      real*4        e_Brate_9   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Brate
      real*4        Btrm_9      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band B
      real*4        Crate_9     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band C(160-284eV)
      real*4        e_Crate_9   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Crate
      real*4        Ctrm_9      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band C
      real*4        Mrate_9     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M
      real*4        e_Mrate_9   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Mrate
      real*4        Mtrm_9      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M
      real*4        M1rate_9    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M1(440-930eV)
      real*4        e_M1rate_9  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M1rate
      real*4        M1trm_9     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M1
      real*4        M2rate_9    ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band M2(600-1100eV)
      real*4        e_M2rate_9  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for M2rate
      real*4        M2trm_9     ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band M2
      real*4        Irate_9     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band I(770-1500eV)
      real*4        e_Irate_9   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Irate
      real*4        Itrm_9      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band I
      real*4        Jrate_9     ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band J(1100-2200eV)
      real*4        e_Jrate_9   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for Jrate
      real*4        Jtrm_9      ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for band J
      real*4        v26rate_9   ! (ct/s) ?=-99 Count rate in band 1.8-6.3keV
      real*4        e_26rate_9  ! (ct/s) ?=-99 1-{sigma} uncertainty for 26rate
      real*4        v26trm_9    ! [0/1] Atmospheric transmission for 1.8-6.3keV
*Note (1): these 6 characters should be interpreted as an 18-bit octal word,
*   with only the least significant (rightmost) 16 bits being used.
*   They contain the following information (bits numbered 1-16 from
*   left to right - most significant to least significant):
*   1 = set to 1 if the observation contains bad telemetry.
*   2 = set to 1 if there are fewer than 50 useful telemetry subframes in the
*       observation (each observation can contain a maximum of 125 subframes
*       for flights 13.083 and 13.102, or 250 for the other flights).
*   3 = set to 1 if the livetime correction is uncertain.
*   5 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are definitely contaminated.
*   6 = set to 1 if the B and/or C-band data are possibly contaminated.
*  10 = set to 1 if the payload was pointed at the Earth.
*  11 = set to 1 if a B and/or C-band source was in the field of view. These are!
*       HZ43, Am Her, the Cygnus Loop, Vela-Puppis SNR's, Sco X-1, and U Gem.
*  12 = set to 1 if the M and/or I-band data show evidence for the presence
*       of a source in the field of view.
*  13 = set to 1 if the J-and/or 2-6keV band data show evidence for the
*       presence of a source in the field of view.
*  14 = set to 1 if the following sources are in the field of view:
*       sources listed in the 4-th Uhuru catalog (4U) with >=20ct/s;
*       Vela-Puppis SNR's; Cygnus Loop.
*   Example:  The flag word of the first record of file 31 (13.083) is written
*   as:    004000, indicating that bit 5 is set because the B and C-band data
*   for that observation are known to be contaminated.
*   Note that records were not cast onto the maps if the following flags
*   were set:
*   * For the B and C-bands: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11
*   * For the M1-through 2-6keV bands: 1, 2, 3, 10, 14
*Note (2): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   equals twice the number of molecules per cm^2^ calculated from
*   CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper
*Note (3): number of atoms along the line of sight in the atmosphere,
*   calculated from CIRA72 model atmosphere, as described in the paper

c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

C  Declarations for 'maps.dat'	! Summary of FITS maps

      integer*4 nr__11
      parameter (nr__11=36)	! Number of records
      character*83 ar__11 	! Full-size record

      integer*4     Nx          ! [92/182] Number of pixels along X-axis
      integer*4     Ny          ! [92/92] Number of pixels along Y-axis
      integer*4     Nz          ! [2/2] Number of frames (map and error map)
      character*12  FileName    ! Name of FITS file
      character*61  Text        ! Explanations of file


C  Loading file 'effaprod.dat'	! Effective Area Product as a function of energy
*                                for the different X-ray bands

C  Format for file interpretation

    1 format(
     +  1X,E9.4,1X,E9.4,1X,E9.4,1X,E9.4,1X,E9.4,1X,E9.4,1X,E9.4,1X,
     +  E9.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: effaprod.dat'
      do i__=1,560
     +  E,Area_B,Area_C,Area_M1,Area_M2,Area_I,Area_J,Area_26
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  E,Area_B,Area_C,Area_M1,Area_M2,Area_I,Area_J,Area_26
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'p13049.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.049 (PASS3)

C  Format for file interpretation

    2 format(
     +  4X,F6.3,8X,I2,5X,F5.2,4X,A6,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: p13049.dat'
      do i__=1,1176
     +  Flight,time_m,time_s,Flag,GLON,GLAT,RAdeg,DEdeg,Az,Ze,Alt,
     +  Ncol,Ocol,Arcol,Az_B,Ze_B,Brate,e_Brate,Btrm,Crate,e_Crate,
     +  Ctrm,Mrate,e_Mrate,Mtrm,M1rate,e_M1rate,M1trm,M2rate,e_M2rate,
     +  M2trm,Irate,e_Irate,Itrm,Jrate,e_Jrate,Jtrm,v26rate,e_26rate,
     +  v26trm
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Flight,time_m,time_s,Flag,GLON,GLAT,RAdeg,DEdeg,Az,Ze,Alt,
     +  Ncol,Ocol,Arcol,Az_B,Ze_B,Brate,e_Brate,Btrm,Crate,e_Crate,
     +  Ctrm,Mrate,e_Mrate,Mtrm,M1rate,e_M1rate,M1trm,M2rate,e_M2rate,
     +  M2trm,Irate,e_Irate,Itrm,Jrate,e_Jrate,Jtrm,v26rate,e_26rate,
     +  v26trm
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'p13083.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.083 (PASS3)

C  Format for file interpretation

    3 format(
     +  4X,F6.3,8X,I2,5X,F5.2,4X,A6,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: p13083.dat'
      do i__=1,1186
     +  Flight_1,time_m_1,time_s_1,Flag_1,GLON_1,GLAT_1,RAdeg_1,
     +  DEdeg_1,Az_1,Ze_1,Alt_1,Ncol_1,Ocol_1,Arcol_1,Az_B_1,Ze_B_1,
     +  Brate_1,e_Brate_1,Btrm_1,Crate_1,e_Crate_1,Ctrm_1,Mrate_1,
     +  e_Mrate_1,Mtrm_1,M1rate_1,e_M1rate_1,M1trm_1,M2rate_1,
     +  e_M2rate_1,M2trm_1,Irate_1,e_Irate_1,Itrm_1,Jrate_1,e_Jrate_1,
     +  Jtrm_1,v26rate_1,e_26rate_1,v26trm_1
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Flight_1,time_m_1,time_s_1,Flag_1,GLON_1,GLAT_1,RAdeg_1,
     +  DEdeg_1,Az_1,Ze_1,Alt_1,Ncol_1,Ocol_1,Arcol_1,Az_B_1,Ze_B_1,
     +  Brate_1,e_Brate_1,Btrm_1,Crate_1,e_Crate_1,Ctrm_1,Mrate_1,
     +  e_Mrate_1,Mtrm_1,M1rate_1,e_M1rate_1,M1trm_1,M2rate_1,
     +  e_M2rate_1,M2trm_1,Irate_1,e_Irate_1,Itrm_1,Jrate_1,e_Jrate_1,
     +  Jtrm_1,v26rate_1,e_26rate_1,v26trm_1
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'p13084.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.084 (PASS3)

C  Format for file interpretation

    4 format(
     +  4X,F6.3,8X,I2,5X,F5.2,4X,A6,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: p13084.dat'
      do i__=1,1356
     +  Flight_2,time_m_2,time_s_2,Flag_2,GLON_2,GLAT_2,RAdeg_2,
     +  DEdeg_2,Az_2,Ze_2,Alt_2,Ncol_2,Ocol_2,Arcol_2,Az_B_2,Ze_B_2,
     +  Brate_2,e_Brate_2,Btrm_2,Crate_2,e_Crate_2,Ctrm_2,Mrate_2,
     +  e_Mrate_2,Mtrm_2,M1rate_2,e_M1rate_2,M1trm_2,M2rate_2,
     +  e_M2rate_2,M2trm_2,Irate_2,e_Irate_2,Itrm_2,Jrate_2,e_Jrate_2,
     +  Jtrm_2,v26rate_2,e_26rate_2,v26trm_2
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Flight_2,time_m_2,time_s_2,Flag_2,GLON_2,GLAT_2,RAdeg_2,
     +  DEdeg_2,Az_2,Ze_2,Alt_2,Ncol_2,Ocol_2,Arcol_2,Az_B_2,Ze_B_2,
     +  Brate_2,e_Brate_2,Btrm_2,Crate_2,e_Crate_2,Ctrm_2,Mrate_2,
     +  e_Mrate_2,Mtrm_2,M1rate_2,e_M1rate_2,M1trm_2,M2rate_2,
     +  e_M2rate_2,M2trm_2,Irate_2,e_Irate_2,Itrm_2,Jrate_2,e_Jrate_2,
     +  Jtrm_2,v26rate_2,e_26rate_2,v26trm_2
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'p13102.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.102 (PASS3)

C  Format for file interpretation

    5 format(
     +  4X,F6.3,8X,I2,5X,F5.2,4X,A6,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: p13102.dat'
      do i__=1,1211
     +  Flight_3,time_m_3,time_s_3,Flag_3,GLON_3,GLAT_3,RAdeg_3,
     +  DEdeg_3,Az_3,Ze_3,Alt_3,Ncol_3,Ocol_3,Arcol_3,Az_B_3,Ze_B_3,
     +  Brate_3,e_Brate_3,Btrm_3,Crate_3,e_Crate_3,Ctrm_3,Mrate_3,
     +  e_Mrate_3,Mtrm_3,M1rate_3,e_M1rate_3,M1trm_3,M2rate_3,
     +  e_M2rate_3,M2trm_3,Irate_3,e_Irate_3,Itrm_3,Jrate_3,e_Jrate_3,
     +  Jtrm_3,v26rate_3,e_26rate_3,v26trm_3
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Flight_3,time_m_3,time_s_3,Flag_3,GLON_3,GLAT_3,RAdeg_3,
     +  DEdeg_3,Az_3,Ze_3,Alt_3,Ncol_3,Ocol_3,Arcol_3,Az_B_3,Ze_B_3,
     +  Brate_3,e_Brate_3,Btrm_3,Crate_3,e_Crate_3,Ctrm_3,Mrate_3,
     +  e_Mrate_3,Mtrm_3,M1rate_3,e_M1rate_3,M1trm_3,M2rate_3,
     +  e_M2rate_3,M2trm_3,Irate_3,e_Irate_3,Itrm_3,Jrate_3,e_Jrate_3,
     +  Jtrm_3,v26rate_3,e_26rate_3,v26trm_3
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'p13103.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.103 (PASS3)

C  Format for file interpretation

    6 format(
     +  4X,F6.3,8X,I2,5X,F5.2,4X,A6,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: p13103.dat'
      do i__=1,1026
     +  Flight_4,time_m_4,time_s_4,Flag_4,GLON_4,GLAT_4,RAdeg_4,
     +  DEdeg_4,Az_4,Ze_4,Alt_4,Ncol_4,Ocol_4,Arcol_4,Az_B_4,Ze_B_4,
     +  Brate_4,e_Brate_4,Btrm_4,Crate_4,e_Crate_4,Ctrm_4,Mrate_4,
     +  e_Mrate_4,Mtrm_4,M1rate_4,e_M1rate_4,M1trm_4,M2rate_4,
     +  e_M2rate_4,M2trm_4,Irate_4,e_Irate_4,Itrm_4,Jrate_4,e_Jrate_4,
     +  Jtrm_4,v26rate_4,e_26rate_4,v26trm_4
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Flight_4,time_m_4,time_s_4,Flag_4,GLON_4,GLAT_4,RAdeg_4,
     +  DEdeg_4,Az_4,Ze_4,Alt_4,Ncol_4,Ocol_4,Arcol_4,Az_B_4,Ze_B_4,
     +  Brate_4,e_Brate_4,Btrm_4,Crate_4,e_Crate_4,Ctrm_4,Mrate_4,
     +  e_Mrate_4,Mtrm_4,M1rate_4,e_M1rate_4,M1trm_4,M2rate_4,
     +  e_M2rate_4,M2trm_4,Irate_4,e_Irate_4,Itrm_4,Jrate_4,e_Jrate_4,
     +  Jtrm_4,v26rate_4,e_26rate_4,v26trm_4
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'p13122.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.122 (PASS3)

C  Format for file interpretation

    7 format(
     +  4X,F6.3,8X,I2,5X,F5.2,4X,A6,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: p13122.dat'
      do i__=1,1296
     +  Flight_5,time_m_5,time_s_5,Flag_5,GLON_5,GLAT_5,RAdeg_5,
     +  DEdeg_5,Az_5,Ze_5,Alt_5,Ncol_5,Ocol_5,Arcol_5,Az_B_5,Ze_B_5,
     +  Brate_5,e_Brate_5,Btrm_5,Crate_5,e_Crate_5,Ctrm_5,Mrate_5,
     +  e_Mrate_5,Mtrm_5,M1rate_5,e_M1rate_5,M1trm_5,M2rate_5,
     +  e_M2rate_5,M2trm_5,Irate_5,e_Irate_5,Itrm_5,Jrate_5,e_Jrate_5,
     +  Jtrm_5,v26rate_5,e_26rate_5,v26trm_5
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Flight_5,time_m_5,time_s_5,Flag_5,GLON_5,GLAT_5,RAdeg_5,
     +  DEdeg_5,Az_5,Ze_5,Alt_5,Ncol_5,Ocol_5,Arcol_5,Az_B_5,Ze_B_5,
     +  Brate_5,e_Brate_5,Btrm_5,Crate_5,e_Crate_5,Ctrm_5,Mrate_5,
     +  e_Mrate_5,Mtrm_5,M1rate_5,e_M1rate_5,M1trm_5,M2rate_5,
     +  e_M2rate_5,M2trm_5,Irate_5,e_Irate_5,Itrm_5,Jrate_5,e_Jrate_5,
     +  Jtrm_5,v26rate_5,e_26rate_5,v26trm_5
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'p13137.dat'	! Observations from flight 13.137 (PASS3)

C  Format for file interpretation

    8 format(
     +  4X,F6.3,8X,I2,5X,F5.2,4X,A6,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: p13137.dat'
      do i__=1,1326
     +  Flight_6,time_m_6,time_s_6,Flag_6,GLON_6,GLAT_6,RAdeg_6,
     +  DEdeg_6,Az_6,Ze_6,Alt_6,Ncol_6,Ocol_6,Arcol_6,Az_B_6,Ze_B_6,
     +  Brate_6,e_Brate_6,Btrm_6,Crate_6,e_Crate_6,Ctrm_6,Mrate_6,
     +  e_Mrate_6,Mtrm_6,M1rate_6,e_M1rate_6,M1trm_6,M2rate_6,
     +  e_M2rate_6,M2trm_6,Irate_6,e_Irate_6,Itrm_6,Jrate_6,e_Jrate_6,
     +  Jtrm_6,v26rate_6,e_26rate_6,v26trm_6
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Flight_6,time_m_6,time_s_6,Flag_6,GLON_6,GLAT_6,RAdeg_6,
     +  DEdeg_6,Az_6,Ze_6,Alt_6,Ncol_6,Ocol_6,Arcol_6,Az_B_6,Ze_B_6,
     +  Brate_6,e_Brate_6,Btrm_6,Crate_6,e_Crate_6,Ctrm_6,Mrate_6,
     +  e_Mrate_6,Mtrm_6,M1rate_6,e_M1rate_6,M1trm_6,M2rate_6,
     +  e_M2rate_6,M2trm_6,Irate_6,e_Irate_6,Itrm_6,Jrate_6,e_Jrate_6,
     +  Jtrm_6,v26rate_6,e_26rate_6,v26trm_6
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'p25045.dat'	! Observations from flight 25.045 (PASS3)

C  Format for file interpretation

    9 format(
     +  4X,F6.3,8X,I2,5X,F5.2,4X,A6,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: p25045.dat'
      do i__=1,1401
     +  Flight_7,time_m_7,time_s_7,Flag_7,GLON_7,GLAT_7,RAdeg_7,
     +  DEdeg_7,Az_7,Ze_7,Alt_7,Ncol_7,Ocol_7,Arcol_7,Az_B_7,Ze_B_7,
     +  Brate_7,e_Brate_7,Btrm_7,Crate_7,e_Crate_7,Ctrm_7,Mrate_7,
     +  e_Mrate_7,Mtrm_7,M1rate_7,e_M1rate_7,M1trm_7,M2rate_7,
     +  e_M2rate_7,M2trm_7,Irate_7,e_Irate_7,Itrm_7,Jrate_7,e_Jrate_7,
     +  Jtrm_7,v26rate_7,e_26rate_7,v26trm_7
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Flight_7,time_m_7,time_s_7,Flag_7,GLON_7,GLAT_7,RAdeg_7,
     +  DEdeg_7,Az_7,Ze_7,Alt_7,Ncol_7,Ocol_7,Arcol_7,Az_B_7,Ze_B_7,
     +  Brate_7,e_Brate_7,Btrm_7,Crate_7,e_Crate_7,Ctrm_7,Mrate_7,
     +  e_Mrate_7,Mtrm_7,M1rate_7,e_M1rate_7,M1trm_7,M2rate_7,
     +  e_M2rate_7,M2trm_7,Irate_7,e_Irate_7,Itrm_7,Jrate_7,e_Jrate_7,
     +  Jtrm_7,v26rate_7,e_26rate_7,v26trm_7
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'p25051.dat'	! Observations from flight 25.051 (PASS3)

C  Format for file interpretation

   10 format(
     +  4X,F6.3,8X,I2,5X,F5.2,4X,A6,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: p25051.dat'
      do i__=1,1451
     +  Flight_8,time_m_8,time_s_8,Flag_8,GLON_8,GLAT_8,RAdeg_8,
     +  DEdeg_8,Az_8,Ze_8,Alt_8,Ncol_8,Ocol_8,Arcol_8,Az_B_8,Ze_B_8,
     +  Brate_8,e_Brate_8,Btrm_8,Crate_8,e_Crate_8,Ctrm_8,Mrate_8,
     +  e_Mrate_8,Mtrm_8,M1rate_8,e_M1rate_8,M1trm_8,M2rate_8,
     +  e_M2rate_8,M2trm_8,Irate_8,e_Irate_8,Itrm_8,Jrate_8,e_Jrate_8,
     +  Jtrm_8,v26rate_8,e_26rate_8,v26trm_8
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Flight_8,time_m_8,time_s_8,Flag_8,GLON_8,GLAT_8,RAdeg_8,
     +  DEdeg_8,Az_8,Ze_8,Alt_8,Ncol_8,Ocol_8,Arcol_8,Az_B_8,Ze_B_8,
     +  Brate_8,e_Brate_8,Btrm_8,Crate_8,e_Crate_8,Ctrm_8,Mrate_8,
     +  e_Mrate_8,Mtrm_8,M1rate_8,e_M1rate_8,M1trm_8,M2rate_8,
     +  e_M2rate_8,M2trm_8,Irate_8,e_Irate_8,Itrm_8,Jrate_8,e_Jrate_8,
     +  Jtrm_8,v26rate_8,e_26rate_8,v26trm_8
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'p26061.dat'	! Observations from flight 26.061 (PASS3)

C  Format for file interpretation

   11 format(
     +  4X,F6.3,8X,I2,5X,F5.2,4X,A6,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,E10.4,
     +  E10.4)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: p26061.dat'
      do i__=1,1245
     +  Flight_9,time_m_9,time_s_9,Flag_9,GLON_9,GLAT_9,RAdeg_9,
     +  DEdeg_9,Az_9,Ze_9,Alt_9,Ncol_9,Ocol_9,Arcol_9,Az_B_9,Ze_B_9,
     +  Brate_9,e_Brate_9,Btrm_9,Crate_9,e_Crate_9,Ctrm_9,Mrate_9,
     +  e_Mrate_9,Mtrm_9,M1rate_9,e_M1rate_9,M1trm_9,M2rate_9,
     +  e_M2rate_9,M2trm_9,Irate_9,e_Irate_9,Itrm_9,Jrate_9,e_Jrate_9,
     +  Jtrm_9,v26rate_9,e_26rate_9,v26trm_9
c    ..............Just test output...........
     +  Flight_9,time_m_9,time_s_9,Flag_9,GLON_9,GLAT_9,RAdeg_9,
     +  DEdeg_9,Az_9,Ze_9,Alt_9,Ncol_9,Ocol_9,Arcol_9,Az_B_9,Ze_B_9,
     +  Brate_9,e_Brate_9,Btrm_9,Crate_9,e_Crate_9,Ctrm_9,Mrate_9,
     +  e_Mrate_9,Mtrm_9,M1rate_9,e_M1rate_9,M1trm_9,M2rate_9,
     +  e_M2rate_9,M2trm_9,Irate_9,e_Irate_9,Itrm_9,Jrate_9,e_Jrate_9,
     +  Jtrm_9,v26rate_9,e_26rate_9,v26trm_9
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do


C  Loading file 'maps.dat'	! Summary of FITS maps

C  Format for file interpretation

   12 format(I3,1X,I2,1X,I1,1X,A12,1X,A61)

C  Effective file loading

      write(6,*) '....Loading file: maps.dat'
      do i__=1,36
c    ..............Just test output...........
c    .......End.of.Just test output...........
      end do
