%++++++++++++++++ %.IDENTIFICATION VI/111/.Summary (original name!) %.LANGUAGE LaTeX %.AUTHOR CDS %.ENVIRONMENT %.KEYWORDS CDS Catalogues %.VERSION 1.0 18-Apr-2004 %.PURPOSE Description of catalogue for edition in CDS Bulletin %.COMMENTS %---------------- \hmm{.} % Catalogue Identification \cTitle{ ISO Observation Log } \cUsualName{ logISO } \cUsualName{ ISO } % Short Designation \cUsualName{ B/iso } % Short Designation %\cDic{tab}{colname} % Link for VizieR-S %\cObjectType{ } % Type of Objects (see Simbad) \cRecords{ 36738 observations} \cId{ VI/111/ } \cCenters{ f } % ftp vizier Bejing India LaPlata Moscow NASA Tokyo \cSimbad{0} % Simbad Status 0=Not 1=Ids_only 2=Fully_accessible % References \cAuthors{ ISO Data Centre } \cReference{ISO Data Centre (2004) } %\sReference{} % SIMBAD Reference Code (Use + instead of &) % Availability \cAdded{ 18-Apr-2004 } % Electronic version \cBulletin{ --- } % Bulletin number where catalogue announced %\cRemoved{ --- } % Date when catalogue removed % Contents of the Catalogue \cContents{ {\em Id.}: Target Name} \cContents{ $\alpha$, $\delta$ (J2000) } \cContents{ Date/time } \cContents{ Observation Mode, aperture } \cContents{ Validation flag } \cContents{ Links to ISO Images } % Notes \cRemarks{ Supersedes {\bf VI/101}} \cRemarks{ ISO Helpdesk:} \cRemarks{ helpdesk@iso.vilspa.esa.es} % %%%%%%%% % VIZIER Definitions %%%%%%%% \cType{ OC } %\vizIgnoreTables{ tables_to_ignore } \vizDB{ * }{ isolog viz1@SYBASE } %\vizQbox{ boxes } % List of boxes containing stars %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % VizieR Comment for pages 2, 3, 4, 5 ?? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \vizComment{ * }{}{\ifnum\Vphase=2\else{\em\fg{blue}{\bf Note: } Quick-look images of the data, and specific documentation, are accessible by clicking on the {\bf TDT} observation identifier}\fi} \vizComment{ * }{TDT}{Key to Quick-look images and ISO Archive} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\vizExplain{isolog}{ oStart.D }{ Start of observation as UTC date } \vizExplain{isolog}{ cal }{+\vizQual{![*]}} % Ignore calibs by default \vizDisplayColumns{ * }{ RAdeg, DEdeg, abs, Target, AOT, oLen, TDT} %\vizIgnoreColumns{ file }{ fields } \vizSet{ * }{ oStart.D }{ dbunit=s dbtype=i4 fmt=19t } \vizSet{ * }{ TDT }{ fmt=08d } \vizUCD{*}{FOV}{=INST_SETUP} \vizUCD{*}{abs}{!n=f_ObsID} \vizUCD{*}{TDT}{!n !e=Image identification} \vizUCD{*}{AOT}{!n !e=instrument configuration} \vizUCD{*}{oStart.D}{=TIME_DATE} \vizUCD{*}{oLen}{!n !e=Exposure time} \vizUCD{*}{minLam maxLam}{!n !u !e=Instrument Wavelength Range} \vizUCD{*}{ PropID }{=REFER_CODE } \vizSet{ * }{ minLam, maxLam }{ fmt=6.2f dbunit=nm unit=um dbtype=i4 type=D} \vizMore{ * }{ abs }{ \vFile{${$cat}/./abstract/${*ObsID}_${*PropID}.abs}{${}} } %\vizKeyword{Category}{KeyName} %\vizCatrole{Keyword=value} % from 0 (fundamental) to 255 (bof!) \vizIndex{ * }{ TDT } %\vizPK{ file }{ field(s) making up the PK } %\vizFK{ file }{ field : table } %\vizPFK{ file }{field(s) both PK and FK } %\vizCatK{file }{field(s) for Catalog Connection} %\vizSimK{file }{field(s) for SIMBAD Connection} %\vizNED {file }{ Generation } %\vizSimbad{file }{ Generation } %\vizID{ file }{ Generation, e.g. IRAS ${IRAS} } %\vizPosition{ file }{}{scale= c= x= y= PA= Eq= Ep= x0= y0=}{ Explanations } % OBSOLETE J.Salgado 27/01/202 1\vizMore{ isolog }{ TDT }{\vizContent{image}\W{wLog}\ % {http://ida.esac.esa.int:8080/aio/jsp/createPostcards.jsp?obsno=${TDT}}\ % {${}}} \vizMore{ isolog }{ TDT }{\vizContent{image}\W{wLog}\ {http://nida.esac.esa.int/nida-cl-web/?ACTION=OBSERVATION&ID=${TDT}}\ {${}}} %%% Get Image lists with SIAP Protocol from TDT: %%%%%%% SIAP %%%%%% SIAP %%%%%% SIAP %%%%%% SIAP %%%%%% SIAP %%%%%% SIAP %http://pma.iso.vilspa.esa.es:8080/aio/jsp/siap.jsp?obsno=39903101 %%%%%%% SIAP %%%%%% SIAP %%%%%% SIAP %%%%%% SIAP %%%%%% SIAP %%%%%% SIAP %\vizLink{ isolog }{}{ Quick_look }{ \vizContent{image}\ifnum${PCf}>0\ % \W{wLog}{http://pma.iso.vilspa.esa.es/jsp/postcard.jsp?obsno=${TDT}0}{${}}\ %{http://pma.iso.vilspa.esa.es:8080/jsp/postcard.jsp?obsno=${TDT}0}\ % \else{${}}\fi} % {Show ISO Products} %\vizTeX{ file }{ fields } %\vizSoft{ file }{ fields } %\vizHTML{ file }{ fields } % Keywords