%! Catalogue Status %----------------------- \cId{ J/MNRAS/418/863/ } %\cUsualName{ } % Short Designation %\cDic{tab}{colname} % Link for VizieR-S \cCenters{ f } % ftp vizier Bejing India LaPlata Moscow NASA Tokyo zero_data \cSimbad{0} % Simbad Status 0=Not 1=Ids_only 2=Fully_accessible % \cAdded{ 04-May-2012 } % When this file was added \cBulletin{ --- } % Bulletin number where catalogue announced %\cRemoved{ --- } % Date when catalogue removed %%%%%%%% % VIZIR Definitions %%%%%%%% \cType{ MC } %\cObjectType{ object_class } %\cServer{ server_name } % Aladin Service: +(Survey) *(Archive) @(Images) %\vizKeyword{Category}{KeyName} %\vizCatrole{Keyword=value} % from 0 (fundamental) to 255 (bof!) %\vizDB{ tables }{ [[~]name_in_DB|*] login_in_DB } %\vizQbox{ boxes } % List of boxes containing stars %\vizIgnoreTables{ tables_to_ignore } \vizMerge{ * }{ grid }{ Grid of Non-LTE corrections for Mg and Ca lines \ in the stellar parameter range T_eff_=[3500, 5250]K, \ log(g)=[0.5, 2.0], [Fe/H]=[-4.0,0.5] and [{alpha}/Fe]=[0.0,0.4] } \vizAddColumn{ * }{ Ion }{.ion}{dbtype=A4 fmt=-4s}{ -Teff } {\ucd{AT_ELEMENT}Ion (\Ion{MgI}, \Ion{CaI} or \Ion{CaII})} \vizAddColumn{ * }{ lambda }{.lambda}{dbunit=0.1nm unit=0.1nm dbtype=i2 fmt=5d} { -Teff }{\ucd{AT_WAVELENGTH}Wavelength (\AA)} \vizAddColumn{ * }{ n_lambda }{.note}{}{-Teff}{\ucd{NOTE}\ {\bf *} for the blend 8710, 8712 and 8717 MgI lines, \ {\bf a} for the CaI 6169.03{AA} line, \ {\bf b} for the CaI 6169.56{AA} line } %\vizPaste{ tables }{ new_name }{ Explanation of the larger table } %\vizComment{ tables }{Cols}{ Comment text } %\vizExplain{ tables }{ col }{+ \linkRole{pourquoi ce lien}} %\vizOrder{ file }{ e_* }{ +* } %\vizObj{ Link from METAobj } %\vizPosition{ file }{}{*vizSim c= scale= x= y= PA= Eq= Ep= x0= y0=}{ Explain } %\vizAddFKflag{ file }{ name }{*}{}{ +/-col }{\use{vMore}indicates that} %\vizAddXcount{ file }{ name }{I/311/hip2 rs=1.5}{}{ +/-col }{\use{vMore}} %\vizAddCount{ file }{ name }{stars Cluster=@{Cluster}}{}{+/-col}{\ucd{NUMBER}} \vizDisplayColumns{ * }{ * } %\vizIgnoreColumns{ file }{ fields } \vizUCD{ * }{ [a/Fe] Delta }{ =PHYS_ABUND_MISC } \vizUCD{ * }{ W/W* }{ =SPECT_FEATURE_PROP } %\vizFilter{ file }{ field }{ system:filter } %\vizMore{ file }{ field }{ Other links... } %\vizMore{ file }{ Flag }{\showFlag{Sextractor}{@{}}} % Show SExtractor Flag %\vizNote{ file }{ (1) }{+\begin{noteasatable}} %\vizLinkToNote{ file }{ field } %\vizNoLink{ file }{ field } % Remove link to Note %\vizIndex{ file }{ fields } %\vizPK{ file }{ field(s) making up the PK } %\vizFK{ file }{ field : table } %\vizPFK{ file }{ field(s) both PK and FK } %\vizPKlink{ file }{ column }{ link explanation } %\vizFKlink{ file }{ column }{ link explanation } %\vizCatK{ file }{ field(s) from Catalog Connection} %\vizSimK{ file }{ field(s) from SIMBAD Connection} %\vizSimbad{ file }{ Generation } %\vizSimbadName{ file } { +/-col file_or_script } %\vizLEDA{ file }{ Generation } %\vizLEDAname{ file }{ +/-col file_or_script } %\vizNED{ file }{ Generation } %\vizNEDname{ file }{ +/-col file_or_script } %\vizVizier{ file }{ Generation, e.g. IRAS @{IRAS} } %\vizLink{ file }{field +/-col}{Text}{ moreLink }{Explain link column} %\vizTeX{ file }{ fields } %\vizSoft{ file }{ fields } %\vizHTML{ file }{ fields } %\vizCSV{ file }{ fields } %\vizSQL{ tables }{SQL instructions} %\vizConvert{ file }{shell conversions} % { taborder master_table } %----------------------- \ADSartdoi{10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.19540.x}