%! Catalogue Status %----------------------- \cId{ J/A+A/501/539/ } \cUsualName{ RMS } % Short Designation %\cDic{tab}{colname} % Link for VizieR-S \cCenters{ f } % ftp vizier Bejing India LaPlata Moscow NASA Tokyo zero_data \cSimbad{0} % Simbad Status 0=Not 1=Ids_only 2=Fully_accessible % \cAdded{ 25-Sep-2009 } % When this file was added \cBulletin{ --- } % Bulletin number where catalogue announced %\cRemoved{ --- } % Date when catalogue removed \VizAssocData{obscoreimage} \VizAssocData{obscoreimage.txt} %%%%%%%% % VIZIR Definitions %%%%%%%% \cType{ OC } %\cObjectType{ object_class } %\cServer{ server_name } % Aladin Service: +(Survey) *(Archive) @(Images) %\vizKeyword{Category}{KeyName} %\vizCatrole{Keyword=value} % from 0 (fundamental) to 255 (bof!) %\vizDB{ tables }{ [[~]name_in_DB|*] login_in_DB } %\vizQbox{ boxes } % List of boxes containing stars %\vizIgnoreTables{ tables_to_ignore } %\vizMerge{ tables }{ new_name }{ Explanation of the union } %\vizPaste{ tables }{ new_name }{ Explanation of the larger table } %\vizComment{ tables }{Cols}{ Comment text } %\vizExplain{ tables }{ col }{+ \linkRole{pourquoi ce lien}} %\vizOrder{ file }{ column }{ +/-col } %\vizPosition{ file }{}{*vizSim c= scale= x= y= PA= Eq= Ep= x0= y0=}{ Explain } %\vizAddColumn{ file }{ name }{value}{unit}{ +/-col }{\ucd{UCD}Explain column} %\vizAddFKflag{ file }{ name }{*}{}{ +/-col }{\use{vMore}indicates that} \vizDisplayColumns{ * }{ -* fig7 } %\vizIgnoreColumns{ file }{ fields } \vizUCD{ table[34] }{ Field }{ =ID_FIELD } \vizUCD{ table3 }{ beamMaj beamMin}{ =INST_BEAM_SIZE } %\vizUCD{ table3 }{ beamMin }{ =EXTENSION_SMIN } \vizUCD{ table4 }{ offset MSXoff }{ =POS_OFFSET } \vizUCD{ table[45] }{ Sp Sint }{ 5GHz flux 5GHz } \vizUCD{ table[45] }{ Maj }{ =EXTENSION_DIAM } \vizUCD{ table[45] }{ Min }{ =EXTENSION_SMIN } \vizUCD{ table4 }{ MSX }{ =ID_ALTERNATIVE } \vizUCD{ table5 }{ MSX }{ =ID_MAIN } \vizUCD{ table5 }{ RadioName }{ =ID_ALTERNATIVE } \vizUCD{ table5 }{ Offset }{ =POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL } \vizUCD{ table5 }{ Survey }{ =ID_CATALOG } \vizUCD{ table5 }{ Type }{ =CLASS_OBJECT } \vizUCD{ table5 }{ fig7 }{ =CODE_MISC } \vizSet{ table4 }{ RAdeg DEdeg }{ atEnd } \vizMore{ table5 }{ RadioName}{ \ifmatch{G*}{@{}}\ \yMORE{from table4}{-source=@{@cat}/table4\&@{=}}{@{}}\ \else\ \yMORE{from White+ 2005}{-source=J/AJ/130/586/6cm\&[WBH2005]=@{}}{@{}}\fi} \vizLink{ table4 }{Im +RadioName }{Im}\ {\aW{_700x550}{\glutag{Cat.file,u @{@cat}/./fig2/@{RadioName}.png}}{@{}}}\ {\vizContent{image/png}Radio image \ignore{-5=4C \img{@{@more@{2}}}{@{RadioName}}}} % {\xNote{.pop}{@{@cat}}\ % {fig2/@{RadioName}.png}}{@{}}}{Image: show the image of this source} \vizLink{ table4 }{FITS}{ FITS }{\vizContent{image/fits}\ \glutag{Cat.viz.attach,w @{@cat}/fig2/@{RadioName}.fits|@{}}}\ {Download the FITS file containing this radio map} \vizLink{ table4 }{PS}{ PS }{\vizContent{image/ps}\vizTitle{Image}\ \glutag{Cat.viz.attach,w @{@cat}/fig2/@{RadioName}.eps|@{}}}\ {Download the PostScript file containing this radio map} %\vizLink{ table5 }{maps -fig7 }{maps}\ % {\glutag{Cat.file,w @{@cat}/./fig4/@{MSX}_radio.png|@{}}}\ % {Display Contour maps} %\vizMore{ table5 }{fig7}\ % {\glutag{Cat.file,w @{@cat}/./fig7/@{MSX}_3_colour.png|@{}}} \vizLink{ table5 }{ Fig +RadioName}{ Fig }{\ \vExec{show_images}{@{@cat}}\ {fig4/@{MSX}_radio.png,fig7/@{MSX}_3_colour.png}{@{}}} {Image from Spitzer (3.6, 4.5, 8.0{mu}m) with the radio contours\ \ignore{-5=4C \Vimg{@{@cat}/\sed{s/.*,//}{@{@more@{3}}}}{color image from \ Spitzer [channels 3.6, 4.5, 8.0\mu m] and radio contour}}} \vizLink{ table4 }{MSX6 }{MSX6}{ \vMORE{-source=5114\&-c=@{@pos},rm=2}{@{}}} {Show the closest MSX source (Cat. V/114) } %\vizMore{ file }{ Flag }{\showFlag{Sextractor}{@{}}} % Show SExtractor Flag \vizNote{ table5 }{ (2) }{+\begin{noteasatable}} %\vizLinkToNote{ file }{ field } %\vizNoLink{ file }{ field } % Remove link to Note %\vizIndex{ file }{ fields } \vizPKlink{ table3 }{ Field }{ Observations in this field } \vizFK{ table4 }{ Field } %\vizPFK{ file }{ field(s) both PK and FK } %\vizPKlink{ file }{ column }{ link explanation } %\vizFKlink{ file }{ column }{ link explanation } %\vizCatK{ file }{ field(s) from Catalog Connection} %\vizSimK{ file }{ field(s) from SIMBAD Connection} \vizSimbad{ table5 }{ MSX6C ${MSX} } %\vizSimbadName{ file } { +/-col file_or_script } %\vizLEDA{ file }{ Generation } %\vizNED{ file }{ Generation } %\vizVizier{ file }{ Generation, e.g. IRAS @{IRAS} } %\vizObj{ Link from METAobj } %\vizTeX{ file }{ fields } %\vizSoft{ file }{ fields } %\vizHTML{ file }{ fields } %\vizCSV{ file }{ fields } %\vizSQL{ tables }{SQL instructions} %\vizConvert{ file }{shell conversions} %----------------------- \ADSartdoi{10.1051/0004-6361/200912108} \DOI{10.26093/cds/vizier.35010539}