\cgidef{ -tex \flag #2{#1 & #2 \\} {flags} #3{\subsection*{Definition of Quality Flags for GLIMPSE} Option: {\bf #2} ({\bf 0}=show all flags, {\bf x}=hexadecimal)\par \begin{tabular}{|rp|}}{\end{tabular}} } %%% Cat. II/253 flags %%% {#1} name of this table of flags (MUST BE THE FILENAME without extension) %%% {#2} x=display in Hexa; 0=display all flags (including those which are zero) %%% {#3}{width=640,height=500,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes} %{CDFS flags (combines Sextractor and COMBO-17)}{0}{} \begin{flags}{phflags}{x0}{width=640,height=480,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes} \flag{0x01}{{\em(Sextractor)} The object has neighbors, bright and close enough to significantly bias the photometry, or bad pixels (more than 10\% of the integrated area affected).} \flag{0x02}{{\em(Sextractor)} The object was originally blended with another one.} \flag{0x04}{{\em(Sextractor)} At least one pixel of the object is saturated (or very close to).} \flag{0x08}{{\em(Sextractor)} The object is truncated (too close to an image boundary).} \flag{0x10}{{\em(Sextractor)} Object's aperture data are incomplete or corrupted.} \flag{0x20}{{\em(Sextractor)} Object's isophotal data are incomplete or corrupted.} \flag{0x40}{{\em(Sextractor)} A memory overflow occurred during deblending.} \flag{0x80}{{\em(Sextractor)} A memory overflow occurred during extraction.} \flag{0x100}{} \flag{0x200}{{\em(COMBO-17)} potential problem from bright neighbours or reflexes from the optics (check images)} \flag{0x400}{{\em(COMBO-17)} uncorrected hot pixels} \flag{0x800}{{\em(COMBO-17)} erroneous photometry (set interactively)} \end{flags}