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Source: (366). (715). 2|IC 11. Disc. Barnard. R. Not identified. Probably of class C.2. 3|NGC 281. Disc. Barnard 1881 (43). FA 182, 183. (114, 194, 209, 216, 304, 3|366, 482, 486, 615 Pl 22, 630 Pl 20 Pl 26, 715). R. +55 191 = HD 5005. 4|a = IC 59. b = IC 63. Disc. Wolf, Barnard 1893. FA 183. (54, 69, 216, 366, 4|482, 486, 521, 603 Pl 4, 615 Pl 25, 630 Pl 20 Pl 26, 645, 715, 797). R. 4|Immediately north of the two well-known fan-shaped nebulae at {gam} Cass. 4|is a third mass of nebulosity 9'x4'. The three objects seem to be 4|connected by faint streaks. {gam} Cass +59 144 = HD 5394 = Boss 1117. 5|IC 155. Disc. Wolf 1893 (797). R. Not identified. Size (according to Wolf) 5|as IC 59. Fainter. Probably of class C.2. 6|IC 1795. Disc. Barnard. (93 Pl 1, 630 Pl 26 Pl 27). 6|R. The nebula apparently consists of three parts. 6|a = +61 411 with a fan-shaped appendix. 6|b = A thirteenth mag. star with ditto. 6|c = General background veil. 7|IC 1805. Disc. Barnard. (93 Pl 1 Pl 2, 194, 216, 482, 486, 571, 630 Pl 26 7|Pl 27, 726 No 27, 753). R. Nebulous cluster containing the BD stars: 7|+60 496-502, 504-509, 511-513. +60 502 = HD 15558. +60 504 = HD 15570. 7|+60 507 = HD 15629. The spectra of these stars are stated to be "perhaps 7|B0". There is a conspicuous condensation at +60 507. 8|IC 1831. Disc. Wolf 1905 (811). R. Not identified. Size : several square 8|degrees. Very faint. Irregular. Orientated chiefly NW to SE. 8|(According to Wolf). 9|a = IC 1848. Disc. Barnard. (194, 630 Pl 26, 753), R. The nebulosity may 9|possibly extend to the clusters (194) No 33 and No 34. HD stars within the 9|boundary of IC 1848: +59 548 = HD 17356. +59 552 = HD 17505 = Boss 3398. 9|+59 553 = HD 17520. +59 559 = HD 17688. 9|b =Emission field (726) No 29. R. Centered on +59 559. 9|c = +60 596 nebulous. Disc. Barnard. (93 Pl 2, 366, 630 Pl 26, 715). 9|d = Anon. 2h 45.8, +60{deg} 9'. R.(93) Pl 2: "About 5' north of it 9|(+60 596) is a fainter nebulous star). 10|IC 1851. Disc. Barnard. (93 Pl 2, 216). R. +57 651 = HD 17581 = Boss 3413. 11|IC 1871. Disc. Barnard. R. The Bergedorf spectral DM has +60 624 in the 11|position given by Barnard. This star seems to be very faintly nebulous on 11|(93) Pl 2. This identification, however, needs corroboration. 12|+31 597 = HD 21110 = Boss 4072 nebulous. Disc. Barnard. (91, 93 Pl 3, 366, 12|715). 13|+30 540 nebulous. Disc. Barnard. (91, 93 Pl 3). 14|+58 607 = HD 21389 = Boss 4140 nebulous. 14|Disc. Barnard. (93 Pl 2, 630 Pl 27). 15|+29 565 nebulous. Disc. Barnard. (91) p 255, where +30 565 means +29 565. 15|(93 Pl 3, 366, 715). 16|NGC 1333 = GC 710 = +30 0548. Discovered by Schonfeld in 1855 in 16|connection with the BD observations. (91, 93 Pl 3, 114, 196, 304, 365, 16|366, 486, 578, 630 Pl 29, 631, 715). 17|The nebulosity connected with Nova Persei 1901. Disc. Flammarion, 17|Antoniadi 1901. Comprehending discussion: (439). (77, 216, 244, 457, 482, 17|486, 562) R. New outburst discovered by Barnard in 1916. 18|a = Emission field (725) No 34. 18|b = The nebulous region around Omicron Persei = +31 642 = HD 23180 = 18|Boss 4461. (88 Pl 16, 91, 93 Pl 3, 482, 486, 576). 19|The nebulous region of the Pleiades. 19|History: (113, 191, 772). General discussions : (30, 46, 53, 54, 78, 119, 19|184, 186, 191, 194, 206, 207, 331, 345, 365, 366, 560, 571, 578, 709, 715, 19|750, 751, 753, 755, 804). Visual and photographic observations : (19, 33, 19|69, 93 Pl 4, 100, 105, 114, 216, 241, 261, 280, 328, 334, 335, 336, 344, 19|553, 586, 587, 596, 597, 598, 603, 612, 631, 792). The exterior 19|nebulosities : (56, 73, 76, 84, 91, 422, 629, 779, 800). Parallax : (14, 19|221, 299, 482, 484, 486, 565, 753). Stellar data : (13, 94, 101, 159, 233, 19|285, 546, 560, 697, 783). Nebular spectrum : (289, 293, 688, 695, 745). 19|Nebular photometry : (196, 344, 712). Polarization : (337). Absorption : 19|(40, 424, 560, 783). 19|a = IC 336. Disc. Barnard 1894. WP 201. (56). 19|R. Part of the general background. +22 518 aligned. 19|b = IC 341. Disc. Barnard 1894. (56). 19|R. Part of the general background with a condensation of about 1{deg} in 19|diameter around +20 492 = HD 18902. 19|c = The nebula around Celaeno = +23 505 = HD 23288 = Boss 4475. Disc. 19|Schiaparelli 1875 (Compare Tempel: AN 86 col 67, 1875). (119, 325). 19|d = The nebula around Electra = +23 507 = HD 23302 = Boss 4477. Disc. 19|Schiaparelli 1875. (336, 337, 715). 19|e = The nebula around Taygeta = +24 547 = HD 23338 = Boss 4486. Disc. 19|Roberts 1886 (596). 19|f = NGC 1432 = The nebula around Maia = +23 156 = HD 23408 = Boss 4500. 19|Disc. P. and Pr. Henry 1884 (335). Taken for a flaw in the negative at 19|Harvard a month earlier, according to (186) p 230. (336, 337, 394, 523, 19|553, 556, 711, 715, 771, 777). 19|g = The general nebulous background of the Pleiades. 19|Compare the above references. 19|h = The nebula around Asterope = +24 553 = HD 23432 = Boss 4502. 19|Disc. Roberts 1886 (596). (715). 19|i= Barnard's Merope nebula = IC 349. Disc. Barnard 1890. (46, 47, 67, 154, 19|402, 570, 752). R. Merope = +23 522 = HD 23480 = Boss 4512. 19|j = NGC 1435 = The large Merope nebula. Disc. Tempel 1859. (28, 42, 196, 19|199, 200, 203, 227, 293, 294, 325, 337, 358, 365, 366, 569, 631, 715, 731, 19|748, 798, 808). 19|k = The nebula around +23 524 = HD 23512. Source: (93) Pl 4. (715). 19|l = The nebula around Alcyone = +23 541 = HD 23630 = Boss 4541. 19|Disc. Searle 1875. (Compare Harvard Ann 13 p 74). (715). 19|m = IC 1990. Disc. Stratonoff M95 (708). 19|n = NGC 1456. Disc. Lohse. R. This is probably only a condensation in the 19|exterior Pleiades nebulosity. Compare (114). 19|o = The nebula around Atlas = +23 557 = HD 23850 = Boss 4586. 19|Disc. Roberts 1886 (596). 19|p = The nebula around Pleione +23 558 = HD 23862 = Boss 4587. 19|Disc. Roberts 1886 (596). 19|q = IC 354. Disc. Barnard 1894 (56). 20|IC 348. Disc. Safford (The NGC appendix). (76, 88 Pl 16, 91, 93 Pl 3, 20|194, 196, 209, 216, 274, 366, 486, 576, 630 Pl 29, 715). 20|R. +31 643 = Boss 4465. 21|Anon. 3h 38m4, +32 1'. Source: (93) Pl 3: "A very small, bright nebula, 21|like a nebulous star, is 7' east and slightly north of Omicron Persei. 21|This is sligghtly west of and involves a star not in the BD". (630) Pl 29. 22|IC 1995. Disc. Barnard 1900. (76, 88 Pl 13 Pl 15, 422, 482,486). 22|R. +25 624 = HD 23985 = Boss 4616. 23|NGC 1465. Disc. Swift 1886 (734). (114). R. Not identified. Class B.3? 24|IC 353. Disc. Barnard 1900 (76). (422). R. + 25641 = HD 24368 = Boss 4680. 25|NGC 1491 = GC 793 = H I 258. Disc. 1790. (114, 252, 550, 578, 791). 25|R. Classified as a barred spiral by Curtis in (217). 25|+50 886 probably only aligned. 26|NGC 1499. Disc. Barnard 1885 (65). WP 10. (16, 91, 114, 209, 216, 289, 294, 26|304, 362, 365, 366, 420, 26 478, 630 Pl 29, 631, 646, 715,810,820). 26|R. {ksi} Persei +35 775 = HD 24912 = Boss 4779. 27|+27 633 = HD 25823 = Boss 4937 nebulous. Source: (88) Pl 15. 28|NGC 1514 = GC 810 = h 311 = H IV 69. Disc. 1790. (48, 93 Pl 5, 103, 114, 28|155, 216, 252, 366, 482, 486, 491, 592, 631, 715, 761, 762, 791). R. 28|+30 623 = HD 26125. HD spectrum: K0! Has also been classified as a planetary 29|IC 360. Disc. Barnard 1900 (76). (630) Pl 30 Pl 31. R. Part of the general 29|Taurus veil. Bohlin's object (120) probably refers to a condensation 29|in IC 360. 30|IC 359. Disc. Swift 1891 (737). (84, 93 Pl 5, 196, 365, 366, 630 Pl 30, 715, 30|717). R. There has been some confusion as to the identity of Swift's object. 30|In recent investigations Hubble's identification 30|in (366) p 406 has been accepted. IC 359 would thus inean the nebulous star 30|north following Barnard's "dark" object B 10. However, Swift has described 30|his discovery as pL, which may as well refer to the whole region of B 10. 30|In the catalogue: a = Hubble's nebulous star. Bohlin's object (121) is B 10. 31|+28 645 nebulous. Disc. Barnard 1907 (84). (93 Pl 5, 196, 630 Pl 30, 715). 31|R. Connected with the dark nebula B 214. 32|The nebulous region around T Tauri, a = NGC 1554 = GC 5339 = Struve's lost 32|nebula. Disc. O. Struve 1868. Compare (59). b = NGC 1555 = GC 839 = 32|Hind's variable nebula. Comprehending discussion: (59). (63, 75, 92, 114, 32|124, 152, 153, 156, 212, 216, 406, 460, 486, 491, 548, 550, 578, 600, 631, 32|746). Disc. Hind 1852. C = T Tauri nebulous. Disc. Burnham 1890 (152). 32|(1, 59, 216). 33|Anon. 4h21.0m +25 51. Source: (93) Pl 5: "A very minute bright nebula 33|(No 100) is not listed in the NGC". R. The illuminating star, which is 33|probably situated in the middle of the nebula, is not discernable 33|on available photographs. The BD Chart has nothing in this position. The 33|nebula is starlike on FA and on (630) Pl 30. 34|+22 699 = HD 28149 = Boss 5396 nebulous. Disc. Barnard 1907 (84). 34|(486, 630 Pl 31). 35|NGC 1579 = GC 853 = h 315 = H I 217. Disc. 1788. WP 21. (91, 114, 209, 216, 35|486, 549, 578, 630 Pl 30, 631, 791). R. Due to a wrong identification Pease 35|has stated that +34 883 should be involved. 36|Anon. 12' north following NGC 1579. Disc. Curtis 1913 (209). WP 21. (216). 37|NGC 1624 = GC 879 = H V 49. Disc. 1790. (114, 194, 209, 366, 486, 578, 37|630 Pl 27). 38|IC 2087. Disc. Barnard 1892 (84). WP 22. (93 Pl 5, 196, 630 Pl 30 Pl 31, 38|717). R. This is the object B 14. 39|IC 2088. Disc. Wolf 1906 (811). (630) Pl 31. R. A brighter part or the 39|Taurus veil. 40|NGC 1788 = GC 1005 = h 347= H V 32. Disc. 1786. (106, 114, 153, 196, 209, 40|252, 297, 366, 486, 578, 619, 630 Pl 34, 6311 791). 41|IC 2118 = "The Witch Head nebula". Disc. Wolf 1905 (809). (294, 365, 366, 41|630 Pl 33, 715, 809). R. NGC 1779, 1797, 1799, IC 398, 402 are probably 41|parts of IC 2118. They have not been included in the catalogue, as it has 41|proved impossible to identify them with any certainty on available 41|photographs. The divisions a and b are due to Hubble (366) p 406. 41|Illuminating star: Rigel = -8 1063 = HD 34085 = Boss 6410. 42|IC 405 = "The flaming star". Disc. Schaeberle 1892 (643). WP 24. (294, 366, 42|413, 482, 486, 623, 627, 630 Pl 32, 715, 796, 805). 42|R. +34 980 = HD 34078 = Boss 6429. 43|IC 410. Disc. Wolf 1893 (796). R. Earlier known as the open cluster 43|NGC 1893 = GC 1101 = h 351, which has a wrong position in the NGC. WP 24. 43|(194, 482, 486, 571, 630 Pl 32, 753, 796, 805). HD stars belonging to the 43|cluster: +33 1017 = HD 34760. +33 1018 = HD 34841. The nebula seems to 43|condense around these stars and around +33 1023-1026, 1028, 1029. 44|The nebula connected with +8 933 = HD 34989 = Boss 6574. Discovered by 44|Melotte and Lundmark on the FA plates in 1926 (502). (93 Pl 6, 339, 486, 44|630 Pl 33, 715). 45|+6 919 = HD 35468 = Boss 6668 = {gam} Orionis nebulous. Source: (93) P1 6. 45|FA 97. (630) Pl 33. 46|IC 417. Disc. Wolf 1893 (796). FA 145. WP 66. (482, 486, 630 Pl 33, 805). 46|R. {phi} Aurigae is probably only aligned. The nebulosity seems to 46|condense around the stars +34 1053, 1054, 1056. This condensation = a in 46|the catalogue. There is, however, traces of nebulosity also around other 46|faint stars in the cluster. 47|+12 801 = HD 35956 = Boss 6760 nebulous. Source: (93) Pl 6. (715). 48|IC 419. Disc. Wolf 1893 (796). R. Not identified. Wolf's description : 48|"Bright. Elongated. Some minutes in length". 49|NGC 1931 = GC 1137 = h 355 = H I 261. Disc. 1793. FA 145. WP 66. (114, 49|153, 194, 208, 216, 252, 354, 549, 578, 630 Pl 32, 631, 632, 796). 50|The nebula around Nova T Aurigae. Disc. Barnard 1892 (52). (160, 208, 216, 50|277, 796). Description by Barnard (53) : "Tenth magnitude star in nebular 50|condensation of 3" diameter surrounded by fainter glow of 0.5' diameter". 51|The nebula at +11 836. Sources: (93 Pl 6, 630 Pl 33). R. This star has a 51|fan-shaped appendix which seems to be superimposed on a faint background 51|veil. The McDonald spectrograph has revealed, emission in this region 51|(724). 52|IC 423. Disc. Pickering 1890 (557). WP 166. (216, 630 Pl 33 Pl 34). 52|R. This peculiur annular object may be a planetary. No central star is 52|visible. Apparently it is well within reach of the belt stars, but it 52|stands out definitely against the general nebulous background. 53|NGC 1952 = GC 1157 = h 357 = M 1 = "The Crab nebula". Disc. Bevis 1731. 53|The object occurs in Bevis' atlas. WP 27. (27, 30, 103, 114, 174, 191, 53|216, 220, 232, 236, 242, 259, 300, 301, 354, 366, 454, 455, 457, 486, 489, 53|491, 500, 509, 578, 601, 603 Pl 14, 606, 615 Pl 26, 630 Pl 30, 631, 632, 53|641, 761, 791). R. Has also been classified as a planetary. 54|The nebula around {lam} Orionis = +9 879 = HD 36861/2 = Boss 6915. 54|Disc. Barnard 1894 (93) Pl 6. WP 28. (88 Pl 21, 194, 630 P1 33, 715). 54|R. On available photographs the nebula seems to be confined to the 54|immediate vicinity of {lam} Orionis. However, the McDonald spectrograph 54|has revealed emission in a field as far as 3{deg} from the star, and it 54|is not improbable that {lam} Orionis should be the stimulating source. 54|(724). 55|The Orion region. History and bibliography: (118, 119, 186, 188, 191, 276, 55|352). The nebulous groundwork and the exterior nebulosities: (20, 21, 26, 55|53, 58, 78, 142, 143, 186, 191, 206, 207, 278, 279, 281, 282, 289, 305, 55|312, 438, 480, 519, 540. 541, 593, 594, 595, 620, 625, 628, 630 Pl 34, 55|663, 675, 715, 726 No 41, 769, 782, 802, 818). R. It is shown on several 55|photographs, e.g. (630) Pl 34, that the whole region of the constellation 55|Orion is filled up by vast masses of nebulosity. As is well known, there 55|are several condensation which seem to stand out from the general 55|background, and which have been separately discovered and studied. Such 55|subnebulae, will be individually discussed below. Taken as a whole, No 55 55|of the catalogue should be classified as C. 2 in addition to the separate 55|classes of the subnebulae. 55|a = -5 1305 = HD 36917 nebulous. Source: (481). 55|b = NGC 1973 = GC 5352. Disc. d'Arrest. R. According to (114) this is the 55|nebulous star -4 1179 = HD 36958. 55|c = NGC 1975 = GC 5353. Disc. d'Arrest. R. According to (114) this is a 55|double nebulous star within the boundary of the Great Orion Nebula. 55|d = NGC 1976 = GC 1179 = h 360 = M 42 = "The Great Orion Nebula". Disc. 55|Peiresc 1610 (118). For references earlier than 1877, see (350) Part 2. 55|Concerning the central part (earlier than 1880), see (352), where (350) 55|Part 2 is reprinted with additions. Stellar data: (11, 25, 26, 146, 147, 55|149, 151, 157, 181, 194, 198, 202, 400, 426, 436, 444, 461, 490, 516, 525, 55|545, 571, 655, 656, 680, 775). Visual and photographic observations: (22, 55|32, 69, 79, 114, 183, 202, 216, 219, 222, 223, 228, 255, 261, 327, 352, 55|387, 388, 427, 462, 477, 555, 578, 586, 597, 599, 631, 647). Nebular 55|spectrum: (2, 24, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 187, 205, 224, 225, 55|244, 289, 293, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 399, 400, 401, 403, 404, 55|405, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 475, 498, 518, 530, 580, 581, 633, 634, 644, 55|648, 649, 650, 653, 654, 692, 707, 745, 757, 784, 785, 830, 834, 850). 55|Nebular photometry : (39, 356, 357, 435, 791). Parallax : (14, 20, 21, 55|102, 103, 150, 194, 482, 486, 564, 566, 571, 754). Nebular proper motion 55|and radial velocity: (168, 169, 171, 172, 174, 197, 210, 268, 520, 749, 55|757, 758). Interferometric measurements; temperature: (125, 126, 127, 256, 55|257, 269, 393). Gravitation : (3, 488). General discussions : (7, 19, 25, 55|30, 194, 248, 269, 294, 365, 366, 464, 558, 571, 578, 699, 715, 717, 753, 55|773, 778, 804). Polarization: (515). 55|{tet} Orionis : -5 1315 = HD 37020-37023 = Boss 6936. 55|-5 1319 = HD 37041 = Boss 6935. -5 1320 = HD 37042 = Boss 6936. 55|e = NGC 1977 = GC 1180 = H V 30. Disc. 1786. WP 67. (30, 114, 174, 197, 55|216, 238, 294, 366, 409 Pl 12, 481, 522, 578, 585, 599, 630 Pl 34, 692, 55|711, 715, 717). 55|R. The nebula around C' (42) Orionis = -4 1185 = HD 37018 = Boss 6934. 55|f = NGC 1980 = GC 1183 = h 361 = H V 31. Disc. 1786. WP 67. (30, 114, 174, 55|194, 304, 558, 578, 630 Pl 34, 631.). R. 55|This is the nebula around {iot} Orionis = -6 1241 = HD 37043 = Boss 6937. 55|g = NGC 1982 = GC 1185 = H III 1 = M 43. Disc. Mairan 1731. WP 67. (114, 55|252, 261, 294, 544, 578, 599, 791, 894). R. -5 1325 = HD 37061 = Bond 734. 55|h = NGC 1990 = GC 1193 = h 363 = H V 34. Disc. 1786. WP 166. (114, 209, 55|216, 282, 310, 316, 578, 631). 55|R. The nebula around {eps} Orionis = -1 969 = HD 37128 = Boss 6960. 55|i = NGC 1999 = GC 1202 = H IV 33. Disc. 1785. (114, 191, 201, 232, 296, 55|557, 578, 630 Pl 34, 631, 831). R. This is IC 427 + IC 428. 55|j = IC 426. Disc. Pickering 1890 (557). WP 166. (630) Pl 34. R. The nebula 55|is fan-shaped with the star -0 1018 = HD 37140 at the apex. 55|k = IC 430. Disc. Pickering 1890 (557). WP 67. (630) Pl 34. R. A 55|fan-shaped appendix to d Orionis = -7 1142 = HD 37507 = Boss 7039. 55|l = IC 431. Disc. Pickering 1890 (557). FA 98. WP 166. (216, 366, 715). 55|R. -1 1001 = HD 37674. 55|m = IC 432. Disc. Pickering 1890 (557). FA 98. WP 166. (216, 366, 715). 55|R. -1 1005 = HD 37776. 55|n = IC 434. Disc. Pickering 1890 (557). WP 67. (78, 87, 92, 215, 216, 235, 55|282, 294, 412, 416, 620, 630 Pl 34, 717, 724, 820). R. This is the bright 55|rim extending southwards from 55|{zet} Orionis = -2 1338 = HD 37742,3 = Boss 7089. 55|o = NGC 2023 = GC 1226 = H IV 24. Disc. 1785. WP 67. WP 166. FA 98. (114, 55|174, 196, 216, 235, 294, 296, 366, 416, 578, 630 Pl 34, 631, 715, 724, 55|817) . R. -2 1345 = HD 37903. 55|p = NGC 2024 = GC 1227 = H V 28. Disc. 1786, WP 166. (30, 87, 88 Pl 20, 55|114, 174, 215, 216, 235, 238, 263, 289, 294, 296, 366, 409 Pl 13, 416, 55|418, 550, 558, 578, 620, 630 Pl 34, 631, 715, 793, 802). 55|q = IC 435. Disc. Pickering 1890 (557). FA 98. WP 67. (196, 216, 296, 366, 55|715). R. -2 1350 = HD 38087. 55|r = "The Orion loop". Disc. Barnard. For references, see No 55, the 55|heading : "The nebulous groundwork and the exterior nebulosities". R. On 55|(630) Pl 34 the "loop" seems to be a prominent condensation in the general 55|background veil. 55|s = NGC 2064 = GC 5355. Disc. d'Arrest. WP 166. (30, 114, 216, 238, 409 55|Pl 14, 578, 630 Pl 34, 631). R. -0 1077 has two nebulous wisps extending 55|chiefly north-south. NGC 2064 is a part of the southern appendix. 55|t = NGC 2067 = GC 5356. Disc. Tempel 1878 (746). WP 166. (114, 216, 238, 55|409 Pl 14, 578, 630 Pl 34). R. This is the curious nebula (somewhat 55|resembling a hand-saw) situated north-west of M 78. +0 1177 = HD 38563. 55|u = NGC 2068 = GC 1267 = h 368 = M 78. Disc. Mechain 1780 (262). FA 98. 55|WP 166. (30, 114, 173, 191, 196, 216, 238, 252, 354, 366, 409 P1 14, 486, 55|578, 604, 630 Pl 34, 631, 698, 715, 791). 55|v = NGC 2071 = GC 1270 = H IV 36. Disc. 1786. FA 98. WP 166. (114, 173, 55|196, 216, 238, 366, 409 Pl 14, 578, 604, 630 Pl 34, 715). 56|IC 425. Disc. Wolf 1892 (796). R. Not identified. Catalogue dimensions 56|according to Wolf. 57|NGC 1985 = GC 1188 = h 359 = H III 865. Disc. 1790. 57|R. Catalogue data from (114) and (578). (631). 58|NGC 2045 = GC 1247 = h 367. WP 28. (114, 252, 578). 58|R. +12 884 = HD 38263 = Boss 7186. 59|The nebula connected with FU Orionis. Disc. Wachmann 1939 (BZ 21 p. 12). 59|(770). R. The nebula is probably of the reflection type, although it is 59|situated in an emission region (727 No 64). The nebula had an extension of 59|about 3' in 1939. It is probably variable. 60|IC 439. Disc. Wolf 1893 (796). R. Not identified. 60|Catalogue data according to Wolf. Not found by. Curtis (216). 61|+30 1096 nebulous. Source: (93) Pl 7. (630) Pl 32. 62|Anon. 6h 1.8m, +18 42'. Disc. Hubble 1922 (365) p 173 : "A bright 62|uncatalogued nebula similar to NGC 2245". (366, 491). 63|NGC 2170 = GC 1362 = H IV 19. Disc. 1784. (114, 153, 232, 366, 486, 578, 63|630 PL 34, 631, 686, 687, 715). 64|Emission field (726) No 43 = Lower's nebula in Orion. Disc. Lower 1939 64|(480). (630 Pl 33 Pl 35). R. +15 1079 = HD 41997. There may be some doubt 64|as to the exciting star, and the nebula might possibly be classified as 64|C.2. Barnard (54) perceived a faint nebulous glow in the vicinity of {ksi} 64|and {ups} Orionis. 65|-6 1417 = HD 42004 nebulous. Source: (366). FA 98. (630 Pl 34, 715). 66|-6 1418 nebulous. Source: (366). FA98. (630 Pl 34, 715). 67|a = NGC 2175 = GC 1366. Disc. Bruhns (Compare Auwers: Konigsherg Obs 34). 67|FA 122. WP 45. (54, 88 Pl 22, 93 Pl 9, 114, 194, 216, 294, 366, 399, 482, 67|578, 630 Pl 35, 715). R. Nebulous cluster with the principal star +20'1284 67|= HD 42088. Alternative classification : A. 2. The object NGC 2174 67|probably refers to the northern part of the nebula. 67|b = IC 2159. According to the position given in the IC, this must refer to 67|a condensation in the above nebula. (289). 67|c = The nebula around +20 1293 = HD 252812. WP 45. (93 Pl 9, 715). 68|NGC 2182 = GC 1373 = h 381 = H IV 38. Disc. 1786. (114, 153, 252, 296, 366 68|, 578, 630 Pl 34, 631). R. -6 1431 = HD 42261. 69|NGC 2183 = GC 5359. Disc. d'Arrest. (114, 153, 296, 366, 486, 578, 631). 70|NGC 2185 = GC 1375 = h 383 = H IV 20. Disc. 1784. (114, 153, 296, 304, 70|366, 578, 631). 71|-6 1444 nebulous. Source: (366). 72|IC 2162. Disc. Barnard. (630 Pl 35). 73|IC 443. Disc. Wolf 1893 (796). (23, 54, 93 P1 9, 630 Pl 32). R. The nebula 73|is symmetrical Nvith respect to a conspicuous dark area, and the light- 73|source may be dimmed off so as to make it unperceived. Another possibility 73|is represented by {eta} Geminorum. If this star is responsible for the 73|nebular light, weget a = 45' from (93) Pl 9, and log a_1_ (reduced to 73|Hubble's system as shown in Chapter II) will be 1.487. {eta} Geminorum is 73|variable, with spectrum M2 and visual magnitude 3.2m in the maximum. 73|Assuming a normal colour index (according to the HD catalogue), we get the 73|corresponding photographic magnitude 4.6m. Hence, m + 5 log a_1_ = 12.0; 73|in satisfactory agreement with Hubble's law. The visual magnitude at the 73|minimum is 4.3m, and the period 234". The nebula should be photographed in 73|red light. Further, it ought to be tested for variability. The IC position 73|has been corrected according to (23). 74|IC 444, Disc. Wolf 1893 (796). WP 45. (53, 93 Pl 8 Pl 9, 194, 630 Pl 32). 74|R. The nebula seems to be confined to the vicinity of +23 1301 = HD 43836 74|= Boss 8106 = 12 Geminorum. This star belongs to the cluster (194) No 89. 74|Barnard (53) has stated that +23 1313 is also nebulous. The IC description 74|refers to this star. 75|The nebulous cluster (194) No 92. R. Principal generating star: 75|+5 1214 = HD 44586. Alternative classification : A. 2. 76|a = NGC 2238 = GC 5361. Disc. Marth. (114, 578). R. This is a nebulous 76|star of magnitude 14.5, which is probably to be considered as a part of 76|the nebulous cluster listed as b. 76|b = The nebulous cluster NGC 2237, 2239, 2244. R. In 1857 Swift discovered 76|a brighter patch of this nebulosity, which is catalogued as NGC 2237. The 76|cluster was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. It is listed as NGC 76|2244 = GC 1424 = H VII 2. The designations : NGC 2239 = GC 1420 = h392 76|refer to the star 12 Monocerotis, which is a member of the cluster. 76|The NGC positions of 2237 and 2239 are erroneous. The outer nebulosities 76|were discovered by Barnard in 1883. WP 105. (15, 29, 30, 44, 45, 54, 55, 76|64, 66, 88 Pl 26, Pl 27, 114, 143, 191, 194, 208, 216, 280, 284, 294, 304, 76|365, 366, 478, 482, 554, 578, 613, 615 Pl 27, 622, 629, 630 Pl 35, 631, 76|715, 733, 753). HD stars involved or aligned : +4 1291 = HD 46056. 76|+5 1279 = HD 46106. +5 1278 = HD 46107. +5 1281 = HD 259105. 76|+5 1282 = HD 46149. +5 1283 = HD 46150. +5 1287 = HD 46201. 76|+ 5 1286 = HD 46202. +4 1302 = HD 46223. +4 1304 = HD 46241. 77|IC 446 = IC 2167. Disc. Barnard 1894 (54). WP 30. (88 Pl 28, 216, 366, 77|482, 630 Pl 35, 715). 78|IC 2169 = IC 447. Disc. Barnard 1894 (54). WP 30. (88 Pl 28, 194, 366, 78|618, 630 Pl 35). R. BD stars apparently members of the cluster: +9 1264, 78|1265, 1266, 1269, and +10 1159 = HD 46005. 79|IC 448. Disc. Wolf 1891. (793). WP 30. (88 Pl 28, 630 Pl 35, 726 No 40). 79|R. Struve and collaborators believe the nebula to be of the reflection 79|type, and they ascribe the background emission of the region to S 79|Monocerotis. 13 Monocerotis may only be aligned. It is, however, difficult 79|to decide in this question as the bright star is accompanied by a large 79|halo on all available photographs. 79|13 Monocerotis = +7 1337 = HD 46300 = Boss 8506. 80|NGC 2245 = GC 1425 = h 393 = H IV 3. Disc. 1784. FA 122. WP 30. (64, 88 80|Pl 28, 114, 174, 209, 216, 232, 252, 366, 482, 486, 550, 578, 631, 686, 80|687, 715, 791). 81|NGC 2247. Disc. Swift 1883 (732). WP 30. (54, 64, 114, 209, 216, 366, 486, 81|550). R. The NGC position is slightly in error. +10 1172 = HD 259431. 82|Emission field (727) No 52. R. +6 1309 = HD 47129 = Boss 8631. 83|NGC 2261 = GC 1437 = h 399 = H IV 2. Disc. 1783. WP 30. (114, 174, 209, 83|216, 217, 294, 298, 359, 360, 361, 431, 450, 451, 452, 455, 457, 458, 459, 83|482, 486, 491, 509, 515, 578, 619, 631, 690, 693, 694, 791). R. This is 83|Hubble's variable nebula connected with R Monocerotis = +8 1427, varying 83|between the visual limits 9.3-14.0. Reinmuth gives the dimensions of the 83|nebula to be 3.2 x 1.5'. 84|The nebulous field containing NGC 2264. 84|a = Emission field (726) No 42. R. The region is faintly nebulous on (630) 84|Pl 35. According to Struve and Elvey this is an extension of the 84|nebulosity around S Monocerotis. 84|b = NGC 2264 = GC 1440 = h 401 = H V 27 = H VIII 5. Disc. 1784. FA 123. 84|WP 30. (12, 30, 54, 62, 64, 69, 74, 78, 88 Pl 28, 107, 114, 194, 216, 294, 84|304, 394, 482, 486, 492, 554, 578, 605, 618, 619, 630 Pl 35, 631, 715, 84|753, 823). R. The nebulous cluster around 15 (S) Monocerotis = +10 1220 = 84|HD 47839 = Boss 8720. Other HD stars within the boundary of the nebula : 84|+10 1211 = HD 47553. +10 1214 = HD 47662. +9 1331 = HD 47732. 84|+10 1215 = HD 47754. +9 1332 = HD 47755. +9 1334 = HD 47777. 84|+10 1221 = HD 47838. +9 1344 = HD 47887 = Boss 8726. +9 1349 = HD 47934. 84|+9 1350 = HD 47961. +9 1356 = HD 48055. 84|c = Emission field (726) No 37. R. Probably an extension of the nebulosity 84|illuminated by S Monocerotis. A faint veil can be traced on (630) Pl 35. 85|Emission field (727) No 55. (630) Pl 35. R.+6 1351 = HD 48099 = Boss 8747. 86|NGC 2283 = GC 1452 = H III 271. Disc. 1785. (114, 578). 87|NGC 2282 = IC 2172. Disc. Barnard 1883. (114, 366, 630 Pl 35). 88|IC 454. Disc. Swift 1889 (736). R. Not identified. Perhaps of Class C.2. 89|The nebulous region of IC 2177. 89|a= Emission field (727) No 56. (630) Pl 37. R. -10 1848 = HD 53367. 89|b = NGC 2327 = GC 1487 = h 428 = H IV 25. Disc. 1785. (114, 228, 232, 296, 89|578, 630 Pl 37, 631, 829). R. This is a part of the nebula described by 89|Wood in (829). 89|c = IC 2177. Disc. Roberts 1898 (611). FA 75. (216, 366, 614, 630 Pl 37, 89|715, 812, 829). 89|d = Emission field (726) No 45. 89|e = Emission field (726) No 46. R. -10 1892 = HD 54662 =Boss 9459. 90|-12 1771 = HD 53623 nebulous. Source: (366). FA 75. (196, 482, 486, 630 Pl 90|37, 715). R. Should perhaps have been included with No. 89 of the 90|catalogue. Hubble has measured only the central condensation. His value of 90|{alf} is 1.8', whereas measurement on (630) gives 4'.5, and an (196) 6'.0. 91|Emission field (727) No 57. R. -8 1734 = HD 53667. 92|IC 466. Disc. Javelle 1897 (392). R. Not identified. 93|Anon. 7h 5.0m, -18 19'. Disc. Wood 1911 (829). (366, 429, 630 Pl 37). 93|R. The nebula is situated between the two stars -18 1703 and 1713. 93|A number of faint stars involved. 94|a = IC 468. Disc. Bigourdan 1891 (110). R. Part of NGC 2359. 94|b = NGC 2359 = GC 1511 = h 3075 = H V 21. Disc. 1785. (114, 208, 216, 297, 94|304, 365, 550, 578, 630 Pl 37, 631). R. NGC 2361 is probably a part of 94|this nebula. 95|Emission field (726) No 44. 95|{tau} Canis Majoris = -24 5176 = HD 57061 = Boss 9736. 96|Nebulous field containing the following nebulous stars. 96|a = -23 5277 = HD 57281. FA 51. (93 Pl 10, 366, 630 Pl 38, 715). 96|b = -23 5285 = HD 57325. FA 51. (93 Pl 10, 630 Pl 38, 715). 96|c = -23 5296 = HD 57393. References as b. 97|Emission field (726) No 48. 98|Emission field (727) No 62. R. 98|{eta} Canis Majoris = -29 4328 = HD 58350 = Boss 9886. 99|Emission field (727) No 50. R. -15 1810 = HD 58343 = Boss 9893. 100|-22 1897 = HD 59612 = Boss 10043 nebulous. 100|Source: (93) Pl 10. FA 51. (630 Pl -38, 715). 101|-25 4775 = HD 61071 = Boss 10207 nebulous. 101|Source: (93) Pl 10. FA 51. (630 Pl 38). 102|Emission field (727) No 63. R. 102|3 Puppis = -28 4774 = HD 62623 = Boss 10417. 102|R. Faint veil perceivable on (630) Pl 38. 103|NGC 2467 = GC 1589 = h 472 = H IV 22. Disc. 1784. FA 52. (114, 194). 103|R. Nebulous cluster. On FA 52, and according to (114), the nebulosity is 103|confined to the vicinity of -26 5115 = HD 64315. The principal star of 103|the cluster is -26 5137 = HD 64455. 104|Emission field (727) No 53. R. 104|{lam} Velorum = -46 3847 = HD 68273 = Boss 11105. 105|NGC 2568. Disc. Barnard 1881 (43). R. Not identified. 106|Melotte's and Lundmark's nebulous region in Vela. R. With the exception 106|of a large detached loop, the nebulosity seems to condense around the 106|individual stars mentioned by Melotte in (502). The whole group should 106|be classified as A. 2. (30). 106|a = The nebulosity connected with -43 4337 = CPD 2636 = HD 72067 = 106|Boss 11628. 106|b = The neb. conn. with -47 4004 = CPD -47 2296 = HD 72108 = Boss 11630 = 106|A Velorum. 106|c = The neb. conn. with -44 4462 = CPD -44 2667 = HD 72127 = Boss 11635. 106|d = The neb. conn. with -41 4189 = CPD -41 2599 = HD 72139 = Boss 11637. 106|e = The neb. conn. with -43 4343 = CPD -43 2645 = HD 72179. R. Connected 106|with a. 106|f = The neb. conn. with -47 4048 = CPD -47 2348 = HD 72485 = Boss 11683. 106|g =The abovementioned "loop". R. (683) announces emission in this nebula, 106|which seems to be a pendant to the Cygnus "loop". 106|h = NGC 2626 = GC 1677 = h 3131. Disc. 1835. R. The neb. conn. with. 106|-40 4427 = CPD -40 2666. 106|i = The neb. conn. with. -42 4451 = CPD -42 2754 = HD 73634 = Boss 11852 106|= e Velorum. 106|j = The neb. conn. with. -46 4438 = CPD -46 2805 = HD 74180 = Boss 11951 106|= b Velorum. 106|k = The neb. conn. with. -46 4448 = CPD -46 2819 = HD 74272 = Boss 11966 106|= n Velorum. 106|l = The neb. conn. with. -44 4704 = CPD -44 2936 = HD 74371 = Boss 11978 106|m = The neb. conn. with the cluster IC 2395. R. Compare the Introduction 106|of the present paper (p 13). (194). Bailey (30) does not mention 106|nebulosity in his description of the cluster. However, he has given 106|exactly the same description of M 16, which is certainly nebulous. 106|n = The neb. conn. with. -40 4569 = CPD -40 2824 = HD 74804. 106|o = The neb. conn. with. -45 4517 = CPD -45 3014 = HD 75063 = Boss 12109 106|= a Velorum. 107|NGC 3199 = GC 2067 = h 3239. Disc. 1835. FA 18. (561). 108|NGC 3324 = GC 2167 = h 3286 = Dunlop 322. R. These designations probably 108|refer to the double cluster, the northern part of which has been 108|separately catalogued as IC 2599. The neighhouring cluster NGC 3293 108|should be searched for nebulosity. (30, 561). 108|CPD -57 3584 = HD 92206 = Boss 14621. Alternative Class: A. 1. 109|The {eta} Carinae region. a = NGC 3372 = GC 2197 = h 3295 = Dunlop 309 109|= Lacaille III 6. Disc. 1755.(30, 122, 123, 174, 175, 177, 191, 194, 216, 109|228, 365, 366, 382, 482, 486, 520, 560, 561, 575, 635, 636, 666, 682). 109|R. This is the "Key-hole nebula". See further Bok's monograph (123). 109|b = NGC 3503 = GC 2286 = h 3311. Disc. 1834. R. This refers to part of 109|the general background of the {eta} Carinae region. 110|Anon. 11h 3m, -76 48'. Disc. Melotte, 1926 (502). R. Not identified. 110|Described as a small patch of nebula near a twelfth magnitude star. 111|CPD -76 654 = HD 97048 nebulous. Disc. Melotte 1926 (502). FA 6. 112|CPD -75 714 = HD 97300 nebulous. Disc. Stewart 1908 (852). FA 6 (502). 113|A nebulous field discovered by John Herschel in 1834 and catalogued as 113|follows. 113|a = NGC 3576 = GC 2333 = h 3324, R. CPD -60 2631 = HD 97452 may be the 113|light-source. 113|b = NGC 3579 = GC 2336 = h 3325. R. CPD -60 2626 = Potsdam spectral DM 113|Area 193 No 48 may be the light-source. 113|c = NGC 3581 = GC 2337 = h 3326. (561, 682). 113|d = NGC 3582 = GC 2338 = h 3327. R. CPD -60 2643 = HD 97499 may be the 113|light source. 113|e = NGC 3584 = GC 2340 = h 3329. 113|f = NGC 3586 = GC 2342 = h 3330. 114|NGC 3699 = GC 2432 = h 3345. Disc. 1434. R. John Herschel described the 114|object as almost resolved. Gaseous spectrum and irregular form announced 114|in (855). (381, 854). 115|IC 2872. Disc. Frost 1908 (852). R. Not identified. 116|CPD -61 2350 = HD 99897 nebulous. Source: FA 18. 117|CPD -63 1904 = HD 10099 nebulous. Source: FA 18. 118|IC 2944. Disc. Frost 1908 (852). FA 18. (194, 828). R. 118|IC 2944 = {lam} 118 Centauri with nebula. 118|IC 2948 = The cluster following {lam} Centauri. 118|This star (= CPD -62 2127 = HD 100841 = Boss 15899) is probably alone 118|responsible for the nebular light. The cluster is probably situated 118|behind the nebula. 119|CPD -60 3142 = Potsdam spectral DM Area 193 No 1249 nebulous. Disc. Innes 119|1913 (379). R. Not identified. 120|NGC 3882 = GC 2550 = h 3358. Disc. 1834. R. Not identified. 120|CPD -55 4616 = HD 102277. 121|IC 2966. Disc. Frost 1908 (852). R. Not identified. 122|Anon. 13h 18.0, -63 30'. Disc. Shapley 1926 (681). FA 19. R. Probably a 122|case like the "North America Nebula",. The nebula seems to be connected 122|with the coalsack. CPD -62 2745 = HD 108248,9 = Boss 16952,3. 123|NGC 5189 = GC 3570 = h 3514 = Dunlop 252. (103, 174, 216, 482, 486, 682, 123|761). R. Wrong identification in (216). NGC 5189 refers to the whole 123|nebulous field, which is well shown in John Herschel's drawing of the 123|object (Cape Results Plate 6: 1). Has also been classified as a planetary. 124|-29 11837 = HD 139365 = Boss 21019 = {tau} Librae nebulous. Source: (93) 124|Pl 11. FA 59. 125|The nebulous field at {pi} Scorpii. Disc. Archenhold 1892 (19). R. Almost 125|detached condensations have been noted at the following stars: 125|a = -25 11131 = HD 141637 = Boss 21285 = b Scorpii. 125|b = -24 12352 = HD 142114 = Boss 21329 = A Scorpii. (715). 125|c = -24 12354 = HD 142165 = Boss 21339. (715). 125|d = -25 11228 = HD 143018 = Boss 21447 = {pi.} Scorpii. FA 60. (81, 93 125|Pl 11, 175, 366, 377, 378, 630 Pl 2, 715). 125|e = -22 4068 = HD 143275 = Boss 21489 = {del} Scorpii. (81, 93 Pl 11, 125|175, 630 Pl 2). The whole region: Class A. 2. 126|The nebula around {rho} Scorpii = -28 11714 = HD 142669 = Boss 21398. 126|Source: (93 Pl 11). 127|IC 4591. Disc. Barnard 1895 (61). (93 Pl 11 P1 13, 630 Pl 2). R. 127|-27 10841 = HD 145482 = Boss 21778 = 13 (c2) Scorpii. 128|IC 4592. Disc. Barnard 1895 (60). (74, 82, 84, 86, 92, 93 Pl 12, 339, 128|366, 630 Pl 2, 715, 716). R. 128|-19 4333 = HD 145501/2 = Boss 21773 = {ups} Scorpii. 129|The nebulous stars in the region of IC 4601. 129|R. The designations IC 4601 a and b are according to Hubble (366). 129|No 129 may be connected with No 128, although the latter gives the 129|impression of being situated in the foreground. 129 129|a = -19 4357 = HD 146834 = Boss 21935. Source: (88) Pl 35. (93 Pl 12, 129|Pl 13, 196, 482, 486, 715). 129 129|b = IC 4601 a = -19 4358,9 = HD 147009,10 = Boss 21958,60. Disc. 129|Barnard. Independently found by Stewart in 1908 (852). FA 84. WP 195. 129|(61, 88 Pl 35, 93 Pl 12 Pl 13, 196, 366, 630 Pl 2 Pl 5, 715). 129 129|c = IC 4601 b = -19 4361 = HD 174103,4 = Boss 21967,8. R. Compare 129 b. 130|The nebula around -25 11485 = HD 147165 = Boss 21982 = {sig} Scorpii. 130|Disc. Barnard 1895 (60). FA 60. (74, 88 Pl 36, 92, 93 Pl 13, 339, 366, 130|715, 716, 718, 724, 726 No 8 No 9). 131|The nebula at {rho} Ophiuchi. Disc. Barnard 1895 (61). 131|a = IC 4603. R. See the references at b. -24 12684 = HD 147889. 131|b = IC 4604. FA 60. (34, 61, 66, 68, 70, 74, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 88 Pl 36, 131|92, 93 P1 13, 294, 295, 339, 366, 482, 486, 528, 630 Pl 2 Pl 5, 689, 715, 131|716, 820). R. -23 12861 = HD 147933,4 = Boss 22078,9 = {rho} Ophiuchi. 132|The Antares nebula. (60, 61, 66, 68, 70, 88 Pl 36, 93 Pl 13, 175, 715, 132|724, 726 No 7). R. Compare the account of the red nebula given in (719) 132|p 16. In (82) Barnard suggested that Antares is only projected against a 132|nebular background. Antares = -26 11359 = HD 148478,9 = Boss 22157. 133|IC 4605 = The nebula around -24 12695 = HD 148605 = Boss 22179 = 22 Scorpii. 133|Disc. Barnard 1895 (61). FA 60. (60, 66, 68, 82, 88 Pl 36, 93 Pl 133|13, 294, 339, 366, 482, 486, 630 Pl 1 Pl 2 Pl 5, 715, 716). 134|IC 4606. Disc. Finlay 1887 (273). R, Not identified. 134|Part of the Antares region? 135|Two nebulae found by John Herschel in 1834 near -47 10855 = HD 148937 = 135|Boss 22246. R. This star is probably responsible for the nebular light. 135|a = NGC 6164 = GC 4206 = h 3633. 135|b = NGC 6165 = GC 4207 = h 3634. 136|Nebulous field discovered by John Herschel in 1836. 136|a = NGC 6188 = GC 4223 = h 3640 The general nebulous background. 136|b = The nebulous cluster NGC 6193 = GC 4224 = h 3642. FA 38. (194). 136|The cluster = Dunlop 413. R. Principal star in the cluster: 136|- 48 11070 = HD 150135/6 = Boss 22418/9. Alternative Class: A. 1. 137|The nebulous field at IC 4628. 137|a = Emission field (727) No 68. R. Probably stimulated be the numerous O 137|and B0 stars in this region (Compare the HD catalogue). 137|b = IC 4628. Disc. Barnard. Independently found by Frost in 1908. (852). 137|FA 39. (88 Pl37, 93 Pl 16, 194, 630 Pl 1, 827). R. The light-source is 137|probable the same as in the case of No 137 a. NGC 6227 = GC 4243 = h 3651 137|refers to this part of the Milky Way, as does also Emission field (727) 137|No 72. 138|Emission field (726) No 70. R. -37 11206 = HD 153919 = Boss 22996. 139|NGC 6302 = -36 11341 = HD 155520 = "The Bug nebula". Disc. Barnard 1880 139|(43). (80, 93 Pl 16, 103, 174, 273, 761). R. Has also been classified as 139|a planetary. 140|NGC 6334 = GC 4288 = h 3678. Disc. 1837. FA 61. (93 Pl 16, 243). 140|R. -35 11457 = HD 156369. 141|NGC 6335 = GC 4289 = h 3679. Disc. 1837. (630) Pl 1. 141|R. The identification is uncertain. 142|NGC 6357 = GC 4297 = h 3682. Disc. 1837. (93 Pl 22, 243, 297, 365). 143|NGC 6360 = GC 4299 = h 3685. Disc. 1834. R. Potsdam spectral DM Area 157 143|is situated in this region. (31) announces that no nebula is to be seen 143|on a plate containing this region. 144|IC 1257. Disc. Spitaler 1890 (700). R. Not identified. 145|The nebula around -37 11673 = HD 158926 = Boss 23769 = {lam} Scorpii. 145|Source: (93) Pl 24. FA 39. FA 61. 146|IC 4657. Disc. Barnard. R. Not identified. 147|Emission field (727) No 69. R.-32 12935 = HD 159176 = Boss 23804. (630) 147|Pl 1. 148|IC 4659. Disc. Barnard. R. No identification has been possible, although 148|the eighth magnitude star referred to by Barnard must be -17 4848 = 148|HD 159172. 149|NGC 6401 = GC 4314 = h 1982 = h 3697 = H I 44. Disc. 1784. (93 Pl 21, 149|114). R. The nebula has also been listed as -23 13481. 150|The nebulous cluster (194) No 345. (93) Pl 21. 151|NGC 6514 = GC 4355 = h 1991 = h 3718 = H IV 41 = HV 10, 11, 12 = M 20 = 151|"The Trifid nebula". Disc. Le Gentil 1748 (Compare Chapter I note 14). 151|WP 92. (30, 57, 74, 85, 88 Pl 42, 93 Pl 29 Pl 30, 103, 114, 164, 174, 176, 151|191, 194, 210, 216, 228, 237, 238, 252, 260, 351. 366, 399, 407, 408, 453, 151|455, 457, 482, 486, 511, 520, 543, 559, 616, 630 Pl 4 Pl 6, 673, 682, 715, 151|717, 768). R. Hubble (366) ascribes the nebular light mainly to -23 13804. 151|According to Wallenquist (768), -22 4510 (of the {alf} Cygni type) is 151|probably responsible for the light of 1he northern part. HD stars 151|belonging to the cluster : -23 13789 = HD 164384. 151|-22 4503 = HD 164402 = Boss 24526. -23 13804 = HD 164492 = Boss 24537. 151|-22 4510 = HD 164514. -22 4516 = HD 164637 = Boss 24558. 151|-22 4520 = HD 164704. -23 13832 = HD 164739. -22 4533 = HD 164833. 152|a = NGC 6523 = GC 4361 = h 3722 = M 8 = Lacadle III 13 = "The Lagoon 152|nebula". Disc. Legentil 1748 (Compare Chapter I p 13). FA 62. WP 92. 152|(30, 51, 57, 66, 74, 85, 88 Pl 42 Pl 44, Pl 49 Pl 51 Pl 52, 93 Pl 29 152|Pl 30, 103, 114, 174, 191, 194, 210, 213, 2115, 216, 234, 260, 365, 366, 152|409, 413, 417, 449, 453, 482, 486, 511, 520, 531, 543, 559, 587, 617, 152|630 Pl 4 Pl 6 Pl 7, 682, 715, 717, 747, 753, 767). R. The two stars 152|-24 13814 = HD 164794 = CPD -24 6144 = Boss 24574, and 152|-24 13816 = CPD -24 6146 = HD 164816 are involved together with the open 152|cluster NGC 6530 = GC 4366 = h 3725. 152|Other HD stars within the boundary of the nebula : 152|-24 13780 = HD 164515. -24 13786 = HD 164535. -24 13783 = HD 164536. 152|-24 13787 = HD 164537. -24 13793 = HD 164584. -24 13791 = HD 164585. 152|-24 13795 = HD 164602. -24 13803 = HD 164705. -24 13812 = HD 164793. 152|-24 13826 = HD 164865. -24 13832 = HD 164906. -24 13839 = HD 164933. 152|-24 13845 = HD 164947. -24 13843 = HD 161448. -24 13864 = HD 165052. 152|-24 13869 = HD 165133. -24 13880 = HD 165246. -24 13879 = HD 165247. 152|The brightest part of the nebula has also been listed as 152|-24 13806 = HD 164740. 152|b = IC 4678 = -23 13906 nebulous. Disc. Barnard 1908 (85). FA 62. WP 92. 152|(93 Pl 29 Pl 30, 366, 715. R. The star -23 13908 = HD 165345 projects 152|against the nebula. The HD spectrum of this star is given to be K0, 152|whereas Seares and Hubble (064) have B3. 153|IC 4683. Disc. Wolf 1903 (804). R. Faint background veil on (93) Pl 30 (?). 154|The group of nebulous stars following M 8. R. There has been some 154|confusion in the literature as to the proper identification of these 154|objects. 154|a = IC 4681 = -23 13954 = HD 165705 nebulous. Disc. Barnard 1908 (85). 154|(194, 482, 486, 715). 154|b = IC 4684 = -23 13974 = HD 167852 nebulous. Disc. Barnard 1908 (85). 154|R. (88) Pl 52 gives the star as -23 13983, which is seen to be erroneous 154|from the plate coordinates of the star. Probably -23 13983 in Seares' and 154|Hubble's list (664) also refers to -23 13974, as it is very improbable 154|that this nebulous star should have been excluded. 154|c = IC 4685 = -24 13962 = HD 165921 = Boss 24732. Disc. Barnard 1908 (85). 154|d = IC 1274. Disc. Barnard 1892 (51). R. Hubble (366) divides this nebula 154|into two parts: IC 1274 a = -23 13997 nebulous, to which the stellar data 154|and log a_1_, in the present catalogue refer. In (366) the photographic 154|magnitude is given as 8.7m. IC 1274 b = -23 13998 nebulous. R. (366) 154|gives log a_1_, 0.398 and m_p_ = 9.2. In (664): m_p_ = 8.45, m_v_=8.56. 154|HD gives m_p_ =8.3, m_v_ = 9.0. The nebula IC 1274 is probably to be 154|considered as one entity illuminated by the stars -23 13997, 13998, 13999, 154|14002, and 14004. (Compare (88) Pl 52). (717). 154|e = IC 1275 = The nebula surrounding -23 14005 = HD 166107 = Boss 24753. 154|Disc. Barnard 1892 (51). (715). R. -24 14017 may also be nebulous, 154|although the writer has not been able to verify this suggestion. m_p_=8.47. 154|m_v_ = 8.46. Sp: B8. Taken as a whole No 154 should be classified as A.2. 154|f = NGC 6559 = GC 4384 = h 3733 = h 1996 = The nebula around the stars 154|-24 13984 (= HD 166056), and -24 13985. In (88) Pl 52 the first mentioned 154|star is erroneously given as -24 13990. (114,294). 155|The nebulosity associated with Nova Herculis 1934. (193, 764). Compare 155|further Harvard announcement card 629, 1942. 156|Emission field (727) No 77. (630) Pl 4. R. 156|-20 5054 = HD 167264 = Boss 24893 = 15 Sagittarii. 157|a = NGC 6589. Disc. Swift 1885 (733). FA 86. (49, 51, 88 Pl 55, 93 Pl 29 157|Pl 31, 114, 216, 366, 715). R. -19 4940 = HD 167638. 157|b = NGC 6590 = NGC 6595 = IC 4700 = GC 4395 = h 2002. (49, 51, 85, 157|93 Pl 29 Pl 31, 114, 194, 216, 366, 428, 578, 715, 733). 157|R. Regarding the identification, see Barnard (49). 157|c = IC 1283 = -19 4948 nebulous. Disc. Barnard 1892 (51). 157 (93) Pl 31. 157|R. 19 4948 = HD 167722. 157|d = IC 1284 = The nebula around -19 4953 = HD 167815 = Boss 24954. Disc. 157|Barnard 1892 (49). FA 86. WP 93. (51, 82, 85, 88 Pl 55, 157|93 Pl 29 Pl 31 Pl 32, 339, 366, 482, 486, 630 Pl 7, 715). 157|Taken as a whole No 157 should be classified as A. 2. 158|IC 4701. Disc. Barnard 1908. (85). (87). R. This is a large nebulosity 158|superposed on a star cloud. Potsdam spectral DM Area 134 is situated in 158|this region. 159|NGC 6611 = GC 4400 = h 2006 = M 16 = IC 4703. R. IC 4703 refers to the 159|nebula, which Roberts claimed to have discovered. The cluster was found 159|about 1746 by de Cheseaux (Compare Chapter I p. 13). His brief note does 159|not contain any statement as to nebulosity. However, Messier undoubtedly 159|perceived the nebula in addition to the cluster stars (Compare (260)!) 159|FA 86. WP 93. (30, 85, 88 Pl 57, 93 Pl 34, 114, 194, 234, 260, 365, 366, 159|383, 578, 589, 615 Pl 23, 630 Pl 6 Pl 7 P1 8, 715, 717, 753). HD stars in 159|the cluster: 159|-13 4932 = HD 168137. 159|-14 4991 = HD 168183. 159|-14 4994 = HD 168207. 159|-13 4925 = HD 168075. 159|-13 4926 = HD 168076. 160|a = IC 4706 = -16 4811 = HD 168276 nebulous. 160|b = IC 4707 = -16 4812 = HD 168302 nebulous. Disc. Barnard 1903 (85). 160|FA 86. (93 Pl 31 Pl 34, 715). 161|NGC 6618 = GC 4403 = h 2008 = M 17 = "The Omega nebula" = "The 161|Horseshoe nebula") = "The Swan nebula". Disc. de Cheseaux about 1748 (119). 161|FA 86. (30, 74, 85, 88 Pl 55, 93 Pl 31 Pl 34, 114, 158, 174, 191, 194, 161|216, 228, 234, 260, 349, 482, 486, 520, 573, 578, 603 Pl 38, 630 Pl 6 Pl 7 161|Pl 8, 631, 674, 791). R. The brightest part of the nebula has also been 161|catalogued as -16 4820 = HD 168520. HD stars within the nebula : 161|-16 4817 = HD 168486. 161|-16 4821 = HD 168521. 161|-16 4827 = HD 168569. 161|-16 4828 = HD 168585. 161|-16 4836 = HD 168701/2. 161|The two brightline stars -16 4829 = HD 168607 = Boss 25035, and 161|-16 4830 = HD 168625 = Boss 25037 are situated in the immediate vicinity 161|of the nebula, and they may be partly responsible for the nebular light. 162|IC 4715. Disc. Barnard 1908 (85). (93 Pl 29, Pl 31 Pl 32). R. A remarkable 162|nebulous star-cloud in Sagittarius, which deserves further study. 163|IC 1287. Disc. Barnard 1892 (51). FA 86. (88 Pl 57, 93 Pl 34 Pl 35, 190, 163|294, 297, 339, 366, 482, 486, 630 Pl 7 Pl 8, 715). R. 163|-10 4713 = HD 170740 = Boss 25282. 164|The nebula connected with Nova Aquilae 1918. 164|Disc. Barnard 1918 (ApJ 49 p 199, 1919). 165|a = IC 4812 = The nebula connected with the stars: 165|-37 13017 = HD 176269 = Boss 26099, and -37 13018 = HD 176270 = Boss 26100. 165|Disc. Stewart 1908 (852). References: See below! 165|b = NGC 6726 + NGC 6727. NGC 6726 = GC 5935. NGC 6727 = GC 5936. Disc. 165|Schmidt 1860. (375). FA 40. FA 63. (366, 376, 385, 386, 486, 560, 832, 165|856). R. -37 13023 = HD 176386 = Boss 26118. The star -37 13024 and the 165|nebula NGC 6727 are variable. 165|c = NGC 6729 = GC 5937 = The variable nebula connected with R Corona 165|Austrina = e. Disc. Schmidt 1861. (217, 271, 366, 375, 386, 429, 430, 432, 165|433, 450, 482, 486, 579, 690, 693, 832). 166|Anon. 19h 2.7m, +4 11'. Disc. Kritzinger 1913 (440). R. Not identified. 166|Although Kritzinger's description points to a nebulous star, the nature of 166|this object deserves further study. 167|+22 3693 = HD 182918 nebulous. Disc. Miss Harwood 1928 =330). WP 152. 167|(630 Pl 13). 168|+17 3986 nebulous. Source: (93) Pl 42. WP 152. (630 131 13, 715). 169|IC 1305. Disc. Espin 1893 (253). WP 152. (93 Pl 42, 630 Pl 13). 170|NGC 6820 = GC 5945. Disc. Marth. (114, 194, 550, 578). 171|IC 1307. Disc. Espin 1893 (253). WP 151. 172|Emission field (726) No 14. (630 Pl 16, 725). 173|+34 3828 nebulous. Source: (93 Pl 43). WP 154. (715). R. The star 173|responsible for the nebular light is stated to be +34 3828 (93). Then, 173|+34 3830 = HD 189688 (spectrum K5) would only be aligned with the nebula. 174|Emission field (726) No 13. (725). 175|IC 4954 + IC 4955. Disc. Barnard. WP 178. R. The subdivisions a, b, and c 175|are according to Hubble (366). 176|The nebulous region around {gam} Cygni. 176|a = Emission field (726) No 11. 176|b = Emission field (726) No 10. 176|c = The nebula called {gam} Cygni a by Hubble in (366). 176|d = The nebula at +41 3731 = NGC 6914 a (according to Hubble). 176|e = The nebula at +41 3737 = NGC 6914 b (according to Hubble). 176|f = The nebula designated {gam} Cygni b by Hubble (366). R. IC 1318, 176|discovered by Barnard in 1892 (54), refers to {gam} Cygni surrounded by 176|large patches of nebulosity. The main parts are situated as given in the 176|catalogue, and they are identical with Hubble's: {gam} Cygni a, b (No 176 176|c, f). NGC 6914 was discovered by Stephan in 1881 (702). WP 210. (38, 74, 176|88 Pl 76, 93 Pl 44, 114, 196, 208, 216, 239, 253, 288, 294, 304, 322, 337, 176|366, 486, 621, 630 Pl 17. 715, 716, 718, 722, 725, 781, 806). 176|{gam} Cygni = +39 4159 = HD 194093 = Boss 28338. 177|Emission field (726) No 12. (725). R 177|+36 3907 = HD 191610 = Boss 27980 177 = 28 (P) Cygni. There are numerous O 177|stars in the Cygnus cloud which may as well be the light-sources. 178|IC 1310. Disc. Espin 1893 (253). R. Not identified. 179|NGC 6888 = GC 4561 = H IV 72. Disc. 1792. (93 Pl 43 Pl 44, 114, 208, 216, 179|366, 550, 578, 615 Pl 21, 630 Pl 16 Pl 17, 631, 715), 179|R. +37 3821 = HD 192163 = Boss 28056. 180|+36 4105 = HD 195593 = Boss 28551 = 44 Cygni nebulous. R. The nebula 180|probably has a continuous spectrum with it faint emission foreground 180|(727 No 78) which is to be ascribed to an extension of the {gam} Cygni 180|nebulosities. 181|+45 3216 nebulous. Source: (93) Pl 45. 182|The nebulous wreath in Cygnus. 182|a = NGC 6960 = GC 4600 = h 2088 = H V 15. Disc. 1784. 182|b = NGC 6992 = GC 4616 = h 2092 = H V 14. Disc. 1784. 182|c = NGC 6995 = GC 4618 = h 2093. WP 179. (18, 31, 33, 64, 80, 88 Pl 79 Pl 182|80, 92, 114, 174, 208, 210, 216, 238, 240, 241, 304, 321, 365, 366, 415, 182|421, 448, 495, 520, 563, 578, 586, 588, 602, 603 Pl 45, 615 Pl 25, 630 Pl 182|16 Pl 17, 631, 642, 774, 780, 787, 815, 817, 820, 822). R. The nebulous 182|star NGC 6974 = GC 5975 (not identified) probably refers to a part of 182|"the wreath", as does also NGC 6979 = GC 4607 = H II 206. IC 1340 is a 182|part of NGC 6995. 183|The region of the "North America nebula". 183|a = IC 5067. 183|b = IC 5068. 183|c = IC 5070 = "The Pelican nebula". 183|a, b, and c disc. by Espin in 1900 (254). 183|d = NGC 7000 = GC 4621 = h 2096 = H V 37. Disc. 1786. The photographical 183|appearance of the nebula made Wolf suggest the name: "The America nebula". 183|John Herschel's visual observations showed "an immense nebulosity; too 183|ill defined to fix the limits". WP 198. (54, 74, 78, 93 Pl 45 Pl 46, 114, 183|148, 174, 208, 216, 238, 239, 288, 289, 294, 304, 366, 413, 414, 420, 423, 183|438, 482, 486, 524, 526, 542. 578, 615 Pl 24, 620, 625, 626, 630 Pl 17 Pl 183|18, 631, 715, 717, 720, 781, 794, 801, 803, 819, 820, 824). R. Bergedorf 183|spectral DM Area 40 is situated in this region. 183|{alf} Cygni = +44 3541 = HD 197345 = Boss 28846. 184|+56 2495 = HD 198793 = Boss 29082 nebulous. Source: (93) Pl 47. (715). 185|IC 5076. Disc. Roberts 1895 (607). (93 Pl 45 131 48, 603 Pl 23, 610). 185|R. +46 3111 = HD 199478 = Boss 29219. 186|NGC 7008 = GC 4627 = h 2099 = H I 192. Disc. 1787. WP 156. (103, 114, 174, 186|208, 216, 481, 520, 549, 578, 603 Pl 46, 631). R. Although Curtis (208) 186|descibes this object as quite irregular, it has also been classified as a 186|planetary. 187|NGC 7023 = GC 4634 = H IV 74. Disc. 1792. (114, 196, 216, 294, 337, 366, 187|409 Pl 65, 410, 411, 482, 486, 547, 549, 550, 578, 615 Pl 24, 630 Pl 22, 187|691, 715, 813, 820, 821). R. +67-1283 = HD 200775 = Boss 29401. 188|IC 1363. Disc. Espin 1893 (253). R. Not identified. 189|IC 1369. Disc. Pechule 1891 (552). (194, 253). 190|The nebula around +59 2334 = 202214 = Boss 29655. Source: (93) Pl 47 Pl 49. 190|(630 Pl 19). 191|+57 2309 = HD 203025 = Boss 29804 nebulous. Source: (88) Pl 82. (92, 93 Pl 191|47, Pl 49, 366, 630 Pl 19, 715). 192|IC 1378. Disc. Espin 1893 (253). R. Not identified. 193|NGC 7088 = Baxendell's "unphotographable" nebula. Disc. Baxendell 1880 193|(96). (114, 180, 304, 314, 465, 595). 194|+67 1332 = HD 206135 nebulous. Source: (88) Pl 83. (366, 482, 486, 630 Pl 194|21 Pl 22, 715). 195|The region of IC 1396, Disc. Barnard 1894 (54). (79, 93 Pl 49, 482, 486, 195|717, 726 No 22). R. In the catalogue the divisions a and b refer to the 195|stimulating regions of respective +56 2617 = HD 206267 = Boss 30322, and 195|+57 2374 = HD 206773 = Boss 30408. 196|NGC 7129 = GC 4702 = h 2131 = H IV 75. Disc. 1792. (114, 194, 196, 208, 196|216, 217, 304, 366, 486, 549, 578, 608, 615 Pl 9, 631). R. The cluster 196|contains the BD stars: +65 1631, 1633, 1635-1638, which are not in the 196|HD catalogue. NGC 7133 is probably a part of this nebula. 196|Alternative Class: A. 1. 197|IC 1400. Disc. Espin 1893 (253). (93) Pl 48. 198|IC 5146. Discovery announced by Espin in 1894 (253). The nebula was 198|photographed by Barnard in 1893, and by Wolf in 1894. Compare (88) P1 81, 198|and (807). WP 139. (79, 194, 196, 213, 215, 216, 266, 366, 419, 486, 198|550, 630 Pl 19. 715). 199|Emission field (726) No 19. R. +58 2402 = HD 210839 = {lam} Cephei. (725). 200|Emission field (726) No 17. (725). 201|The nebula around +69 1231. Disc. Kopff 1908 (816). (820, 821). 202|IC 1442. Disc. Espin 1893 (253). R. Not identified. 203|Emission field (726) No 16. (93 Pl 50, 540, 725). R. According to (540) 203|the nebula does not condense around any of the stars in the region. 204|Emission field (726) No 30. 205|Emission field (726) No 18. (725). 206|The region of NGC 7380 = GC 4842 = h 2182 = H VIII 77. Disc. 1788. (88 Pl 206|84, 93 Pl 50, 114, 194, 549, 578, 631, 726 No 21, 753, 821). R. Earlier 206|observers than Reinmuth seem to have perceived only the cluster. 206|Alternative Class: A. 1. 207|Emission field (726) No 32. R. The whole region is filled up by faint 207|nebulosity on (630) Pl 19. Two of Wolf's "Cavenebulae" (821) form parts of 207|this region. They are attributed (by Wolf) to the stars +61 2361 = 207|HD 216629, and +61 2372 = HD 217061, both of spectral class B. 207|+61 2373 = HD 217086. 208|IC 1470. Disc. Barnard, Pechule, Spitaler 1892.(50, 103, 106, 217, 364, 208|550, 551, 761, 762). R. Has also been classified as a planetary. 209|NGC 7538 = GC 4907 = H II 706. Disc. 1787. (114, 578, 631, 821). 210|NGC 7635 = GC 4947 = h 2235 = H IV 52. Disc. 1787. (88 Pl 86, 103, 114, 210|364, 366, 482, 486, 578, 630 Pl 20 Pl 24, 715, 761, 762, 821). R. Has 210|also been classified as a planetary. 211|-16 6352 = HD 222800 = Boss 32948 = R Aquarii nebulous. Disc. Lampland 211|1921 (456). (457, 486). 212|NGC 7748 = GC 5008 = h 2266. (114, 209, 216, 578). R. 212|+68 1393 = HD 222958 = Boss 32974. Curtis (209, 216) could find no trace 212|of nebulosity. 213|IC 5366. Disc. Barnard. R. Not identified. 214|The nebula surrounding the two stars +66 1676 = HD 224992, and 214|+66 1679 = HD 225216 = Boss 39. R. Erroneously identified as NGC 7822 214|by Roberts in (624). (630 Pl 20). 215|NGC 7822 = GC 5051 = h 2302. R. The coordinates and the description given 215|by John Herschel must refer to the nebulous cluster containing the HD 215|stars: +68 1423 = HD 225123, and +67 1588 = HD 224825. 215|Compare (630) Pl 20. (114, 304, 631). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------