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PG0023+299 | 0 25 58.96 +30 15 11.5|U|16. |V|sdB |NWrn of 4".5 cpm pair PG0024+133 | 0 27 02.37 +13 33 23.6|B|15.8|V|sdB | PG0026+136 | 0 28 52.26 +13 54 46.6|S|15.7|V|DA1 | PG0026+047 | 0 29 09.03 +04 56 23.4|U|15.1|V|sd | PG0026+129 | 0 29 13.70 +13 16 04.0|U|15.4|V|QSO | PG0027+260 | 0 30 05.81 +26 17 26.5|U|15. |V|CV |PX And PG0027+222 | 0 30 38.00 +22 30 51.5|U|15.2|V|sdB |SErn of 20" opt pair PG0032+247 | 0 35 32.05 +24 59 16.0|U|14.1|U|sdB | PG0033+016 | 0 35 35.84 +01 53 08.5|L|15.6|V|DA4 |lg pm PG0033+266 | 0 35 46.54 +26 54 54.3|U|14.3|V|sdB | PG0035+125 | 0 37 44.78 +12 45 46.5|C|16.3|V|DA1 | PG0037-006 | 0 40 22.88 -00 21 30.1|U|14.9|V|DA | PG0038+199 | 0 41 35.33 +20 09 17.1|M|14.5|V|sdOC | PG0039+049 | 0 42 06.12 +05 09 23.4|U|12.9|V|sdB | PG0039+104 | 0 42 13.48 +10 39 10.7|U|15.2|V|sdBO | PG0039+135 | 0 42 16.58 +13 45 40.5|U|13.8|V|sdOB | PG0042+095 | 0 44 46.64 +09 43 50.7|g|16.2|V|sdB | PG0042+211 | 0 45 11.18 +21 21 07.9|U|15.8|V|sdOA pec | PG0043+039 | 0 45 47.22 +04 10 23.3|M|15.5|V|QSO | PG0044+031 | 0 47 05.93 +03 19 54.9|M|16.1|V|QSO |NWrn of 8" pair PG0045+251 | 0 47 55.28 +25 20 27.3|g|15.7|V|sdB | PG0046+078 | 0 48 37.89 +08 02 45.0|g|15.6|V|DO cool | PG0046+247 | 0 48 48.53 +24 58 05.3|g|16.2|V|sd | PG0046+207 | 0 49 17.15 +20 56 40.5|U|14.7|V|sdB | PG0048+202 | 0 51 11.00 +20 31 22.5|b|15.2|V|DA3 | PG0048+004 | 0 51 07.02 +00 42 32.5|S|15.9|V|sdOB | PG0048+091 | 0 51 26.94 +09 21 32.9|U|14.3|V|CV |non-cv PG0049+172 | 0 51 54.76 +17 25 58.5|U|15.5|V|QSO |Mrk 1148 PG0050+222 | 0 53 16.91 +22 29 39.0|U|15.0|V|sd | PG0050+124 | 0 53 34.93 +12 41 35.9|U|14.0|V|Sey |I Zw 1 PG0050+201 | 0 53 41.50 +20 21 19.9|g|15.4|V|sd | PG0051+169 | 0 53 40.11 +17 09 43.8|U|15.8|V|CV |non-cv PG0052+190 | 0 54 49.37 +19 17 00.5|g|16.5|V|DA2 | PG0052+252 | 0 54 52.12 +25 25 39.0|U|14.6|V|QSO | PG0052+058 | 0 54 48.30 +06 05 24.6|U|16.0|V|sd | PG0053+239 | 0 56 20.67 +24 09 08.9|M|15.7|V|sd | PG0055+016 | 0 58 24.67 +01 54 35.1|U|15.1|V|sdBO | PG0057+155 | 0 59 56.67 +15 44 13.7|U|12.1|V|sdB | PG0059+258 | 1 01 45.75 +26 02 42.9|b|15.7|V|DA3 | PG0101+059 | 1 03 48.88 +06 15 06.4|b|16.0|V|DA | PG0101+048 | 1 03 49.93 +05 04 30.5|L|14.0|V|DA4 |lg pm PG0101+154 | 1 04 32.24 +15 41 50.4|U|15.7|V|HBB |PG coords wrong PG0101+039 | 1 04 21.68 +04 13 37.0|U|12.1|V|sdB |Feige 11 PG0102+096 | 1 04 41.30 +09 49 42.4|U|14.5|V|DA2 | PG0102+261 | 1 05 22.41 +26 22 54.3|U|14.4|V|sdBO |SIMBAD +10s RA error PG0105+276 | 1 08 16.60 +27 52 51.4|U|13.9|V|sdOB |NWrn of 4" trio PG0107+268 | 1 10 11.79 +27 01 04.6|U|15.1|V|DA4 |lg pm PG0107+172 | 1 10 25.65 +17 28 41.2|g|16.5|V|DA | PG0108+195 | 1 11 03.73 +19 47 42.4|U|14.6|V|sd | PG0108+101 | 1 11 06.58 +10 21 38.2|g|15.7|V|DO hot | PG0108+209 | 1 11 27.43 +21 11 15.6|g|16.8|V|sdB | PG0109+111 | 1 12 23.07 +11 23 36.2|B|15.4|V|DO hot | PG0110+262 | 1 13 14.87 +26 27 31.2|U|13.0|V|sdBO | PG0111+177 | 1 13 45.52 +17 58 50.1|M|16.0|V|DA3 |NErn of 4".5 cpm pair PG0112+104 | 1 14 37.64 +10 41 05.0|b|15.4|V|DB2 | PG0112+142 | 1 15 17.39 +14 28 18.3|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG0113+259 | 1 15 54.27 +26 14 00.3|U|14.5|V|sdOB | PG0115+159 | 1 18 00.08 +16 10 20.6|U|13.8|V|DC6 |lg pm PG0116+242 | 1 19 29.05 +24 25 31.2|U|11.8|V|sd | PG0117+213 | 1 20 17.27 +21 33 46.3|M|15.7|V|QSO | PG0119+229 | 1 22 40.58 +23 10 15.0|M|15.6|V|QSO |Mrk 357 PG0121+066 | 1 24 30.29 +06 48 57.5|g|16.5|V|sdB | PG0122+200 | 1 25 22.50 +20 17 57.0|g|16.7|V|PG1159 |BB Psc PG0122+214 | 1 25 29.60 +21 36 30.7|U|12.8|V|sd | PG0123+159 | 1 26 37.09 +16 08 11.5|U|14.5|V|sd | PG0125+094 | 1 27 55.06 +09 39 12.5|b|16.8|V|DA2 | PG0126+101 | 1 29 24.25 +10 23 01.4|L|14.4|V|DA6 |lg pm PG0127+270 | 1 30 05.82 +27 16 21.3|b|16.1|V|DA2 | PG0129+247 | 1 32 24.03 +24 56 13.3|b|17.1|V|DB4 | PG0132+151 | 1 35 08.11 +15 24 03.4|U|15.2|V|sd | PG0132+254 | 1 35 14.54 +25 39 45.1|g|16.2|V|DA3 | PG0133+114 | 1 36 26.19 +11 39 32.2|B|12.3|V|sd | PG0134+070 | 1 36 55.46 +07 16 29.3|U|15.5|V|CV |AY Psc PG0134+181 | 1 37 23.15 +18 22 41.1|g|17.4|V|DA2 | PG0135+243 | 1 38 08.71 +24 30 13.3|U|15.1|V|sdOD | PG0136+251 | 1 38 52.97 +25 23 23.0|b|16.2|V|DA1p | PG0136+152 | 1 38 56.88 +15 27 44.0|B|14.9|V|DA6 | PG0142+169 | 1 44 46.40 +17 06 34.0|M|16. |V|Gal |Mrk 361 PG0142+183 | 1 45 37.45 +18 32 08.4|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG0142+148 | 1 45 39.52 +15 04 42.2|U|13.7|V|sdB | PG0143+217 | 1 46 41.31 +21 54 48.4|L|15.1|V|DA5 | PG0149+137 | 1 51 51.87 +14 00 47.2|S|16. |V|Gal |cv in outburst (not in GCVS), not galaxy PG0154+204 | 1 57 11.14 +20 39 17.9|U|15.5|V|sdBO | PG0154+182 | 1 57 27.89 +18 27 40.0|U|15.5|V|sdBO | PG0156+015 | 1 59 00.29 +01 45 43.2|U|17.1|V|DA2 | PG0156+156 | 1 59 39.35 +15 48 47.4|B|15.9|V|DC6 | PG0157+002 | 1 59 50.25 +00 23 40.8|S|15.6|V|QSO |Mrk 1014 PG0200+131 | 2 02 42.57 +13 20 40.9|U|14.7|V|sdB | PG0205+134 | 2 08 03.49 +13 36 24.4|S|14.9|V|sdOB |composite, Nrn of 1" cpm pair PG0206+225 | 2 09 13.80 +22 44 32.1|U|14.1|V|sdB | PG0207+005 | 2 10 14.98 +00 45 02.2|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG0208+016 | 2 10 54.21 +01 47 47.2|U|13.6|V|sdO |Feige 19 PG0209-015 | 2 11 38.71 -01 13 44.8|U|14.0|V|sdB | PG0209+017 | 2 12 26.59 +01 55 17.5|U|14.2|V|sdB | PG0210+168 | 2 12 55.38 +17 03 56.3|U|14.3|V|DC | PG0212+231 | 2 14 49.96 +23 19 53.3|U|15.9|V|sdBO | PG0212+148 | 2 15 11.10 +15 00 04.2|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG0212+143 | 2 15 41.67 +14 29 18.0|U|14.6|V|sdB | PG0215+183 | 2 18 15.74 +18 31 38.3|B|13.5|V|sdB | PG0216+144 | 2 18 48.13 +14 36 04.5|B|14.6|V|DA2 | PG0216+032 | 2 19 18.91 +03 26 51.5|M|14.8|V|sdOC | PG0216+246 | 2 19 44.61 +24 47 24.1|g|16.5|V|sdOD | PG0217+241 | 2 20 26.75 +24 19 28.0|g|16.8|V|sdB | PG0217+168 | 2 20 35.00 +17 04 07.0|U|15.4|V|HBB | PG0217+155 | 2 20 35.61 +15 44 06.9|U|15.1|V|sdOB | PG0219+241 | 2 22 33.65 +24 20 58.7|g|16.3|V|sdB | PG0220+132 | 2 23 38.42 +13 27 34.7|U|14.8|V|sdB | PG0221+217 | 2 24 01.26 +21 56 50.2|U|15.7|V|DA2 | PG0226+151 | 2 28 49.73 +15 20 34.7|b|16.2|V|sdOC | PG0229+271 | 2 32 07.62 +27 17 26.3|b|15.6|V|DA2 | PG0229+064 | 2 32 36.33 +06 38 52.2|U|12.1|V|sdOA | PG0231+051 | 2 33 41.36 +05 18 43.6|U|16.1|V|sdO: | PG0232+095 | 2 35 11.98 +09 45 37.6|U|12.5|V|sd | PG0232+035 | 2 35 07.59 +03 43 56.8|U|12.4|V|DA1 |Feige 24 = FS Cet PG0235+064 | 2 38 30.92 +06 37 59.9|M|15.1|V|DA8 |SErn of 7" cpm pair (M dwarf comp) PG0237+116 | 2 40 06.64 +11 48 28.1|U|15.7|V|DO cool |composite PG0237+242 | 2 40 28.45 +24 22 10.6|U|16.2|V|DA hot wk| PG0240+066 | 2 42 53.43 +06 47 45.6|g|16.2|V|CV |Nrn of 7" pair PG0240+046 | 2 43 22.78 +04 50 36.3|U|14.1|V|sdOB | PG0242+132 | 2 45 38.88 +13 25 55.6|U|13.3|V|sdOA | PG0243+155 | 2 46 24.09 +15 45 02.5|g|16.5|V|DA4 | PG0244+104 | 2 47 36.22 +10 35 37.7|U|15.2|V|CV |WX Ari PG0245+182 | 2 48 07.50 +18 26 15.4|g|16.3|V|sdOD | PG0248+054 | 2 51 17.70 +05 37 47.8|g|16.4|V|CV | PG0250+189 | 2 53 48.78 +19 09 59.0|U|14.1|V|sdB | PG0255+029 | 2 58 34.79 +03 10 52.1|g|16.1|V|sdB | PG0258+185 | 3 01 12.87 +18 40 53.9|U|15.5|V|DA | PG0302+028 | 3 04 37.34 +02 56 58.0|L|14.9|V|sd | PG0304+184 | 3 07 47.52 +18 33 28.2|U|13.0|V|HBB | PG0305+152 | 3 07 54.31 +15 25 14.4|U|14.5|V|sd | PG0306+141 | 3 09 09.47 +14 14 36.8|B|14.8|V|sd | PG0307+149 | 3 09 53.96 +15 05 22.0|B|15.2|V|DA |Nrn of 10" cpm? pair PG0308+096 | 3 10 54.96 +09 49 25.8|b|15.3|V|DA |CC Cet, composite PG0308+188 | 3 11 49.20 +19 00 55.8|b|14.3|V|DA | PG0310+149 | 3 13 37.18 +15 06 21.4|U|15.6|V|sdO | PG0313+005 | 3 16 20.13 +00 42 22.8|U|15.2|V|sd | PG0314+146 | 3 17 38.03 +14 46 24.1|U|12.6|V|sdOB | PG0314+180 | 3 17 46.33 +18 13 18.0|U|14.4|V|sd | PG0314+103 | 3 17 42.25 +10 30 54.7|U|13.5|V|sdB | PG0317+196 | 3 20 04.08 +19 47 34.8|U|15.8|V|DA | PG0319+055 | 3 21 38.67 +05 38 40.1|U|15.0|V|DA3 | PG0322+115 | 3 25 11.21 +11 40 09.4|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG0322+078 | 3 25 34.18 +07 59 52.1|U|15.5|V|sd |cv? PG0342+026 | 3 45 34.58 +02 47 52.8|U|10.9|V|sdB | PG0349+095 | 3 51 59.16 +09 38 24.9|g|15.4|V|sdB | PG0749+658 | 7 54 24.40 +65 42 07.4|M|12.2|V|sdBO | PG0752+770 | 7 59 24.45 +76 46 22.5|g|16.1|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG0804+762 | 8 10 58.65 +76 02 42.5|M|14.5|V|QSO |IRAS F08045+7611 PG0805+655 | 8 09 45.45 +65 18 17.2|M|16.5|V|DA weak |must have cool comp PG0806+516 | 8 10 07.64 +51 29 55.9|S|15.2|V|sdB |Wrn of 8" opt pair PG0806+682 | 8 11 56.25 +68 03 43.2|g|15.8|V|sdB | PG0808+595 | 8 12 13.05 +59 23 47.5|g|16.0|V|DA2 | PG0808+628 | 8 12 28.26 +62 36 22.5|M|15.0|V|CV |SU UMa PG0812+478 | 8 15 48.93 +47 40 39.4|b|15.2|V|sd |cool comp? PG0812+482 | 8 16 07.91 +48 03 49.8|S|15.2|V|sdB |PG 2' coords error PG0814+569 | 8 18 26.63 +56 45 03.9|S|16.6|V|DA weak | PG0815+405 | 8 18 56.60 +39 54 05.8|U|14.9|V|HBB |PG coords wrong PG0816+297 | 8 19 33.28 +29 33 34.8|b|15.9|V|DA3 | PG0816+314 | 8 19 35.93 +31 14 16.5|S|15.6|V|sdB | PG0817+386 | 8 20 32.36 +38 28 48.6|b|15.7|V|DA2 | PG0818+513 | 8 22 36.05 +51 05 24.6|M|15.2|V|CV |BH Lyn PG0819+364 | 8 22 46.15 +36 14 12.7|b|15.6|V|DA4 | PG0821+633 | 8 25 35.46 +63 06 53.6|g|15.7|V|DA4 | PG0821+306 | 8 24 34.05 +30 28 54.7|U|15.2|V|sd | PG0822+645 | 8 27 16.55 +64 22 25.1|g|15.6|V|sdB | PG0823+546 | 8 26 49.62 +54 28 00.3|M|14.4|V|sdOC | PG0823+466 | 8 26 33.24 +46 23 36.8|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG0823+317 | 8 27 05.53 +31 30 08.3|S|15.8|V|DA1 | PG0823+499 | 8 27 36.77 +49 45 33.8|T|12.1|V|sdOA | PG0824+289 | 8 27 05.05 +28 44 02.7|U|14.0|V|sd |NWrn of 3" cpm pair PG0825+428 | 8 28 57.55 +42 40 42.0|U|15.0|V|composite| PG0826+480 | 8 30 06.17 +47 51 50.4|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG0826+455 | 8 30 09.43 +45 20 30.2|S|15.1|V|DA5 |lg pm PG0832+252 | 8 35 35.81 +24 59 40.2|U|16.0|V|QSO | PG0832+676 | 8 37 34.74 +67 24 13.6|M|14.5|V|sdOA |NWrn of 4".5 pair PG0833+699 | 8 38 15.03 +69 42 48.2|M|13.5|V|sdOA | PG0833+211 | 8 36 19.70 +20 57 47.5|S|16.3|V|sdB | PG0834+501 | 8 37 37.34 +49 52 28.1|S|15.3|V|DA1 | PG0834+488 | 8 38 21.99 +48 38 02.1|S|14.4|V|CV |EI UMa PG0836+237 | 8 39 34.31 +23 34 09.4|S|16.5|V|DA2 | PG0836+619 | 8 40 44.00 +61 47 52.1|M|14.5|V|sdO |PG coords wrong PG0837+401 | 8 41 01.31 +39 56 18.1|U|15.4|V|sdB | PG0838+771 | 8 44 45.30 +76 53 09.6|M|16. |V|Sey |VII Zw 244 PG0838+165 | 8 41 22.71 +16 17 34.3|U|15.5|V|sdB |NWrn of 11" cpm? pair PG0838+133 | 8 41 43.86 +13 04 30.0|U|13.7|V|sdOB |PG coords wrong PG0839+399 | 8 43 12.71 +39 44 49.8|U|14.2|V|sd | PG0839+336 | 8 43 05.04 +33 27 44.9|U|14.9|V|sd | PG0839+232 | 8 42 53.04 +23 00 25.5|M|14.4|V|DA2 | PG0840+262 | 8 43 59.37 +26 02 57.1|b|14.8|V|DB3 | PG0841+312 | 8 44 08.23 +31 02 11.1|M|14.6|V|sdB | PG0841+603 | 8 45 51.04 +60 09 13.6|S|16.5|V|DA2 | PG0842+231 | 8 45 39.17 +22 57 28.0|S|16.1|V|sdO | PG0842+163 | 8 45 33.6 +16 05 48. |S|16. |V|Gal |Mrk 702, coords are midpoint between bright knots PG0843+246 | 8 46 11.99 +24 25 10.5|U|15.6|V|sdBO | PG0843+517 | 8 47 02.29 +51 28 53.4|b|16.0|V|DA3 | PG0844+181 | 8 46 53.47 +17 52 46.3|U|14.3|V|PN |PN G208.5+33.2 = NSV 4241 PG0844+232 | 8 47 18.93 +23 00 30.4|U|15.4|V|sdOB | PG0844+349 | 8 47 42.45 +34 45 04.5|U|14.6|V|Sey |IRAS Z08446+3455 PG0845+129 | 8 48 44.72 +12 41 47.8|S|16.5|V|sdOB |Wrn of 2".5 cpm pair (M-type comapnion at 08:48:44.89+12:41:47.5, V=17.5) PG0846+558 | 8 49 51.10 +55 35 14.7|S|16.4|V|DA1 | PG0846+249 | 8 49 05.88 +24 45 08.0|S|16.7|V|DA1 | PG0848+416 | 8 51 19.10 +41 23 31.2|S|16.1|V|composite| PG0848+249 | 8 51 37.82 +24 41 50.3|U|14.2|V|sdB | PG0848+186 | 8 51 44.47 +18 27 22.5|U|13.4|V|sdOA | PG0849+319 | 8 52 54.62 +31 43 36.6|U|14.6|V|sd | PG0849+580 | 8 53 44.18 +57 48 40.5|S|16.2|V|CV |BZ UMa PG0850+170 | 8 53 23.66 +16 49 35.2|U|14.2|V|sdB |HZ Cnc PG0850+192 | 8 53 41.38 +19 01 42.0|S|16.2|V|sdOA | PG0851+203 | 8 54 48.87 +20 06 30.6|-|15. |V|BLL |OJ 287 PG0852+659 | 8 56 28.50 +65 39 46.0|M|15.4|V|DA2 | PG0852+603 | 8 56 55.93 +60 06 03.3|S|16.5|V|DA2 | PG0853+164 | 8 56 18.94 +16 11 03.6|S|15.6|V|DB2 |LB 8915, not LB 8827 PG0854+405 | 8 57 30.46 +40 16 13.0|U|14.9|V|DA2 |lg pm PG0854+385 | 8 57 54.66 +38 18 51.8|S|15.7|V|sdB | PG0855+294 | 8 58 20.34 +29 12 03.7|U|12.3|V|HBB | PG0856+331 | 8 59 14.71 +32 57 12.1|L|15.2|V|DC | PG0856+121 | 8 59 02.64 +11 56 27.8|U|13.5|V|sdB |HK Cnc PG0858+181 | 9 01 03.32 +17 53 56.0|U|13. |V|CV |BD+18 2101 = SY Cnc PG0858+363 | 9 01 48.66 +36 07 07.8|U|14.6|V|DA4 |VW Lyn, lg pm PG0859+594 | 9 03 03.16 +59 11 18.0|S|15.0|V|HBB | PG0859+484 | 9 02 36.67 +48 11 22.4|S|16.3|V|WD + M | PG0859+415 | 9 03 08.89 +41 17 47.6|U|14.2|V|CV |BP Lyn, SWrn of 1".5 pair PG0900+401 | 9 03 19.42 +39 51 00.5|U|12.9|V|composite|BI Lyn PG0900+554 | 9 03 46.41 +55 16 47.8|M|13.8|V|DA |PG coords wrong PG0900+142 | 9 03 31.29 +14 00 49.1|S|16.2|V|DBA4 | PG0901+598 | 9 04 59.22 +59 35 19.3|S|16.7|V|DA | PG0901+140 | 9 04 02.80 +13 49 14.8|S|16.1|V|DA5 |Nrn of 3".5 cpm pair PG0901+309 | 9 04 47.70 +31 32 51.2|U|15.2|V|sdBO |PG coords wrong PG0901+255 | 9 04 16.57 +25 19 10.6|U|13.8|V|HBB | PG0902+057 | 9 05 05.36 +05 33 01.0|U|14.4|V|sdOD | PG0902+124 | 9 05 40.92 +12 12 28.1|U|14.7|V|sdB | PG0903-032 | 9 06 11.89 -03 21 03.3|g|15.5|V|sdB | PG0904+512 | 9 07 47.73 +50 57 49.6|S|16.4|V|DA2 | PG0904+391 | 9 07 46.52 +38 56 43.7|S|16.3|V|DA |SWrn of 5" cpm? pair PG0904+735 | 9 09 55.45 +73 18 46.1|g|15.1|V|sdB | PG0905+627 | 9 09 57.82 +62 29 27.0|S|16.4|V|sd | PG0906+191 | 9 08 53.20 +18 53 10.0|S|16.1|V|sd | PG0906+597 | 9 10 21.46 +59 30 33.7|g|15.4|V|sdB | PG0906+484 | 9 10 10.01 +48 13 41.8|S|16.1|V|QSO | PG0907+123 | 9 10 25.43 +12 08 27.1|U|14.1|V|sdB | PG0908+171 | 9 11 24.00 +16 54 11.7|S|16.0|V|DA4 | PG0908+281 | 9 11 36.86 +27 52 40.3|S|17.0|V|sdB | PG0909+169 | 9 11 55.39 +16 42 57.6|U|15.4|V|sd | PG0909+164 | 9 12 07.29 +16 13 20.5|U|13.9|V|sdB | PG0909+272 | 9 12 35.60 +26 58 28.6|S|16.8|V|DA weak | PG0909+276 | 9 12 51.66 +27 20 31.4|U|12.3|V|sdOA | PG0910+622 | 9 14 12.96 +61 57 34.3|S|15.6|V|DA3 | PG0911+042 | 9 14 08.68 +03 58 04.1|U|15.5|V|sdB | PG0911+456 | 9 14 55.38 +45 23 41.4|U|14.8|V|sdBO |DT Lyn PG0911-066 | 9 14 14.03 -06 47 44.7|g|18. |V|CV |MM Hya PG0912+189 | 9 15 07.10 +18 47 16.3|S|15.8|V|sd | PG0912+536 | 9 15 56.10 +53 25 23.7|L|13.9|V|DCp7 |NSV 18157, lg pm PG0912+119 | 9 15 28.38 +11 41 53.6|S|16.2|V|sdO | PG0913+205 | 9 15 58.19 +20 16 06.2|S|16.8|V|DA2 | PG0913+104 | 9 16 02.69 +10 11 10.7|L|15.8|V|DC6 |lg pm PG0913+442 | 9 16 40.75 +43 59 41.7|U|15.4|V|DA5 |lg pm PG0914+201 | 9 17 19.14 +19 54 38.5|S|16.6|V|sdB | PG0914+001 | 9 17 12.25 -00 08 38.5|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG0914-037 | 9 17 15.59 -03 53 56.0|U|15.4|V|sdOD | PG0914+120 | 9 17 38.40 +11 49 55.7|S|16.4|V|sdB |cv? PG0915+526 | 9 18 55.03 +52 24 53.1|S|15.5|V|DA4 | PG0915+201 | 9 18 33.06 +19 53 07.9|S|16.7|V|DA2 |NErn of 2".5 cpm pair PG0916+065 | 9 18 41.84 +06 17 02.0|S|15.8|V|DA1 | PG0917+342 | 9 20 11.20 +33 56 42.4|U|14.5|V|CV |BK Lyn PG0917+037 | 9 20 19.07 +03 32 25.9|S|16.8|V|sd | PG0918+029 | 9 21 28.22 +02 46 02.3|U|13.3|V|sdBO | PG0919+273 | 9 22 39.83 +27 02 25.4|U|12.7|V|sdB | PG0920+297 | 9 23 13.39 +29 26 58.3|U|14.7|V|sdOA | PG0920+375 | 9 23 36.22 +37 17 55.7|S|16.7|V|DA | PG0920+029 | 9 23 08.30 +02 42 10.2|U|14.2|V|sdB | PG0920+217 | 9 23 39.23 +21 29 00.0|S|16.4|V|DA4 | PG0920+364 | 9 23 57.21 +36 08 38.0|S|16.1|V|DA4 | PG0921+355 | 9 24 15.26 +35 16 51.3|L|15.5|V|DA4 |RY LMi, NWrn of 13" cpm pair PG0921+092 | 9 23 55.26 +08 57 17.3|S|16.5|V|DB2 | PG0921+208 | 9 24 05.26 +20 35 46.4|M|14.8|V|sd | PG0921+311 | 9 24 40.07 +30 50 12.5|U|14.6|V|sdOB | PG0921+525 | 9 25 12.85 +52 17 10.5|S|15. |V|Sey |Mrk 110, coords for SW comp PG0921+161 | 9 24 38.10 +15 53 19.1|U|14.7|V|sd | PG0922+162 | 9 25 13.48 +16 01 44.2|S|16.4|V|DA2 |SErn of 4".5 cpm? pair PG0922+183 | 9 25 18.36 +18 05 34.1|S|16.4|V|DA3 | PG0922+259 | 9 25 51.36 +25 38 57.8|U|15.5|V|composite| PG0923+201 | 9 25 54.72 +19 54 05.1|S|15.5|V|QSO |IRAS F09231+2007 PG0923+129 | 9 26 03.27 +12 44 03.7|U|14.3|V|Sey |Mrk 705 PG0923+329 | 9 26 38.58 +32 45 11.4|S|14.8|V|sdB | PG0924+199 | 9 27 34.78 +19 43 44.5|S|16.0|V|DC | PG0924+565 | 9 28 30.57 +56 18 11.7|S|15.8|V|sd | PG0926+607 | 9 30 06.6 +60 26 53. |S|16. |V|Gal |IRAS F09263+6039, PG -10s RA error, coords are midpoint of two bright knots PG0926+065 | 9 28 56.06 +06 16 35.0|U|14.2|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG0926+527 | 9 30 06.80 +52 28 03.4|S|16.5|V|sdB | PG0927+311 | 9 30 15.45 +30 50 34.4|U|15.1|V|sdB | PG0928+031 | 9 30 59.63 +02 50 32.4|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG0928+085 | 9 31 08.66 +08 19 31.8|S|16.9|V|DA2 | PG0929+270 | 9 32 08.18 +26 47 54.7|S|16.4|V|DO cool | PG0930+085 | 9 32 45.91 +08 16 18.6|S|16.4|V|sdB |NErn of 24" trio PG0930+338 | 9 33 43.06 +33 36 01.1|S|15.4|V|Gal |CGCG 181-057 PG0931+691 | 9 35 59.84 +68 52 01.6|S|16.7|V|sdOC | PG0931+437 | 9 35 02.54 +43 31 10.7|S|15.8|V|QSO |IRAS Z09319+4344 PG0932+314 | 9 35 12.16 +31 10 00.5|S|15.6|V|sdB | PG0932+231 | 9 35 16.81 +22 49 40.2|S|16.3|V|sd | PG0932+166 | 9 35 41.31 +16 21 09.9|U|15.0|V|sd | PG0933+026 | 9 35 40.71 +02 21 59.6|S|16.0|V|DA5 |composite PG0933+004 | 9 36 09.73 +00 13 13.8|U|14.4|V|sdB | PG0933+729 | 9 38 21.62 +72 42 18.9|M|15.7|V|DA3 | PG0933+383 | 9 36 59.78 +38 07 22.0|U|15.5|V|DA2 | PG0934+163 | 9 36 52.27 +16 05 15.5|S|16.6|V|sdB | PG0934+338 | 9 37 08.60 +33 34 04.7|S|16.2|V|DA3 | PG0934+145 | 9 37 03.90 +14 18 21.7|U|13.5|V|HBB | PG0934+013 | 9 37 01.05 +01 05 43.7|S|15.8|V|Sey |Mrk 707 PG0934+186 | 9 37 16.27 +18 25 11.2|U|13.2|V|sdB | PG0934+553 | 9 38 20.35 +55 05 50.1|T|12.2|V|sdO | PG0935+084 | 9 37 40.93 +08 13 20.9|U|15.2|V|sdB cool | PG0935-038 | 9 38 10.35 -03 59 58.6|U|14.8|V|sdB | PG0935+088 | 9 38 20.55 +08 31 39.6|S|16.6|V|? |PG 0935+087 in SIMBAD PG0935+417 | 9 38 57.02 +41 28 21.2|S|16.5|V|QSO | PG0935+075 | 9 38 36.98 +07 14 55.1|S|18. |V|? |HM Leo (cv) PG0936-026 | 9 39 09.08 -02 48 32.0|M|15.5|V|PNN |PN G238.0+34.8, NErn of 2" cpm pair PG0936+396 | 9 39 44.54 +39 24 02.9|S|16.7|V|QSO | PG0936+037 | 9 39 20.62 +03 26 31.6|U|15.5|V|sdB |NWrn of 17" opt pair PG0936+109 | 9 39 35.14 +10 43 21.9|U|14.2|V|HBB | PG0937+506 | 9 40 22.65 +50 21 05.9|S|16.0|V|DA1 | PG0938+286 | 9 41 04.47 +28 22 24.3|b|15.6|V|DA4 |lg pm PG0938+299 | 9 41 26.79 +29 45 03.4|S|16.1|V|DA2 | PG0938+550 | 9 42 09.48 +54 47 12.4|S|14.8|V|DA4 | PG0939+072 | 9 41 59.32 +06 57 17.2|U|14.9|V|DC7 | PG0939+262 | 9 42 50.63 +26 00 59.9|U|14.5|V|DA1 | PG0940+068 | 9 42 55.04 +06 35 37.3|U|13.7|V|DA2: | PG0940+172 | 9 43 15.81 +16 55 57.1|U|16.2|V|HBB | PG0941+280 | 9 43 54.55 +27 46 59.2|U|13.2|V|HBB | PG0941+433 | 9 44 31.26 +43 01 24.5|S|16.7|V|DA3 | PG0942+461 | 9 45 14.98 +45 54 44.7|U|14.3|V|sd | PG0942-029 | 9 45 11.80 -03 09 20.3|g|14.0|V|sdB | PG0943+489 | 9 46 19.86 +48 38 22.5|M|12.9|V|Me | PG0943+441 | 9 46 39.07 +43 54 52.3|L|13.3|V|DA3 |lg pm PG0943+043 | 9 46 23.02 +04 04 56.1|S|15.7|V|sd |PG +1' Dec error PG0943+521 | 9 47 11.94 +51 54 08.9|M|15.2|V|CV |ER UMa PG0944+275 | 9 47 29.36 +27 16 27.1|S|16.6|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG0945+246 | 9 48 46.64 +24 21 26.1|b|14.3|V|DA3 | PG0946+302 | 9 49 41.11 +29 55 19.3|S|16.2|V|QSO | PG0946+305 | 9 49 43.69 +30 15 10.4|S|16.4|V|sdOC | PG0946+535 | 9 50 17.14 +53 15 15.0|L|15.2|V|DC6 | PG0947+462 | 9 50 14.99 +45 57 26.5|S|15. |V|? |Mrk 125, galaxy PG0947+036 | 9 49 40.37 +03 24 25.5|S|17.0|V|CV |non-cv PG0947+282 | 9 50 10.91 +28 00 47.8|S|15. |V|Gal |CGCG 152-071, coords for main nucleus PG0947+397 | 9 50 48.39 +39 26 50.5|S|16.3|V|QSO | PG0947+639 | 9 51 38.08 +63 45 36.7|S|14.6|V|DA3 | PG0947+326 | 9 50 49.51 +32 19 41.2|U|15.5|V|DA3 | PG0948+534 | 9 51 25.95 +53 09 30.8|S|15.3|V|sd | PG0948+187 | 9 50 55.26 +18 26 15.3|S|16.8|V|sdB | PG0948+041 | 9 51 01.30 +03 47 57.0|U|15.8|V|sdBO |PG +95" Dec error PG0948+013 | 9 51 02.23 +01 04 32.6|S|15.7|V|DB2 |NWrn of 27" cpm pair PG0948+344 | 9 51 48.93 +34 07 24.0|U|16. |V|CV |RZ LMi PG0948+632 | 9 52 38.93 +62 58 19.0|S|14.6|V|sdB |PG coords poor PG0949-101 | 9 51 55.80 -10 21 37.2|U|14.6|V|sdOB | PG0949+094 | 9 52 07.88 +09 09 53.4|S|17.1|V|DB3 | PG0949+256 | 9 52 41.67 +25 21 59.8|S|16.3|V|DA3 | PG0950+186 | 9 52 45.74 +18 21 02.9|S|16.1|V|DA4 |NWrn of 1".5 cpm pair (red comp) PG0950+024 | 9 52 45.59 +02 09 38.9|S|16.6|V|DA1 | PG0950+139 | 9 52 58.98 +13 44 34.7|S|16.3|V|PNN |PN G221.5+46.3 PG0950+078 | 9 52 59.09 +07 31 07.2|S|15.9|V|DA4 | PG0950+158 | 9 53 16.90 +15 33 41.8|U|15.5|V|sdOD | PG0950+120 | 9 53 31.95 +11 44 59.9|U|15.2|V|sdBO |PG coords wrong PG0952+519 | 9 55 19.46 +51 36 59.0|T|12.8|V|sdO | PG0953+024 | 9 55 34.60 +02 12 48.7|U|15.0|V|sdOC | PG0953+415 | 9 56 52.39 +41 15 22.2|U|15.1|V|QSO | PG0954+697 | 9 58 30.84 +69 28 58.8|S|15.9|V|DA3 | PG0954+049 | 9 57 01.49 +04 38 58.2|U|12.9|V|sd | PG0954+135 | 9 57 18.99 +13 12 56.5|S|17.2|V|DA |PG coords wrong PG0954+247 | 9 57 29.55 +24 29 44.2|U|15.7|V|sdOA | PG0954+248 | 9 57 48.35 +24 32 55.6|U|15.1|V|DA5 |lg pm PG0955+291 | 9 58 15.21 +28 52 32.7|U|13.0|V|HBB | PG0955-008 | 9 58 10.68 -01 04 17.7|S|16.7|V|DA3 | PG0956+046 | 9 58 37.26 +04 21 30.7|S|15.9|V|DA5 |composite PG0956+021 | 9 58 50.52 +01 47 24.1|S|15.7|V|DA3 |PG coords wrong PG0956-117 | 9 59 06.66 -11 59 14.3|U|15.7|V|sdB | PG0956+359 | 9 59 56.01 +35 39 59.1|U|15.3|V|sdOB | PG0957+037 | 9 59 52.01 +03 30 32.8|U|15.5|V|sd | PG0958-116 |10 00 41.82 -11 51 34.6|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG0958-119 |10 00 42.58 -12 05 59.3|U|14.1|V|sdOB | PG0958-073 |10 00 47.25 -07 33 30.8|U|13.6|V|sdB | PG0959-085 |10 01 33.30 -08 42 50.3|U|16.3|V|sdOD | PG0959+297 |10 02 22.50 +29 27 55.0|S|16.4|V|sd | PG1000+375 |10 03 19.67 +37 16 34.9|U|15.1|V|sdB | PG1000+221 |10 03 14.36 +21 51 24.1|S|16.0|V|DA6 | PG1000-002 |10 03 16.35 -00 23 37.0|S|16.1|V|DA3 | PG1000+408 |10 03 54.28 +40 34 18.1|U|13.4|V|sdB | PG1000+667 |10 04 34.76 +66 29 15.1|M|15.4|V|CV: |LN UMa, PG +10s RA error PG1001+292 |10 04 02.62 +28 55 35.3|U|15.7|V|QSO | PG1001+204 |10 04 04.27 +20 09 22.4|S|15.3|V|DA + K | PG1001+055 |10 04 20.13 +05 13 00.5|U|16.3|V|QSO | PG1002+506 |10 05 29.30 +50 20 39.4|S|15.0|V|CV |non-cv PG1003+678 |10 07 00.73 +67 32 47.5|M|15. |V|CV |CH UMa PG1003-023 |10 05 51.51 -02 34 17.8|b|15.4|V|DA3 | PG1004+008 |10 06 45.75 +00 32 04.5|S|16.7|V|sd | PG1004+131 |10 07 26.10 +12 48 56.2|U|15.4|V|QSO |4C +13.41 = IRAS Z10047+1303 PG1005+642 |10 09 36.34 +63 58 37.6|b|13.7|V|DA2 | PG1006-145 |10 09 23.01 -14 43 03.0|U|15.2|V|sdB | PG1008+689 |10 12 00.92 +68 43 20.4|T|12.9|V|HBB |PG coords poor PG1008+756 |10 12 42.61 +75 19 39.0|M|14.6|V|sdB | PG1008+133 |10 11 10.86 +13 04 12.2|S|16.5|V|QSO | PG1009+491 |10 12 42.21 +48 49 37.4|S|16.5|V|sdB | PG1009+069 |10 12 13.21 +06 40 30.7|S|15.5|V|sdOB | PG1010+043 |10 13 12.71 +04 05 14.2|S|16.7|V|DA | PG1010+065 |10 13 28.17 +06 12 07.4|S|16.6|V|DA1 | PG1011+294 |10 13 56.31 +29 06 14.5|U|14.0|V|HBB | PG1011+649 |10 15 17.58 +64 43 56.9|S|14.9|V|sdOB | PG1011-041 |10 14 20.68 -04 18 40.3|U|14.8|V|QSO |IRAS Z10118-0403 PG1012+008 |10 14 54.90 +00 33 37.4|U|16.2|V|QSO | PG1012+008a|10 15 09.29 +00 33 00.6|U|14.9|V|sdB | PG1012-029 |10 15 09.39 -03 08 32.8|M|14.7|V|CV |SW Sex PG1013+257 |10 16 16.94 +25 24 56.8|S|16.4|V|DA2 | PG1015+161 |10 18 03.82 +15 51 58.5|B|15.6|V|DA3 | PG1015+076 |10 18 01.6 +07 21 24. |S|15.4|V|DA5 |2" cpm pair PG1015+014 |10 18 05.04 +01 11 23.6|S|16.3|V|DCx5 | PG1016+336 |10 19 49.49 +33 22 04.0|U|15. |V|Gal |CGCG 183-014, PG coords wrong PG1017-113 |10 19 28.77 -11 32 38.7|g|16.4|V|sdB | PG1017+125 |10 19 55.91 +12 16 31.5|U|15.7|V|DA3 | PG1017+431 |10 20 29.82 +42 50 21.9|U|15.2|V|sdB | PG1017-086 |10 20 14.47 -08 53 46.4|U|14.4|V|sdB |XY Sex PG1018-047 |10 21 10.58 -04 56 19.6|U|13.3|V|sdB | PG1018+411 |10 21 55.50 +40 50 14.8|S|16.4|V|DA3 | PG1019+129 |10 22 28.75 +12 41 59.2|S|15.6|V|DA3 | PG1020+695 |10 23 58.67 +69 11 45.2|M|14.7|V|sdOB | PG1020+058 |10 23 20.81 +05 34 46.0|S|16.4|V|HBB | PG1020+142 |10 23 27.68 +13 59 26.4|U|15.2|V|sdB | PG1021-029 |10 24 18.00 -03 10 38.1|S|15.4|V|sdBO | PG1022+519 |10 25 31.28 +51 40 34.9|S|15.6|V|Sey |Mrk 142 PG1022+050 |10 24 59.84 +04 46 10.5|b|14.2|V|DA4 | PG1022+459 |10 25 41.29 +45 43 32.5|U|15.8|V|sdB | PG1023+009 |10 25 49.71 +00 39 06.1|S|16.3|V|DA2 | PG1024+238 |10 27 04.69 +23 33 50.6|S|14.5|V|sd | PG1025+244 |10 27 51.14 +24 09 16.9|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG1025+258 |10 28 44.64 +25 30 18.4|S|16.2|V|DA |composite PG1026+002 |10 28 34.88 -00 00 29.4|C|13.9|V|DA |UZ Sex, composite PG1026-037 |10 28 50.03 -04 00 00.3|U|15.9|V|sdBO | PG1026+259 |10 29 07.31 +25 40 08.4|S|17.1|V|sdOC | PG1026-057 |10 29 02.06 -05 54 27.8|b|16.9|V|DB3 | PG1026+024 |10 29 09.80 +02 05 53.6|S|14.2|V|DA4 | PG1026+454 |10 29 45.27 +45 07 05.0|S|16.1|V|DA1 | PG1027-077 |10 30 22.73 -07 59 01.1|S|16.3|V|sdB | PG1029-048 |10 32 17.79 -05 04 58.8|g|16.3|V|sd | PG1030-104 |10 32 34.74 -10 38 25.8|g|16.6|V|sdOB | PG1030+665 |10 33 44.29 +66 16 12.5|S|15.5|V|sdOB | PG1030+590 |10 33 52.86 +58 46 54.7|S|15. |V|CV |DW UMa PG1031+234 |10 33 49.19 +23 09 16.3|S|15.6|V|DAp2 |GH Leo PG1031+063 |10 34 05.34 +06 02 47.6|S|16.3|V|DA4 | PG1032+406 |10 35 16.58 +40 21 14.5|U|11.6|V|sdB | PG1032+007 |10 35 12.77 +00 27 29.1|S|15.1|V|sd | PG1033+097 |10 35 49.68 +09 25 51.9|S|16.2|V|sdO: | PG1033+464 |10 36 25.22 +46 08 31.3|M|14.3|V|DA4 + K | PG1033+201 |10 36 38.94 +19 52 02.3|S|15.7|V|sdB | PG1034+001 |10 37 03.80 -00 08 19.1|U|13.2|V|DO hot | PG1034+492 |10 37 43.47 +48 57 20.8|S|15.5|V|DA3 | PG1035+532 |10 38 54.02 +52 58 47.9|S|16.2|V|DA1: | PG1036+086 |10 39 07.38 +08 18 40.9|S|16.3|V|DA2 | PG1036+434 |10 39 36.74 +43 06 09.2|U|11.2|V|sdO |Feige 34 PG1037+320 |10 40 00.23 +31 46 17.9|U|14.7|V|HBB | PG1037+512 |10 40 16.79 +50 56 46.9|S|16.3|V|DA2 |must have cool comp PG1037+143 |10 40 25.66 +14 05 06.8|S|14.5|V|sdB | PG1038+291 |10 40 52.58 +28 48 56.8|S|16.6|V|DB4 | PG1038+155 |10 40 51.24 +15 11 33.7|S|16. |V|CV |DO Leo PG1038+270 |10 40 56.71 +26 44 58.8|S|15.6|V|? | PG1038+510 |10 41 23.13 +50 44 20.1|S|14.9|V|sdOB | PG1038+634 |10 41 57.23 +63 07 01.6|S|15.1|V|DA2 | PG1038+139 |10 41 30.38 +13 41 14.3|S|15.7|V|sdBO | PG1039-119 |10 42 00.79 -12 06 11.3|g|16.5|V|sd |PG coords wrong PG1039+219 |10 41 52.70 +21 40 32.8|U|13.1|V|sdB | PG1039+748 |10 43 22.33 +74 30 47.1|b|15.6|V|DA2 |NWrn of 9" opt pair, PG coords poor PG1039+463 |10 42 32.45 +45 59 44.9|U|14.0|V|HBB | PG1039+412 |10 42 33.56 +40 57 15.2|S|16.2|V|DA | PG1040+452 |10 43 32.63 +44 53 29.0|S|16.9|V|sdB | PG1040+234 |10 43 39.36 +23 09 06.2|U|13.4|V|sdB | PG1041+580 |10 44 45.87 +57 44 36.4|b|14.6|V|DA2 | PG1043+760 |10 47 04.98 +75 44 22.9|M|13.5|V|sdB | PG1043+206 |10 46 16.01 +20 21 27.9|U|16.3|V|sd | PG1045+100 |10 47 39.10 +09 44 24.3|S|16.9|V|sdOB | PG1045+096 |10 47 50.86 -09 50 49.9|C|16.1|V|sd |PG Dec-sign error; SWrn of 2".5 cpm pair (comp red) PG1045-018 |10 48 32.65 -02 01 11.1|S|15.8|V|DB4 | PG1046+526 |10 49 05.03 +52 20 07.8|S|14.8|V|Gal |Mrk 153, coords for brtst knot PG1046+282 |10 49 28.89 +27 54 22.5|S|15.4|V|DA4 | PG1046+189 |10 49 33.54 +18 42 40.7|U|14.9|V|sdB | PG1047+003 |10 50 02.83 -00 00 36.9|U|13.5|V|sdB |UY Sex PG1047+694 |10 51 09.45 +69 10 45.7|g|16.3|V|DA2 |PG coords poor PG1047-046 |10 50 26.90 -04 52 35.9|M|14.7|V|sdB | PG1047-066 |10 50 28.80 -06 53 26.1|U|14.8|V|sdOB | PG1048+343 |10 51 43.90 +33 59 26.7|S|16.7|V|QSO | PG1048-090 |10 51 29.92 -09 18 10.2|M|16.0|V|QSO |3C 346 PG1049-006 |10 51 51.44 -00 51 17.8|U|15.7|V|QSO |IRAS Z10492-0035 PG1049+103 |10 52 27.72 +10 03 37.6|S|15.5|V|DA4 |composite PG1049+013 |10 52 28.19 +01 03 45.8|U|14.6|V|sdB |galaxy 8" SE PG1050-065 |10 53 26.46 -06 46 14.6|U|13.9|V|sd | PG1051+501 |10 54 18.53 +49 49 59.7|U|13.3|V|sdB | PG1051+274 |10 54 43.34 +27 06 57.1|M|14.2|V|DA3 | PG1052+551 |10 55 48.08 +54 48 38.9|S|16.2|V|HBB | PG1052-081 |10 55 25.38 -08 20 45.8|g|16.1|V|sd | PG1053-092 |10 55 45.34 -09 30 58.3|g|16.5|V|DB | PG1053+071 |10 56 23.90 +06 49 37.5|U|14.1|V|HBB |RR Lyr var PG1055-073 |10 57 35.12 -07 31 23.3|b|14.3|V|DA6 |lg pm PG1056+324 |10 59 05.23 +32 06 20.6|U|14.7|V|sdB | PG1056+345 |10 59 25.52 +34 14 52.3|U|15.5|V|DB5 |NSV 18573, lg pm PG1056+297 |10 59 27.96 +29 25 09.7|U|13.5|V|HBB | PG1057+719 |11 00 34.22 +71 38 03.0|b|14.6|V|DA1 | PG1057-059 |11 00 08.93 -06 11 25.0|g|17. |V|DO cool | PG1058-129 |11 01 12.24 -13 14 42.2|U|14.9|V|DA1 | PG1100+526 |11 02 55.97 +52 18 58.2|S|17.1|V|sdOB | PG1100+773 |11 04 13.85 +76 58 58.2|M|15.2|V|QSO |3C 249.1 PG1100-008 |11 03 02.37 -01 03 38.8|S|16.5|V|sdB | PG1100-142 |11 03 03.95 -14 25 27.5|U|15.6|V|sd | PG1100+605 |11 03 44.91 +60 11 30.6|M|12.4|V|DA3 | PG1100+591 |11 03 43.20 +58 50 32.8|M|13.4|V|sd |SErn of 4".5 cpm? pair PG1101+529 |11 04 03.02 +52 37 12.8|S|14.9|V|sdB | PG1101+113 |11 03 53.54 +11 00 05.5|U|15.2|V|sdBO | PG1101+453 |11 04 25.64 +45 03 14.0|S|15.2|V|CV |AN UMa PG1101+364 |11 04 32.57 +36 10 48.9|U|14.5|V|DA3 |PG coords wrong PG1101+385 |11 04 27.31 +38 12 31.8|-|12.8|V|DC |composite, PG coords poor, Mrk 421 PG1101+249 |11 04 31.64 +24 39 42.7|U|12.8|V|sd |Feige 36 PG1101+242 |11 04 37.97 +23 56 41.5|S|16.5|V|DA2 | PG1102+097 |11 04 45.01 +09 25 30.9|S|16.2|V|sd | PG1102+294 |11 04 58.3 +29 08 17. |g|15.4|V|Gal |Mrk 36 PG1102+749 |11 05 56.16 +74 36 39.9|b|15.0|V|DA3 | PG1102+499 |11 05 23.17 +49 34 59.8|U|14.3|V|sdOB | PG1103+385 |11 05 50.62 +38 13 03.3|S|17.0|V|DA |PG coords poor PG1103-006 |11 06 31.77 -00 52 52.4|S|16.3|V|QSO |4C -00.43 PG1104+022 |11 06 40.22 +01 54 51.3|U|14.7|V|CV: |non-cv PG1104+299 |11 06 50.47 +29 35 32.7|S|15.7|V|sdB | PG1104+476 |11 07 25.46 +47 21 11.2|S|16.7|V|HBB | PG1104+243 |11 07 26.23 +24 03 11.1|U|11.3|V|Bin |BD+24 2317 PG1105-049 |11 07 59.95 -05 09 26.1|U|13.1|V|DA3 |NSV 5096, lg pm PG1105+299 |11 08 21.54 +29 36 49.1|S|15.4|V|sdB | PG1106-085 |11 08 32.19 -08 43 26.3|g|16.8|V|sdB |Srn of 9" pair PG1106+083 |11 08 44.12 +08 01 39.9|L|16.1|V|sdB |lg pm PG1106+609 |11 09 31.98 +60 35 02.9|S|14.8|V|sdB | PG1106+229 |11 09 12.68 +22 36 11.6|U|14.4|V|HBB | PG1106-097 |11 09 08.18 -09 58 47.5|g|16.5|V|sdO | PG1106+271 |11 09 20.39 +26 47 25.4|U|15.5|V|sdB | PG1107+266 |11 09 59.84 +26 18 47.4|L|15.8|V|DB4 |lg pm PG1108+325 |11 10 45.91 +32 14 47.2|S|16.7|V|DA1 | PG1108+476 |11 11 20.69 +47 18 26.2|S|15.4|V|DA5 | PG1108-018 |11 11 12.55 -02 06 29.4|g|16.6|V|sdOA | PG1109-070 |11 11 36.29 -07 18 32.3|U|14.2|V|Bin | PG1109-016 |11 12 23.14 -01 55 05.6|U|15.2|V|sdB | PG1109-114 |11 12 28.31 -11 40 02.5|g|17.0|V|sdB | PG1109+244 |11 12 38.89 +24 09 01.3|S|15.7|V|DA2 | PG1110+294 |11 13 04.48 +29 07 46.2|U|14.1|V|sdB | PG1110+045 |11 13 17.32 +04 13 14.5|U|14.9|V|sdOA |composite? PG1111+204 |11 13 40.19 +20 10 32.1|U|13.6|V|Bin | PG1111+099 |11 13 49.75 +09 35 10.7|S|13.8|V|Gal |IC 2637 PG1111-077 |11 13 48.42 -08 00 20.7|U|13.7|V|sdBO | PG1111+339 |11 14 36.51 +33 40 27.1|U|12.5|V|sd | PG1112+339 |11 14 53.31 +33 39 01.9|U|15.2|V|sdB | PG1112+431 |11 15 06.02 +42 49 48.9|S|17.2|V|QSO |IRAS Z11123+4305 PG1113+413 |11 15 53.65 +41 02 59.1|S|15.4|V|DA2 | PG1114+073 |11 16 49.37 +06 59 33.2|U|13.0|V|sdB |Feige 38 PG1114+445 |11 17 06.40 +44 13 33.3|S|15.8|V|QSO |IRAS Z11143+4429 PG1114+224 |11 17 03.62 +22 06 31.5|S|16.3|V|DA2 | PG1114+187 |11 17 03.54 +18 25 58.2|S|14.8|V|CV |HK Leo (non-cv) PG1114+245 |11 17 19.92 +24 12 07.0|U|13.6|V|HBB | PG1115+166 |11 17 55.10 +16 21 29.3|B|15.2|V|DA5 | PG1115-065 |11 18 11.65 -06 47 32.1|U|15.0|V|sdOB | PG1115+149 |11 18 15.02 +14 34 52.4|U|14.2|V|HBB |PG coords poor PG1115+080 |11 18 16.95 +07 45 58.2|S|16.1|V|QSO |SErn of lensed 2".5 quartet PG1115-029 |11 18 15.07 -03 14 05.6|U|15.3|V|DC5 |lg pm PG1115+158 |11 18 22.67 +15 33 34.5|S|15.8|V|DB2 |DT Leo PG1115+407 |11 18 30.29 +40 25 54.0|S|15.8|V|Sey |coords for SWrn component PG1115+276 |11 18 29.80 +27 17 01.9|S|15.6|V|sdB | PG1115+201 |11 18 34.78 +19 49 47.0|U|13.2|V|sd | PG1116+301 |11 19 04.82 +29 51 52.7|U|14.3|V|sdB | PG1116+216 |11 19 08.67 +21 19 18.0|U|14.4|V|QSO | PG1116+026 |11 19 12.40 +02 20 33.1|S|14.6|V|DA4 | PG1116+349 |11 19 31.33 +34 40 14.1|U|13.4|V|CV |non-cv PG1117+312 |11 20 00.38 +30 56 59.9|U|14.6|V|sdB | PG1118+099 |11 20 56.23 +09 36 41.8|S|16.4|V|sdB | PG1118+061 |11 21 02.65 +05 49 01.0|U|14.3|V|sdB | PG1119+120 |11 21 47.12 +11 44 19.0|U|14.7|V|Sey |Mrk 734 PG1119+377 |11 22 17.88 +37 26 53.0|U|15.9|V|sdB | PG1119+147 |11 22 13.11 +14 26 21.8|S|16.2|V|CV | PG1119+619 |11 22 42.69 +61 37 58.5|S|15.3|V|sdB | PG1119+386 |11 22 38.12 +38 18 26.7|S|15.7|V|DA4 | PG1120+439 |11 22 55.00 +43 42 57.7|S|15.5|V|DA1 | PG1121+216 |11 24 12.97 +21 21 35.6|U|14.2|V|DA7 |lg pm, near fld star ~2005 PG1121+145 |11 24 15.17 +14 13 46.3|S|16.6|V|DA1 | PG1121+423 |11 24 39.18 +42 01 45.1|U|16.0|V|QSO | PG1122+518 |11 24 54.35 +51 28 33.3|S|16.4|V|sdBO | PG1122+546 |11 25 18.89 +54 19 36.2|L|15.4|V|DA4 |lg pm PG1123+189 |11 26 19.09 +18 39 16.4|S|13.8|V|DA weak |composite, SErn of 1".5 cpm pair, PG coords poor PG1124+123 |11 26 37.07 +11 59 59.9|S|15.7|V|sd | PG1124-019 |11 27 21.31 -02 08 37.6|S|16.4|V|DA3 | PG1125+175 |11 28 15.61 +17 14 08.9|S|16.7|V|sdOB | PG1125-026 |11 28 14.51 -02 50 23.6|U|15.6|V|DA3 | PG1125-055 |11 28 12.25 -05 46 15.1|g|16.7|V|sdOC | PG1125+295 |11 28 29.29 +29 15 04.3|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG1126+384 |11 29 10.89 +38 08 51.7|S|15.0|V|DA2 | PG1126+186 |11 29 18.04 +18 16 45.7|U|13.9|V|DC |composite PG1126-041 |11 29 16.73 -04 24 07.2|U|14.4|V|QSO |Mrk 1298 = IRAS Z11267-0407 PG1126+469 |11 29 28.67 +46 35 31.8|U|14.5|V|HBB | PG1127-088 |11 29 47.40 -09 04 32.9|g|16.5|V|sd | PG1127+019 |11 30 03.70 +01 37 37.3|U|13.8|V|sdOD | PG1127+746 |11 31 01.19 +74 20 51.8|g|16.5|V|sdOB |PG -20s RA error PG1127+370 |11 30 27.66 +36 44 14.4|S|15.0|V|Gal |Mrk 424 PG1128+565 |11 31 18.88 +56 11 26.9|S|16.4|V|DA2 | PG1128+199 |11 31 11.53 +19 36 40.7|S|15.6|V|sdB | PG1128+098 |11 31 14.33 +09 32 19.0|U|14.4|V|CV |non-cv PG1129+373 |11 31 43.40 +37 01 28.1|S|16.5|V|DB4 | PG1129+072 |11 32 03.47 +06 55 09.4|S|14.9|V|DA4 | PG1129-081 |11 32 20.88 -08 21 22.0|C|16.7|V|sdBO |NWrn of 7" cpm pair (G-type companion at 11:32:21.27-08:21:25.7, V=16.5) PG1129+156 |11 32 27.38 +15 17 30.6|S|14.1|V|DA4 | PG1130-063 |11 32 41.59 -06 36 52.8|M|16.1|V|sdB |PG coords poor PG1130+054 |11 32 57.49 +05 06 48.4|S|14.9|V|sdB | PG1130+564 |11 33 40.60 +56 06 24.9|S|15.3|V|sdB | PG1131+614 |11 34 44.65 +61 08 26.5|S|15.5|V|sdB | PG1132+471 |11 34 48.83 +46 48 35.8|L|16.4|V|DA2 |lg pm PG1133+103 |11 35 47.53 +10 03 14.9|U|15.5|V|sdBO | PG1133+489 |11 36 09.59 +48 43 19.0|S|17.1|V|DO cool |composite? PG1133+293 |11 36 14.01 +29 01 30.0|S|14.9|V|DA3 |Feige 45 PG1134+073 |11 36 54.21 +07 03 36.8|S|17.0|V|DB3 | PG1134+301 |11 37 05.10 +29 47 58.3|U|12.5|V|DA2 |lg pm PG1134+124 |11 37 15.30 +12 08 10.0|U|16.1|V|DA4 | PG1134+463 |11 37 30.88 +46 00 06.2|U|15.2|V|sdO | PG1134+144 |11 37 26.37 +14 10 14.2|B|13.3|V|sdO |NSV 18813 PG1135+585 |11 37 54.10 +58 15 24.7|S|16.1|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG1135+124 |11 38 13.0 +12 06 44. |U|13.3|V|Gal |NGC 3773, midpoint of dbl nucleus PG1135-116 |11 38 10.57 -11 51 03.6|g|15.9|V|sdOB | PG1135+036 |11 38 26.83 +03 22 07.1|S|15.3|V|CV |QZ Vir formerly T Leo PG1136+581 |11 38 35.68 +57 52 27.0|S|15.3|V|CV |galaxy (not cv), PG coords wrong PG1136-003 |11 38 40.68 -00 35 31.7|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG1137+470 |11 39 42.02 +46 43 49.5|U|15.5|V|sdB | PG1137+287 |11 40 24.87 +28 22 26.3|S|14.3|V|Gal |UGC 6637 PG1138+425 |11 41 14.84 +42 12 22.6|U|15.9|V|sdBO | PG1138-101 |11 41 09.88 -10 20 09.5|M|14.2|V|sdB | PG1138+041 |11 41 16.53 +03 46 59.6|S|17.1|V|QSO | PG1138+424 |11 41 36.35 +42 08 41.8|S|16.3|V|DA | PG1140-050 |11 42 57.83 -05 17 14.1|M|15.3|V|sdBO | PG1140-078 |11 43 11.21 -08 01 34.0|g|16.9|V|sdB | PG1140+719 |11 43 38.49 +71 41 20.6|M|15.8|V|CV |DO Dra PG1141+505 |11 43 49.96 +50 10 20.2|S|16.6|V|DA + K |NSV 18860 PG1141+078 |11 43 59.35 +07 29 05.9|M|14.3|V|DA1 | PG1141-116 |11 44 18.04 -11 50 39.2|U|14.4|V|sd | PG1141+000 |11 44 29.33 -00 17 17.9|S|16.0|V|sdB |PG coords poor PG1142-037 |11 44 57.24 -03 56 53.2|g|15.9|V|sdBO | PG1142-042 |11 45 21.16 -04 26 05.8|U|16. |V|CV |TW Vir PG1143+321 |11 45 56.66 +31 49 30.7|U|13.7|V|DA4 |Ern of 9" cpm pair PG1144+005 |11 46 35.23 +00 12 33.5|U|15.1|V|sdOD: | PG1144-085 |11 46 53.98 -08 45 46.6|b|16.0|V|DB | PG1144+615 |11 47 14.49 +61 15 31.8|M|13.5|V|sd |Feige 48 = KL UMa PG1145+446 |11 47 50.82 +44 21 05.1|L|17.0|V|Me |lg pm, PG coords wrong PG1145+081 |11 47 57.97 +07 47 41.7|L|15.9|V|DC6 |lg pm PG1145+188 |11 48 03.17 +18 30 46.6|b|14.2|V|DA2 | PG1145-135 |11 48 11.89 -13 46 18.4|M|14.3|V|sd | PG1146+228 |11 49 00.56 +22 31 04.6|U|15.0|V|CV |non-cv PG1146+722 |11 49 40.35 +71 53 48.7|b|13.7|V|Me | PG1147-085 |11 49 45.02 -08 48 54.6|g|16.5|V|sdB | PG1147+256 |11 50 20.18 +25 18 32.7|U|15.7|V|DA5 |NErn of 37" cpm pair PG1148+549 |11 51 20.46 +54 37 33.1|S|15.6|V|QSO |IRAS F11486+5454 PG1149+411 |11 51 42.12 +40 47 14.1|L|16.1|V|DA3 |lg pm PG1149-133 |11 51 50.61 -13 37 15.8|b|16.3|V|DB2 | PG1149+203 |11 51 55.44 +20 01 59.6|S|15.7|V|HBB | PG1149+058 |11 51 54.20 +05 28 39.9|L|14.9|V|DA4 |lg pm PG1149+394 |11 52 04.04 +39 08 27.2|U|15.4|V|sdB |high gravity PG1149-111 |11 52 03.54 -11 22 24.3|M|15.0|V|Sey |IRAS Z11495-1105 PG1150-105 |11 53 28.59 -10 46 42.2|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG1151+118 |11 53 49.27 +11 28 30.4|S|16.3|V|QSO | PG1151+359 |11 53 58.82 +35 39 29.0|S|16.5|V|sdB | PG1151-029 |11 54 15.06 -03 12 05.1|S|16.0|V|PG1159 | PG1152-119 |11 55 09.91 -12 11 55.1|g|16.0|V|sdB | PG1153-119 |11 55 34.11 -12 12 25.0|g|16.7|V|sdB | PG1153+344 |11 56 00.30 +34 07 25.1|U|14.8|V|sdB | PG1153-080 |11 56 02.71 -08 17 32.2|g|16.3|V|sdO | PG1154-031 |11 56 54.09 -03 25 10.2|S|16.4|V|sdBO | PG1154-070 |11 57 03.62 -07 17 30.0|U|14.3|V|sd | PG1155+492 |11 57 44.83 +48 56 18.2|S|15.8|V|CV |BE UMa (non-cv) PG1155+741 |11 58 40.54 +73 50 26.0|M|15.4|V|sdB | PG1156-037 |11 59 22.03 -04 01 26.7|U|13.5|V|CV |non-cv PG1157+004 |11 59 52.04 +00 07 51.9|S|15.8|V|CV: |non-cv PG1157+039 |12 00 15.96 +03 43 08.3|U|13.5|V|HBB |RR Lyr var PG1158+433 |12 01 09.50 +42 59 47.4|U|16.1|V|DA4 | PG1159-035 |12 01 45.97 -03 45 40.6|M|14.9|V|PG1159 |GW Vir, PG 1159 prototype PG1159-098 |12 02 07.65 -10 04 39.7|U|16.0|V|DA6 |lg pm PG1200+549 |12 02 53.97 +54 37 09.5|S|16.4|V|DA2 | PG1200+094 |12 03 19.37 +09 09 51.5|U|14.8|V|sdBO | PG1200-095 |12 03 21.73 -09 48 05.6|b|16.5|V|? |HE 1200-0931 (sdB) PG1201+258 |12 03 41.21 +25 31 11.5|U|15.2|V|sdBO |PG coords poor PG1201-001 |12 03 47.43 -00 23 10.9|S|15.2|V|DA3 | PG1201-049 |12 04 21.64 -05 13 26.3|g|16.2|V|DA | PG1201+438 |12 04 24.03 +43 30 56.9|S|16.1|V|DC |composite PG1202+608 |12 04 38.53 +60 32 08.0|S|13.6|V|sdB | PG1202+282 |12 04 42.11 +27 54 11.8|S|17.0|V|QSO |GQ Com PG1202+404 |12 05 12.56 +40 07 48.8|U|15.5|V|sdB |HZ 17 PG1202+309 |12 05 25.01 +30 34 44.7|S|16.1|V|DA2 | PG1203+093 |12 05 34.59 +09 03 15.9|S|15.1|V|sdB | PG1203+355 |12 05 49.87 +35 10 46.0|S|15.4|V|Sey |Mrk 646 PG1203-108 |12 05 56.56 -11 05 28.4|U|15.9|V|sdOC | PG1203+084 |12 06 05.99 +08 09 43.4|S|16.2|V|sdOB |must have cool comp PG1203+574 |12 06 24.40 +57 09 36.2|S|14.7|V|sdB | PG1204+451 |12 06 47.52 +44 49 54.4|S|15.1|V|DA2 |NWrn of 4".5 opt pair, PG -1' Dec error PG1204+543 |12 07 28.43 +54 01 29.1|S|15.9|V|sdOC | PG1205+228 |12 07 57.67 +22 31 52.0|U|11.0|V|HBB | PG1206+373 |12 08 57.45 +37 02 58.1|S|15.6|V|sdB |HZ 18, Srn of 6" pair PG1206+459 |12 08 58.01 +45 40 35.4|U|15.3|V|QSO |IRAS Z12063+4557 PG1206+165 |12 09 16.69 +16 11 55.0|U|13.7|V|sdB | PG1206-028 |12 09 27.94 -03 02 06.2|S|17.1|V|sdOB | PG1207-033 |12 09 36.08 -03 33 07.6|U|13.5|V|DA4 | PG1208+224 |12 11 16.09 +22 06 37.0|U|15.0|V|sdOA |NErn of 11" opt pair PG1209+181 |12 11 58.87 +17 51 44.3|U|15.3|V|HBB | PG1209+263 |12 12 13.34 +26 00 00.0|U|14.5|V|HBB | PG1210+141 |12 12 33.88 +13 46 24.9|B|14.7|V|sd | PG1210+429 |12 12 38.58 +42 40 01.8|U|15.0|V|Bin |HZ 20 PG1210+464 |12 12 59.64 +46 09 46.5|S|14.9|V|DA |composite PG1210+533 |12 13 24.64 +53 03 57.4|M|14.1|V|DAO | PG1211+332 |12 13 56.29 +32 56 31.7|b|14.7|V|DO cool |HZ 21 PG1211+143 |12 14 17.67 +14 03 13.1|U|14.3|V|QSO |IRAS Z12117+1420 PG1212+369 |12 14 48.53 +36 38 49.3|U|13.1|V|sdBO |HZ 22 = UX CVn, PG coords poor PG1212-012 |12 15 01.85 -01 28 14.8|U|15.1|V|HBB | PG1213+456 |12 15 44.13 +45 20 48.5|U|14.7|V|HBB | PG1214+268 |12 16 35.02 +26 29 34.8|U|15.5|V|DA1 | PG1214+031 |12 16 49.04 +02 47 25.8|U|13.8|V|sdB | PG1215+025 |12 17 56.19 +02 10 46.5|S|16.8|V|sdB | PG1216+036 |12 18 41.15 +03 20 22.3|b|16.0|V|DA4 | PG1216+069 |12 19 20.93 +06 38 38.5|U|15.3|V|QSO | PG1217-067 |12 19 57.68 -06 59 33.3|U|15.4|V|CV: |non-cv PG1218+497 |12 21 05.35 +49 27 20.5|S|16.3|V|DA1 |must have cool comp PG1218+305 |12 21 21.94 +30 10 37.2|U|15.9|V|BLL | PG1219+534 |12 21 29.08 +53 04 36.7|M|13.2|V|sd |KY UMa PG1220-056 |12 22 58.96 -05 53 04.8|U|14.8|V|sdOC | PG1220+234 |12 23 14.53 +23 07 51.2|b|15.6|V|DA2 | PG1222+217 |12 24 56.51 +21 21 36.5|S|16.4|V|Gal |PG coords poor PG1222+229 |12 25 27.40 +22 35 13.0|S|16.3|V|QSO | PG1223+059 |12 25 35.23 +05 35 59.9|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1223+478 |12 25 58.68 +47 32 46.0|b|16.6|V|DA1 | PG1223+617 |12 25 55.31 +61 24 29.4|S|16.7|V|sdBO |galaxy 11" E PG1223+488 |12 26 15.69 +48 29 38.3|S|15.1|V|Gal |Mrk 209, coords for br knot at W end PG1224+309 |12 26 30.87 +30 38 52.6|S|16.2|V|DA |LM Com, composite PG1224+672 |12 26 17.09 +66 53 15.4|T|11.9|V|sdBO | PG1224+583 |12 26 37.12 +57 59 27.6|S|17.1|V|sd | PG1225-079 |12 27 47.37 -08 14 38.1|b|14.8|V|DZ | PG1225-122 |12 28 07.41 -12 30 29.8|M|14.6|V|sdB | PG1226+023 |12 29 06.70 +02 03 08.6|-|12.8|V|QSO |3C 273 PG1226-107 |12 29 11.88 -10 56 35.1|g|16.5|V|sd | PG1226+119 |12 29 13.00 +11 40 58.7|U|15.3|V|HBB |not a galaxy PG1229-013 |12 31 34.51 -01 32 08.6|b|14.5|V|DA4 |NSV 19414, lg pm PG1229+204 |12 32 03.62 +20 09 29.5|U|15.3|V|Sey |Mrk 771 = IRAS Z12295+2025 PG1230+418 |12 32 26.20 +41 29 19.7|b|15.7|V|DA2 |HZ 28 PG1230+226 |12 32 55.28 +22 21 23.6|U|14.3|V|sd | PG1230+052 |12 33 12.57 +04 57 37.5|U|13.3|V|sdB | PG1230+067 |12 33 23.20 +06 25 17.7|M|13.2|V|sdOB | PG1231+465 |12 33 26.69 +46 13 27.1|b|15.9|V|DA | PG1232+501 |12 34 50.89 +49 47 20.8|S|14.0|V|sd | PG1232+379 |12 34 54.62 +37 37 44.1|U|14.1|V|CV He em |HZ 29 = AM CVn PG1232+479 |12 34 56.22 +47 37 33.4|U|14.5|V|DA3 |lg pm PG1232-136 |12 35 18.74 -13 55 08.9|U|13.2|V|sdOA | PG1232+229 |12 35 14.11 +22 35 19.2|U|15.6|V|sd | PG1232+238 |12 35 16.34 +23 34 23.9|S|17.2|V|DA |NErn of 14" opt pair PG1233+427 |12 35 51.14 +42 22 39.7|U|12.0|V|sdB |Feige 65 PG1233+338 |12 36 11.38 +33 30 49.1|U|15.7|V|DA2 | PG1234+224 |12 36 40.09 +22 09 17.7|U|16.2|V|HBB | PG1234+482 |12 36 45.15 +47 55 22.5|b|14.4|V|sdB | PG1234+505 |12 36 52.67 +50 15 13.6|M|14.7|V|sdB | PG1236+479 |12 39 05.04 +47 37 50.8|S|15.5|V|DA2 | PG1237+132 |12 39 39.41 +12 57 37.7|U|14.6|V|sdB | PG1237-141 |12 39 56.54 -14 24 47.7|g|16.3|V|sdB | PG1237+118 |12 40 06.23 +11 32 18.1|U|16.0|V|sdBO | PG1237-029 |12 40 09.55 -03 10 14.2|S|15.7|V|DA5 |lg pm PG1237+233 |12 40 25.06 +23 03 48.4|U|15.0|V|sd | PG1238+515 |12 40 38.28 +51 16 00.1|M|13.5|V|sdOB | PG1239+178 |12 41 51.79 +17 31 19.7|U|11.9|V|sdO |Feige 67 PG1239+439 |12 42 01.74 +43 40 23.3|S|16.9|V|sdOD | PG1239+044 |12 42 31.06 +04 06 43.8|S|15.5|V|sdB |PG coords poor PG1240+120 |12 42 31.40 +11 44 00.9|U|15.7|V|sdOC | PG1240+754 |12 42 02.15 +75 08 45.3|L|16.4|V|DA4 |NWrn of 6" cpm pair PG1241-101 |12 43 56.51 -10 21 39.5|U|15.5|V|sdB | PG1241+176 |12 44 10.82 +17 21 04.5|U|15.8|V|QSO | PG1241-084 |12 44 20.24 -08 40 16.9|U|10.6|V|sdB |BD-07 3477 = HW Vir PG1241+235 |12 44 16.58 +23 14 10.4|S|15.6|V|DA4 | PG1241-010 |12 44 28.57 -01 18 57.9|S|14.0|V|DA3 |NErn of 3" cpm pair PG1242-106 |12 44 52.66 -10 51 08.7|U|14.5|V|sdB |lg pm PG1242+442 |12 44 51.20 +43 52 52.6|S|16.5|V|sd | PG1242+241 |12 45 05.95 +23 52 24.0|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG1242+604 |12 45 06.95 +60 10 19.3|S|16.2|V|sdBO | PG1243+275 |12 46 14.36 +27 15 08.6|U|14.1|V|HBB | PG1244+026 |12 46 35.24 +02 22 08.5|U|15.9|V|QSO |IRAS F12440+0238 PG1244-004 |12 47 06.78 -00 39 25.8|S|16.5|V|sdBO | PG1244+113 |12 47 06.63 +11 03 13.3|U|14.2|V|sdB | PG1244+149 |12 47 14.73 +14 42 31.0|L|15.9|V|DA5 |NErn of 25" cpm pair PG1245-042 |12 48 13.88 -04 30 47.2|U|13.6|V|sd | PG1245+041 |12 48 19.07 +03 50 03.4|S|16.8|V|sdOB | PG1246+586 |12 48 18.79 +58 20 29.0|S|15.4|V|DC8 |BL Lac galaxy PG1246+029 |12 48 44.63 +02 35 22.3|U|11.6|V|HBB | PG1246-122 |12 49 21.67 -12 29 32.1|U|14.6|V|sdBO | PG1247-115 |12 49 54.17 -11 46 59.0|g|15.3|V|sd |PG coords wrong PG1247+576 |12 49 16.43 +57 18 01.4|S|16.6|V|DA | PG1247+042 |12 49 59.75 +03 57 26.6|S|16.6|V|sdOB |not cpm with G 60-38 PG1247+268 |12 50 05.71 +26 31 07.5|U|15.6|V|QSO | PG1247+554 |12 50 04.53 +55 06 01.8|T|12.3|V|DA3 |SErn of 2".5 opt pair PG1247+176 |12 50 23.02 +17 22 16.9|U|15.3|V|HBB | PG1248+164 |12 50 50.27 +16 10 03.1|U|14.4|V|HBB | PG1248+401 |12 50 48.32 +39 51 39.5|S|16.2|V|QSO | PG1248+375 |12 51 01.49 +37 10 49.7|U|15.6|V|Bin |HZ 32 PG1248+066 |12 51 29.18 +06 21 52.1|S|16.1|V|sdOB | PG1249+762 |12 50 39.93 +75 53 00.2|g|15.0|V|sdOC |Wrn of 14" pair PG1249+160 |12 52 17.14 +15 44 44.0|B|14.6|V|sdB | PG1249-028 |12 52 29.61 -03 01 29.7|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG1250+304 |12 53 18.49 +30 06 29.2|U|15.9|V|sdB |HZ 35 PG1251+019 |12 54 08.32 +01 43 24.1|S|15.6|V|sdO | PG1252+378 |12 55 14.68 +37 32 29.6|S|15.7|V|DAO |HZ 34 = NSV 6025, galaxy 5" E PG1252-009 |12 55 33.29 -01 08 22.2|U|15.5|V|HBB | PG1253+376 |12 55 58.92 +37 17 49.0|U|14.3|V|HBB | PG1253+284 |12 56 04.89 +28 07 19.5|U|12.8|V|sd | PG1254+279 |12 56 27.41 +27 42 32.0|S|15.8|V|sdB | PG1254+047 |12 56 59.93 +04 27 34.4|S|16.1|V|QSO | PG1254+223 |12 57 02.33 +22 01 52.5|L|13.4|V|DA1 |lg pm PG1255+426 |12 57 24.04 +42 20 54.3|S|17.4|V|DA3 | PG1255+089 |12 57 40.75 +08 37 50.5|S|16.7|V|sdB | PG1255+547 |12 57 49.33 +54 25 35.6|b|13.7|V|sdOA | PG1256+351 |12 59 00.3 +34 50 43. |S|13.6|V|Gal |Mrk 59, HII knot on SW end of NGC 4861 PG1256+278 |12 59 21.24 +27 34 06.0|U|14.3|V|sdOA |HZ 38 PG1257+276 |12 59 26.02 +27 21 22.7|U|15.5|V|sdOA |HZ 47 PG1257+279 |12 59 27.78 +27 38 10.7|S|15.5|V|PNN |PN G049.3+88.1 PG1257+171 |12 59 41.47 +16 48 27.2|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG1257+048 |12 59 50.36 +04 31 26.8|b|15.1|V|DA2 |SWrn of 9" cpm pair PG1257+278 |12 59 46.66 +27 34 04.1|L|15.4|V|DA6 |lg pm PG1257+032 |12 59 56.68 +02 55 56.4|b|15.6|V|DA3 | PG1257-026 |13 00 13.83 -02 49 52.6|U|13.9|V|sdB | PG1257+010 |13 00 25.52 +00 45 30.1|U|15.8|V|sdBO |cv? (non-cv) PG1258+012 |13 00 59.20 +00 57 11.8|S|16.4|V|sdOB | PG1258+593 |13 00 35.19 +59 04 15.8|b|15.3|V|DA4 |NErn of 16" cpm pair PG1258-030 |13 01 09.88 -03 16 48.2|U|13.1|V|sd | PG1259+593 |13 01 12.90 +59 02 06.7|M|15.6|V|QSO | PG1300+279 |13 02 41.76 +27 40 42.1|U|14.3|V|sdB | PG1300-099 |13 03 16.69 -10 09 11.5|b|16.1|V|DA | PG1301+270 |13 03 46.62 +26 46 30.5|U|15.6|V|sdOC | PG1301+545 |13 03 32.03 +54 12 24.3|g|15.7|V|DA2 | PG1302+284 |13 04 48.63 +28 07 29.3|U|15.5|V|DA1 | PG1302+597 |13 04 32.19 +59 27 32.8|M|14.5|V|DAB | PG1302-103 |13 05 33.02 -10 33 19.4|-|14.9|V|QSO | PG1303+122 |13 05 44.00 +11 58 40.8|g|16.0|V|sdB | PG1303+097 |13 06 03.89 +09 24 31.2|C|14.5|V|sdB | PG1303-114 |13 06 23.12 -11 41 33.4|U|13.7|V|sd | PG1304+491 |13 06 15.59 +48 50 20.9|U|13.8|V|sdBO |Feige 73 PG1305+018 |13 07 54.52 +01 32 10.5|S|15.3|V|DA2 |Wrn of 3" cpm pair PG1305-017 |13 08 15.21 -01 59 04.4|S|17.0|V|DA1 | PG1307+086 |13 09 47.00 +08 19 48.2|U|15.6|V|QSO | PG1307+354 |13 09 57.69 +35 09 47.2|U|15.7|V|DA5 |BG CVn, lg pm PG1308-099 |13 11 17.88 -10 07 08.5|U|15.7|V|DA4 |lg pm PG1309-078 |13 11 44.99 -08 05 21.7|U|14.2|V|Bin | PG1309+355 |13 12 17.75 +35 15 21.1|U|15.6|V|QSO | PG1310+130 |13 12 50.47 +12 44 41.8|U|15.5|V|HBB | PG1310+179 |13 12 48.79 +17 41 01.7|U|15.4|V|sdBO | PG1310-109 |13 13 05.79 -11 07 42.2|U|15.0|V|QSO |II SZ 10 PG1310+548 |13 12 49.50 +54 32 44.8|S|15.8|V|sdBO | PG1310+316 |13 13 13.33 +31 21 59.0|U|14.6|V|HBB |HZ 42 PG1310+583 |13 12 57.91 +58 05 11.1|L|14.1|V|DA5 |lg pm PG1311+372 |13 13 33.00 +36 56 49.0|U|14.6|V|sdB |HZ 40 PG1311+129 |13 13 51.30 +12 40 10.8|L|16.4|V|DBA3 | PG1312+099 |13 15 08.97 +09 37 13.9|S|16.4|V|DCp | PG1313+165 |13 15 46.08 +16 13 26.5|S|15.9|V|sdBO | PG1313+132 |13 15 58.12 +12 57 40.1|U|14.6|V|HBB |Feige 75 PG1314+294 |13 16 21.85 +29 05 55.4|U|12.7|V|DA1 |HZ 43 = NSV 6165, NErn of 2".5 cpm pair PG1314+041 |13 16 38.48 +03 48 18.5|S|15.9|V|CV |non-cv PG1314+442 |13 16 33.11 +43 59 05.5|U|15.2|V|sdOA | PG1314-067 |13 17 18.43 -06 59 27.8|g|15.9|V|DA3 | PG1314+130 |13 17 18.47 +12 46 54.8|U|15.2|V|HBB |Feige 76 PG1314+003 |13 17 24.75 +00 02 37.4|S|15.5|V|sdOC | PG1315-077 |13 17 37.00 -07 57 49.1|U|12.2|V|HBB | PG1315-123 |13 17 39.26 -12 32 52.3|U|15.4|V|sdB |cv? (non-cv) PG1315+645 |13 16 58.35 +64 15 22.6|M|15.1|V|Bin | PG1315+013 |13 17 45.80 +01 04 50.5|S|16.9|V|sdBO | PG1316+678 |13 17 51.71 +67 31 59.3|S|16.0|V|CV |non-cv PG1316-125 |13 18 52.33 -12 45 29.9|U|15.2|V|sd | PG1316+449 |13 18 47.08 +44 35 42.2|U|14.8|V|sdOD: | PG1316+212 |13 19 17.41 +20 57 16.0|U|15.2|V|sdO | PG1317+453 |13 19 13.72 +45 05 09.8|L|14.1|V|DA3 |lg pm PG1317+123 |13 19 53.60 +12 03 58.3|U|11.4|V|sdO |Feige 80 PG1318+144 |13 20 31.68 +14 10 19.7|U|15.4|V|HBB | PG1318+062 |13 20 44.39 +05 59 01.4|S|14.8|V|sdOC | PG1319+466 |13 21 15.10 +46 23 23.7|U|14.6|V|DA3 |lg pm PG1319+405 |13 22 09.93 +40 15 57.4|S|16.9|V|sdB | PG1320+645 |13 22 32.12 +64 15 45.8|S|16.4|V|DA2 | PG1321+265 |13 23 23.57 +26 16 32.4|S|16.2|V|sdBO | PG1322+369 |13 24 20.13 +36 35 45.7|U|14.5|V|Gal |Mrk 451 PG1322+077 |13 24 34.39 +07 25 25.3|S|16.8|V|DA2 |SWrn of 19" opt pair PG1322+659 |13 23 49.52 +65 41 48.2|S|16.0|V|QSO |IRAS Z13220+6557 PG1322+286 |13 24 34.87 +28 18 02.7|S|15.2|V|sdB |SIMBAD coords poor PG1323+391 |13 25 15.23 +38 53 01.0|S|16.3|V|sdB | PG1323-086 |13 25 39.47 -08 49 19.1|U|13.5|V|sdBO |V=14.6 not for this star PG1323+125 |13 25 57.23 +12 12 21.3|U|15.5|V|sdO | PG1323+042 |13 26 19.95 +03 57 54.4|S|15.4|V|sdOA | PG1324+053 |13 26 47.21 +05 02 25.9|U|14.7|V|HBB | PG1324+077 |13 26 48.66 +07 29 06.8|S|17.0|V|DA weak | PG1325+102 |13 27 48.56 +09 54 51.0|U|13.8|V|sdBO |QQ Vir PG1325+279 |13 27 49.54 +27 43 57.0|S|16.1|V|DA2 |galaxy 7" SW PG1325+168 |13 28 14.29 +16 31 51.6|S|16.4|V|DA4 |NWrn of 1".5 cpm pair PG1325+054 |13 28 21.37 +05 08 56.0|M|14.4|V|sdOC | PG1326-132 |13 29 12.22 -13 28 43.7|U|15.6|V|sd | PG1326+442 |13 28 44.05 +43 55 50.5|S|16.3|V|Gal |Mrk 259, coords for knot in NE side PG1326-037 |13 29 16.40 -03 58 51.8|b|15.5|V|DB2 | PG1327-119 |13 29 39.74 -12 13 06.1|g|15.4|V|sdB | PG1327+546 |13 29 17.48 +54 20 27.5|S|15.0|V|sdB | PG1327+268 |13 29 47.06 +26 34 40.7|S|15.7|V|HBB | PG1327-083 |13 30 13.64 -08 34 29.5|U|12.3|V|DA4 |lg pm PG1328+000 |13 30 40.91 -00 17 10.7|S|16.2|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG1328+315 |13 30 39.4 +31 17 05. |s|14.5|V|Gal |Mrk 455, galaxy center uncertain PG1328+344 |13 31 10.86 +34 08 41.5|b|15.0|V|DA4 | PG1329+144 |13 31 49.47 +14 09 25.0|U|15.3|V|HBB | PG1329+159 |13 31 53.55 +15 41 17.6|U|13.5|V|sdB |Feige 81 PG1329+413 |13 31 41.13 +41 01 58.7|S|17.1|V|QSO | PG1330+473 |13 32 36.04 +47 04 10.7|U|15.2|V|DA3 | PG1330-074 |13 33 16.62 -07 41 37.9|M|14.6|V|sdBO | PG1331+591 |13 33 38.03 +58 49 34.1|S|15.0|V|sdB | PG1332-091 |13 34 43.68 -09 21 45.0|g|16.5|V|sd | PG1332+163 |13 34 39.63 +15 59 48.8|b|16.3|V|DB3 | PG1332+137 |13 35 11.98 +13 27 44.1|U|11.9|V|HBB |Feige 84 = NSV 19883 PG1332+281 |13 35 16.60 +27 52 41.8|U|15.5|V|HBB | PG1333+511 |13 35 14.52 +50 50 12.3|S|17.0|V|DA weak | PG1333+498 |13 35 20.92 +49 31 06.6|S|15.7|V|DA2 |NWrn of 7" opt pair PG1333+177 |13 36 02.01 +17 25 13.1|S|16.0|V|QSO | PG1333+525 |13 35 46.82 +52 12 55.3|S|16.3|V|DA3 | PG1334+487 |13 36 01.95 +48 28 46.7|b|14.0|V|DB4 |NSV 19892, PG coords wrong PG1334+629 |13 35 51.62 +62 41 09.6|S|15.1|V|sdB | PG1334+117 |13 36 53.99 +11 26 05.4|S|16.4|V|sdBO | PG1335+701 |13 36 19.04 +69 49 43.0|b|15.5|V|DA2 | PG1335+369 |13 37 52.11 +36 37 33.7|b|14.7|V|DA4 |PG coords wrong PG1336-018 |13 38 48.14 -02 01 49.2|U|13.5|V|sdB |NY Vir PG1336+124 |13 39 13.54 +12 08 31.2|U|14.8|V|DB3 |lg pm PG1337+705 |13 38 50.47 +70 17 07.6|T|12.8|V|DA2 |lg pm PG1338+481 |13 40 08.84 +47 51 51.9|U|13.6|V|sdB | PG1338+611 |13 40 14.70 +60 52 47.6|T|11.7|V|sdB |Feige 87 PG1338+416 |13 41 00.78 +41 23 14.1|S|16.4|V|QSO | PG1339+052 |13 41 31.48 +04 54 46.8|S|16.2|V|sdOB | PG1339+346 |13 41 18.00 +34 21 54.6|S|15.9|V|DA4 |NErn of 2".5 opt pair, cpm comp 20" NW PG1340+607 |13 41 59.77 +60 29 40.6|M|13.2|V|sdB |Srn of 8" opt pair PG1341-079 |13 43 38.44 -08 14 03.9|U|15. |V|CV |HS Vir PG1341+259 |13 43 56.75 +25 38 47.7|S|15.9|V|Sey | PG1342+444 |13 44 26.85 +44 08 33.3|S|16.6|V|DA1 | PG1343+578 |13 45 01.42 +57 30 12.8|M|13.9|V|HBB | PG1343-102 |13 46 07.98 -10 26 48.5|U|13.7|V|sdBO | PG1344+285 |13 46 32.66 +28 17 22.7|U|14.5|V|sdB |NSV 19960 PG1344+573 |13 46 02.05 +57 00 32.9|L|13.5|V|DA3 |lg pm PG1344+509 |13 46 24.28 +50 41 01.8|S|16.0|V|DA3 | PG1344+114 |13 47 00.47 +11 11 23.9|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG1344+106 |13 47 24.37 +10 21 37.9|L|15.1|V|DA6 |lg pm, nr fld * ~2000 PG1346+082 |13 48 55.22 +07 57 35.7|U|14.7|V|CV He |CR Boo PG1347+093 |13 49 36.82 +09 05 41.6|U|14.1|V|HBB | PG1347+254 |13 49 47.72 +25 08 11.1|S|15.8|V|DA2 |SWrn of 1" pair PG1347+086 |13 50 15.55 +08 19 16.4|U|11.9|V|sd | PG1348+745 |13 48 43.61 +74 15 45.6|g|16.0|V|sdB | PG1348+442 |13 50 20.07 +43 57 50.6|S|16.6|V|DA3 | PG1348+083 |13 50 56.86 +08 01 09.9|U|15.8|V|sdB | PG1348+607 |13 50 16.02 +60 24 37.9|S|16.3|V|sdOC | PG1348+369 |13 50 52.78 +36 42 02.2|U|13.5|V|sdOB | PG1349-012 |13 51 53.18 -01 29 45.9|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG1349+659 |13 50 45.03 +65 42 06.6|S|15.9|V|sdOA | PG1349+552 |13 51 20.22 +54 57 42.9|b|15.8|V|DA4 | PG1349+144 |13 51 53.91 +14 09 45.4|B|15.3|V|DA4 | PG1350-090 |13 53 15.54 -09 16 33.5|-|14.6|V|DA6 |lg pm PG1350+657 |13 52 10.97 +65 24 57.1|L|15.5|V|DA4 |DU Dra, lg pm PG1350+372 |13 52 59.01 +36 55 37.5|U|14.4|V|sdB | PG1351+489 |13 53 09.99 +48 40 21.1|S|16.6|V|DB2 |EM UMa PG1351+393 |13 53 34.64 +39 04 17.6|U|14.3|V|sdB | PG1351+139 |13 54 01.84 +13 43 50.5|U|15.9|V|sdB | PG1351+237 |13 54 06.43 +23 25 49.4|S|15.4|V|QSO |Mrk 662 PG1351+640 |13 53 15.83 +63 45 45.6|M|14.5|V|QSO |IRAS 13517+6400 PG1351+696 |13 53 03.42 +69 18 29.5|M|13.8|V|Gal |Mrk 279 PG1352+183 |13 54 35.69 +18 05 17.5|S|16.4|V|QSO | PG1352+011 |13 54 58.67 +00 52 10.9|U|16.0|V|QSO | PG1352-023 |13 55 04.67 -02 30 21.8|U|12.1|V|sdB | PG1352+119 |13 55 04.78 +11 42 12.2|U|15.6|V|sd |Feige 88 PG1352+004 |13 55 32.41 +00 11 24.0|S|15.8|V|DB4 | PG1353+162 |13 55 34.71 +16 00 17.2|S|15.9|V|sd | PG1353+152 |13 55 39.20 +14 54 38.4|S|15.9|V|sdB | PG1353+409 |13 55 56.72 +40 40 55.0|S|15.5|V|DA3 | PG1354+213 |13 56 32.80 +21 03 52.4|S|16.8|V|QSO | PG1354+016 |13 57 25.87 +01 20 10.2|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1355-064 |13 57 54.26 -06 37 31.9|U|13.6|V|sdOB |high gravity PG1355+071 |13 58 24.66 +06 51 35.3|U|14.4|V|sdB | PG1356-047 |13 58 49.38 -04 57 48.3|M|16.0|V|sdBO | PG1356+242 |13 58 59.78 +23 59 25.9|U|15.0|V|sdOA | PG1356+354 |13 58 56.04 +35 10 21.3|U|14.8|V|sdB | PG1357+501 |13 59 17.76 +49 54 04.3|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG1357+239 |14 00 02.99 +23 44 59.1|U|15.2|V|sdOC | PG1358+043 |14 00 31.96 +04 04 57.7|S|16.4|V|QSO | PG1359+279 |14 01 17.21 +27 38 41.8|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG1359+077 |14 02 03.86 +07 25 39.1|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG1359+439 |14 01 37.78 +43 41 51.0|U|14.0|V|HBB | PG1359+003 |14 02 32.81 +00 05 55.5|S|16.8|V|sdB | PG1400+389 |14 02 09.16 +38 37 14.9|U|12.2|V|sdOA | PG1400+395 |14 02 52.39 +39 13 47.5|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG1400+224 |14 03 17.26 +22 10 19.1|U|15.9|V|sdB | PG1401+289 |14 03 17.14 +28 39 29.4|U|15.0|V|sdOC |Nrn of 19" opt pair PG1401+006 |14 03 45.31 +00 21 36.1|b|15.5|V|DA |must have cool comp PG1401+151 |14 03 46.42 +14 52 05.2|S|15.1|V|Gal |Mrk 802 PG1401+377 |14 03 32.00 +37 27 38.0|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1402+066 |14 04 32.15 +06 19 16.0|S|15.6|V|sd | PG1402+251 |14 04 29.92 +24 50 19.5|U|14.7|V|sd | PG1402+262 |14 05 16.22 +25 55 34.2|U|15.3|V|QSO |IRAS F14029+2610 PG1403+019 |14 05 45.25 +01 44 19.0|U|15.9|V|sd | PG1403-111 |14 06 01.73 -11 18 32.4|U|16.0|V|CV |composite, non-cv, PG coords poor PG1403-077 |14 06 04.83 -07 58 31.2|M|15.8|V|DA2 | PG1403+070 |14 06 05.40 +06 47 45.5|U|14.4|V|sd |Feige 89 PG1403-011 |14 06 19.99 -01 19 32.2|b|15.7|V|DB4 |lg pm PG1403-110 |14 06 34.69 -11 17 02.1|g|16.0|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG1403+316 |14 05 59.83 +31 24 36.8|U|13.5|V|sdB | PG1404+226 |14 06 21.89 +22 23 46.6|S|16.0|V|QSO | PG1405+241 |14 07 47.84 +23 54 24.4|S|16.1|V|sdB | PG1407+265 |14 09 23.91 +26 18 21.1|U|15.7|V|QSO | PG1407+387 |14 09 16.12 +38 28 32.2|S|16.1|V|sdB | PG1407+425 |14 09 45.24 +42 16 00.8|U|15.0|V|DA5 | PG1407+006 |14 10 20.72 +00 18 54.9|S|15.7|V|sdB | PG1407-013 |14 10 25.92 -01 30 16.6|U|13.8|V|sdB | PG1408+326 |14 10 16.22 +32 24 46.1|U|14.9|V|sdB | PG1408+324 |14 10 26.95 +32 08 35.9|L|14.0|V|DA3 |lg pm PG1408+098 |14 10 55.82 +09 32 55.4|U|13.9|V|sdBO | PG1409+605 |14 11 01.81 +60 14 11.6|M|14.5|V|sdBO | PG1409-103 |14 12 28.18 -10 32 59.9|M|14.2|V|sdOA |very hot PG1409-091 |14 12 36.90 -09 21 54.3|U|14.4|V|sdB | PG1410+425 |14 12 07.61 +42 16 27.5|b|16.0|V|DA4 |Wrn of 14" cpm pair PG1410+318 |14 12 33.19 +31 34 00.9|b|16.6|V|DA2 | PG1411+219 |14 13 29.85 +21 37 39.6|b|14.5|V|DB4 |composite, Nrn of 10" cpm pair PG1411+199 |14 13 46.57 +19 42 57.9|U|14.1|V|HBB | PG1411+590 |14 13 12.43 +58 46 11.4|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1411-061 |14 14 19.48 -06 18 39.0|U|14.6|V|sdB | PG1411+442 |14 13 48.33 +44 00 14.0|U|14.4|V|QSO |IRAS Z14118+4414 PG1412+299 |14 14 23.68 +29 41 05.3|S|16.6|V|sdB | PG1412-049 |14 15 02.4 -05 11 02. |s|16. |V|DA weak |NErn of 3" cpm pair PG1412-109 |14 15 07.70 -11 09 24.1|U|15.9|V|DA3 | PG1412+613 |14 14 20.97 +61 01 07.7|S|14.9|V|sdOC | PG1413+421 |14 15 03.39 +41 49 27.4|U|14.8|V|sdB | PG1413+015 |14 15 36.41 +01 17 18.2|S|17.0|V|DA weak |GK Vir, composite PG1413+114 |14 15 49.06 +11 12 13.9|S|16.0|V|sdOD | PG1413+232 |14 15 42.99 +22 56 47.4|L|16.4|V|DA3 |lg pm PG1415-043 |14 17 36.42 -04 34 28.9|b|13.8|V|sdBO |NWrn of 19" opt pair PG1415+452 |14 17 00.83 +44 56 06.6|U|16.1|V|QSO | PG1415+492 |14 17 02.76 +48 57 28.5|U|14.3|V|sdOD | PG1415+133 |14 17 40.23 +13 01 48.6|S|15.3|V|DA1 | PG1415+079 |14 17 42.51 +07 42 50.7|U|15.6|V|sdOA | PG1415-064 |14 17 59.69 -06 40 03.6|b|16.2|V|DC |lg pm PG1415+234 |14 17 55.36 +23 11 36.8|b|16.6|V|DB3 | PG1416+110 |14 18 42.33 +10 49 08.2|S|16.5|V|sdB | PG1416-129 |14 19 03.82 -13 10 44.7|M|15.5|V|QSO | PG1417+257 |14 20 07.42 +25 29 18.6|U|13.8|V|sdB | PG1418+546 |14 19 46.60 +54 23 14.8|-|15.5|V|BLL |IRAS F14180+5437 PG1418+178 |14 21 04.81 +17 36 28.8|S|16.3|V|sdB | PG1418-005 |14 21 31.21 -00 44 23.1|S|16.5|V|DA4 | PG1419+081 |14 21 38.18 +07 53 19.6|U|15.0|V|sd | PG1419+062 |14 22 18.82 +06 00 39.1|b|16.2|V|sd |SErn of 9" opt pair PG1420+162 |14 23 00.28 +15 57 24.9|U|15.4|V|sdB | PG1420+518 |14 22 41.90 +51 35 38.0|S|15.7|V|sdB |composite PG1421+150 |14 23 30.69 +14 48 31.8|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG1421-121 |14 24 08.78 -12 20 20.2|U|15.5|V|sdB |PG coords poor PG1421+345 |14 23 35.58 +34 14 19.6|U|14.8|V|Bin | PG1421+318 |14 23 40.71 +31 34 59.8|S|15.3|V|DA2 | PG1421-011 |14 24 29.19 -01 22 16.6|S|16.6|V|DB4 | PG1422+028 |14 24 37.34 +02 34 18.9|S|16.6|V|DA2 | PG1422+095 |14 24 39.15 +09 17 14.0|L|14.3|V|DA4 |CX Boo, NErn of 4" cpm pair PG1422+036 |14 24 59.58 +03 19 43.4|S|16.4|V|sd | PG1423-013 |14 25 51.29 -01 33 17.3|S|16.6|V|sdB | PG1423-035 |14 25 57.80 -03 41 40.0|b|15.6|V|sd | PG1424+535 |14 24 14.82 +53 28 40.8|S|17.4|V|PG1159 |PG coords wrong PG1424+332 |14 26 52.54 +32 57 33.5|M|14.3|V|sdB |NErn of 12" opt pair PG1424+240 |14 27 00.39 +23 48 00.0|-|14.6|V|DC8 |BL Lac, not WD PG1425+019 |14 27 41.03 +01 42 55.0|S|16.1|V|sdB | PG1425+268 |14 27 35.61 +26 32 14.5|S|15.8|V|QSO |IRAS Z14253+2645 PG1425+590 |14 27 00.09 +58 47 00.8|S|16.0|V|sdOC | PG1425+219 |14 27 56.59 +21 37 57.4|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG1425+540 |14 27 36.16 +53 48 28.0|L|15.0|V|DBA3 |NWrn of 40" cpm pair PG1426+047 |14 28 34.06 +04 27 33.4|S|16.7|V|sdB |composite? PG1426+213 |14 28 29.60 +21 06 01.8|U|13.2|V|sdBO | PG1426-067 |14 28 51.31 -06 57 03.7|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG1426+015 |14 29 06.58 +01 17 06.2|U|14.2|V|QSO |Mrk 1383 PG1427+196 |14 29 27.76 +19 21 36.6|U|14.1|V|sdOC | PG1427+283 |14 29 59.24 +28 03 33.6|U|15.8|V|sdB | PG1427+480 |14 29 43.07 +47 47 26.2|S|16.9|V|QSO | PG1428+513 |14 30 06.23 +51 03 14.0|S|16.8|V|sdOB | PG1428+102 |14 30 59.88 +10 01 42.9|S|16.8|V|DA | PG1428+374 |14 30 42.62 +37 10 15.0|S|15.5|V|DA | PG1428+285 |14 31 04.79 +28 17 14.2|U|14.4|V|Gal |Mrk 684 PG1428+275 |14 31 09.03 +27 14 14.4|S|14.8|V|Gal |Mrk 685 PG1429+406 |14 31 11.12 +40 22 09.1|U|12.9|V|sd | PG1429+373 |14 31 56.64 +37 06 30.4|b|15.3|V|DA1 | PG1430+066 |14 32 46.80 +06 21 58.5|S|15.8|V|sdB | PG1430+427 |14 32 33.89 +42 30 19.1|U|14.5|V|DA2 | PG1430-083 |14 33 36.83 -08 28 23.4|g|16.0|V|sdOC | PG1431+081 |14 33 47.59 +07 54 16.9|S|16.6|V|sdOA | PG1431+154 |14 34 06.76 +15 08 17.8|S|16.0|V|DA4 | PG1431-079 |14 34 38.63 -08 10 15.1|g|16.5|V|sdO | PG1432+091 |14 34 58.49 +08 54 25.8|S|16.3|V|sdB | PG1432+004 |14 35 19.84 +00 13 51.1|U|12.7|V|sdB | PG1432+108 |14 35 14.18 +10 36 31.4|b|16.2|V|sdBO | PG1432+290 |14 35 06.35 +28 47 50.9|S|16.1|V|sdBO | PG1432+159 |14 35 18.94 +15 40 14.4|U|13.9|V|sdB | PG1433+239 |14 35 20.24 +23 45 30.5|U|12.6|V|sdB | PG1433+538 |14 34 43.26 +53 35 21.8|b|16.1|V|DA3 + K | PG1434+289 |14 36 41.62 +28 44 51.3|S|15.8|V|DA2 | PG1434+386 |14 36 51.43 +38 25 15.6|U|15.2|V|sdBO | PG1434+590 |14 36 22.07 +58 47 39.3|S|13.7|V|Gal |Mrk 817 PG1435-068 |14 38 16.16 -06 58 20.5|U|15.5|V|QSO | PG1435+098 |14 38 22.10 +09 36 30.4|U|15.8|V|sdOB | PG1436+526 |14 37 41.58 +52 23 15.1|S|16.7|V|DA2 | PG1437+727 |14 37 31.89 +72 28 51.6|g|15.2|V|sdOD |NErn of 8" pair PG1437+398 |14 39 17.48 +39 32 42.8|S|16.7|V|DC8 |BL Lac, not WD, PG coords wrong PG1437+233 |14 40 14.08 +23 07 34.8|U|14.9|V|sdB | PG1438-078 |14 40 41.90 -08 00 20.0|U|14.5|V|sdOA | PG1438+056 |14 40 36.14 +05 24 24.9|S|16.4|V|sdB | PG1438-029 |14 40 52.83 -03 08 52.7|U|13.8|V|HBB | PG1438+018 |14 41 17.32 +01 37 27.7|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG1439+305 |14 42 00.09 +30 15 33.1|S|17.0|V|DA |SWrn of 6" pair PG1439-013 |14 42 27.48 -01 32 45.9|U|13.9|V|sdB | PG1440+357 |14 42 07.47 +35 26 23.0|U|14.6|V|QSO |Mrk 478 PG1440+174 |14 42 32.02 +17 10 41.1|U|15.5|V|sdB | PG1441+407 |14 43 21.34 +40 28 34.1|S|16.3|V|sdOD | PG1442+346 |14 44 10.17 +34 21 13.3|S|16.0|V|sdOC | PG1442+144 |14 45 10.28 +14 13 45.0|S|16.4|V|sd | PG1442+343 |14 44 58.77 +34 03 09.2|U|14.6|V|sd |NWrn of 20" opt pair PG1443+177 |14 45 30.22 +17 27 51.5|S|16.2|V|sd |high gravity, Nrn of 16" opt pair PG1443+337 |14 46 00.72 +33 28 50.0|S|16.3|V|DA2 |cv? (non-cv) PG1444+487 |14 46 01.02 +48 30 57.8|U|15.7|V|sdB | PG1444+076 |14 47 08.27 +07 23 49.5|U|14.7|V|sdOB | PG1444+408 |14 46 45.94 +40 35 05.8|S|15.8|V|QSO |IRAS Z14447+4047 PG1444+236 |14 47 08.17 +23 21 38.5|U|13.2|V|sd | PG1444-096 |14 47 36.99 -09 50 06.8|b|15.0|V|DB3 | PG1445+584 |14 46 57.12 +58 09 20.1|S|15.7|V|CV |NSV 20187 (non-cv) PG1445+153 |14 48 14.33 +15 04 49.7|S|15.8|V|DB2 | PG1446+286 |14 48 14.08 +28 25 11.7|U|14.5|V|DA2 | PG1446+084 |14 48 37.44 +08 12 22.6|S|16.5|V|sdB | PG1446+088 |14 48 43.58 +08 35 22.3|S|16.2|V|sdB |high gravity PG1447+176 |14 49 24.42 +17 26 06.3|S|16.7|V|sdB | PG1447+459 |14 48 57.11 +45 45 34.5|U|15.0|V|sdOA |cool comp? PG1447+249 |14 49 33.65 +24 43 36.4|U|15.7|V|sdB | PG1448+078 |14 50 49.38 +07 33 33.8|L|15.5|V|DA4 |lg pm PG1448-052 |14 51 13.12 -05 23 16.8|U|14.4|V|sdBO | PG1448+485 |14 50 29.37 +48 18 00.1|S|16.1|V|sdB | PG1448+358 |14 50 56.56 +35 34 19.6|S|14.5|V|Gal |II Zw 70 PG1448+274 |14 51 08.76 +27 09 27.0|U|15.2|V|Sey |IRAS Z14490+2721, SIMBAD 15' coords error PG1449+653 |14 50 36.07 +65 05 52.1|M|13.7|V|sdB | PG1449+530 |14 51 17.46 +52 50 20.6|S|15.3|V|sdO: | PG1449+168 |14 52 11.40 +16 38 04.0|S|15.4|V|DA3 | PG1449+583 |14 51 14.69 +58 05 36.2|S|15.6|V|sdB | PG1450+432 |14 52 14.80 +43 01 41.3|U|14.6|V|DA1 | PG1451+528 |14 52 42.12 +52 37 03.0|U|16.6|V|sdB | PG1451+006 |14 53 50.37 +00 25 30.9|L|15.4|V|DA2 | PG1451+492 |14 53 04.34 +48 59 33.8|U|13.0|V|HBB | PG1451+397 |14 53 22.70 +39 29 47.5|S|16.1|V|sdB | PG1451+473 |14 53 13.82 +47 02 43.5|U|13.2|V|sdB |very cool PG1452+132 |14 54 32.3 +13 02 06. |S|15.2|V|Gal |IRAS 14521+1314, dbl galaxy PG1452-043 |14 54 53.68 -04 27 50.7|g|16.2|V|DA2 | PG1452+198 |14 54 39.81 +19 37 00.8|U|12.5|V|sdB |brtst of 16" trio PG1452+475 |14 54 26.66 +47 20 04.4|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG1453-081 |14 56 00.30 -08 15 48.9|U|14.3|V|sdB | PG1453-085 |14 56 27.46 -08 44 24.4|U|13.3|V|HBB | PG1453-113 |14 56 41.54 -11 28 43.1|U|15.5|V|sdOB | PG1454+173 |14 56 41.13 +17 04 15.3|S|16.9|V|DA weak | PG1454+494 |14 56 06.73 +49 11 16.5|S|17.0|V|sd | PG1454+502 |14 56 06.42 +50 01 55.3|S|16.7|V|sd | PG1454+358 |14 56 34.36 +35 36 47.5|S|16.7|V|sdO | PG1455-069 |14 57 57.42 -07 05 05.2|g|16.3|V|sdOB | PG1455+501 |14 56 57.73 +49 53 10.8|U|15.2|V|sdB | PG1455+369 |14 57 26.29 +36 43 40.6|S|17.2|V|sdBO | PG1456+298 |14 58 06.49 +29 37 29.4|L|15.6|V|DA6 |lg pm PG1456+103 |14 58 32.63 +10 08 18.1|S|16.5|V|DB3 |CW Boo PG1456+359 |14 58 51.37 +35 46 16.6|U|14.0|V|HBB | PG1457+193 |14 59 28.51 +19 03 49.9|U|14.4|V|sdBO | PG1457-086 |14 59 53.00 -08 49 29.8|b|15.8|V|DA3 | PG1457+198 |14 59 52.92 +19 37 44.2|U|15.6|V|sdBO | PG1458+172 |15 00 19.34 +16 59 14.4|S|16.2|V|DA2 | PG1458+423 |15 00 24.54 +42 05 44.8|U|13.8|V|sdB | PG1458-057 |15 01 29.52 -05 52 35.2|U|15.2|V|HBB | PG1459+169 |15 01 36.32 +16 43 46.9|U|14.8|V|Gal |Mrk 837 PG1459+416 |15 01 09.02 +41 21 35.7|U|13.6|V|sd |SIMBAD coords for wrong star PG1459+219 |15 01 32.33 +21 48 11.5|S|16.0|V|DA3 | PG1459-048 |15 02 06.43 -04 59 38.2|U|13.3|V|sd |WHAM H-alpha source nearby PG1459-026 |15 02 12.13 -02 45 57.8|U|14.9|V|CV |non-cv PG1459+347 |15 01 41.17 +34 31 59.0|b|15.8|V|DA2 | PG1459+306 |15 01 56.33 +30 22 58.4|S|14.6|V|DA3 |SWrn of 4".5 cpm pair PG1459+645 |15 00 50.56 +64 16 39.9|b|16.4|V|DC | PG1500+053 |15 02 49.78 +05 06 49.8|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG1501+664 |15 02 09.63 +66 12 19.2|S|16.3|V|PG1159 |OVI em PG1501+106 |15 04 01.19 +10 26 15.8|U|14.1|V|QSO |Mrk 841 PG1501+032 |15 04 23.83 +03 02 32.4|S|15.5|V|DA4 | PG1501+426 |15 03 46.78 +42 21 24.8|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG1502+351 |15 04 02.99 +34 54 41.0|b|15.9|V|DA4 |SIMBAD coords wrong PG1502+129 |15 04 36.69 +12 48 12.4|U|15.4|V|sdOB | PG1502+061 |15 04 49.58 +05 54 39.8|U|15.1|V|sdB | PG1502-103 |15 05 22.70 -10 31 26.1|U|15.6|V|Bin | PG1502+113 |15 05 13.53 +11 08 36.7|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG1504+295 |15 06 16.31 +29 16 39.7|S|16.3|V|sdB |SIMBAD coords poor PG1505+074 |15 08 21.04 +07 13 14.9|U|12.5|V|sdB | PG1506+757 |15 05 26.00 +75 31 09.5|g|16.0|V|sdBO | PG1506+102 |15 08 37.02 +10 03 14.0|U|15.3|V|sdOA |SIMBAD +2m RA error PG1506-052 |15 09 19.08 -05 20 54.8|U|13.9|V|sdBO | PG1507+021 |15 09 56.94 +01 56 08.5|S|16.5|V|DA3 | PG1507+220 |15 09 40.00 +21 50 16.0|b|15.0|V|DA3 | PG1507-015 |15 10 30.69 -01 43 45.9|S|16.5|V|sdOB | PG1508+443 |15 10 00.38 +44 08 03.9|U|14.9|V|sdOB | PG1508+257 |15 10 33.44 +25 30 02.1|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1508-101 |15 11 10.51 -10 14 27.1|U|14.8|V|sdB | PG1508+549 |15 09 53.69 +54 39 45.4|U|15.7|V|DA3 | PG1508+637 |15 09 38.85 +63 32 25.7|b|14.7|V|DA4 | PG1508+177 |15 11 07.07 +17 32 15.3|S|16.4|V|Bin | PG1509+323 |15 11 27.63 +32 04 17.9|L|14.1|V|DA3 |lg pm PG1509-083 |15 12 24.00 -08 27 40.4|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG1510+635 |15 11 10.44 +63 21 48.3|M|14.1|V|HBB | PG1510-017 |15 12 50.01 -01 54 36.1|S|15.6|V|HBB | PG1510+234 |15 13 02.29 +23 15 08.4|U|15.5|V|CV |NY Ser PG1511+266 |15 13 21.29 +26 22 53.0|S|16.5|V|sdB | PG1511+447 |15 12 58.76 +44 32 21.2|S|15.7|V|sdOA | PG1511+624 |15 12 26.28 +62 10 04.7|M|14.5|V|sdB | PG1511+367 |15 13 22.45 +36 28 23.0|U|12.1|V|HBB | PG1511-110 |15 14 16.99 -11 14 12.5|U|15.1|V|sdOC | PG1511-048 |15 14 12.97 -04 59 33.4|U|15.4|V|sdB | PG1511+009 |15 14 21.29 +00 47 52.8|U|15.8|V|DA3 | PG1512-035 |15 14 50.08 -03 42 49.8|g|16.4|V|sdOB | PG1512+244 |15 14 32.45 +24 10 40.7|U|13.2|V|sdB | PG1512+370 |15 14 43.07 +36 50 50.4|S|16.6|V|QSO |4C +37.43 PG1513+442 |15 14 47.13 +44 01 36.7|S|15.4|V|DA2 | PG1513-045 |15 16 19.13 -04 43 57.5|g|16.2|V|sdB | PG1514+455 |15 15 50.27 +45 18 37.9|U|15.1|V|sdB | PG1514+231 |15 16 40.23 +22 57 12.6|S|15.1|V|sdB |Nrn of 15" opt pair PG1514+422 |15 16 17.05 +41 59 05.2|S|16.3|V|sdB | PG1514+034 |15 17 14.27 +03 10 27.9|U|14.0|V|Bin |NSV 20288 PG1515+669 |15 15 52.92 +66 42 43.5|S|15.4|V|DA5 |single on SDSS images PG1515+232 |15 17 33.35 +22 59 08.1|S|16.4|V|sdB | PG1515+044 |15 18 08.47 +04 10 43.7|U|15.3|V|Bin | PG1516+205 |15 18 38.80 +20 19 47.2|U|14.5|V|sdB |Nrn of 26" opt pair PG1517+265 |15 19 13.31 +26 17 20.7|S|16.0|V|CV |non-cv PG1517-078 |15 20 38.89 -07 56 27.4|g|15.1|V|Bin | PG1518-098 |15 20 59.29 -09 58 56.4|U|13.7|V|sdOB | PG1518+299 |15 20 45.96 +29 48 26.4|U|15.7|V|sdOA | PG1519+226 |15 21 14.26 +22 27 43.9|S|16.1|V|QSO | PG1519+500 |15 20 41.96 +49 51 40.8|S|16.5|V|DA2 | PG1519-071 |15 21 53.13 -07 19 22.5|g|16.0|V|sdB | PG1519+384 |15 21 31.87 +38 12 46.2|S|15.8|V|DA3 | PG1519+640 |15 20 31.37 +63 52 08.2|M|12.4|V|sdB | PG1520+525 |15 21 46.55 +52 22 03.9|S|15.6|V|PG1159 | PG1520+447 |15 22 17.17 +44 32 55.6|S|16.6|V|DA4 | PG1520-050 |15 23 18.63 -05 11 43.2|U|15.9|V|CV |non-cv PG1521+311 |15 23 10.61 +30 53 44.6|S|15.1|V|DA3 | PG1521+175 |15 23 45.03 +17 19 52.9|U|13.6|V|HBB | PG1521+357 |15 23 32.81 +35 32 37.0|S|16.6|V|sdOA | PG1522+102 |15 24 24.52 +09 58 29.0|U|15.8|V|QSO | PG1522-013 |15 24 38.13 -01 28 30.8|U|15.3|V|sdB |SIMBAD +10' Dec error PG1522+307 |15 24 06.03 +30 28 47.6|S|15.8|V|sd | PG1522+122 |15 24 27.24 +12 02 07.6|S|16.1|V|CV |non-cv PG1522-104 |15 24 56.02 -10 32 50.1|U|15.4|V|sd | PG1524+439 |15 25 53.47 +43 41 27.8|U|15.1|V|Bin | PG1524+611 |15 25 13.40 +60 53 22.6|M|12.8|V|sdBO |PG coords wrong PG1524+622 |15 25 31.81 +62 01 00.0|M|15.3|V|CV |ES Dra PG1525-009 |15 27 44.94 -01 06 26.6|S|14.9|V|sdB | PG1525+422 |15 27 02.21 +42 04 07.1|S|16.3|V|DA1 | PG1525+103 |15 27 44.11 +10 07 22.5|S|15.9|V|sd | PG1525+258 |15 27 36.65 +25 35 03.1|S|15.7|V|DA3 | PG1525-071 |15 28 11.57 -07 16 32.7|M|15.1|V|sdO |NWrn of 9" opt pair PG1525+024 |15 28 21.11 +02 14 42.4|U|15.4|V|sdB | PG1525+107 |15 28 20.28 +10 30 32.2|U|15.9|V|sdBO | PG1526+014 |15 28 39.44 +01 13 00.1|S|16.7|V|DA2 | PG1526+132 |15 28 33.93 +13 00 55.4|U|14.2|V|sdB | PG1526+440 |15 28 02.53 +43 50 16.6|U|15.6|V|sdOD | PG1527+091 |15 29 50.41 +08 55 46.4|M|14.3|V|DA1 | PG1527-054 |15 30 14.28 -05 33 56.1|g|16.2|V|sdB | PG1528+062 |15 30 49.93 +06 00 56.2|M|14.8|V|sdOB | PG1528+029 |15 30 56.33 +02 42 22.5|U|15.4|V|sdOC | PG1528+025 |15 30 59.20 +02 18 21.5|S|16.4|V|sdBO | PG1528+104 |15 31 10.38 +10 15 01.0|U|13.6|V|sdB | PG1529+064 |15 32 06.08 +06 15 16.5|U|15.1|V|HBB | PG1530+431 |15 32 03.20 +42 57 45.1|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG1530+212 |15 32 48.93 +21 03 35.0|U|11.0|V|HBB | PG1530+459 |15 32 17.24 +45 46 21.0|S|16.5|V|sdOA | PG1530+057 |15 33 10.74 +05 32 26.9|U|14.2|V|sdB | PG1531+277 |15 33 16.58 +27 30 30.2|U|15.5|V|sdOA | PG1531-023 |15 34 05.99 -02 27 08.2|b|14.0|V|DA3 | PG1531+448 |15 33 16.12 +44 35 13.8|S|15.6|V|sdB |galaxy 9" SW PG1532+523 |15 33 29.89 +52 06 49.7|M|14.1|V|sdB | PG1532-072 |15 35 07.18 -07 24 33.8|g|16.3|V|sdOB |PG coords wrong PG1532+034 |15 35 09.86 +03 11 15.4|S|15.9|V|DA2 | PG1532-056 |15 35 22.65 -05 43 32.6|g|16.3|V|sdB | PG1532+239 |15 35 11.14 +23 47 18.6|S|15.6|V|DA | PG1533+467 |15 34 42.60 +46 31 47.9|U|10.9|V|sd | PG1533+320 |15 35 50.10 +31 51 47.0|S|15.9|V|sdB | PG1533-057 |15 36 34.93 -05 52 40.1|U|15.4|V|DAp3 | PG1534+389 |15 36 22.34 +38 46 03.1|S|16.9|V|sd | PG1534+581 |15 35 52.41 +57 54 09.6|S|14.6|V|Sey |Mrk 290 PG1534+504 |15 36 15.84 +50 13 51.0|L|15.8|V|DA6 |lg pm PG1534-018 |15 37 33.82 -02 00 21.9|U|15.0|V|sdOB | PG1535+547 |15 36 38.38 +54 33 33.3|S|15.0|V|Sey |I Zw 121 PG1535+293 |15 37 49.65 +29 09 36.4|S|16.1|V|DA3 | PG1536+279 |15 38 07.34 +27 41 43.5|U|13.8|V|sd | PG1536+097a|15 38 42.85 +09 34 42.3|S|15.7|V|sd | PG1536+690 |15 36 48.79 +68 52 07.7|g|14.8|V|sdOC |or: DO? Nmost of 1' quartet PG1536+146 |15 39 18.80 +14 25 31.3|S|15.9|V|HBB | PG1536+097b|15 39 24.43 +09 33 28.3|U|14.7|V|sdB | PG1537+652 |15 37 44.44 +65 01 48.9|L|14.7|V|DA5 |lg pm PG1537+273 |15 39 38.11 +27 06 05.9|S|16.6|V|sdB | PG1537-046 |15 40 33.34 -04 48 12.2|U|15.0|V|sdOC | PG1538+478 |15 39 34.80 +47 35 31.3|S|16.0|V|QSO | PG1538+002 |15 40 50.58 +00 05 17.9|U|15.6|V|sdOA | PG1538+269 |15 40 23.46 +26 48 29.8|U|13.9|V|DA1 | PG1538+611 |15 39 43.19 +60 55 00.8|S|15.2|V|sdB |NErn of 3".5 cpm pair PG1538+401 |15 40 39.04 +39 55 49.0|U|13.3|V|sdB | PG1539+442 |15 40 43.10 +43 59 50.1|S|16.5|V|sdOC | PG1539+292 |15 41 24.95 +29 01 30.5|U|14.6|V|Bin | PG1539+256 |15 41 34.43 +25 23 31.6|L|15.7|V|DC5 | PG1539+530 |15 40 54.17 +52 52 42.3|S|16.5|V|DA2 |SWrn of 3" cpm pair PG1539-035 |15 42 14.20 -03 41 31.4|b|15.2|V|DA5 | PG1539+043 |15 42 13.60 +04 08 36.1|S|15.8|V|sdOC | PG1540+681 |15 40 38.23 +67 56 13.9|b|16.2|V|DB3 | PG1540+044 |15 43 07.44 +04 17 08.7|S|16.3|V|sd | PG1541+651 |15 41 44.89 +64 53 52.7|S|15.6|V|DA5 |KX Dra PG1541+174 |15 43 29.39 +17 12 38.1|U|15.6|V|HBB | PG1542+183 |15 44 19.47 +18 06 44.0|b|14.7|V|DB2 | PG1543+454 |15 44 56.80 +45 15 22.0|S|16.1|V|sdOA | PG1543+145 |15 45 39.08 +14 22 31.6|S|16.3|V|CV |CT Ser PG1543-124 |15 46 20.07 -12 32 28.3|g|16.5|V|sdB | PG1543+629 |15 44 38.10 +62 43 24.7|S|14.8|V|sdB | PG1544+489 |15 45 30.23 +48 46 09.0|S|16.3|V|QSO |IRAS F15439+4855 PG1544+277 |15 46 06.01 +27 33 19.1|g|16.4|V|sdB | PG1544+253 |15 46 09.01 +25 07 40.8|U|14.1|V|sdOB | PG1544+601 |15 45 09.62 +59 55 05.2|M|14.4|V|sdB | PG1544+107 |15 46 38.26 +10 30 12.5|U|14.4|V|sdB | PG1544+488 |15 46 11.69 +48 38 37.3|M|12.8|V|sdOD | PG1544+462 |15 46 30.71 +45 59 53.8|S|15.1|V|Gal |Mrk 490 PG1545+210 |15 47 43.54 +20 52 16.8|U|15.5|V|QSO |3C 323.1 PG1545+245 |15 47 54.51 +24 20 40.4|b|15.8|V|DB4 |SErn of 10" opt pair PG1545+035 |15 48 24.25 +03 22 50.9|U|14.3|V|sdOB | PG1546+045 |15 48 37.18 +04 21 26.9|S|15.5|V|sdB | PG1546+036 |15 49 22.93 +03 25 48.6|U|14.1|V|HBB | PG1547+057 |15 49 34.78 +05 35 17.1|S|15.9|V|DA3 | PG1547+476 |15 48 43.31 +47 29 36.2|U|15.6|V|sd | PG1547+016 |15 49 44.95 +01 25 54.9|b|16.0|V|DA2: | PG1547+632 |15 48 11.75 +63 03 08.0|S|14.9|V|sdB | PG1548+166 |15 50 48.30 +16 26 25.4|U|14.9|V|sdB | PG1548+406 |15 50 35.21 +40 25 58.6|S|15.8|V|DA2 | PG1548+149 |15 51 15.42 +14 46 59.3|B|15.1|V|DA3 | PG1549+006 |15 51 44.88 +00 29 48.9|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG1549-001 |15 52 02.80 -00 04 39.5|U|15.3|V|DA3 |PG -10' Dec error PG1549+476 |15 51 03.59 +47 27 29.3|S|15.9|V|sdB | PG1550+183 |15 52 26.37 +18 10 18.5|L|14.8|V|DA4 |lg pm PG1550+191 |15 52 47.18 +18 56 29.2|S|17.2|V|CV |MR Ser PG1550+131 |15 52 56.11 +12 54 44.1|S|16.5|V|CV |NN Ser (non-cv) PG1551-076 |15 53 46.46 -07 46 21.4|g|15.8|V|sdB | PG1551+256 |15 53 21.65 +25 24 13.4|U|13.9|V|sdB | PG1551+719 |15 51 22.33 +71 45 11.9|g|16.9|V|CV |SS UMi, PG coords wrong PG1551+015 |15 54 25.19 +01 21 09.5|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG1552+141 |15 54 22.35 +13 59 14.2|S|16.7|V|sdBO | PG1552+460 |15 53 42.72 +45 53 40.0|S|16.5|V|sd |SErn of 17" opt pair PG1552+085 |15 54 44.58 +08 22 21.4|S|15.8|V|QSO |IRAS Z15523+0831, Ern of 10" opt pair PG1552+464 |15 54 26.25 +46 17 08.1|S|16.5|V|sdOD | PG1553+354 |15 55 02.00 +35 13 28.6|S|14.8|V|DA3 | PG1553+113 |15 55 43.05 +11 11 24.4|U|14.1|V|BLL |IRAS Z15533+1120 PG1553-077 |15 56 02.85 -07 48 28.3|U|15.0|V|sdOB | PG1553+273 |15 55 37.86 +27 06 48.4|U|13.6|V|sdB | PG1554+408 |15 55 50.40 +40 38 53.9|S|16.2|V|sdOD | PG1554+215 |15 56 18.79 +21 23 54.9|S|15.2|V|DA2 | PG1554+262 |15 56 23.63 +26 04 47.2|g|16.9|V|DA2 | PG1554+222 |15 56 33.62 +22 02 45.9|U|13.9|V|sdOB | PG1554+505 |15 56 22.61 +50 21 55.6|S|16.1|V|sd | PG1555+504 |15 56 42.94 +50 15 37.5|S|16.1|V|sdOC | PG1555+142 |15 57 58.76 +14 02 20.5|U|15.4|V|sdB | PG1555+303 |15 57 56.35 +30 11 25.5|U|14.8|V|sdB | PG1555+489 |15 57 29.92 +48 50 23.1|S|16.5|V|sdOB | PG1558+449 |15 59 55.52 +44 49 15.3|S|16.7|V|sd | PG1558-007 |16 01 14.00 -00 51 42.1|U|13.5|V|sdB |Srn of 3" cpm pair PG1559+048 |16 01 31.27 +04 40 27.0|U|14.5|V|sdOA | PG1559+222 |16 01 13.82 +22 05 46.4|U|15.0|V|sdOD | PG1559+348 |16 00 58.01 +34 37 26.0|S|16.6|V|HBB |SWrn of 9" pair PG1559+129 |16 01 42.31 +12 44 49.3|S|16.8|V|DA2 |NWrn of 11" opt pair PG1559+076 |16 02 09.07 +07 25 10.9|U|14.5|V|sdO | PG1559+533 |16 01 12.12 +53 11 51.8|M|14.3|V|sdOA | PG1600+369 |16 01 23.19 +36 48 34.3|U|14.3|V|DA4 |TY CrB, lg pm, PG coords wrong PG1600+171 |16 03 04.07 +16 59 53.9|S|16.8|V|sdOD | PG1600+308 |16 02 46.46 +30 39 14.5|S|16.3|V|DA weak |PG coords poor PG1601+581 |16 02 41.98 +57 58 15.6|M|14.3|V|DA5 | PG1601+145 |16 04 05.52 +14 24 47.4|U|14.5|V|Bin | PG1602+013 |16 04 37.37 +01 10 08.3|U|15.0|V|sdOB |must have cool comp PG1602+149 |16 04 28.81 +14 50 48.5|S|16.0|V|sd | PG1602+408 |16 04 26.55 +40 40 58.9|U|13.0|V|PNN |NGC 6058, PG -6 RA error PG1603+369 |16 05 33.51 +36 49 40.2|U|15.4|V|HBB |PG coords poor PG1603+432 |16 05 21.16 +43 04 35.7|S|14.9|V|DA1 |NErn of 8" cpm? pair PG1604+504 |16 05 34.21 +50 18 52.0|M|13.0|V|sdBO | PG1605+684 |16 05 36.35 +68 14 06.6|g|16.0|V|DA2 | PG1605+072 |16 08 03.69 +07 04 28.8|U|13.0|V|sdB |V338 Ser PG1605+123 |16 08 18.34 +12 12 02.6|U|15.2|V|sdB | PG1606+627 |16 06 28.54 +62 32 57.7|M|15.5|V|sd |PG coords wrong PG1606+388 |16 07 59.27 +38 37 46.4|S|16.6|V|sd | PG1607+228 |16 09 32.41 +22 37 49.9|S|16.3|V|sdOB | PG1607+174 |16 09 54.93 +17 14 57.2|U|12.3|V|sdOA | PG1608-029 |16 10 37.70 -03 00 39.6|U|15.7|V|sdOB | PG1608+419 |16 10 04.88 +41 50 19.7|S|16.8|V|DA4 | PG1608+119 |16 10 53.40 +11 43 52.7|S|15.3|V|DA3 |SErn of 3" cpm pair PG1608+374 |16 10 23.39 +37 13 15.9|S|16.8|V|sdOC | PG1608+481 |16 10 19.35 +47 57 16.1|S|16.9|V|sd |Wrn of 4".5 pair PG1608+443 |16 10 35.22 +44 10 39.7|U|14.8|V|sd | PG1609+135 |16 11 25.61 +13 22 17.9|U|15.1|V|DA6 |lg pm PG1609+045 |16 11 49.07 +04 19 37.9|U|15.3|V|DA2 | PG1609+013 |16 11 57.43 +01 11 53.1|U|15.0|V|sdB |SErn of 32" opt trio PG1609+195 |16 11 49.34 +19 23 50.8|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG1609+631 |16 10 23.23 +63 00 52.2|g|16.7|V|DA2 | PG1610+529 |16 11 21.35 +52 46 05.8|T|12.9|V|sdBO | PG1610+043 |16 12 45.12 +04 12 41.6|S|16.0|V|sdOB | PG1610+273 |16 12 21.18 +27 09 45.0|S|16.3|V|sd: | PG1610+062 |16 12 53.21 +06 05 38.8|U|15.4|V|HBB | PG1610+239a|16 12 47.02 +23 48 40.6|U|13.1|V|sdBO | PG1610+519 |16 12 00.56 +51 49 43.2|M|13.7|V|sdB | PG1610+167 |16 13 02.30 +16 31 55.2|L|15.7|V|DA4 |lg pm PG1610+239b|16 13 01.53 +23 48 31.1|b|15.4|V|DB4 | PG1610+115 |16 13 19.58 +11 20 15.8|S|14.8|V|sdB |faint comp 5" E PG1611+090 |16 13 27.60 +08 53 54.5|U|14.7|V|sdB | PG1611+041 |16 14 17.42 +03 59 51.2|S|15.6|V|sdOB |galaxy 15" SW PG1611+368 |16 13 48.07 +36 39 31.3|U|15.7|V|HBB | PG1612+262 |16 14 13.21 +26 04 16.3|S|16. |V|QSO |IRAS F16121+2611, strongly var PG1612+437 |16 13 50.96 +43 32 33.3|S|16.5|V|sd | PG1612+112 |16 15 12.22 +11 02 40.1|S|17.1|V|sdOC |high gravity PG1612+736 |16 12 06.25 +73 27 57.4|M|14.6|V|Bin | PG1613+426 |16 14 46.93 +42 27 35.9|U|14.4|V|sdOA |V1078 Her PG1613+467 |16 15 02.84 +46 34 12.3|U|14.6|V|sdB | PG1613+658 |16 13 57.17 +65 43 09.9|M|14.3|V|QSO |Mrk 876 PG1613+729 |16 13 09.14 +72 46 16.5|M|15.3|V|sdOB | PG1614+378 |16 15 55.22 +37 41 05.5|S|17.1|V|sdOC | PG1614+146 |16 16 30.55 +14 26 55.6|U|14.3|V|sdB | PG1614+270 |16 16 24.35 +26 53 14.9|S|15.9|V|DB |NErn of 9" opt pair PG1614+137 |16 16 52.30 +13 34 20.8|S|15.2|V|DA3 | PG1614+160 |16 17 08.73 +15 54 38.7|S|15.5|V|DA | PG1615+413 |16 17 40.11 +41 12 51.6|S|17.0|V|sdOD: | PG1616+144 |16 18 23.09 +14 16 12.9|U|13.5|V|sdB | PG1617-009 |16 19 35.67 -01 06 41.8|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG1617+077 |16 19 45.15 +07 31 56.7|S|16.4|V|sdOB | PG1617+309 |16 19 23.22 +30 50 02.4|S|15.6|V|sd | PG1617+150 |16 19 49.31 +14 53 10.0|U|14.7|V|CV |non-cv PG1617+175 |16 20 11.28 +17 24 27.4|U|15.5|V|QSO |Mrk 877 = IRAS Z16179+1731 PG1618+563 |16 19 26.91 +56 06 01.1|S|13.6|V|sdB |LM Dra, NErn of 3".5 cpm pair, PG coords wrong PG1618-002 |16 21 04.41 -00 16 10.7|M|13.2|V|PNN |PN G013.3+32.7 PG1618+379 |16 20 20.77 +37 47 40.0|U|15.0|V|HBB | PG1618+216 |16 21 09.02 +21 29 19.8|S|16.1|V|sdB | PG1619+525 |16 20 24.52 +52 23 21.0|S|15.6|V|DA3 | PG1619+522 |16 20 38.76 +52 06 08.7|M|13.4|V|sdB | PG1619+123 |16 22 03.87 +12 13 33.6|b|14.6|V|DA4 | PG1620+513 |16 21 24.04 +51 11 36.9|S|15.8|V|DA4 | PG1620+648 |16 20 21.56 +64 35 59.8|g|15.5|V|DA1 |PG coords wrong PG1620+260 |16 22 34.57 +25 55 17.8|b|15.5|V|DA1 | PG1620+017 |16 23 07.32 +01 35 01.6|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG1621+168 |16 23 31.60 +16 38 59.9|U|15.3|V|HBB | PG1621+249 |16 23 29.79 +24 45 41.3|S|15.7|V|sdBO | PG1621+126 |16 23 44.85 +12 29 13.1|S|15.8|V|sdB | PG1621+476 |16 22 56.66 +47 30 51.1|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1622+194 |16 24 23.66 +19 16 02.0|S|15.9|V|sdOB | PG1622+411 |16 24 31.90 +40 59 13.3|U|14.4|V|sdBO | PG1622+324 |16 24 49.00 +32 17 02.0|S|16.2|V|DA weak |composite PG1623+178 |16 25 15.13 +17 42 40.2|S|16.0|V|sd: | PG1623+386 |16 25 24.30 +38 30 18.7|U|15.9|V|sd |Nrn of 4" pair PG1624+014 |16 26 41.32 +01 19 35.3|U|15.9|V|sdB | PG1624+085 |16 26 54.20 +08 25 35.0|U|14.9|V|sdOB | PG1624+382 |16 26 16.72 +38 07 10.5|S|15.7|V|sdOC | PG1625+280 |16 27 33.71 +27 54 33.5|U|15.6|V|PNN |PN G047.0+42.4 = NSV 7743 PG1625-034 |16 28 36.16 -03 32 38.2|U|15.6|V|sdOB | PG1626+471 |16 27 46.71 +46 58 47.7|U|13.8|V|sdBO | PG1626+409 |16 28 30.48 +40 48 37.2|S|16.2|V|DA3 | PG1626+555 |16 27 56.12 +55 22 31.5|S|15.6|V|Sey | PG1627+006 |16 29 35.91 +00 31 49.2|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG1627+017 |16 29 35.30 +01 38 18.8|U|12.8|V|sdB |V2579 Oph PG1627+025 |16 29 50.72 +02 23 33.0|g|16.5|V|sdB | PG1627+112 |16 29 52.88 +11 05 02.5|U|14.2|V|sdB | PG1628+554 |16 29 12.13 +55 15 18.6|S|15.7|V|sdOC | PG1628+530 |16 29 35.75 +52 55 53.6|S|15.7|V|sdBO | PG1628+181 |16 30 45.46 +18 01 20.4|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG1629+081 |16 32 01.36 +07 59 40.2|S|13.5|V|sdBO |NErn of 2".5 cpm pair PG1629+466 |16 31 17.72 +46 31 00.3|M|13.9|V|sdOD | PG1629+179 |16 32 12.26 +17 53 18.4|S|15.9|V|sdB | PG1630+249 |16 32 09.68 +24 48 10.0|S|16.1|V|DA2 | PG1630+377 |16 32 01.12 +37 37 49.9|U|16.0|V|QSO | PG1631+001 |16 33 52.04 +00 02 26.1|U|14.4|V|sdB | PG1631+267 |16 33 49.34 +26 32 58.7|U|15.5|V|sdB + G |NWrn of 14" opt pair PG1632+001 |16 34 38.78 +00 00 59.3|U|15.8|V|sdB | PG1632+223 |16 34 16.09 +22 11 41.0|U|15.4|V|DB3 | PG1632+053 |16 34 49.21 +05 14 16.2|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG1632+088 |16 34 47.04 +08 40 00.1|M|13.2|V|sdB pec | PG1632+177 |16 34 41.85 +17 36 34.1|B|13.1|V|DA5 | PG1632+588 |16 34 01.62 +58 36 44.6|g|16.6|V|sdOB |PG coords wrong PG1633+099 |16 35 24.03 +09 47 49.9|U|14.4|V|sdB | PG1633+677 |16 33 07.92 +67 33 30.4|g|16.7|V|DA | PG1633+115 |16 35 45.70 +11 24 58.1|U|15.3|V|CV: |V849 Her, composite PG1633+434 |16 35 01.42 +43 17 36.4|U|14.8|V|DA8 |lg pm PG1633+696 |16 33 14.23 +69 29 36.7|g|16.3|V|sdB | PG1634+061 |16 37 03.59 +05 59 05.4|U|13.8|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG1634+706 |16 34 29.00 +70 31 32.4|M|14.7|V|QSO |IRAS 16347+7037 PG1634+014 |16 37 27.96 +01 18 18.9|g|16.3|V|sdOA | PG1635+533 |16 36 14.26 +53 12 58.3|S|15.6|V|sdB | PG1635+414 |16 37 05.18 +41 15 40.3|U|13.9|V|sdBO | PG1635+608 |16 36 35.57 +60 42 00.9|g|15.8|V|DA3 |PG coords poor PG1636+216 |16 38 26.77 +21 32 56.4|U|14.9|V|HBB | PG1636+428 |16 38 07.66 +42 44 56.8|S|16.7|V|sdB |NWrn of 5" pair PG1636+351 |16 38 26.31 +35 00 11.9|S|14.9|V|DA1 | PG1636+104 |16 39 02.06 +10 19 04.6|U|13.9|V|Bin | PG1636+085 |16 39 04.60 +08 23 01.1|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1637+335 |16 39 27.82 +33 25 22.3|U|14.6|V|DA5 |lg pm PG1637+346 |16 39 36.03 +34 32 30.4|U|15.0|V|sd | PG1638+147 |16 40 34.27 +14 38 00.4|U|14.9|V|sdOC | PG1638+128 |16 40 45.97 +12 41 12.9|S|16.6|V|sdB | PG1638+388 |16 40 18.15 +38 42 20.0|U|14.8|V|PNN |PN G061.9+41.3 PG1638+076 |16 41 01.7 +07 28 01. |?| | |Me |not found, no chart PG1638+676 |16 38 43.77 +67 28 08.5|g|16.5|V|sdOC | PG1639+173 |16 41 34.66 +17 12 27.5|g|15.8|V|sdOB | PG1639+153 |16 41 36.61 +15 12 37.9|U|15.7|V|DA6 |lg pm PG1639+338 |16 41 22.33 +33 44 52.1|U|15.5|V|CV: |NSV 20742 (non-cv) PG1639+538 |16 40 57.14 +53 41 09.3|L|15.0|V|DCp |lg pm PG1640+458 |16 41 42.24 +45 40 04.7|S|16.3|V|DA3 | PG1640+645 |16 40 50.67 +64 24 45.0|g|14.5|V|sdB | PG1640+690 |16 40 23.81 +68 54 25.4|g|16.4|V|DA4 | PG1640+114 |16 42 54.66 +11 16 41.6|S|16.1|V|DA2 | PG1641+388 |16 43 02.26 +38 41 17.2|U|14.5|V|DA6 |lg pm PG1641+331 |16 43 26.04 +33 01 13.2|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1642+414 |16 43 41.83 +41 16 59.4|S|16.2|V|DA2 | PG1642+253 |16 44 10.01 +25 15 02.0|U|13.5|V|CV |AH Her PG1642+038 |16 44 45.58 +03 42 19.2|U|15.4|V|sdOC | PG1642+244 |16 44 39.77 +24 21 29.3|S|16.6|V|HBB | PG1642+386 |16 44 24.25 +38 28 30.5|S|16.5|V|DA1 | PG1642+707 |16 42 19.98 +70 37 50.8|g|15.0|V|sd | PG1643+209 |16 45 25.28 +20 51 32.3|S|15.8|V|sdB | PG1643+144 |16 45 39.14 +14 17 46.2|M|15.3|V|DA1 |must have cool comp PG1643+063 |16 46 14.51 +06 23 01.3|U|14.7|V|sdBO |PG -10' Dec error PG1644+092 |16 46 23.49 +09 07 48.8|U|14.7|V|HBB | PG1644+199 |16 46 19.76 +19 46 03.8|b|15.0|V|DB4 | PG1644+404 |16 46 09.14 +40 17 25.4|U|14.2|V|sdB | PG1644+312 |16 46 53.43 +31 03 45.5|U|14.2|V|sdB | PG1645+610 |16 45 40.06 +60 57 10.9|M|14.5|V|sdB | PG1645+204 |16 47 33.62 +20 17 27.5|S|15.4|V|HBB | PG1645+326 |16 47 18.40 +32 28 32.9|U|13.6|V|DB2 |V777 Her, lg pm PG1646+607 |16 46 44.30 +60 37 08.9|g|16.6|V|sdOB | PG1646+062 |16 49 07.78 +06 08 45.5|C|16.0|V|DAs |composite PG1646+043 |16 49 13.14 +04 11 48.4|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG1646+251 |16 48 58.78 +24 58 01.9|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG1646+354 |16 48 46.96 +35 20 43.0|S|16.4|V|sdB | PG1647+253 |16 49 08.96 +25 10 06.2|U|14.1|V|sdBO | PG1647+151 |16 49 42.83 +14 58 11.8|g|16.2|V|HBB | PG1647+376 |16 49 20.29 +37 28 21.3|S|15.0|V|DA3 | PG1647+056 |16 50 18.46 +05 32 55.9|U|14.8|V|sdB | PG1648+371 |16 50 08.23 +37 01 10.4|S|15.8|V|DA1 | PG1648+315 |16 50 22.06 +31 27 49.6|U|15.9|V|sdOD | PG1648+081 |16 51 10.07 +08 03 32.7|U|13.8|V|sd |PG -5' Dec error, ex sdG? PG1648+536 |16 49 59.86 +53 31 31.8|M|14.3|V|sdB | PG1649+356 |16 50 54.39 +35 33 42.3|U|15.1|V|sd | PG1649+522 |16 50 39.57 +52 07 34.4|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1650+706 |16 50 19.38 +70 30 52.2|g|15.0|V|sdOB | PG1650+281 |16 52 58.64 +27 58 43.0|U|16.2|V|Me | PG1651+086 |16 53 48.68 +08 36 27.9|U|15.4|V|sdOB |PG -7' Dec error PG1652+307 |16 54 04.28 +30 37 02.0|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG1652+159 |16 54 48.39 +15 52 58.7|U|15.5|V|sdOC | PG1652+517 |16 54 12.49 +51 39 00.1|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1653+131 |16 55 42.82 +13 01 48.5|U|14.4|V|sdB | PG1653+115 |16 55 54.13 +11 24 00.8|U|14.7|V|sdB | PG1653+544 |16 54 54.16 +54 20 27.7|M|15.7|V|sdBO |NWrn of 5" cpm? pair PG1653+119 |16 56 10.51 +11 53 14.1|U|15.4|V|HBB | PG1653+633 |16 54 22.26 +63 15 34.3|S|16.1|V|sdBO | PG1654+322 |16 55 52.92 +32 08 25.1|U|15.4|V|sdOC | PG1654+637 |16 54 29.01 +63 39 21.0|L|15.7|V|DA4 |lg pm PG1654+160 |16 56 57.46 +15 56 28.1|s|16. |V|DB2 |V824 Her; NWrn of 4" cpm pair, vf third comp is optical PG1654+138 |16 57 00.71 +13 43 59.9|U|12.9|V|HBB | PG1655+215 |16 57 09.86 +21 26 48.7|L|14.1|V|DA5 |V749 Her, lg pm PG1655+106 |16 58 07.94 +10 30 44.7|b|16.5|V|sdOB |NWrn of 3" cpm pair PG1656+322 |16 57 54.02 +32 04 54.9|U|14.8|V|sd | PG1656+253 |16 58 05.07 +25 15 26.8|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG1656+600 |16 56 50.21 +59 55 41.4|g|16.2|V|sdB | PG1656+213 |16 58 21.11 +21 10 33.6|U|14.5|V|Bin | PG1656+271 |16 58 16.54 +27 01 32.2|S|16.2|V|sdB | PG1656+318 |16 58 17.68 +31 41 37.1|U|14.3|V|sdBO | PG1656+356 |16 58 24.09 +35 30 27.1|S|16.3|V|sdB | PG1656+553 |16 57 51.60 +55 11 32.5|g|16.0|V|sdB | PG1657+344 |16 58 51.12 +34 18 53.3|S|16.4|V|DA1 |must have cool comp PG1657+291 |16 59 01.58 +29 02 34.5|g|16.1|V|sdB | PG1657+416 |16 58 41.84 +41 31 15.6|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG1657+284 |16 59 04.62 +28 19 18.3|U|13.8|V|HBB | PG1657+078 |16 59 32.22 +07 43 31.4|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG1657+656 |16 57 23.12 +65 31 28.7|g|16.5|V|sdBO |cv? (non-cv) Downes coords wrong PG1657+230 |16 59 44.48 +22 56 12.8|U|14.8|V|HBB | PG1658+273 |17 00 14.13 +27 12 37.4|S|15.9|V|sdOD |Wrn of 6" pair PG1658+441 |16 59 48.41 +44 01 04.5|S|14.8|V|DAp2 | PG1658+246 |17 00 35.33 +24 30 45.6|U|15.2|V|HBB | PG1658+337 |17 00 40.66 +33 37 48.1|S|15.9|V|sdB | PG1658+445 |17 00 27.88 +44 23 35.5|S|15.2|V|HBB | PG1659+442 |17 00 35.67 +44 10 01.4|S|16.6|V|DA | PG1659+111 |17 01 30.81 +11 02 53.6|U|15.4|V|sdBO | PG1659+295 |17 01 07.78 +29 24 24.5|S|15.2|V|Gal |Mrk 504 PG1659+303 |17 01 07.99 +30 15 35.9|b|15.0|V|DA4 | PG1659+123 |17 02 06.16 +12 16 08.0|g|16.3|V|sdB | PG1700+198 |17 02 14.01 +19 42 55.1|S|15.7|V|sdOB | PG1700+519 |17 01 24.82 +51 49 20.4|M|15.1|V|QSO |IRAS 17002+5153 PG1700+247 |17 02 37.69 +24 35 22.6|U|15.9|V|sd | PG1700+315 |17 02 41.54 +31 25 18.7|S|17.0|V|sd | PG1700+486 |17 02 11.77 +48 30 23.2|S|14.2|V|sdB | PG1701+359 |17 03 21.46 +35 48 49.2|U|13.2|V|sdB | PG1702+099 |17 04 36.52 +09 47 59.0|g|15.8|V|sdB | PG1703+355 |17 05 15.21 +35 28 18.5|U|15.6|V|sdOC | PG1703+319 |17 05 47.14 +31 50 07.7|S|16.4|V|DB4: | PG1703+074 |17 06 23.22 +07 21 52.7|g|16.9|V|sdB | PG1704+608 |17 04 41.38 +60 44 30.5|S|15.3|V|QSO |3C 351 PG1704+222 |17 06 46.17 +22 05 52.1|U|12.8|V|sdBO | PG1704+466 |17 06 10.60 +46 31 43.1|S|16.0|V|sdOC | PG1704+441 |17 06 26.95 +44 02 55.2|S|15.9|V|sdB | PG1705+398 |17 06 43.62 +39 43 56.8|S|16.4|V|sdB | PG1705+537 |17 06 14.65 +53 35 28.7|M|13.0|V|HBB | PG1705+505 |17 07 07.34 +50 23 45.8|g|17.0|V|sdB | PG1706+357 |17 08 12.08 +35 39 01.1|U|15.4|V|sdBO | PG1706+301 |17 08 22.66 +30 01 36.2|U|15.9|V|sdBO | PG1707+657 |17 07 14.25 +65 40 25.6|S|16.2|V|sdBO | PG1707+427 |17 08 47.69 +42 41 00.7|S|16.6|V|PG1159 |V817 Her PG1707+214 |17 09 32.63 +21 22 14.5|U|15.6|V|sd | PG1707+476 |17 09 09.56 +47 31 34.7|g|15.1|V|DA2 | PG1708+614 |17 08 40.61 +61 17 46.5|S|15.1|V|sdOC | PG1708+409 |17 09 59.19 +40 54 50.1|U|15.1|V|sdB |high gravity PG1708+602 |17 09 15.89 +60 10 10.9|M|13.9|V|sdOC | PG1708+142 |17 11 17.50 +14 08 43.9|U|14.2|V|HBB | PG1709+138 |17 11 36.47 +13 43 57.0|g|16.1|V|Bin | PG1710+567 |17 11 20.47 +56 35 33.1|S|14.8|V|sdB |cv? (non-cv) NErn of 11" opt? pair PG1710+278 |17 12 52.38 +27 45 13.5|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG1710+490 |17 12 18.76 +48 58 35.9|T|12.9|V|sdB | PG1711+336 |17 12 56.17 +33 31 19.2|U|13.0|V|CV |V795 Her PG1711+565 |17 12 37.29 +56 25 08.4|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG1712+228 |17 14 28.07 +22 47 26.1|U|14.8|V|sdB | PG1712+493 |17 13 50.35 +49 16 11.0|M|13.5|V|PNN |PN G075.7+35.8 PG1713+248 |17 15 38.48 +24 47 22.7|g|16.0|V|sdBO | PG1713+333 |17 15 34.86 +33 13 03.9|L|14.5|V|DA2 |lg pm PG1715+273 |17 17 03.16 +27 16 37.1|S|16.9|V|sdOD | PG1715+535 |17 16 35.57 +53 28 15.9|S|16.3|V|QSO |NErn of 3".5 opt pair PG1715+457 |17 17 16.20 +45 36 23.6|g|16.1|V|sdB | PG1716+426 |17 18 03.86 +42 34 12.5|S|14.0|V|sdB |V1093 Her PG1716+367 |17 18 19.88 +36 39 15.8|U|15.4|V|sdB | PG1717+413 |17 18 37.00 +41 15 51.2|U|14.3|V|CV |V825 Her PG1717+258 |17 19 12.30 +25 44 31.2|b|14.6|V|sd | PG1717+607 |17 17 58.50 +60 39 21.1|S|14.5|V|sdBO | PG1717+474 |17 19 17.87 +47 22 21.1|g|15.8|V|sdB | PG1718+481 |17 19 38.25 +48 04 12.4|M|14.6|V|QSO | PG1718+519 |17 19 45.34 +51 52 10.6|M|13.7|V|sdBO | PG1720+361 |17 22 06.80 +36 02 29.7|b|15.2|V|DA4 |PG coords poor PG1722+286 |17 24 11.96 +28 35 26.9|U|13.4|V|sdB | PG1722+317 |17 24 11.85 +31 38 47.1|S|16.0|V|sdOB | PG1722+353 |17 24 35.46 +35 34 17.8|U|15.1|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG1723+603 |17 23 38.55 +60 14 44.0|S|15.5|V|sdB | PG1724+523 |17 25 16.44 +52 14 25.6|g|15.7|V|sdOB | PG1724+590 |17 25 06.31 +58 57 35.1|S|14.5|V|sdB | PG1724+278 |17 26 24.10 +27 44 19.3|S|15.9|V|sdB | PG1725+373 |17 26 45.29 +37 13 30.7|U|15.5|V|sdOA | PG1725+285 |17 27 21.13 +28 25 21.0|g|16.0|V|sdB | PG1725+245 |17 27 33.22 +24 26 33.3|g|16.5|V|sdOA | PG1725+252 |17 27 57.38 +25 08 35.7|U|13.1|V|sdB | PG1725+587 |17 26 43.39 +58 37 32.2|S|15.6|V|DA1 |Ern of 8" opt pair PG1727+560 |17 28 56.22 +55 58 22.4|L|16.2|V|DB3 |lg pm PG1729+322 |17 30 57.94 +32 07 37.0|S|16.2|V|HBB | PG1729+272 |17 31 18.27 +27 08 40.7|U|15.7|V|sdB | PG1729+500 |17 30 48.36 +49 59 23.0|g|17.0|V|sdB | PG1729+371 |17 31 34.34 +37 05 20.6|L|16.2|V|sd |lg pm PG1733+326 |17 35 03.19 +32 36 22.4|U|15.2|V|sdB | PG1735+435 |17 37 10.23 +43 29 19.9|M|15.5|V|HBB |cool comp? PG1738+505 |17 39 28.43 +50 29 25.2|M|13.1|V|sd | PG1739+489 |17 40 21.97 +48 53 58.1|M|13.2|V|HBB |V1099 Her PG1739+455 |17 41 06.80 +45 31 08.5|g|16.2|V|HBB | PG1743+477 |17 44 26.40 +47 41 46.8|M|13.7|V|sdB | PG1747+451 |17 48 26.85 +45 03 28.0|L|15.4|V|DC: | PG2050+001 |20 52 40.91 +00 16 28.9|S|16.7|V|sdB | PG2052+027 |20 55 08.08 +02 52 04.9|U|16.0|V|sdOB | PG2052-003 |20 55 32.18 -00 04 53.6|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG2056+033 |20 58 46.75 +03 31 50.7|g|16.3|V|DA1 | PG2059+013 |21 02 19.30 +01 32 15.6|U|14.9|V|sdB |NSV 25428 PG2102+037 |21 05 07.26 +03 54 46.2|M|15.7|V|sdO |composite PG2103+021 |21 05 46.91 +02 16 32.3|U|15.5|V|HBB | PG2110+001 |21 13 18.37 +00 17 38.3|S|16.3|V|sdOB | PG2110+127 |21 13 21.06 +12 57 09.2|U|12.9|V|sdB | PG2111+023 |21 13 42.33 +02 33 09.6|U|13.3|V|sdB | PG2112+059 |21 14 52.59 +06 07 42.5|U|15.6|V|QSO | PG2115+011 |21 17 33.51 +01 15 48.6|U|15.6|V|DA2 | PG2115+145 |21 18 03.28 +14 40 54.0|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG2116+008 |21 19 21.37 +00 57 49.8|S|15.8|V|sdOB |high gravity PG2118+126 |21 21 02.28 +12 50 49.9|U|13.6|V|sdB | PG2120+062 |21 22 31.72 +06 21 56.0|U|14.2|V|sd | PG2120+055 |21 22 34.87 +05 42 39.9|b|16.3|V|DA2 | PG2122+158 |21 24 54.89 +15 59 03.6|U|14.4|V|HBB | PG2122+081 |21 25 25.49 +08 19 12.0|g|16.5|V|sdB | PG2124+071 |21 26 58.49 +07 20 44.6|U|14.0|V|sd | PG2125+098 |21 27 47.03 +10 00 49.1|S|16.8|V|sdB | PG2128+096 |21 30 42.51 +09 50 20.8|U|14.7|V|sdOA | PG2128+089 |21 31 05.18 +09 07 53.3|U|15.5|V|sdOA | PG2128+113 |21 31 12.23 +11 29 36.2|U|15.9|V|DA2 | PG2128+146 |21 31 18.79 +14 49 23.1|U|13.2|V|sd | PG2129+151 |21 31 40.84 +15 16 49.6|U|14.2|V|sdOB | PG2130+099 |21 32 27.82 +10 08 19.2|U|14.3|V|Sey |II Zw 136 PG2130+067 |21 32 49.87 +06 57 57.1|g|16.0|V|sd | PG2131+066 |21 34 08.23 +06 50 57.5|g|16.5|V|PG1159 |IR Peg, composite PG2131+164 |21 34 02.63 +16 34 24.4|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG2132+095 |21 34 34.43 +09 40 48.3|U|15.5|V|sdB | PG2132+126 |21 34 55.72 +12 49 22.1|U|14.8|V|sd | PG2133+115 |21 36 19.12 +11 40 54.4|U|14.7|V|CV |LQ Peg PG2134+049 |21 36 48.20 +05 10 02.3|U|14.2|V|HBB |PG coords wrong PG2134+126 |21 36 52.97 +12 47 19.1|U|13.5|V|PNN |NGC 7094 = NSV 25698 PG2135+045 |21 38 00.82 +04 42 11.7|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG2138+049 |21 41 05.00 +05 13 37.4|U|14.6|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG2146+087 |21 49 04.80 +08 55 20.7|U|14.1|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG2148+095 |21 51 16.89 +09 46 59.5|U|13.0|V|sdB | PG2150+021 |21 53 30.21 +02 23 12.4|g|16.1|V|DA2 |PG coords wrong PG2151+100 |21 53 57.30 +10 17 35.1|U|12.7|V|sd |PG coords wrong PG2151+089 |21 54 18.65 +09 11 42.9|M|16.5|V|sd |V387 Peg, SWrn of 5" pair, PG coords wrong PG2155+175 |21 57 49.05 +17 42 43.6|g|16.0|V|sd |PG coords poor PG2158+082 |22 01 02.28 +08 30 47.9|U|13.1|V|sdO |PG coords wrong PG2159+051 |22 01 58.62 +05 24 28.3|U|13.0|V|sd |PG coords wrong PG2200+085 |22 03 19.69 +08 45 35.5|U|14.2|V|composite|NSV 25819 PG2201+145 |22 04 03.80 +14 46 38.2|B|15.9|V|sdOB | PG2201+059 |22 04 16.11 +06 16 20.8|g|15.8|V|sd |PG coords wrong PG2204+071 |22 07 14.41 +07 22 32.1|U|14.7|V|DA2 | PG2204+035 |22 07 16.50 +03 42 19.8|U|14.3|V|sdBO | PG2204+127 |22 07 11.11 +12 57 55.8|S|15.8|V|sdOB | PG2204+070 |22 07 16.11 +07 18 37.3|g|15.9|V|DA |not PG 2204+071, Ern of 8" pair PG2205+023 |22 08 00.64 +02 33 43.5|U|14.2|V|sdB |Ern of 36" opt pair PG2207+142 |22 09 47.10 +14 29 47.1|L|15.6|V|DA6 |lg pm PG2208+014 |22 10 45.48 +01 41 35.6|U|15.8|V|sdB | PG2208+056 |22 10 46.45 +05 50 14.9|U|15.9|V|sdO | PG2209+185 |22 11 53.89 +18 41 50.0|M|15.4|V|Sey |II Zw 171 PG2209+192 |22 12 15.00 +19 25 15.1|U|14.5|V|HBB | PG2212+027 |22 14 37.90 +02 57 17.8|g|15.6|V|sdBO | PG2212+173 |22 15 23.79 +17 31 32.2|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG2213-006 |22 16 28.38 -00 21 13.5|U|14.1|V|sdOB | PG2214+175 |22 16 55.03 +17 47 43.9|U|16.0|V|HBB | PG2214+184 |22 17 04.59 +18 37 53.6|U|14.2|V|sd | PG2214+139 |22 17 12.26 +14 14 20.9|U|14.7|V|Sey |Mrk 304 PG2215+120 |22 17 28.35 +12 16 42.7|S|16.0|V|sdB | PG2215+151 |22 17 48.22 +15 20 57.3|U|14.5|V|sdOC | PG2217+059 |22 20 28.12 +06 07 22.9|g|16.5|V|sdOB | PG2218+052 |22 21 22.57 +05 24 58.4|U|15.3|V|sdOA | PG2218+020 |22 21 24.82 +02 16 18.5|U|14.1|V|sdBO | PG2219+094 |22 21 59.17 +09 37 25.7|U|12.0|V|sdO | PG2220+006 |22 22 38.69 +00 51 25.0|S|16.3|V|sdB |V = 16.33, B-V = -0.25 (GSPC v2.4) PG2220+134 |22 23 13.85 +13 38 56.9|S|15.6|V|DA3 | PG2223+143 |22 35 31.55 +14 33 58.0|U|14.0|V|sdB |PG -10m RA error (should be PG 2233+143) PG2223+171 |22 25 54.40 +17 23 10.7|U|14.6|V|sdBO | PG2226+094 |22 28 58.48 +09 37 22.5|U|14.0|V|sdB |must have cool comp PG2226+061 |22 29 08.56 +06 22 47.6|L|14.7|V|DA3 |lg pm PG2228+120 |22 31 03.65 +12 17 09.2|S|15.7|V|sdB | PG2229+139 |22 31 45.42 +14 11 13.9|S|16.0|V|DB4 | PG2229+099 |22 32 08.72 +10 14 25.2|U|13.2|V|sd | PG2230+121 |22 33 14.90 +12 19 34.1|U|15.9|V|sdB | PG2233+135 |22 36 07.68 +13 43 55.4|M|16.3|V|QSO | PG2234+160 |22 36 32.62 +16 16 01.6|U|15.4|V|sdB | PG2234+064 |22 36 41.97 +06 40 17.5|g|16.3|V|DB2 | PG2234+034 |22 37 00.10 +03 39 30.9|g|16.7|V|DBA4 | PG2235+082 |22 37 35.43 +08 28 48.9|b|15.4|V|sd | PG2236+122 |22 39 06.10 +12 30 34.5|S|16.2|V|sdOA | PG2236+134 |22 39 13.46 +13 38 10.6|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG2237+178 |22 39 48.98 +18 02 38.1|U|14.8|V|HBB |PG +4s RA error PG2237+018 |22 40 14.27 +02 06 32.2|g|15.8|V|sd | PG2239+082 |22 41 43.41 +08 25 12.1|g|16.6|V|DA2 | PG2239+043 |22 38 33.39 +04 51 25.2|U|15.2|V|sdB |recovered 2016-08 PG2240+193 |22 42 26.83 +19 32 20.2|U|16.0|V|CV |KQ Peg (non-cv) PG2240+105 |22 43 29.24 +10 46 53.6|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG2244+031 |22 47 22.25 +03 21 46.9|C|16.4|V|DA1 |composite; SWrn of 3" cpm pair; PG coords wrong PG2244+153 |22 46 55.17 +15 30 59.0|U|15.7|V|sdO | PG2246+121 |22 48 45.47 +12 20 07.4|b|16.7|V|DB2 |V393 Peg PG2246+154 |22 48 44.12 +15 40 44.5|U|15.1|V|DA2 | PG2246+103 |22 48 50.27 +10 32 43.5|U|15.0|V|sdO | PG2246+223 |22 49 05.56 +22 36 31.9|L|14.4|V|DA5 |lg pm PG2246+019 |22 49 27.08 +02 14 32.4|U|15.8|V|sdBO | PG2249+220 |22 52 18.37 +22 18 04.3|g|16.2|V|sdO | PG2250+245 |22 52 34.71 +24 43 49.3|M|14.8|V|Gal |Mrk 309 PG2251+113 |22 54 10.42 +11 36 38.7|M|15.5|V|QSO |4C +11.72 PG2251+080 |22 54 23.38 +08 17 56.6|U|15.7|V|sdB | PG2254+067 |22 56 38.35 +06 56 51.2|U|15.3|V|sdB | PG2254+075 |22 57 17.30 +07 43 12.3|-|16.4|V|? |PKS J2257+0743, quasar PG2255+266 |22 57 46.09 +26 57 00.2|g|16.5|V|sdOA |PG coords wrong PG2257+138 |22 59 32.22 +14 04 39.2|S|16.6|V|DA2 | PG2257+162 |22 59 46.86 +16 29 17.1|M|16.2|V|DA3 | PG2258+155 |23 00 57.74 +15 48 40.4|U|15.6|V|sdOD | PG2259+134 |23 01 45.82 +13 38 37.5|U|14.6|V|sdBO | PG2259+157 |23 02 00.95 +15 57 53.3|M|12.6|V|Gal |NGC 7465 PG2300+166 |23 03 20.61 +16 49 38.7|U|13.0|V|CV |NSV 26002 PG2300+158 |23 03 21.04 +16 04 41.3|g|16.7|V|sdB | PG2301+259 |23 04 17.24 +26 12 02.6|U|13.2|V|sdB |PG coords poor PG2302+029 |23 04 44.95 +03 11 45.9|U|15.4|V|QSO | PG2303+115 |23 05 39.00 +11 45 36.6|U|14.4|V|sd | PG2303+017 |23 06 13.05 +01 58 52.4|g|16.2|V|DA2 |PG coords wrong PG2303+019 |23 06 22.35 +02 09 06.1|g|15.9|V|sdB |EP Psc, PG coords wrong PG2303+013 |23 06 38.17 +01 35 09.3|g|16.0|V|sdO |PG coords wrong PG2303+243 |23 06 17.69 +24 32 07.8|b|15.5|V|DA4 |KR Peg PG2304+043 |23 07 02.92 +04 32 57.1|M|15.5|V|Sey | PG2304+193 |23 07 14.59 +19 32 19.4|g|16.0|V|sdOC | PG2306+131 |23 08 30.50 +13 19 23.5|b|15.4|V|DA4 | PG2306+125 |23 08 34.99 +12 45 40.3|U|15.2|V|DA3 | PG2306+027 |23 08 55.49 +02 54 26.3|g|16.4|V|sdB |PG coords wrong PG2308+051 |23 11 17.92 +05 19 28.6|g|16.0|V|DA2 | PG2308+099 |23 11 17.75 +10 08 15.8|U|15.6|V|QSO |4C +09.32 PG2309+105 |23 12 21.62 +10 47 04.5|b|13.1|V|DA1 | PG2310+176 |23 12 46.56 +17 52 00.1|b|16.0|V|DB4 |PG -10s RA error PG2314+064 |23 16 50.23 +06 41 28.4|g|16.0|V|DA | PG2314+076 |23 17 26.88 +07 52 04.9|U|13.8|V|sdB |Feige 109 PG2315+071 |23 17 48.11 +07 22 45.4|U|14.2|V|CV |non-cv PG2315+089 |23 18 19.02 +09 11 48.5|U|14.5|V|sdB | PG2317+046 |23 19 55.35 +04 52 34.6|U|12.9|V|sdB | PG2318+239 |23 21 05.80 +24 10 39.0|U|13.7|V|sd | PG2320+087 |23 23 13.87 +08 56 42.6|U|14.6|V|sdB | PG2321+142 |23 23 50.82 +14 31 08.6|U|14.7|V|sdB | PG2321+214 |23 24 27.46 +21 38 51.3|U|13.8|V|sdOD | PG2322+207 |23 24 35.21 +20 56 34.0|g|15.6|V|DA4 | PG2322+119 |23 24 57.99 +12 07 39.0|L|16.0|V|DC |lg pm PG2323+121 |23 25 59.02 +12 21 23.9|U|15.0|V|sdB | PG2323+049 |23 26 06.60 +05 16 15.5|U|15.4|V|sdB | PG2324+060 |23 26 44.44 +06 17 42.5|b|15.4|V|DA4 | PG2325+236 |23 27 47.50 +23 50 14.1|U|15.5|V|HBB | PG2326+049 |23 28 47.62 +05 14 54.2|L|13.0|V|DA4 |ZZ Psc, lg pm PG2326+297 |23 29 14.72 +29 56 50.0|U|14.8|V|sd | PG2328+108 |23 30 41.67 +11 02 06.7|M|15.6|V|DA3 | PG2329+287 |23 31 58.6 +28 56 52. |s|15.5|V|Gal |Mrk 930, dbl galaxy PG2329+267 |23 32 03.53 +26 58 46.1|U|15.3|V|DA5 |lg pm PG2329+232 |23 32 10.57 +23 30 40.3|g|15.8|V|sdB |SErn of 10" pair PG2331+055 |23 33 44.47 +05 46 39.8|U|15.2|V|sd | PG2331+038 |23 33 58.19 +04 03 55.4|M|15.0|V|sdB | PG2331+075 |23 34 08.15 +07 46 48.8|g|16.5|V|sdB | PG2331+290 |23 34 20.87 +29 18 37.5|b|15.9|V|DA | PG2333-002 |23 35 41.47 +00 02 19.5|S|16.0|V|DA2 | PG2335+107 |23 37 43.79 +10 56 27.0|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG2335+133 |23 37 51.38 +13 35 48.1|S|16.5|V|sdB |NWrn of 13" opt pair PG2336+004 |23 38 43.55 +00 42 59.0|S|15.9|V|HBB | PG2336+264 |23 38 43.33 +26 40 00.6|U|14.7|V|sd | PG2336+063 |23 38 58.11 +06 35 30.3|b|15.6|V|DA3 | PG2337+266 |23 39 49.82 +26 51 02.1|g|16.0|V|sdB | PG2337+070 |23 40 04.75 +07 17 09.6|U|13.5|V|sdB | PG2337+300 |23 40 04.29 +30 17 47.4|U|13.7|V|sd |V378 Peg PG2337+124 |23 40 23.70 +12 37 41.7|U|13.5|V|CV |HX Peg PG2339+199 |23 41 56.73 +20 12 22.5|g|15.8|V|sdOD | PG2341+323 |23 43 50.72 +32 32 46.8|U|12.9|V|DA4 |lg pm PG2341+184 |23 44 08.45 +18 42 50.3|g|15.8|V|sdB | PG2341+005 |23 44 13.62 +00 48 14.0|S|15.2|V|Gal |CGCG 381-035 PG2343+267 |23 45 51.39 +27 01 35.1|g|16.6|V|sdOC | PG2343+043 |23 46 18.58 +04 35 55.3|g|16.6|V|DA | PG2344+092 |23 46 36.84 +09 30 45.5|-|15.5|V|QSO |4C +09.74 PG2345+305 |23 47 43.15 +30 44 01.6|g|16.4|V|DA2 |Srn of 5" pair PG2345+318 |23 48 07.50 +32 04 48.0|U|14.2|V|sdB | PG2345+241 |23 48 22.29 +24 23 06.6|U|12.5|V|sdBO | PG2346+149 |23 48 53.52 +15 12 15.5|U|15.6|V|sdB | PG2348+269 |23 50 49.45 +27 08 00.4|g|15.8|V|sdB |galaxy 20" N PG2349+002 |23 51 53.23 +00 28 17.6|U|13.3|V|sdB | PG2349-014 |23 51 56.12 -01 09 13.3|M|15.7|V|QSO |4C -01.61 PG2349+286 |23 51 56.74 +28 55 12.5|b|16.3|V|DA1 | PG2350+099 |23 53 02.36 +10 11 21.2|U|16.0|V|sd | PG2351+198 |23 53 44.77 +20 06 04.9|U|14.2|V|HBB |SWrn of 16" cpm? pair PG2352+181 |23 55 17.34 +18 20 15.4|U|13.4|V|sdOB | PG2352+259 |23 55 32.90 +26 12 01.2|U|14.8|V|sdB | PG2353+027 |23 56 27.73 +02 57 06.1|g|15.8|V|DA2 | PG2354+159 |23 56 34.73 +16 15 40.6|b|15.7|V|DB4 |galaxy 12" NW PG2354+126 |22 56 46.17 +12 52 50.2|L|15.7|V|DA |V394 Peg, lg pm, PG coords wrong PG2354+157 |23 57 12.57 +15 56 00.4|U|15.3|V|HBB | PG2354+298 |23 57 16.70 +30 04 14.0|U|15.5|V|sd | PG2355+242 |23 57 45.41 +24 26 22.5|g|16.4|V|sdOB | PG2355+082 |23 58 10.10 +08 31 28.2|U|14.5|V|sd | PG2356+167 |23 59 25.31 +16 56 41.7|U|14.2|V|sdBO | PG2357+027 |23 59 35.44 +02 55 49.0|g|16.7|V|? | PG2357+125 |23 59 58.31 +12 44 46.0|M|17.2|V|CV |composite, non-cv PG2357+297 | 0 00 07.24 +29 57 00.7|b|15.1|V|DA1 | PG2357+174 | 0 00 15.77 +17 38 52.9|g|16.5|V|sdB | PG2357+260 | 0 00 31.40 +26 19 31.4|M|14.4|V|Gal |UGC 12896 PG2358+107 | 0 01 06.73 +11 00 36.3|U|13.6|V|sdBO | PG2359+197 | 0 02 08.47 +19 59 13.1|U|15.5|V|sd | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------