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Object 52W005|closer to 50cm position. Likely identification. 52W013|cD galaxy in Zwicky cluster 1305.4+2941, which is also detected at 2keV 52W013|by the Einstein Observatory (Katgert et al., 1983ApJ...275....1K). 52W023|Blue compact emission line galaxy in group. Object just between 21 and 52W023|50cm position, but radio source is of low surface brightness. Very steep 52W023|spectrum radio source ({alpha}=1.47). Solid id. 52W036|Radio source in arm of irregular galaxy with strong emission lines. 52W042|Faint red object in component A of large unequal double source, but no 52W042|likely id between A and B. Source has no head-tail morphology, hence 52W042|the red object is unlikely to be the id. Low surface brightness emission 52W042|connects A and B, so they belong to one (unidentified) source. 53W003|Radio source in arm of interacting pair of spirals. Solid id. 53W027|Faint galaxy close to the head of a triple, V-shaped radio source. 53W034|Faint galaxy in head of a head-tail source with {alpha}=1.00. Likely id. 53W039|First ranked cluster galaxy with double nucleus (this is seen on superb 53W039|N-plate only). 53W044|Galaxy with double nucleus (this is seen on superb N-plate only). 53W051|Red, possibly stellar, object on radio axis of a resolved, possibly 53W051|unequal double source, closer to strongest component. Possible id. 53W052|Faint very red emission line galaxy (in group) at the center of low 53W052|surface brightness radio source. Very likely id. 53W058|In arm of bright spiral galaxy with double nucleus (or two knots). Closer 53W058|to the NE knot. Solid id. 53W077|Faint very red galaxy on the radio axis of an unequal radio source, 53W077|around the mid-poinnt. Likely id. 53W080|Bright blue quasar with strong emission lines in radio source that is NS 53W080|extended. Slightly displaced along radio axis. Solid id. 53W086|Faint red galaxy, possibly double, with flat spectrum ({alpha}=0.35). 53W086|Very likely id. 54W008|Low surface brightness radio source 17"S of a very bright spiral galaxy. 54W008|Large error in radio declination of SA68 causes offset. Very likely id. 54W009|Classical double radio source (22.5"), identified with a luminous 54W009|elliptical galaxy, which is also an X-ray source (Katgert et al., 54W009|1983ApJ...275....1K). There is no obvious surrounding cluster, but the 54W009|object is at the edge of the 4m plate. the PSS shows a loose group. 54W013|Peculiar compact emission-line galaxy (very high surface brightness) with 54W013|a possible optical jet (or a superimposed object). 54W018|In arm of barred spiral galaxy. Solid id. 54W034|Peculair disturbed spiral galaxy 8"N of radii source. Larger error in 54W034|radio declination could cause offset. Very likely id. 54W049|Faint blue object close to center of tow surface brightness source. 54W049|Possible id. 54W053|Double galaxy with emission lines 6"N of low surface brightness radio 54W053|source. Offset caused by larger error in radio declination. 54W053|Very likely id. 54W068|Double source with faint blue galaxy (in group) at midpoint. Another 54W068|faint blue galaxy (also in group) is at position of B, while A is 54W068|possibly identified with a third galaxy. Both components could be 54W068|separated radio sources, each identified with a galaxy possibly in the 54W068|same cluster. Low surface brightness radio emission connects A and B, so 54W068|they belong to one radio source, with the galaxy of table4a.dat as the 54W068|correct id. 55W009|Radio source in arm of a spiral galaxy. Upper limit for radio spectral 55W009|index {alpha}<=0.29, possibly thermal. Solid id. 55W020|Bright spiral galaxy with emission lines. Source close to a galaxy 55W020|nucleus and has steep spectrum ({alpha}=1.10)) or is variable. Solid id. 55W023|Low surface brightness, closet to brightest of three galaxies. 55W023|Possible id. 55W037|4C45.17, classical double with large angular size (114") at PA~10{deg}. 55W037|Strong emission-line elliptical galaxy lies 3"S of expected position, 55W037|displaced along radio axis. Undoubtedly the correct id. Blue object 55W037|coincides with A and may be due to non-thermal (line) emission in the 55W037|hot spot. A red object is between the 21 and 50cm position of B. 55W041|Radio source at southern edge of bright elliptical galaxy. Radio source 55W041|declination probably offset by remaining grating tiny to radio map due to 55W041|vicinity of the very strong source 55W037. Very likely id. 55W043|Bright galaxy in low surface brightness steep spectrum ({alpha}=0.93), 55W043|radio source, whose position may also be affected by the neighbouring 55W043|55W037. Likely id. 55W044|Bright galaxy (in group) in low surface brightness steep spectrum 55W044|({alpha}=0.90) source, whose position is probably also affected by 55W044|55W037. Likely id. 55W058|Faint red galaxy (in group) in extended, V-shaped source with steep 55W058|spectrum ({alpha}=0.92). Object right at 50cm position. Very likely id. 55W070|Red stellar object 8"SW of unequal double radio source but not displaced 55W070|along axis. Possible id. 55W080|Faint galaxy 6"E of source that is part of a complex. Vicinity of 55W082 55W080|(~30") presumably affected its position in RA. Id possible. 55W092|Faint galaxy displaced 5"E along axis of strong double radio source 55W092|with large angular size (53") at PA=94{deg}. Could be the id, but a high 55W092|resolution radio map is required for confirmation. For the present, the 55W092|object is not regarded as the id and is not in Table 4. 55W093|Very red galaxy 4"S of low surface brightness radio source. Possible id. 55W118|Red stellar object, possibly variable, offset from radio position. 55W118|Close to better 21cm position of Oort & Windhorst (1985A&A...145..405O). 55W118|Likely id. 55W127|Bright G-star. Star is variable at 21cm (Paper I, Windhorst et al., 55W127|Cat. and Oort and Windhorst, 1985A&A...145..405O), possibly 55W127|also at 50cm ({alpha}=1.45!). This is the only CONFIRMED galactic 55W127|identification in the whole survey. 55W136|Faint rich blue cluster, belt no obvious identification. 55W137|Complex optical image, possibly two merging spirals. 55W152|Faint red object is closer to radio position. A bright spiral galaxy is 55W152|probably the id, because it is closer to the 50cm position. 55W158|Faint galaxy, 5"NE of G-star (17m). Although the radio source is variable 55W158|(Oort & Windhorst, 1985A&A...145..405O), the galaxy is probably the 55W158|correct id, since it is closer to the VLA position (Windhorst et al., 55W158|Cat. ). 55W161|Triple sources with faint red galaxy at component B. In deeper maps 55W161|(Windhorst et al., Cat. ) a jet extends from B towards East, 55W161|so B is the central component and the proposed id is probably correct. 55W161|The stellar object 12"N of A is presumably unrelated. 55W163|Stellar object, but red. Variable at 21cm (Oor and Windhorst, 55W163|1985A&A...145..405O) so it could be a star similar to 55W127. 55W165|Double source with faint red (possibly stellar) object between A and B 55W165|close to the midpoint. Another faint object is at the position of A, so 55W165|both components could be unrelated, only A being identified. But low 55W165|surface brightness radio emission exists between A and B, so both belong 55W165|to one source, for which the object at the midpoint is given in 55W165|table4a.dat 55W183|Coincides with bright knot on arm of one-armed spiral. Possible supernova 55W183|remnant or star formation region. Upper limit for spectral index is 55W183|{alpha}<0.27, possibly thermal. Solid id. 55W187|Large classical double (37") with real galaxy clone to midpoint. 55W209|Presumably a head-tail source with as id a double galaxy in the head. 55W209|Peculiar radio morphology, possibly a curved jet. 55W222|Very red galaxy closer to brightest component of a low surface brightness 55W222|double radio source. Possible id. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------